We have a New Moon at 14º Virgo on September 6 (at 5:52pm PT/ 7:52pm CT), which means it is conjunct the Virgo Sun and highlights the energies associated with this sign. As with all new moons, we have a dark sky and an opportunity to contemplate our heartfelt intentions before seeding them in our minds and speaking them into existence. This New Moon and the Sun are exactly trine Uranus (in Taurus), bringing potential breakthroughs, insights, and discovery. Another important exact trine to pay attention to is between Mars (in Virgo) and Pluto (in Capricorn). These two planets may encourage your intensity to surface and if you’ve been feeling defeated lately or low energy, you may be able to feel some of your inner strength show up with this transit. Just be watchful for your triggers and don’t avoid feeling your feelings. Also, there’s an exact Venus (in Libra)/Jupiter (in Aquarius) trine; love, aesthetics, and values can be explored more deeply.
Healing is always possible with conscious work and attention. Let go of self-criticism and judgement and stay present to what’s unfolding. Mutable earth sign Virgo’s realm includes the physical body, health and wellness, inner and outer clean up and optimization. For this New Moon, tune in deeply and take care of yourself. Consider what you’re in service to and what serves you- and what does not. What is the meaningful work that you can offer to the world which feeds your soul? Embrace the process of growth. Be devoted to your own unique process of unfoldment and to the wisdom that longs to be expressed through you.

Virgo New Moon Affirmations:
I release self-criticism and encourage conscious inner growth.
I take care of my heart, mind, body, and energy.
I embrace my inner wisdom and share my gifts openly.
I am whole and wise and worthy.

Shana Tova ~
