On December 20, Jupiter makes a big move, exiting Pisces and moving into Aries until May 16, 2023. Maybe you felt an amped up surge at around 6:30AM (Pacific) that continued the entire day as Jupiter entered 0º of Aries. This represents another new beginning point and a change of pace. While the “guru” planet inhabited mystical Pisces, we had opportunities for inspiration and realizations, and alternatively, for falling into a delusional despair or attempting to escape reality. Now with this ingress into the first sign of the zodiac, Jupiter’s tone will align with the needs and motivations of cardinal fire Aries.

Aries leads the way, revels in conscious courage and finding an honorable cause to fight for, and possesses inextinguishable willpower. This sign can also be a stress-magnet when we attend to its drives in an unconscious way. For the next many months, attempt to channel the healthiest and most evolutionary Aries expressions and be beware of the lower and distorted responses, such as pointless aggression and extreme defensiveness. Giant Jupiter, king of the gods, can be extremely competitive in Aries, and a larger-than-life leader. Aries thrives in competition. When set on improving oneself or pushing one’s own limits, this sign assists us in doing our best, bravely. A Jupiterian question to contemplate is where you’ve been underestimating yourself or playing small- where you should have more confidence and more faith. A Jupiterian warning is to watch out for over-optimism, pompous self-importance, and sugar-coating or denying harsh realities.

The invitation of Jupiter in Aries is essentially to renew a deep faith in life, to believe in ourselves and in our abilities, and to turn ambitions into reality through right action. This energy has to move; we can engage with it positively or negatively, but we cannot ignore or avoid it. To work intentionally with it, we must be generous to ourselves and others. Stepping out of smallness is a reclamation of connection to nature. We may have to get quiet and dig deeply to remember the wellspring of wholeness we’re tapped into, especially if we’re in a particularly broken space/time right now. Embracing vulnerability can be an act of courage. Jupiter in Aries is a call to be audacious and make a move, to elevate your life and have faith in your power.

*Find Aries in your chart to see where you must be bold and believe in yourself unwaveringly.

Solstice Blessings~
