July 31 - August 1, 2022

We’re currently in an astrological space that holds potential for revealing evolutionary opportunities to the collective, as well as to each of us individually. Because these three points in particular are connected by conjunction, it happens to be a rare alignment. Mars and Uranus, considered to be the two most volatile planets, along with the wildcard (potential) energy of the North Node, form a conjunction at 18º Taurus. (Mean nodes on July 26, true nodes on July 31/August 1). It could amplify the extremely challenging realities that we’re seeing on all fronts, socially and globally, and it could also be the catalyst for a reclamation of personal sovereignty.

The keywords for Mars include action, assertiveness, will, courage, extremes, rage, selfishness, cruelty. For Uranus: the unexpected, radical change, individuality, non-compliance, questioning authority, stubbornness, inflexibility, and insensitivity. Both planets fight for freedom. When they interact, volatility and explosivity may be part of the outcome. The North Node is a point that represents the future toward which we’re evolving and what it is we must embody and become, which of course feels alien and unnatural to us while we work at it. And the sign of Taurus is about serenity, the earth, the environment, nature, finances, our values, our bodies, our resources- this includes climate change, food supply, and body sovereignty. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is stubborn and resistant to change. But we have reactive, impulsive Mars and unpredictable, rebellious Uranus in this sign that needs for things to feel grounded. And the North Node is about the future, evolution, the cutting edge of growth, uncharted territory. All of this sets the stage for potential revolution and reinvention.

This triple conjunction commotion will cause the most visible fallout in the collective, but we will also feel it in our individual lives. Fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo) in general, and specifically those with planets or angles at 18º of a fixed sign, will likely experience this conjunction with more intensity on a personal level. You can find 18º Taurus in your birth chart to understand which house this hits for you. It’s where you’ll feel the most instability, the strongest forces of chaos right now. Uranus has already spent four of its eight years in Taurus, and the very nature of that transit is experienced as instability on the earth. We can see and experience directly what that looks like in reality. The North Node spends eighteen months here and will remain until next July. With the entrance of Mars into Taurus for a brief period (July and August), the agitation amps up. Without being fearful, we can let our awareness of this conjunction prepare us to observe opportunities, explore curiously, and embrace the change that will arise. 

We are in the breakdown times, the dismantling times… as uncomfortable and unstable as it is; it is a period that is necessary for the revolution and rebirth waiting to come. It won’t be easy, but you can still stay embodied and experience joy during the process. What do you envision for your future? What is needed for your soul? These next few days especially, feel the Taurus archetype inside yourself. Make time for silence, meditation, solitude out in nature. Make time for resting when you’re tired, getting a full night’s sleep, eating well when you’re hungry, moving your body in nourishing ways, music and singing and silence. Pray and plant things. Your sensitivity and resilience are needed now.

Lammas blessings.
