It’s 2022 and we’re in Capricorn season for another few days, and then the Sun will enter Aquarius on January 19. Messenger Mercury stationed retrograde on January 14 at 10º Aquarius and will turn direct on February 3 at 24º Capricorn. Retrograde planets are natural and routine, not cause for alarm, but knowing when they’re happening and in which area of your chart they’re unfolding can be helpful, like a weather forecast alerting you to conditions to prepare for and expect. You can locate 10º Aquarius in your natal chart and notice where it falls; that house provides information that describes the life circumstances of your Mercury retrograde.
As always during a retrograde cycle, it’s a helpful practice to observe all of the “re” words: review, renew, reassess, reimagine, restore, rebuild…
While Mercury makes its way from Aquarius back to Capricorn, the usual retrograde introspection is encouraged. We can also reflect on ways to engage our intelligence and wisdom to manifest optimally in concrete ways, taking unique ideas toward form and function. Adopting a slower pace and decreasing rigidity can help make physical and mental space for this period. Each Mercury retrograde cycle this year will begin in an air sign and wrap up in an earth sign, like this one.
The muse of communication joins Venus in retrograde motion- Venus has been retrograde in Capricorn since December 19 and will turn direct on January 29. The love planet rules values, relationships, and money. Anything tied to creative pursuits, aesthetics, connecting with another, equilibrium, and finances is associated with Venus. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn gives Venus seriousness, stability, and self-discipline in all matters of money and the heart. During the retrograde, Venusian content could intensify or it could all go under review. With both Mercury and Venus retrograde, relationships could be a major area of focus, and some realignment may be helpful.
Some simple suggestions during the Mercury and Venus retrograde cycles:
- Slow down.
- Use discernment with communications.
- Review agreements and commitments and renew appropriately.
- Fortify boundaries.
- Make time for solitude.
- Reach out to your connections.
- Reflect on your relationships and relational style.
- Clear out your closet.
- Clean your jewelry.
- Rearrange / beautify your space.
-Journal about self-worth.
- Practice self-love.
- Meditate.
Try a Mercury herb in tea form: Gotu Kola
or a Venus herb: Damiana or Red Raspberry Leaf.
Mercury by Noel_Fielding