January 6 brings a Full Moon at 16º of Cancer (5:08 pm Central). This cardinal water sign is ruled by the Moon, which is the luminary that shows our heart and soul. The Moon is our sensitivity and how we feel, our general mood. The sign of the Crab is most aligned with the archetypal expressions of the Nurturer or Healer. Home or our homeland, heritage or lineage, our safety and sustenance, who we care for and how we are cared for are themes for us to explore. This first full Moon of the year will likely increase sensitivities of all kinds and we will become acutely aware of our emotions and biggest feelings. While a protective mechanism may be defensiveness, a healthy expression would be to remain open, accepting of ourselves and loving to those around us. At certain times, being emo can be a conscious act of resistance against capitalism and popular society; take a break from social media and negative rumination, and let yourself pay attention and tend to what most needs care and nourishment.
Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn will oppose the Cancer Moon; we must be sure to listen to our deepest emotions and make room for sorting ourselves out with self-soothing and understanding. While overthinking or taking everything personally may be an unconscious response which won’t be helpful, intuition can be a strong guide for navigating through this time in a healthier way. Mercury is having a moment for the next couple of days, so pay attention to how you talk to yourself and others, how well you tune in and listen to yourself and others, and where your attention is concentrated.
Chiron in Aries forms a square to the Sun and Moon, which underscores the sensitivity inherent in this particular moon- give yourself permission to feel how you feel. Protect yourself by not engaging in reactionary debates or projection at this time, but rather attend to working through your own sticky issues that seem to be resurfacing again. This Moon also occurs under the influence of the trine between the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus. Imagine the spark of one’s vitality and willpower for life harmonizing with their assertion of non-conformity to norms and resistance to societal expectations. Consider how this might manifest and be enacted in your life. Can you establish boundaries, or daily practices, which include solitude and meditation and savoring some precious joys of embodiment?
The polarity of Capricorn-Cancer encourages us to engage with tending the heart and hearth of embodiment generously, balanced with our Great Work which can be offered to the world. For this Full Moon, allow your vulnerability to remind you to look after the sore spots, protect what’s most valuable, and feed the hungry ghosts with care and comfort.
- I allow for rest and renewal when it is needed, rather than waiting until I’ve reached my breaking point.
- Silence and solitude are medicinal.
- I can feel and tend to the variety of emotions that unfold within, which remind me that I am alive.
- Strong feelings deserve space and investigation rather than judgment.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
On December 20, Jupiter makes a big move, exiting Pisces and moving into Aries until May 16, 2023. Maybe you felt an amped up surge at around 6:30AM (Pacific) that continued the entire day as Jupiter entered 0º of Aries. This represents another new beginning point and a change of pace. While the “guru” planet inhabited mystical Pisces, we had opportunities for inspiration and realizations, and alternatively, for falling into a delusional despair or attempting to escape reality. Now with this ingress into the first sign of the zodiac, Jupiter’s tone will align with the needs and motivations of cardinal fire Aries.
Aries leads the way, revels in conscious courage and finding an honorable cause to fight for, and possesses inextinguishable willpower. This sign can also be a stress-magnet when we attend to its drives in an unconscious way. For the next many months, attempt to channel the healthiest and most evolutionary Aries expressions and be beware of the lower and distorted responses, such as pointless aggression and extreme defensiveness. Giant Jupiter, king of the gods, can be extremely competitive in Aries, and a larger-than-life leader. Aries thrives in competition. When set on improving oneself or pushing one’s own limits, this sign assists us in doing our best, bravely. A Jupiterian question to contemplate is where you’ve been underestimating yourself or playing small- where you should have more confidence and more faith. A Jupiterian warning is to watch out for over-optimism, pompous self-importance, and sugar-coating or denying harsh realities.
The invitation of Jupiter in Aries is essentially to renew a deep faith in life, to believe in ourselves and in our abilities, and to turn ambitions into reality through right action. This energy has to move; we can engage with it positively or negatively, but we cannot ignore or avoid it. To work intentionally with it, we must be generous to ourselves and others. Stepping out of smallness is a reclamation of connection to nature. We may have to get quiet and dig deeply to remember the wellspring of wholeness we’re tapped into, especially if we’re in a particularly broken space/time right now. Embracing vulnerability can be an act of courage. Jupiter in Aries is a call to be audacious and make a move, to elevate your life and have faith in your power.
*Find Aries in your chart to see where you must be bold and believe in yourself unwaveringly.
Solstice Blessings~
Sagittarius Season began on Tuesday, November 22, with its own New Moon on the following day. Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sag, stationed direct in Pisces right around that time. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, the archetype of the Wanderer, Adventurer, Philosopher…
In line with the quintessential Sag qualities, this season can represent a “quest” that must begin now, whether enacted as a literal quest or an internal one- a time to renew our search for the meaning of life, to remain open to all possibilities.
I am navigating toward closer alignment with this energy and sentiment, having entered my own renewed deep search for meaning. When life gets so heavy and profoundly uncomfortable, Sagittarius and Jupiter encourage us to hold on to hope. How do we navigate when we feel lost, and how do we lift our spirits when we have sunk low? When in doubt, I intuitively turn to rose plant medicine- as an ally to Venus, it has an innate ability to ease the heart and offer support during grief. As far as herbs connected to Jupiter, sage or ashwagandha are good choices. These can be used in a culinary way, or taken as an elixir or tea.
Tend to your hearts and inner hearths.
Affirmations to practice for Sag Season:
* When I feel overextended or in denial, may I take a moment to reorient toward what feels like solid ground.
* May I wrap myself in a sense of faith in the wonder of life itself and the continuation of consciousness in the realms beyond this earthly life.
July 31 - August 1, 2022
We’re currently in an astrological space that holds potential for revealing evolutionary opportunities to the collective, as well as to each of us individually. Because these three points in particular are connected by conjunction, it happens to be a rare alignment. Mars and Uranus, considered to be the two most volatile planets, along with the wildcard (potential) energy of the North Node, form a conjunction at 18º Taurus. (Mean nodes on July 26, true nodes on July 31/August 1). It could amplify the extremely challenging realities that we’re seeing on all fronts, socially and globally, and it could also be the catalyst for a reclamation of personal sovereignty.
The keywords for Mars include action, assertiveness, will, courage, extremes, rage, selfishness, cruelty. For Uranus: the unexpected, radical change, individuality, non-compliance, questioning authority, stubbornness, inflexibility, and insensitivity. Both planets fight for freedom. When they interact, volatility and explosivity may be part of the outcome. The North Node is a point that represents the future toward which we’re evolving and what it is we must embody and become, which of course feels alien and unnatural to us while we work at it. And the sign of Taurus is about serenity, the earth, the environment, nature, finances, our values, our bodies, our resources- this includes climate change, food supply, and body sovereignty. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is stubborn and resistant to change. But we have reactive, impulsive Mars and unpredictable, rebellious Uranus in this sign that needs for things to feel grounded. And the North Node is about the future, evolution, the cutting edge of growth, uncharted territory. All of this sets the stage for potential revolution and reinvention.
This triple conjunction commotion will cause the most visible fallout in the collective, but we will also feel it in our individual lives. Fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo) in general, and specifically those with planets or angles at 18º of a fixed sign, will likely experience this conjunction with more intensity on a personal level. You can find 18º Taurus in your birth chart to understand which house this hits for you. It’s where you’ll feel the most instability, the strongest forces of chaos right now. Uranus has already spent four of its eight years in Taurus, and the very nature of that transit is experienced as instability on the earth. We can see and experience directly what that looks like in reality. The North Node spends eighteen months here and will remain until next July. With the entrance of Mars into Taurus for a brief period (July and August), the agitation amps up. Without being fearful, we can let our awareness of this conjunction prepare us to observe opportunities, explore curiously, and embrace the change that will arise.
We are in the breakdown times, the dismantling times… as uncomfortable and unstable as it is; it is a period that is necessary for the revolution and rebirth waiting to come. It won’t be easy, but you can still stay embodied and experience joy during the process. What do you envision for your future? What is needed for your soul? These next few days especially, feel the Taurus archetype inside yourself. Make time for silence, meditation, solitude out in nature. Make time for resting when you’re tired, getting a full night’s sleep, eating well when you’re hungry, moving your body in nourishing ways, music and singing and silence. Pray and plant things. Your sensitivity and resilience are needed now.
Lammas blessings.
Today we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10º Taurus (4/30/22 at 1:28 PDT/ 3:28 CST) , part of the current series of eclipses occurring along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. This axis encourages the exploration of silence and solitude as medicine (Taurus), and feeling deeply and living intensely (Scorpio). Something will dissolve or catalyze, either internally or externally, which is the standard script that eclipses follow. In Taurus, this eclipse asks you to be mindful, reflective, attentive to your body and instincts, to make time for solitude, to make space for your version of serenity. It also may call attention to where you feel stuck, and where you’re resisting change.
Not only are the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) in Taurus, but Uranus is also there, along with the North Node of the Moon. Uranus brings its signature authority-questioning assertion of individuality and rebellion against the status quo to the eclipse energies. Look for 10º Taurus in your natal chart to determine the arena of life most impacted by this eclipse. And you can also reflect on what themes were present for you during the Taurus eclipse in 2014 (8º Taurus).
It’s also notable that we still have a Pisces pileup, with Mars, Neptune, and the Jupiter/Venus conjunction (exact) all in the mutable water sign of Pisces. (Venus and Neptune formed an exact conjunction on Wednesday, 4/27). These aspects with Venus provide the potential for deeply creative imagination to be sparked, for increased love and self-love to unfold, for art, beauty, and dreaminess to coalesce in our hearts, even if only briefly.
We’ve also come to the Beltane part of the year, which invites a pause as we enter a new threshold. Here is an excerpt from a brief Beltane post I wrote in 2011:
The wheel of the year turns once again, moving us forward into the Light. The hearth/home fires are extinguished and re-lit for Beltane. If we don’t have a bonfire or campfire to dance around, we can light a fire in our home cauldron or light a beeswax candle, and hop over it with a heart full of inspiration and deep wishes, for protection and good luck. Traditionally, cattle were driven through two great balefires for fertility and prosperity. People danced in the smoke from the flames for the same reasons….
The fire that purifies and clears also ignites and inspires. Beltane invokes sparks of creativity and new abundance, celebration and creation, praises and pleasure. With the Sun in Venus-ruled Taurus, may we feel the irresistible desire to make beauty and live artfully.
Under the influence of the Solar Eclipse energies, you may find it necessary to increase rest or quiet time. You may want to journal or draw, to sleep, to spend quality time with yourself, especially in an outdoor setting, or to listen to music and dance. Some other soothing activities include taking a salt soak, having an oil massage, meditation, yoga nidra or savasana, and napping.
Beltane Taurus New Moon Eclipse Affirmations:
I listen to my instincts and trust my inner voice.
Silence and solitude soothe my soul - I make time for them daily.
I am wise and worthy.
It’s 2022 and we’re in Capricorn season for another few days, and then the Sun will enter Aquarius on January 19. Messenger Mercury stationed retrograde on January 14 at 10º Aquarius and will turn direct on February 3 at 24º Capricorn. Retrograde planets are natural and routine, not cause for alarm, but knowing when they’re happening and in which area of your chart they’re unfolding can be helpful, like a weather forecast alerting you to conditions to prepare for and expect. You can locate 10º Aquarius in your natal chart and notice where it falls; that house provides information that describes the life circumstances of your Mercury retrograde.
As always during a retrograde cycle, it’s a helpful practice to observe all of the “re” words: review, renew, reassess, reimagine, restore, rebuild…
While Mercury makes its way from Aquarius back to Capricorn, the usual retrograde introspection is encouraged. We can also reflect on ways to engage our intelligence and wisdom to manifest optimally in concrete ways, taking unique ideas toward form and function. Adopting a slower pace and decreasing rigidity can help make physical and mental space for this period. Each Mercury retrograde cycle this year will begin in an air sign and wrap up in an earth sign, like this one.
The muse of communication joins Venus in retrograde motion- Venus has been retrograde in Capricorn since December 19 and will turn direct on January 29. The love planet rules values, relationships, and money. Anything tied to creative pursuits, aesthetics, connecting with another, equilibrium, and finances is associated with Venus. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn gives Venus seriousness, stability, and self-discipline in all matters of money and the heart. During the retrograde, Venusian content could intensify or it could all go under review. With both Mercury and Venus retrograde, relationships could be a major area of focus, and some realignment may be helpful.
Some simple suggestions during the Mercury and Venus retrograde cycles:
- Slow down.
- Use discernment with communications.
- Review agreements and commitments and renew appropriately.
- Fortify boundaries.
- Make time for solitude.
- Reach out to your connections.
- Reflect on your relationships and relational style.
- Clear out your closet.
- Clean your jewelry.
- Rearrange / beautify your space.
-Journal about self-worth.
- Practice self-love.
- Meditate.
Try a Mercury herb in tea form: Gotu Kola
or a Venus herb: Damiana or Red Raspberry Leaf.
Mercury by Noel_Fielding
We have some movement and momentum this month after a long stretch of planetary retrogrades. Following Pluto’s station direct on October 6, and Saturn on the 10th, Jupiter joins the forward motion parade on October 17 (10:30 PM Pacific Time), followed by Mercury on October 18 (8:17 AM Pacific Time). Things that were stalled or stuck may begin to give way to more ease and some fruition now, and hopefully during these cycles we’ve been able to cover old mental ground and grow from it. Maybe we had time to deepen our perceptions and even gain greater insights as we move forward. After this rest and reset cycle, we may feel more freedom in the body-mind propelling us to act, decide, implement, or begin a thing, and with fewer reservations and more clarity than if we’d started a few months ago.
We had a potent Full Moon in Aries (27º) on the morning of October 20 (7:57 AM Pacific Time) opposite the Libra Sun and Mars. The sign of the ram is the first sign of the zodiac, head-butting its way onto the scene- this is the sign of will power, drive, action. You may have had to assert yourself in a meaningful way or take a risk - all without losing your temper. Pluto played a part in this lunation, intensifying everything and bringing potential confrontation with our hidden selves, or our shadows. This moon amplifies your passions and powers; assert them in beneficial ways.
Mars (in Libra) is square to Pluto (in Capricorn) on October 21 (exact at 9:19 PM Pacific Time); the planet of will and war squaring the planet of transformation, destiny, and psyche. Whatever we’ve repressed or ignored may surface and demand attention. This square (like all aspects) seeks integration, but it may not be an easy road- the friction and conflict generated could carry the signature of destruction or resolution, depending on the health of your perspective and process.
We leave harmony-seeking Libra season on October 22 (9:51 PM Pacific Time) and enter the portal of Scorpio (fixed water), the land of living intensely, feeling everything, escaping and repressing nothing. What we have been (and will be) processing is placed upon the pyre of introspection.
I honor and appreciate my depths.
I embrace all aspects of myself and give them space.
Complexity and profundity are appreciated assets.
We have a New Moon in Libra (13º) coming up on Wednesday, October 6 (4:05AM PT/6:05AM CT) in a tight conjunction with the Sun (as usual) and Mars, with retrograde Mercury in a wider conjunction. Chiron in Aries sits opposite this group in the sky, and none other than Pluto (in Capricorn) will station direct a few hours after the New Moon is exact.
Over the past several days or more, you may have felt mounting inner tensions starting to be expressed outwardly. We started this month with a Pluto/Mercury square and Mars opposing Chiron, with possible hurt feelings, flaring tempers, and reacting egos, so this intensity isn’t unfamiliar. With tomorrow’s astrological activity this could continue, bringing out your sensitivity and encouraging you to tune in to your emotions and intuition, or it may be expressed in less healthy ways, with excessive brooding or misguided confrontation. Sometimes brooding is appropriate, and with Pluto in the mix, it may be what’s called for to allow you to deepen your perceptions and get more in touch with your wise and infinite inner counsel. Pluto’s gravitas puts things in sobering perspective: we must face the unavoidable- life and death and ourselves, and make meaning.
The Chiron opposition may serve to stir some triggers to the surface, an opportunity to do deep work… or to react from deep wounding. But if you can bring focus and awareness to this time, the healing potential is immense. Explore relational dynamics and unhealthy patterns, investigate where present actions are rooted in past trauma, establish new or uphold current boundaries, and truly tune in with how you’re caring for your Self in all ways.
The energy of a New Moon is quite different from a Full Moon, and not the active, intention-setting time it's sometimes portrayed to be- it’s dark still, and quiet, sort of suspended and not ready to enact, and its reticence can be reflected in our moods and expression. The New Moon in Libra can call us into unguarded stillness to consider how we are in relationship to others, what lifts our souls and what calms us down and grounds us. This practice can be transformational.
The Mars conjunction changes the tone and texture of this New Moon. Libran Mars can give us the courage to be vulnerable and honest in our intimate relationships and has an understanding that conflict isn’t the enemy of love, but rather a necessary part of it. It shows us how to love and express ourselves bravely. But Mars in any sign can become confrontational and reactionary, overly critical and impatient in its shadowy expression. So watch for entitlement and unhealthy aggressions to arise; try to find their origins. Also avoid passive aggressive behaviors. Stand up for yourself when necessary and give voice to your truth. The day after the New Moon, the Sun/Mars conjunction is exact and it might be helpful to find a healthy physical expression of this energy so that a combative, angry enactment doesn’t take over. Self-care in place of burn-out. Rest when you need it. Let new beginnings emerge. Seek harmony within and find beauty in your connections.
This is a time for reflection - see what’s being reflected back to you.
Libra New Moon Affirmations:
The harmony I seek is reflected within me.
My soul is soothed with beauty and balance.
I release old patterns and embrace new beginnings.
Art/Photography: Rankin @rankinarchive
We have a New Moon at 14º Virgo on September 6 (at 5:52pm PT/ 7:52pm CT), which means it is conjunct the Virgo Sun and highlights the energies associated with this sign. As with all new moons, we have a dark sky and an opportunity to contemplate our heartfelt intentions before seeding them in our minds and speaking them into existence. This New Moon and the Sun are exactly trine Uranus (in Taurus), bringing potential breakthroughs, insights, and discovery. Another important exact trine to pay attention to is between Mars (in Virgo) and Pluto (in Capricorn). These two planets may encourage your intensity to surface and if you’ve been feeling defeated lately or low energy, you may be able to feel some of your inner strength show up with this transit. Just be watchful for your triggers and don’t avoid feeling your feelings. Also, there’s an exact Venus (in Libra)/Jupiter (in Aquarius) trine; love, aesthetics, and values can be explored more deeply.
Healing is always possible with conscious work and attention. Let go of self-criticism and judgement and stay present to what’s unfolding. Mutable earth sign Virgo’s realm includes the physical body, health and wellness, inner and outer clean up and optimization. For this New Moon, tune in deeply and take care of yourself. Consider what you’re in service to and what serves you- and what does not. What is the meaningful work that you can offer to the world which feeds your soul? Embrace the process of growth. Be devoted to your own unique process of unfoldment and to the wisdom that longs to be expressed through you.
Virgo New Moon Affirmations:
I release self-criticism and encourage conscious inner growth.
I take care of my heart, mind, body, and energy.
I embrace my inner wisdom and share my gifts openly.
I am whole and wise and worthy.
Shana Tova ~
We’ve come to the end of Leo season this year, but before the Sun moves into Virgo on Sunday afternoon, we’ll have our second Aquarius Full Moon of this Leo season and the year. The first one occurred on the evening of July 23 at 1º Aquarius, with a conjunction to Pluto, and this one will be on Sunday morning, August 22, at 29º and conjunct Jupiter. We usually have one full moon in a sign each year, so to have two is a special occurrence when it happens, one that amplifies that particular archetypal dimension. There may be some similarities in the themes unfolding for both of these moons; look to where you have Aquarius in your natal chart to get insight into what area will be activated for you and where breakthroughs may occur. The 29 degree point of this Full Moon is also notable, as it is considered the anaretic or critical degree, encouraging crisis and transformation. Crisis comes from the Latinized Greek krisis, meaning “decision” or “a turning point in a disease,” from krinein, “decide.”
Like the first one, this Aquarius Full Moon is opposite the Leo Sun and that Leo/Aquarius polarity will be at play. These polar opposite signs have implicit similarities and also complimentary differences mirrored through their expressions; both are about individuality, essentially, but it is expressed and emphasized in different ways. Fixed fire sign Leo can be seen as the Royal or the Performer, and needs to shine to be healthy and happy, and fixed air Aquarius embodies the archetype of the Revolutionary or the Scientist- freedom of expression is paramount. Individual self-expression and celebration with Leo, and individuality and non-conformity at any cost for the eventual benefit of the collective with Aquarius. Full moon energy always has a feeling of culmination, so an ending or completion of some sort is insinuated. The moon represents our emotions, our feelings, the heart, and the sensitivity of the soul. But Aquarius isn’t known for being the most emo of archetypes, and instead is described as rather logical-minded and detached, or just not as comfortable emoting feelings dramatically. Leo on the other hand, revels in high drama. What Aquarius is adept at, for better or worse, is having fixed opinions, stubbornness, and truth-telling. The usual heightened senses and intense feelings, sleeplessness or restlessness accompanying full moons will likely be felt.
Keep in mind that will we have some other strong aspects in effect alongside this second Aquarius Full Moon, including the ever-present Saturn/Uranus square that defines this year with transformations and disruptions in foundations and structures (we had the second of three exact squares in June). This is emphasized also because these planets co-rule the sign of Aquarius- Saturn as the traditional ruler and Uranus as the modern ruler. Saturn is about foundations and self-discipline and Uranus is focused on revolution and individuality.
There’s a Sun/Jupiter opposition, which may bring extremes in highs and lows, and exaggerated overoptimism and confidence. (Leo Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius). We also have Uranus in Taurus trine Mercury and Mars in Virgo, bringing surprises and the unexpected to thought, communication, and action, and moving us into new experiences. Focusing too much on the self egotistically without empathy and compassion and not listening with sensitivity will be damaging. Being of service and employing conscious humility can be helpful. We may benefit from reflecting on what’s most valuable in our lives and considering how to optimize health, increase mental and physical wellness, creating new routines and solutions that are in alignment with our values.
Full Moon Considerations:
Can I sit with uncertainty without losing my inner anchor of stability? Can I see from multiple broad perspectives and allow for new information to be integrated? Does my current stubbornness or resistance serve my evolution? In which situations is it useful for me to embrace paradox? Contemplate your deepest values - how can you honor your unique individuality while serving the collective?
The week of December 14-20:
Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction. We’ve reached the end of a Capricorn chapter and are intiated into a new chapter- Aquarius. On Wednesday, 12/16 Saturn leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius until March 2023. Then on Saturday, 12/19 Jupiter follows suit, moving into Aquarius for a year. That also means that both planets will be at critical degrees- 29º and 0º. Around both station days, pay attention to the themes and moods that are present or that you’re reflecting on.
Saturn has been in Capricorn, a sign it rules, since December 2017, so it has been providing a place for effort, self-discipline, and a special kind of faith to be fortified- occuring in a specific area of your chart - for the past three years. If those Saturn trials and tests were not undertaken successfully, there may be a heavy hangover of cynicism, melancholy, or materialism you’re working through now. Those with strong Capricorn signatures have had an up-close perspective on Saturn’s lessons and admonitions over the last three years, even with Jupiter arriving there a year ago. And those with Saturn in Capricorn natally have completed their first or second rounds of Saturn returns. Where you have Capricorn in your natal chart is the area of life you’ve seen Saturn and Jupiter working. Look for Aquarius in your chart to see what context will now be in the spotlight with these planets relocating there; there will be a new focus and powers and perils to pay attention to with this new Aquarius chapter. Those with a strong Aquarius signature or sensitive points in Aquarius will participate in some deep work during this cycle. And if you have Saturn in Aquarius natally, it’s your turn for a Saturn return.
Jupiter is the planet most associated with faith- a different kind of faith than that which is built through Saturnian means. This is the planet that teaches us to be more self-confident, to shine brighter, but it also tends to lean into excess too easily. Just like Saturn is typically disliked or even feared when discussed in the context of conventional astrology, Jupiter is praised and over-appreciated generally, and both planets are more complex than that. Jupiter may help you dream a big vision for life and gain the confidence to pursue your dreams, but Saturn shows you how to make tangible through effort your vision, and how self-sufficiency helps to cultivate a more grounded sense of self-respect. Saturn solidifies and grounds your vision
On December 21, Winter Solstice (Yule), Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction at 0º Aquarius, which has been the most anticipated astrological event and one that I’ve been excited about for some time. (Pay extra attention if you have planets or sensitive points at this degree of Aquarius). These two planets form a conjunction every twenty years, but this year on Solstice they’re much closer together than they’ve been in eight hundred years! They’ve been close all month long and at the moment they’re only half a degree apart and moving closer. After sunset on Solstice, we may be able to witness a truly special, spectacular cosmic occurrance. This conjunction initiates a new age of having Jupiter and Saturn meet in (mostly) air signs for the next two hundred year period, an Air Age that we will experience in the world around us. Fixed air sign Aquarius carries the signature of the truth-teller, the scientist, the revolutionary - utterly compelled toward freedom. Ruled by Saturn traditionally, the modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, the planet of individuality and the unexpected. Both Saturn and Uranus are perfect planetary rulers for paradoxical Aquarius.
There is no doubt that we are now entering a new Era of Air.
On Monday morning, 12/14 there was a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. The power surge of a solar eclipse can tend to shake us up in some way that leaves us breathless, and it may arrive as a crisis or as a transformation. Because this is a Sagittarius eclipse, it activates those Sagittarius themes of the search for meaning, our belief systems, religion or spirituality, our personal philosophy of life. Sag is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter, and is at the critical 29º of Capricorn before moving to Aquarius on Saturday. In addition to the Sun and New Moon, that Sag part of the sky also holds Mercury and the South Node right now. Remember that eclipses occur in cycles, so you can focus on the six month cycle, or the nine year cycle, or the eighteen year cycle. Thinking back to those times and the major motifs unfolding then can help to provide a wider context for seeing the change and growth developed in particular areas of life.
Venus, muse of love and aesthetics, left Scorpio and joined the group in Sagittarius on Tuesday, 12/15, and Chiron, who deals with trauma and healing, turned direct in Aries, which you may have felt in the mood of the day. And on Sunday, 12/20 mental planet Mercury enters Capricorn, urging our communications and cognitive functions toward more practicality and integrity.
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn announces a shift into a new Air Age. May it activate the most profound and healing expressions of Air and Aquarius in us all.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
“The eyehole” by Adam Martinakis
June 27, 2020 ◇◆ MARS enters ARIES ◆◇
Today (6:45pm in CA) the planet of will power leaves the watery realm of Pisces (there since May 12) and enters home sign Aries, and will remain there much longer than usual. (In traditional astrology, Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio). Because Mars will have a retrograde cycle, which happens every couple of years, the fiery planet’s stay in feisty Aries will be particulary extended - six months rather than the typical six weeks. The retrograde cycle for Mars occurs from September 9 until November 13. And Mars will be in its domicile or home sign of Aries until January 6, 2021.
It’s important to review both the healthy or medicinal manifestations and the unhealthy or poisonous manifestations that a planet and a sign have the potential to bring out. Mars is well known as the god of war, the warrior planet, with traits like anger, competitiveness, impulsivity, impatience, and conflict. Mars does bring those attributes, and also passion, assertiveness, and ferocity. And when it’s channeled or there’s a worthy opponent, the Mars energy becomes a champion for standing up against tyranny and the rightful and worthy application of fire and aggression. The sign of Aries has similar attributes. It’s the first sign of the zodiac, a cardinal fire sign associated with ambition, sex drive, and the archetype of the warrior. Aries needs a worthy battle, a cause to fight for, something to protect. It brings an energy of initation, powerful life force, true courage, and will. With Mars and with Aries we must remember that conflict or stress is inherent - it comes down to what kind of conflict or stress; do we want to be adventurous, courageous defenders of freedom, or tyrannical bullies finding a fight everywhere we look?
There’s a forceful, aggressive, direct kind of power with Mars in Aries… an explosive and slightly volitile undercurrent. Mars’ square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn* will make things more interesting and complex, with Mars igniting changes in the Capricorn areas. We could have six months of anger and frustration and war-like circumstances, as Aries Mars manifests as rage and battle. We could have a complete transformation of systems, as that energy alters and elevates the status quo. This combustible intensity could be used in service of dismantiling and destroying outdated structures and systems, or to war within oneself and others. There are many possibilities. Mars is ever-ready to act. There’s an opportunity to take brave, decisive, strategic action, to be wise warriors, true champions of humanity, to channel this potency ambitiously into all worthy causes at this crucial time in history. The force and fury of 2020 is not weakening, it’s building. We can handle what comes if we stay steady in our hearts, don’t lose hope, and harness the most evolutionary aspects of these energies.
If you have your natal chart, look for where Aries is to find the area where you’ll experience this Mars power.
Reach out to wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com to ask about astrological services.
*Retrograde Saturn re-enters Capricorn on July 1.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Summer Solstice, Cancer Season begins, and Solar Eclipse today.
Today is Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, the turning point when the Sun leaves Gemini and enters Cancer (2:44pm PDT), the longest day of the year when the light peaks and sun stands still (from sistere in Latin). This year we have an annular solar eclipse happening on the Solstice.
At 11:41pm we have a new moon and solar eclipse at 0º of Cancer. We recently had a lunar eclipse (and full moon) in Sagittarius on June 5, and we’ll have one more in this cycle, another lunar eclipse on the Capricorn full moon on July 4. Eclipses are always cosmic activators, shaking things up. They often bring about dissolution and collapse or initiation in the aftermath of an eclipse portal, bringing us transformation of some kind, revealing what has been hidden or occluded. As this cosmic power surge disrupts the natural flow, we can spend some time in meditation, contemplation, or reflection, listening within for any insights or understanding revealed. This eclipse is occurring alongside the North Node of the moon, bringing an element of rebirth and evolution as we are able to see more clearly into our shadows. Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. The Cancerian themes, exaggerated today as the sun enters the sign and there’s a new moon and eclipse there also, include ideas about home, place, roots, stability, family, ancestry, nurturing, and being nurtured. If you have your chart handy, look to 0º Cancer to see the area of general personal impact for you.
Mars in Pisces makes a connection through sextile to retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn, bringing a potential boost to confidence and courage, and positive, successful actions. Mars and the Moon make a square, which may intensify passions, conflict, and creativity. On Monday night Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces until November 28. As the planet of consciousness, Neptune rules psychic sensitivity and soul.
As always on Solstice, make a date with the sun, bask in the warmth, then at sunset say goodby as it sets and disappears to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice. Late tonight you can light a candle and offer eclipse blessings. Bow to the golden light that burns inside your own heart.
Black Lives Matter.
For my white readers, I recommend the work of Rachel Cargle and participation in her curriculum called The Great Unlearn, which you can find on her Patreon page (with membership as low as $5 monthly). You can also make a donation for her work at Paypal.me/rachelcargle. Follow @thegreatunlearn on Instagram. Additionally, see some of my past instagram posts on resources for anti-racism education.
Friday, June 5, 2020
This year, 2020, has upheld its anticipated reputation for being radically intense.
Week twelve, month three of mandatory shelter in place. A global pandemic. Police brutality, and the murder of George Floyd on camera one week ago. Marches and protests. More police brutality. A curfew. An unfit and dangerous person in power tear-gassing protestors and being constantly abhorrent and dangerous.
The revolution won’t arrive to us humans, Americans, tidy and welcoming. This upheaval that is tearing through hearts and streets and online has been building for too long. We’re at a collective societal tipping point. Complete dismantling is required to move forward. Tear it all down and begin again. (And white people specifically must practice daily, conscious anti-racism, not just cling to the white liberal refrain of being “not racist…”).
Venus has been retrograde since May 12/13, inviting us to rethink and recommit to our values and to reexamine our relationships. Venus represents beauty, harmony, connection, relating. It rules our aesthetic, seeks to restore balance, and governs how we love. On June 2 Venus made a square to Mars in Pisces, bringing an opportunity to fight for what we value and what matters most, for hearts and wills to be stirred and used courageously. On June 3 was the Sun-Venus conjunction in Gemini, which could have set your heart ablaze… or maybe consumed you. Healthy Venus seeks balance and connection through relationship, while unhealthy Venus can get caught in hypocrisy.
This will be the first of a series of eclipses on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis this year and next. Our first eclipse of 2020 was part of a pair: the December 25, 2019 eclipse in Capricorn and the January 10, 2020 eclipse in Cancer. The lunar nodes recently relocated from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius, which provides a new framework through which we can work, building on the inner child and reparenting work that we did, potentially, while the nodes were in Cancer and Capricorn. Now we’re pushed into new growth. We’ll be working to unlearn and release with the South Node in Sagittarius and welcoming in, opening to, and moving toward the energies of the North Node in Gemini. The Gemini North Node prompts you toward endless curiosity to gather information, learn, listen, and discuss, and the Sagittarius South Node invites you to unlearn and shift patterns and behaviors that are conditioned and automatic, to release blind trust and naivete’.
It is Gemini season, which means the Sun is in the sign of Gemini. This eclipse and Full Moon are in Sagittarius. Along with the Sun and the North Node, Venus is in Gemini, and they’re all sitting opposite the Moon and South Node in Sagittarius. Gemini energy is impeccably perceptive, infinitely curious. Sagittarius is about having an expansive perspective, high adventures and philosophical learning. It’s helpful to remember that each sign has a healthy and an unhealthy expression, and the same for planets.
This eclipse portal includes three eclipses rather than the usual two (it happens sometimes). Friday’s eclipse is at 15º Sagittarius. We’ll have a solar eclipse New Moon in Cancer (0º) on June 20, which is Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer. And then on July 4 we’ll have another Full Moon lunar eclipse (13º Capricorn). (June 20 and July 4 will be the last of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses). We last had Sagittarius eclipses in 2001-2003 and 2011-2013. Eclipses tend to bring acceleration, revelations, and often much needed disruptions; the eclipse itself represents the moment the initiation takes place, but the effects and details of the eclipse unfold over a period of time, for the next six months to a year and a half. When an eclipse occurs it’s like we experience a cosmic power surge. The lights go out and then come on again, but things have shifted, been rearranged. Things come to light, are uncovered, revealed. We can’t predict the outcome of this eclipse portal, but we can see what’s happening around us, and we can also reflect on events and themes of the last Sagittarius eclipse years mentioned. If you have your birthchart you can look to where Sagittarius is to understand more about the context into which the eclipse arrives for you personally.
Sagittarius seeks the Truth. It is plugged in to existential questioning, spirituality, and philosophy. With this Sagittarius eclipse opposite retrograde Venus and square to Mars in Pisces, which stirs up volatility and empassioned feelings, we’re pushed to examine everything, especially how we relate to others, from a new perspective. We must stay open to new ways of thinking and expand our awareness, to educate ourselves about others’ insights and perspectives, to seek truth and meaning, and to have faith. Truth will be a likely theme and catalyst associated with this eclipse. Retrograde Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and this eclipse, is in Capricorn, right there next to retrograde Pluto; Capricorn represents maturation and integrity in its healthy expression and the domineering authority figure in its unhealthy expression. Pluto’s death and rebirth motif is undeniable and will continue to be felt, as well as Jupiter’s insistence on not being underestimated, as these two planets connect and call attention to the deepest injustices and evils of our society. The healing Pluto brings is total transformation, and Jupiter’s highest expression is deep, unwavering faith. Pluto and Jupiter’s exact conjunction is on June 29/30. And Mars and Neptune’s exact conjunction in Pisces happens on June 13.
There will be six planets retrograde this month, after Mercury stations on June 17 and Neptune turns retrograde on June 22. Venus will turn direct two days later, so we’ll have five retrograde planets as we move into July. The retrograde turns the power and medicine of the planet more inward. We’ll have to listen more intently and tune in more intuitively, take time to reflect and integrate, process and understand, so that as the planets turn direct and regain strength, we’ll be prepared and empowered to act precisely and to implement meaningful solutions.
Have faith.
Seek truth.
May the oppressive racist and patriarchal systems be dismantled actively and swiftly.
I recommend the work of Rachel Cargle and participation in her curriculum called The Great Unlearn, which you can find on her Patreon page (with membership as low as $5 monthly). You can also make a donation for her work at Paypal.me/rachelcargle.
Follow @thegreatunlearn on Instagram.
Please see my instagram stories on @wildmoonwisdomastrology for anti-racist educational resources and to hear Black voices at this critical time. My social media is muted June1-7 in support of #amplifymelanatedvoices suggested by Alishia McCullough @blackandembodied and Jessica Wilson @jessicawilson.msrd. Find them on instagram.
The artwork featured in this post is by artist Deborah Roberts (@rdeborah191 on Instagram). The piece is of George Stinney Jr, and is currently in the Smithsonian National Portrait gallery. Her website is www.deborahrobertsart.com.
The planetary deity of love returns to the underworld abode - otherwise known as Venus stationing retrograde, an event that occurs every couple of years.
Venus ♀ turns retrograde in Gemini on May 12 at 11:45pm PDT. During this next six weeks, Venus makes the journey from Evening Star to Morning Star. And like Inanna heeding the call of her sister Ereshkigel to descend to the Great Below, Venus descends into her underworld, retreating from ordinary reality and initiating a shamanic experience. This takes (astrologically) the appearance of Venus stationing and entering the retrograde cycle. On some level, a part of each of us may undergo a transformative descent or experience alchemical shadow work, an excavation in which we fundamentally reorient our values, our ways of relating, our sense of self-worth. An optimistic perspective is that, in theory, we could emerge wiser after this cycle.
Venus governs the way we strive for balance and beauty through relationships with others. The beauty of Venus can be seen shining in the heavens, and can be felt within us as a deep release of tension, an embodied sigh, a fundamental restoration of inner balance. The glyph of Venus is a shape that could be interpreted to be a hand mirror, it holds our reflection, it shows us our beauty. Venus is all about love, money matters, relationships, values, worth, esthetics, beauty… in the chart it is what we have to learn about relating, it is the urge we have to connect with people. All relationships with others fall under Venus’ rule, including familial, platonic, friendships, romantic. Since Venus is a relationship planet, during this retrograde period you will likely get the opportunity to work on one or several of your relationships. You can navigate this work skillfully or unskillfully. Bringing consciousness to the work is vital, and relationship work starts first as inner work with the self. Venus assists this connection as well.
Known as the twins in the zodiac, Gemini’s dual nature is illustrated in its glyph ♊︎. Gemini is about perception, observation, seeing what’s in front of us. Constantly moving, this mutable air sign intends to seek out and take in as much information from as many sources as possible. While Venus is retrograde, let curiousity guide you in your relationships, and have a curious mind and an open communication style. Staying curious is an antidote for feeling compelled to have all the answers. For Gemini, to be confused or perplexed is a sign they’re onto something, and ensures they stay receptive. Use communication, intelligence, perception, and curiosity as resources in your work during Venus retrograde. Create space.
The sign of Gemini is having a moment now. Recently (5/5/20), the nodal axis shifted from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius. This means that the North Node of the moon is now in Gemini. The nodes are mathematical points, not planetary bodies, and they hold mysteries of the soul that can be read in the natal chart. With the North Node now in Gemini, we are under a new paradigm with a new focus and new work. Re-parenting work became the undercurrent of the Cancer/Capricorn axis, and appropriately so. Gemini can manifest as the archetype of the Storyteller and Sagittarius represents the Philosopher. While the nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius we will have new experiences and opportunities that reflect this particular nodal zeitgeist.
There are some things to be mindful of during Venus retrograde in Gemini. Watch out for nervous system dysregulation and mental exhaustion. Some other things you may experience include feelings of paranoia, or there may be potential for you to be taken advantage of, or you may get entangled in co-dependency. These are shadow aspects of Venus retrograde in Gemini. If exes resurface during Venus retrograde, don’t give it much energy if any. Make sure to engage in some form of physical movement or exercise during this period, especially to counteract the tendency to be super mental, heady, and overthink things.
It would be beneficial to consider and unpack mindfully some of your old relationship patterns and make them conscious so that you break that pattern and can start to heal that original place of wounding. You can redefine or recommit to what you want in relationships and how you’ll show up for them, and reflect on your inner stories about and relationship to money, value, self-worth. During this cycle you can rewrite your current love story, or your self-love story, and create a more evolved and authentic storyline for your life at this time.
Emerge from your underworld journey wiser.
Affirmations for Venus retrograde:
I am whole and worthy as I am.
I engage in healthy relationships that evolve my soul.
I am loveable.
For assistance in navigating this Venus retrograde or to look into where it will be in your chart, email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com. to request a Venus retrograde report.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
We’ve reached Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of year signifying summer’s arrival and providing an opportunity to declare our gratitude. Taurus season is already an invitation to honor and celebrate the sensual, pleasurable, earthy, embodied, and enjoyable in life, and Beltane epitomizes conscious enjoyment. This is also a favorable time for divination and communing with the spirit realm if that’s a practice you have. May will continue to bring interesting astrological events to experience while we’re still sheltered in place and coping with various scenarios in our personal lives, watching the many scenarios unfold in the broader sphere of our communities and countries.
This month brings a wave of retrogrades that will extend through the fall, with Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter all turning retrograde this month, joining Pluto which turned retrograde on April 25. Remember that a retrograde planet typically functions or expresses itself differently during a retrograde cycle, and we are able to deconstruct or review a particular situation or area of life potentially. But these next months will be exceptionally retrograde-heavy, with many planets retrograde all at the same time. This could have the effect of things feeling slow… stalled… or maybe felt deeply internally. It will be something to be aware of.
Venus and Neptune form a square on Sunday, May 3. This aspect could reflect a wide array of potential circumstances; there may be over-idealizations, or overindulgence in fantasy over the reality of a situation, or dreaminess, delusions, or disappointments. Venus is currently in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces. It could be a good day for imagination, art, the mystical, high romance, or going with whatever flow feels good.
On May 5, the nodal axis shifts: the lunar nodes will exit Cancer and Capricorn and enter Gemini and Sagittarius (until January 2022). The nodes of the Moon are not planets but points - these are places where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic, and in the natal chart they represent what we bring with us into this lifetime from prior lives and our potential evolutionary trajectory. This shift will bring new themes and lessons for us to understand and work with. With the North Node in Gemini, Mercury will figure prominently into our lives at this time, urging us toward an endless curiosity and openness to new information, conversing and debating with different kinds of people. We will learn and grow through these new experiences and interactions. Mercury is one of the many planets turning retrograde between now and September and there will be much to reflect on during that cycle. Venus also turns retrograde soon, and in the sign of Gemini. Themes of communication and relationships will be reexamined and worked through for a while. The South Node moving into fire sign Sagittarius means that the planet Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, can provide assistance for working with our past karma and baggage. Sagittarius South Node indicates needing to release patterns and come to terms with issues around faith and belief systems among other things. A big lesson will involve surrendering into uncertainty.
Embracing uncertainty, quelling the need to be in control constantly, will be a major thematic element this year.
Affirmations for May: I embrace my whole self as I am now. I am worthy even when things are hard and I feel unsteady. I am alive and well today.
If you’d like to explore your nodes, or receive an interpretation of your your birthchart from an evolutionary humanistic perspective, sign up on the website or email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com.
Overview of the Astrology of May: (all times are CA time)
5/3 Venus square Neptune (8:52pm)
5/5 Lunar Nodes change (from Cancer/Cap to Gemini/Sag)
5/7 Full Moon in Scorpio (3:45am)
5/10 Saturn retrograde (9:09pm) until Sept. 28
5/11 Mercury into Gemini (2:58pm)
5/12 Mars into Pisces (9:17pm) + Venus retrograde (11:45pm) until June 24
5/14 Jupiter retrograde (7:32am) until Sept 12
5/20 Sun into Gemini (6:49am) + Venus square Neptune (4:03pm)
5/22 New Moon in Gemini (10:39am)
5/28 Mercury into Cancer (11:09am)
4/7/20 FULL MOON in LIBRA (18º 45’)
7:35pm PDT
On Tuesday we have Mars square Uranus, hinting at potential volatility, some level of dysfunction, inner or outer revolution, or maybe an assertive expression of our individuality. Mental planet Mercury forms a sextile with Pluto and then Jupiter and the Libra Full Moon also connects with them. Pluto rules the realm of the underworld and always brings a major serious tone. Jupiter is deep faith and brings increase or excess. Mercury governs connections, communication, and mental confusion. The sextiles with Mercury could emphasize major imbalances that we experience in the collective as well as personally.
The Pluto/Jupiter conjunction was exact at 24º Capricorn on Saturday 4/4/20, and we will continue to be under this influence and feeling the effects of it. We have the underworld ruler as well as topics of death, endings, and rebirth (Pluto) being increased, amplified, or exaggerated (Jupiter). This sounds and feels intense and uncomfortable. It was no secret that this year was going to be extreme, as we arrive at a changing of eras, a critical point of no return from the immense changes that are unfolding. We are witness to and participants in the world’s current crisis. And individually we experience the new enforced solitary confrontation with our true selves, all pretense and polish wearing away, our hidden depths brought to the surface for inspection. Our faith is tested, we may lose hope or we may be reinspired into our spiritual beliefs and practices now. We may be dealing with our so-called shadows more explicitly, or entertaining our demons more frequently. We grieve, retreat, reach out, blow up, shut down… our vulnerabilities are exposed and our limitations pushed. There does exist the possibility of transformation, after what may be or feel like annihilation or elimination, and that may be the promise of the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction if we can make it through.
Libra Full Moon is a call into relationship reflection. The Libra impulse is to move and work toward harmony, balance, and compromise, and is a sign that learns and grows in these specific areas. At this already impactful full moon, in these already extreme circumstances of being sheltered in place during a pandemic and economic and emotional collapse, this Libra moon calls us to accept the invitation into quiet communion with ourselves, a descent into the shadowy spaces of our psyche and heart, and be as honest and gentle with ourselves as we can. You may feel emotional upheaval, deep heavy grief or stinging sadness, you may feel heightened nervous system dysregulation, or just feel more sensitive to things. You can look back into your journals and see what was happening in your life and relationships at the new moon in Libra about six months ago; these themes may be revisited. With this full moon, relationships are under scrutiny and many issues may need to be acknowledged or addressed. Try to find the point of balance with Libra’s scales, and look consciously for the beauty even in the hard times.
Here’s a little wild moon wisdom to consider for this full moon:
◇ There is no “right way” to experience your experience- you only have to show up for yourself and practice being present.
◇ Feelings are meant to be felt.
◇ Practice listening to your intuition and to your body-knowing (gut instinct).
◇ Be a student of your breath and breathing, observing often and regulating the breath when necessary.
Affirm: I am whole and holy, wise and worthy.
MARS moved into Aquarius at the beginning of the week. The next day, the fiery planet met up with SATURN. Mars (action and will) conjoins Saturn (barriers and boundaries) at 0º Aquarius, the sign of logic. These two planets are regarded in traditional astrology as malefics, and acknowledging that is important. It is true that stress and frustration are generally felt when dealing with either planet and they both are challenging teachers. Mars can stir up crisis and Saturn creates constraints certainly, but these are natural conditions and necessary for growth and experience to develop. Mars is an activator and initiator, the beginning, and Saturn is time, completion and finality. It’s also helpful to understand that both planets have high vibrational sides to them in addition to their shadows, and their energies and strengths can assist and compliment each other; Mars is able to inspire and push through stagnant, stuck shadow Saturn while Saturn is able to regulate and modify the wrath and recklessness of shadow Mars. Pay attention to where and when you need to forge ahead versus retreat and regroup.
VENUS entered Gemini on Friday, which may shift our love natures into a more mental, curious and maybe flighty state. Gemini thrives in conditions of communication and information. Allow for plenty of intellectual exploration and discovery. On Saturday, Venus forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. This introduction into Saturn in Aquarius is expanding our capacity to find logical and innovative ways of connecting and communicating while distancing in isolation.
Saturday brings the first of three JUPITER/PLUTO conjunctions, this first one at 24º Capricorn (exact at 7:45pm CA time). Pallas is also right there. We'll have the next two conjunctions on June 29 and November 12. Jupiter is the energy of more, excess. And Pluto’s realm is death, elimination, transformation. These astrological associations sometimes manifest and are exhibited metaphorically and sometimes literally. There may be news of spread or growth (Jupiter) of loss and death (Pluto) from the virus, or maybe expansion of and increase in hope, supplies/resources, treatment, or cure related to the pandemic and economic collapse, bringing us closer to a shift and transformation. On a personal level may we have compassion for what we have long suppressed and ignored, the shadows we have neglected, that are now surfacing and require tending. Pluto can show us where our core wounds are and allow us to transmute or alchemize them, or conversely can "trick" us into deep despair and cynicism or power trips. May we tap into a sense of supreme grace collectively as we are confronted by this momentous time of shift, as the current power dynamic crumbles and is dismantled. (The USA is in the midst of its Pluto return, from 2008 until 2024).
It may look like chaos around us, and feel like chaos on the inside. It may be this way for a while. Don't despair or give up hope. Our Jupiter conjunct Pluto prayer or affirmation might be:
May we grow and transform personally and globally into our healthiest, most empowered, and most joyful and thriving versions imaginable.
Amen. Aho. So mote it be.
Please reach out through the website or email (wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com) to sign up for a tarot reading, astrological consultation, or Kosmic Koaching. Discounts and reduced rates available.
On Saturday March 21, Saturn entered Aquarius. For now, Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius for three months, until July 1, then retrogrades back into Capricorn until December. This is arguably the most anticipated transit of this busy year. And it is connected to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction coming December 21, 2020 (0º Aquarius). These three months will be a preview of our next few years.
Saturn represents time, and karma, and is the Disciplinarian of the zodiac. When Saturn is involved we can expect a tone of seriousness and effort, we can assume fortitude and focus will be required of us. The realm ruled by the taskmaster planet always involves harsh realities, karmic consequences, self-discipline and responsibility. Saturn has been in cardinal earth sign Capricorn since December 2017, teaching us lessons about physical reality and the material world. It sets up boundaries and concretizes ambition. We have been focused in a particular area of limitation, building and growth for these past few years, and that’s about to change to a completely different scene. Moving into fixed air Aquarius, Saturn’s motives and means change. Capricorn is about the past, preservation, conservation, and Aquarius relates to the future, innovation, and progress. Capricorn deals with the material plane and Aquarius deals with the mental plane. Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius- it was the traditional ruler of Aquarius until Uranus was discovered- and so has a level of strength while in both signs. Saturn has been at home while in Capricorn and will continue to be comfortable in Aquarius.
Look to the Aquarius part of your chart to see what area of your life will be impacted directly by Saturn’s ingress into the wisdom-dispensing sign of the Water Bearer. This area represents where the action will take place, where the trials and triumphs will be felt. Aquarius is the archetype of the non-conforming rebel, the mad scientist, the eccentric recluse, the forward thinking humanitarian. Saturn will reside here here until 2023.
There are no “bad” planets or signs, no “good” planets or signs. The unbalanced or shadow vibration of Aquarius is extremism, severe detachment, stubbornness, rigidity. Long vilified, Saturn’s reputation strikes fear or dread into most people who know a little about astrology, but skewing this planet’s archetype to its most unhealthy or harsh expression removes half of the equation, half of its potential. Just as the narrow description of Jupiter as the planet of luck and boons (only) is only partly true, the limited and one-sided portrayal of Saturn as the cosmic bad guy only shows part of the story. Saturn isn’t bad or out to get you. It isn’t just dogma, materialism, and cynicism, although these are examples of the shadow expressions of the planet. Saturn’s healthiest expression deals with maturity and integrity, and it assists us with the challenges in life that we don’t really want to deal with. It helps us do hard things, all of the ones that we like and need self-discipline for, and the ones we dislike but we must deal with.
We experience our first encounter with Saturn at around age 29, when it comes back to the exact place it was when you were born, called your “Saturn return.” This phenomena creates almost as much fear and bad press as Mercury’s retrograde cycles. Saturn, the planet of adulthood and maturity, returns to this point every 29.5 years, which means that you’ll get another chance to work directly with this planetary teacher in your late fifties (58-60) and potentially again in your late eighties (88-90), and there are particular lessons and growth potentials with each return.
While Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign of radical individuality and of humanity, we’ll be involved with inner and outer innovation and revolution. Aquarius frees and revolutionizes. One of its most sincere expressions is freedom in thinking. Aquarius Saturn has the potential to build innovative, sound social systems, empowering the individual toward high-minded logic and objectivity, to reach the masses most effectively and to democratize the most innovative technologies to benefit humanity, to reach the most underserved populations. There will be an emphasis on intelligence in general, and specifically on AI, and on technology and invention. Aquarius also teaches us that sometimes we must risk ridicule to reject conformity and not go along with the group-think, but instead to follow our own truth. This may look strange or far-fetched from everyone else’s limited perspective, but there’s something important and visionary in its message. Applied to Saturn in Aquarius, this could mean that things that look absurd or unnecessary may be our most valuable hope for survival and evolution, and what benefits humankind. Aquarius is the sign of non-conformity but also is associated with the group. It is known as a champion for the underrepresented.
We are beginning this time of shift in some major cycles... revolution and evolution are necessities, from the most personal level to the most global. The old outdated and suppressive systems that have been in place for so long will continue to crumble. There is immense work to do, and with humankind at a crossroads and the old rule of law of systemic misogyny, racism, classism rightfully requiring dismantling, Saturn’s strengths of integrity and determination as we create and implement a new paradigm are necessary. An elevation of consciousness has potential to take place in these upcoming longer cycles, and can at least begin to take root now.
Those that were born from 1991-1993 are entering their first Saturn return and it will take place in a particular area of your chart; that house holds a key to understanding the context of the Saturn return. You can look to your chart to see which, if any, planets you have in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio- all make contact with Saturn while in Aquarius by square, opposition, or conjunction. Natal Saturn placements in Leo, Taurus or Scorpio will have Saturn transits during this time. Transiting Saturn will conjoin Aquarius sun signs, and other natal Aquarius planets during these next few years, and the heaviness and seriousness of that work may push our limits. This work and the lessons or growth they involve will require our maturity and effort and will likely involve facing a harsh reality and doing some work that has been avoided.
Saturn in Aquarius may be a portal leading us into building a version of a new world in which we join our individual brilliance and offerings together and form an evolved collective vision for our world group - that is one of the possibilities.
For a deeper look into how Saturn in Aquarius will affect you, write to wildmoonwisdom.com to sign up for a Saturn in Aquarius report or to determine the best astrological consultation for you.
If you’re having a Saturn return, sign up for a Saturn return report here: http://www.wildmoonwisdom.com/shop/saturnreturn
Or if you would like to sign up for Kosmic Koaching to assist you in navigating these strange days, returning clients click here: http://www.wildmoonwisdom.com/shop/kosmic-koaching
Or for new clients: http://www.wildmoonwisdom.com/shop/kosmic-koaching-new-client-option-1st-month
◆ 3/19/20 ◆
The current Capricorn stellium (so many planetary bodies crowded together in Capricorn): Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, South Node, also Pallas and Chariklo. Saturn is at a critical point (29º) of Capricorn, preparing to enter Aquarius on Saturday night. That move will initiate a major collective shift in consciousness, focus, and work, and we are already seeing aspects of Saturn in Aquarius... (systems collapsing, social distancing, quarantines, and shut downs, humanitarian help on both small and large scales, education via technology, etc). The Disciplinarian planet will be in the sign of the Genius/Outcast for three months to start, then will retrograde back into Capricorn until December, and then will settle in to Aquarius until March 2023. December is also when we have Jupiter conjoining Saturn at 0º Aquarius (on the 21st).
For now we have Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn (exact on Friday early morning hours), and Mars conjunct Pluto on Sunday night. Jupiter/Pluto conjunction at 24º Capricorn coming soon, exact on April 4. Generally speaking, the energy of Mars is active, assertive, passionate, and ferocious. Jupiter's vibe brings more of everything, and on a grand scale- it is excessive and optimistic. Saturn restricts and limits, maintains boundaries, requires discipline. With Pluto we see elimination, transformative reformation, and the underbelly/underworld of everything; it works on us in deep and somewhat disturbing ways. The lunar South Node represents well worn habitual patterns that are hard to break, a comfort level in our habits that resists change. Altogether, this can create somewhat uncomfortable to deeply disturbed experience.
Many are more worried than usual about how to pay rent and bills and have food under these current circumstances, along with a multitude of other concerns. For some, survival and trauma are trials frequently and familiarly traversed and this is an occasion to call on inner resources, and for others this is an entirely new and different challenge to face. We may feel pushed to the limits or forced to surrender, or we may be reinspired to help actively, or to keep looking for and reasserting hope in our own meaningful ways.
All the action in Capricorn holds gravitas right now, where we will be forced to face severity of some sort. But today is a day to acknowledge a new astrological year beginning. Today in the Northern Hemisphere it is Spring Equinox, with the Sun leaving Pisces and entering Aries, the beginning of the zodiac tonight. We have Chiron in early Aries, but no more fire energy in the skies until the Sun arrives. This lack of fire for several months has been obvious in our (lack of) expressions of motivation, passion, inspiration, and confidence. If you can find it, be in the sunshine today. Let the Aries Sun inspire or encourage you in some small way, in whatever feels appropriate to your inner state.
We are under a mandatory shelter in place order for the next few weeks here in the Bay Area. My personal daily routine doesn't change, as an introverted work from home person, so I am available for astrology consultations, tarot readings, Kosmic Koaching, etc if you need these services. If you're out of work because of the current situation, please write to me about receiving a discount on one of my offerings. wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology