Chiron and Saturn and Pluto...

We can all agree that the Aries sun cycle never disappoints, and the dynamic astrological weather has continued into Taurus season. On April 19 the sun entered the earthy, Venus-ruled Taurus, but before Aries season wrapped up there were a few more notable changes. At 1:11am on April 17 Chiron changed signs, finally leaving Pisces and moving into Aries. Chiron’s stay in the final sign of the zodiac has forced us to face and feel our dreams, demons, and delusions. For the past eight years. Chiron is known as the wounded healer and he teaches us how to heal our deepest pain or original wound and invites us to explore the landscape of balance between embodiment and consciousness, but he’s not wounded only, he’s healed. The wounds inform the healing and allow the one who has been healed to pass on those lessons and insights to be beneficial to others and to help guide the way through emotional darkness. The realm of Pisces can be like a transcendent dreamscape, or like a ghastly nightmare if one gets stuck in the delusion or addiction that is the “shadow side” of this sign, and for eight years we have had access to both of these realities. Pisces is the end of the road, the last sign of the zodiac and Aries is the initiatory sign, the starting point, the beginning. This cardinal sign brings waves of impulsivity, passion, aggression, assertiveness, and energy. Chiron’s shift into this type of energy, emerging from the deep waters of Pisces into the dynamism of the first fire sign, could bring an emotional disturbance or volcanic realization. The last time Chiron was in Aries was 1968-77, a time in which there were so many major significant events that unfolded. Those born in these years have Chiron in Aries natally. Additionally on April 17, Saturn turned retrograde in Capricorn. The planetary disciplinarian entered its home sign of Capricorn on December 19, 2017 and will be there until 2020, reinforcing themes of self-sovereignty, responsibility, and general integrity in all expressions. While Saturn is retrograde we can take the time to inspect and re-define our boundaries, commitments, and responsibilities. With Taurus season underway, April 22 brings Pluto retrograde (also in Capricorn); two major themes associated with Pluto and Pluto transits are elimination and regeneration, and we can detox psychologically and purge emotionally. Exploration of our own underworld and our relationship to power are opportunities during this time.

On Sunday evening, April 29, we have the full moon in Scorpio (9º), which is the Beltane full moon, opposite the Taurus sun, its polar opposite. Scorpio is Pluto-ruled—  a fixed water sign that is comfortable with intensity and complication. With this full moon we are invited into our vulnerability and innermost desires, to feel what is most valuable to us and to find our own inner strength and perseverance to create, receive, invoke, and express those desires. Find a space to acknowledge and honor both Pluto and Venus, the rulers of the current full moon and the sun, the lord of the underworld and the goddess of love and abundance at the altar of your heart. 

Affirmation/Invocation: I release any debris- emotional, psychological, physical, energetic- that no longer aligns with my deepest, heartfelt desires for myself and offer them to the compost pile of worn out baggage that I no longer need to carry. I allow my vulnerability to forge incredible strength and fortitude in body, heart and mind, and I embrace my power and inner wisdom to guide me toward my dreams and goals. 






Year of the Earth Dog

The New Moon Eclipse on February 15 also initiated Lunar New Year, allowing us another new beginning. We transitioned from the Rooster to the Year of the Dog. It is rumored that the Dog is one of the most friendly, likeable signs in the Chinese horoscope, known for being straightforward, honest, and getting along well with others. Those born in the year of the Dog are good friends to have and will be there for us whenever needed. The Dog personality is unpretentious and generally undemanding. They have a tendency to remain loyal even in situations that don’t deserve it toward people that may not have earned it. People born in the Dog year can be somewhat pessimistic or cynical, but their toughness is what allows them to endure stress or hardship without giving up. They have an innate ability recognize those who have good intentions versus those that are untrustworthy and to them, people are clearly either friend or foe. The Dog is generous, not materialistic, and while objective and faithful in dealings with others, can be slightly suspicious or obstinate at times.  They do tend to see things in terms of black or white, without much allowance for the in between.

In Chinese astrology, a vast and complex subject just as Western astrology is, there are twelve animals associated with twelve years which influence your personality. In the lunar calendar there are also associations of an animal assigned to twelve sections of time with one ruling your birth time; this is your ascendant sign. In addition, there are associations with the five elements, and the division into either yang or yin, to further influence your personality. (This is a general, simple introductory explanation for the purposes of this brief post). The last time we had an Earth Dog year (Dog year with Earth element) was 1958. Earth Dogs are slow movers, constructive thinkers, and fighters and survivors. Realistic, individualistic, just and idealistic, Earth Dogs are generally kind and loyal, but may demand excessive dedication from others. Associated with the Western astrological sign Libra, the Dog’s fixed element is Metal and sign is yang. The Tiger, Horse and Rabbit will relate well to the Dog. There should be no issues with Monkey, Boar, Snake or Rat. And Dog will clash most with Dragon, as well as Rooster and Sheep. If you were born between the hours of 7-9pm you have Dog ascendant. 

If you don't know your lunar sign or your rising sign in this particular system, and want to know a little bit about it, sign up for a Lunar Sign Overview. Send your birth info to wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com with Lunar Sign Overview in the subject box and send your $15 payment via Venmo (@KKwildmoonwisdom). I'm can also take a few clients for a natal chart, synastry, or relationship report (email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com).

May the Year of the Earth Dog restore some of our sensibility and constructive thinking and help us to align with justice in a more tangible way.   


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Aquarius Season + Eclipse Portal

Aquarius season began on Friday, January 19 at 7:09pm PST, and continues until February 18. Most air signs experience a noticeable shift from the earthy and Saturn-heavy Capricorn cycle into airy and intellectual Aquarius. This is a fixed air sign and rules the shins, ankles, coccyx, and the circulatory system. The water bearer symbol of the vessel pouring water out actually represents dispensing wisdom, as this is the sign of intellectual independence and original vision.

The modern ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is the planet of revolution and rebellious, giving Aquarius suns their well deserved reputations for being revolutionary and rebellious. The planet of disruption and the unconventional expresses itself in the eccentricities and unpredictability of the Water Bearer’s personality. Aquarius has a character that is utterly paradoxical, with qualities and expressions that reflect that enigma, making it one of the most misunderstood signs (along with Scorpio). Some of these seemingly paradoxical quirks could be thought to come from the sign’s traditional ruler, Saturn; there is a seriousness and an elevated logic present in the Aquarius brain, a deep loyalty and commitment, and even an affinity for tradition that seems counterintuitive to the typical rebellious Aquarian tendency. Liberal, forward thinking and progressive ideas expressed with a fixed opinion, as well as being connected to the friendship/humanitarian house while also often being perceivably aloof or detached (in general) in interpersonal interactions are other examples of the Aquarian contradiction.

This is the sign of dreams and idealism, originality and the future. Aquarius’ question is “why?”  and most used key phrase is “I know.” Aquarians are thinkers and communicators- independent, analytical, evolved, original and avant garde. During Aquarius season, everyone is invited to express themselves freely and channel flashes of brilliant insight without feeling self-conscious or odd. Under the Aquarian influence, allow for inventive and radical thinking along with an easy-going acceptance of difference. Revolutionary insights may arise during this season… inventions or ground-breaking ideas that can seed the coming months.

Aquarius season always promises to bring excitement, surprise, and reinvention. This one may feel even more like the Upside Down because eclipse season is underway, and we’ve entered that portal that feels supercharged, heavy with potential, amplifying the energies and heightening our awareness. Eclipse season is initiated when the Sun aligns with the Nodal Axis. The first eclipse of 2018 comes on Wednesday, January 31 at the Full Moon, a total lunar eclipse at 11º 37’ Leo. The corresponding solar eclipse happens on February 15 at the New Moon, at 27º 8’ Aquarius. This Leo/Aquarius pairing of eclipses is fascinating; of course they’re polar opposites, and last year three of the four eclipses were in these two signs, and this year four of the five eclipses occur here. This Leo/Aquarius energy will be present and active all year, allowing us to find the balance and relationship between the personal and impersonal, self and the collective, leadership with innovation. This polarity with the Leo/Aquarius axis is also playing out with the Nodes, the markers of our destiny and karma. With North Node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius since last May, we can make progress courageously.

Eclipse power surges affect everyone, but if you are a Leo or Aquarius sun, or Leo or Aquarius moon or ascendant, you are likely being impacted strongly from these powerful energies. This is especially true for Leo and Aquarius suns, who have likely been dealing with big changes or events from 2017, with a turning point six months ago or one year ago… All the fixed signs will also be hit hard (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus). For everyone else, the insights gained from the upcoming eclipses may involve self-love and self-expression, stepping into self-sovereignty, or logic and heart. These eclipses will likely be a continuation of events triggered during the last two eclipses six months ago and twelve months ago. And if you can, think back to any significant events that happened nineteen years ago; this could provide a clue to the tone this eclipse season will bring. The last eclipse happened in August at 28º Leo at the New Moon, so the seeds planted and works initiated during that potent eclipse have reached or are reaching fruition and completion now. Full moons often signify completion of a cycle, some kind of ending or closure or resolution is reached. (Additionally, Wednesday’s moon is also considered a “blue moon,” which means a second full moon in a month, and a supermoon due to the near point of orbit to earth; there will be a lot of excitement online around these points, but the most important thing to pay attention to is the Leo/Aq axis).

Eclipses are activators - activating forces and change-agents that have the effect of dissolving or initiating things, disturbing or disorienting us. If we can pay attention immensely deep work can unfold. An eclipse provides the friction, or turns the thing upside down, or forces you to make that decision in some unexpected way, and although while in the thick of it all it feels very little like evolution, it really is most often for your eventual evolution (meaning you can’t feel it right now, but looking back at it from some moment in the future, you will be smarter, wiser, better off for having gone through it). So grid your space with tourmaline and citrine, and be kind to yourself if your sensitivity is high. Everyone will be more sensitive during the eclipse window, with emotions running high and for some people, even a sense of internal and external chaos. Channel the archetype of the mad scientist, the inventor, the explorer, with a healthy curiosity as we move through these days. And retain your sense of humor.









Considerations and contemplations for this eclipse portal

* What do I not feel courageous enough to make a decision about? Where am I holding myself back from growth or evolution? It is time to make a decision and make a move.

* Where am I stifling my creative expression or my individuality, playing small or safe out of fear of rejection or humiliation? How might I revision or recontextualize making my offerings and being myself as vital and necessary to my wellbeing?



Potential themes for the Leo Full Moon Eclipse (Can read for Sun and Rising)

Aries - self-expression, passion, romance, pregnancy/children

Taurus - family, home, roots, crossroads, real estate

Gemini - communication, travels, education, siblings or extended family

Cancer - income, stability, self-worth, material success

Leo - new beginnings, changes, health, taking charge of your life

Virgo - letting go, endings, soul searching, closure, spirituality

Libra - goals, community, associations, friendships

Scorpio - career, responsibility, life path, success, place in the world

Sagittarius - foreign travel, education, philosophy, public expression of ideas

Capricorn - shared wealth, finances, taxes, intimacy

Aquarius - relationships, serious partnerships, crossroads

Pisces - health, wellness, daily activities, colleagues, organization


Overview of Upcoming Ingresses

Jan 19 -- Sun into Aquarius
Jan 26 -- Mars into Sagittarius  
Jan 31 -- Full Moon ~ 11º 37’ Leo (5:27am PST)
Total Lunar Eclipse (5:31am PST)
Mercury into Aquarius
Feb 10 -- Venus into Pisces
Feb 15 -- Partial Solar Eclipse (12:53pm PST) 
New Moon ~ 27º 8’ Aquarius (1:05pm PST)    




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Mountain Goat Magick

We have our first New Moon of 2018 on Tuesday, January 16 at 6:17pm PST; this will be the "new beginning" moon of the year for Capricorn suns and will feel like a perfect time to consider goals and set intentions for everyone. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign and rules the bones, joints, knees and skin, and there may be a tendency toward melancholia or discontent. Resilient Capricorn prefers strategy over force and excels through discipline and determination. This New Moon connects with Venus and Mars, bringing opportunities and encouraging ambition in romance and money- this may manifest in overcoming obstacles or initiating a new start. The Moon is considered to be in "detriment" while in Capricorn, but that doesn't mean it is damaged — we may experience the lunar energies or sensitivities of the Cap Moon feeling less strong in favor of a more logical or analytical approach, and that can be helpful or necessary at times. It can sometimes help to look at what is stirring your emotional waves with a more detached perspective.

We currently have a stellium in Capricorn; there will be six heavenly bodies in Capricorn at the time of the New Moon, which makes the astrology super Saturn-heavy. Remember that Saturn's realms are time, karma, fate, and life lessons… and Capricorn bestows the circumstances by which these experiences unfold. With so many planets in Capricorn, we can be sure that Capricornian qualities or vibes will be more accessible to us and tapping into them will be our best hope for success now. There will be boons that arrive after the appropriate amounts of commitment and stability are created and the hard work is done. We may encounter obstacles and limitations, restrictions, tough lessons, but we have a chance to alter our realities, assert our leadership or self-sovereignty, and achieve our goals. You can think of Capricorn as the steadfast and sure-footed mountain goat, climbing confidently over treacherous terrain that most creatures cannot do with such grace. Traversing these times, it may feel more intense to have so many planets here… but the more you can work on getting your shit together and can channel the Capricorn magick, you'll appreciate this growth spurt you're going through.
This combination of practicality and ambition, the ability to persevere through obstacles and triumph with dignity, could be the most beneficial blessing in disguise lesson that we need, and that's what determined Capricorn can teach on this New Moon. 

Sit in solitude, commit to your practices. Then do the work. 
New Moon blessings for a new cycle. xo

*See the previous post about Capricorn season to see what house or area of life this Capricorn concentration lands in for you.

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Capricorn Season

On Winter Solstice, December 21, the Sun left freedom-loving Sagittarius and entered stoic Capricorn. If we assign the title of the child to Leo, the mother to Cancer, then Capricorn is the father of the zodiac. Capricorn is an earth element cardinal sign, ruling the bones, joints and knees. Most Capricorns have beautiful bone structure but may deal with stiff joints and orthopedic problems. Saturn is the ruling planet, the planet of limitation, restriction, discipline, responsibility, represented by the sure-footed goat, or the ancient sea-goat. Saturn, as Father Time, provides a strong sense of the limitations as well as the value of time. The Capricorn tendency is to examine goals, organize things into steps, and determine a long-term timetable to accomplish those goals. This cardinal sign is reserved and serious, prudent and patient, disciplined and determined. Capricorn governs career, reputation, public standing, with a combination of earthy practicality and inspiring initiative. Those born under this sign are ambitious and purposeful, excel and persevere in striving, climbing, and like the goat, getting a foothold where no one else imagined one existed. 

These dark December days will soon bring us to a new numerical year, 2018 (which is an eleven), and on New Year's Day (at 6:24pm CA time) we'll have an emotional Full Moon in Cancer illuminating the heavens and pulling on our emotions. The Moon is at home in this sign, and the qualities of sensitivity, devotion, and intuition are enhanced. With the Sun in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Cancer both at 11º … and with January 1, 2018 = 11 11 … there will be an undeniable gravitas to this day. one that may call for celebrating or honoring in a non-traditional way. This Full Moon may bring an opportunity for a relationship, or a decision or revelation… this energy will feel spiked with deep feelings and determined intellect. We will consider what "home" means and what we hold most dear, as well as where we can increase dedication, fortify boundaries, evolve and mature in our closest relationships.  This New Year's Day will be a power day numerologically- we enter the power portal eleven, and maybe we can manifest some miracles.

Thank you for your readership, I am grateful for another year of writing. May we all be blessed with resilience and wisdom as we enter the threshold of a new year. 
xo, KK


Aries —With the Capricorn Sun shining on your house of career, these weeks can amplify your ambition and achievement. The emphasis could be on success or failure, your life path, parents, or public reputation.  Consider your longterm life plans during this cycle and organize your aspirations.

Taurus —For this solar cycle, you are encouraged to take a long vacation, either in your mind or with your physical body. The Capricorn Sun is in your house of long distance travel, mental exploration and  philosophy. Possible themes you may encounter include higher education or study of a profound subject, law or religion, mental pursuits or literary efforts. These could all somehow intersect while you're on your travels...

Gemini —With Capricorn Sun inhabiting your house of spiritual transformation, you can expect to encounter some vulnerability or deep feelings, especially in close relationships. Here you'll work with intimacy, intensity, privacy, sex, death and rebirth, and maybe astral experiences. There may be issues with shared assets or wealth that you've inherited, or possibly taxes and debt. 

Cancer —The Capricorn Sun shines on your partnerships and serious relationships, marriage, and working harmoniously with another. There may be issues with contracts, negotiations, legal issues, or disputes. Solidify boundaries and commitments with your partners during this cycle.

Leo —For this solar cycle, let your attention turn toward serving others, offering your gifts, and your well being. Some possible areas of focus may be relationships with co-workers, getting organized, pets, and illness/health. This is the time to purify and detox from leftover bad vibes, and to make your physical and emotional/mental health a top priority.

Virgo —During the Capricorn Sun cycle, your focus can be directed to art and the heart. Follow your creative muse and find self-expression in as many artistic outlets as you can imagine. There may also be themes of love, romance, sex and seduction, and children/offspring.  

Libra —While the Sun is in Capricorn, themes of home and family will be highlighted for you. You may want to spend more time and energy at home, or explore your ancestry or roots in a particular place. Your relationship with your parents may be a theme, or your idea of what home means. 

Scorpio —The Capricorn Sun shines on your communication area for this solar cycle. Some possible themes for you include self-expression, relationships with your extended family, or travel. Think, write, study and learn something, share ideas, and express yourself freely.

Sagittarius —The focus for you for this new Capricorn Sun cycle will be on money matters. Turn your attention to themes of financial prospects, income, earning power, possessions, stability and career. Invest in yourself and believe your self worth.  

Capricorn  —Happy solar return season. Saturn has just recently made a home in your sign and will be staying until the end of 2020, so for the next few years, you'll have plenty to unpack, with new lessons to learn and unlimited growth and maturity opportunities. 

Aquarius  —Capricorn season is always your time stare into the abyss and see what fragments and chaos you can harness into potential insight or inspiration. This cycle for you is about getting rest and closure, and can ask you to confront your sorrows and self-diminishing patterns.

Pisces —For this cycle your attention can turn to your friendships and connections, your involvement with groups or associations, and ways to work harmoniously with other people. Your goals, hopes and wishes are also a focal point for these days.








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Winter is Dreamtime. We are currently in the darkest days of the darkest part of the year, a space that invites us into more silence and solitude, even as we get pushed and pulled to do more, be more social. These are the last few days of Sagittarius Sun cycle and we had a New Moon in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter in Scorpio) on December 17, at 10:30pm CA time. This is the special intention-setting moon for Sagittarius suns for the next year. Next Thursday the Sun shifts into Capricorn and we have Winter Solstice/Yule, when the Darkness births the Sun in the sky. Solstice is when the Sun "stands still" - and then the Light begins to grow and reign. 
This week also brings closure to our final Mercury retrograde cycle of this year, as the communication planet stations and turns direct at 13º Sagittarius on Friday, December 22. It hasn't been the easiest retrograde period, but hopefully there were some revelations and restoration, as well as closure on some parts of the past. Mercury direct will assist our emergence from the underworld of winter.
The most extreme astrological event that happens next week will change things for the next three years, as Saturn ingresses into the sign of Capricorn on December 19. The Cosmic Taskmaster spends around two to two and a half years in a sign on average, so this marks a significant shift for Capricorns and a major cycle beginning for all of us; Saturn will settle into his home sign until March 2020, and then after four months in Aquarius, retrogrades back into Capricorn from July through December 17, 2020. This amplifies the Saturnian influence immensely for Capricorn suns, because it affects the first house, but each sun sign will be affected in different ways depending on which house the action is in for each sign.
The planet of responsibility will be at home in Capricorn, getting comfortable there and able to express its best qualities in general, which we benefit from. Saturn's realm deals with responsibility, hard work, discipline, maturity, lessons, time, fate/destiny. Known as the disciplinarian of the zodiac, this outer planet is the teacher of life lessons that we cannot live and function without, that we must learn in order to grow, and grow up. In Capricorn, Saturn's powers are strong; both the positive and negative qualities will be emphasized. Some traits of of this placement include independence, ambition, being overbearing, dedication, self-sufficiency. Those with Saturn in Capricorn natally may be prone to aches in the joints and knees.
This major shift turns Saturn's attention to a new place for each Sun sign until 2020. So prepare for a few obstacles, some life lessons, increased ambition and focus, and a lot of hard work in a new area of life during this cycle. Let's see what happens.

Possible themes/lessons for your Saturn in Capricorn cycle by Sun sign:

Aries - Career, success, life path

Taurus - Study, travel, mental exploration

Gemini - Intimacy, privacy, shared wealth

Cancer - Partnerships, marriage, contracts

Leo - Health, service, organization 

Virgo - Creative and sexual expression, children, romance 

Libra - Home, domestic affairs, family

Scorpio - Communication, ideas, technology, self-expression

Sagittarius - Money, stability, income, worth

Capricorn - Self-hood, self-sovereignty, how you present yourself to the world

Aquarius - Self-undoing, rest, closure, healing

Pisces - Goals, friendships, vision



… Death & Decomposition, Dreaming & Divination ...

It's the most wonderful time of the year! We are just one week away from Hallowmas/Samhain, the origin holy day of our modern, secular celebration of Halloween. This ancient Celtic festival is literally "summer's end," end of harvest, and the beginning of the new year: witches’ new year. As of Sunday night, October 22, the Sun has settled into the sign of Scorpio.
Happy solar return, Scorpios!

At this time of year the veil between the worlds grows thin and the ancestors draw near. Our guides and guardians, the protective spirits and fae are close and it is easier to connect with, listen to, and interact with them. We are in the Dreamtime of the year… saturated with darkness, inside of which we are nourished, cooked, seasoned. It is a numinous space vibrationally, and tuning in can provide a profound experience ideal for connecting to those that have transitioned from the world of the living, or excavating the inner landscape of the mind and psyche. The descent myths are felt, and even embodied and enacted metaphorically. Many cultures honor death and darkness at this time of year and celebrate rebirth, a return of the light, with some centering around darkness or light.

The Sun in Scorpio, the sign associated with death, intensity, and transformation, encourages us to leave the surface level interactions behind and delve into our own depths, becoming aware of the deepest parts of ourselves. The hidden places of our psyches and souls, the secrets in our hearts, are struck and resurrected - and cannot be ignored. They swim to the surface for our review and understanding, needing to be seen and felt and tended to. There is nothing unworthy lurking inside, nothing to be afraid of, but in this excavation we may encounter shame, fear, rage, despondency, or jealousy to be explored. Scorpio demands that the shadow side get some attention. The scorpion is associated with Scorpio, representing the sting of intensity, but also connected to this sign are the eagle and the golden firebird, which symbolizes the transformative qualities of the sign; the fires of radical change engulf each of us at some point in life, uncomfortable and painful, but the promise in the pain is that this transformation polishes us, swallows our burdens and clinging, and we emerge, rising out of the ashes like the phoenix with clarity and greater insight. An alchemical transformation in the highest sense takes place. Bright firebirds of transformation can rise up reborn, but truly only after being leveled, after descending and spending time in the underworld.
The work of self-awareness and birthing soul’s potential, real spiritual work, is not for the faint of heart.

Scorpio, a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto, is a sign of extremes… with a strong dose of passion and imagination, emotional depth and intensity, contradictions and complexity. The fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) are organized, resistant to change, and unafraid of expressing strong opinions. And the water element implies heightened emotions or functioning predominantly from an emotional place (as well as psychic ability).

Scorpio rules the sex organs, the urinary tract, large intestines, and the pelvis, along with the reproductive and destructive processes in the body. This would be an ideal time to check in with your reproductive and intestinal health, to purge some addictive behaviors and people from life and eliminate habits or excess, to delve back into your meditative and contemplative practices, and to explore sexual wellness, tuning into the erotic and sensual.

Pluto, ruler of this sign, is the ancient Lord of the Underworld, the planet of regenerative forces, birth and death. So Scorpio season itself can be an initiation of sorts, or at least an activation of the parts of ourselves that stay mostly hidden.  This time signifies a shift, not only in the seasons but also in our awareness; if we can adjust vibrationally, we can activate an altered sight, seeing more than meets the eye, and work with each of our senses in a heightened intuitive and instinctual way.  

This is a time for dreams, divination and decomposition.

Some Scorpio Season themes include:
Power struggles, power plays and inner power, keeping and uncovering secrets, death and rebirth, sex, intimacy, privacy, inheritance and legacies, control and manipulation, jealousy, suspicion and possessiveness, revenge, hidden agendas, hidden traumas exposed, scandals, soul retrieval, passion and desire, mystery, sex and sensuality, obsessions, financial alliances and shared wealth, merging, spiritual transformation, psychic phenomena, elimination, regeneration.


This time of year can be an invitation into the cauldron of your deepest self.

Let your prayers and invocations rise to the Ancestors with the incense smoke. Adorn your altar with marigolds and pomegranates and photos of those who have passed from this plane. Align profoundly with the energies that pulse with magick and metamorphosis in this dark time, your heart open as the portals of consciousness expand momentarily.  Listen. Deeply.

May we be blessed and offer blessings.


Scorpio Season Notable Aspects
Oct. 22  
Mars enters Libra
Sun in Scorpio

Oct. 24
Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces 11º

Oct. 26
Sun conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio 3º

Oct. 27
Waning Half Moon in Aquarius
Moon squares Jupiter in Scorpio
Sun squares Moon in Aquarius
Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Nov. 2
Saturn square Chiron

Nov. 3
Full Moon in Taurus

Nov. 5
Mercury in Sagittarius

Nov. 7
Venus in Scorpio

Nov. 10
Waning Half Moon in Leo

Nov. 11
Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries

Nov. 18
New Moon in Scorpio

Nov. 19
Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn




*It is Hallowmas in the Northern Hemisphere, Beltane in the Southern.


*If you are interested in taking the online Dark Goddess course that I offered, please send an email to wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com to register.





— J u p i t e r —

Scorpios Rejoice! Jupiter is coming. 
On Tuesday, October 10, the planet of expansion and luck changes signs, leaving Libra behind and heading into Scorpio (6:20am PDT) until November 8, 2018. Jupiter, the Greater Fortune, is the gentle giant of the zodiac, bestowing gifts and blessings, expanding everything it encounters and bringing joy and optimism in a general way.  

Since September 2016 the good luck planet has been active in Libra, the sign of relating and balance. Many were hopeful that this transit would bring about more global peace and harmony and that didn't happen, but it did show us just how out of alignment we are. This entire year has been one of protests and activism, with Libra Jupiter shining a bright spotlight on the many extreme inequities plaguing our country and the world, and we struggle still to establish balance of some kind in these turbulent times. It's obviously we have work to do. On a more personal level, we all must have done a great deal of relationship work or undergone some sort of relationship evolution during the past year, so it would be good to reflect on that and acknowledge the growth. As Jupiter inhabits the last degree of the sign of the scales, there will be a last attempt at resolution within your relationships or with making decisions.

We can look back to around October 2005 through November 2006, the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio, to get a feel for what patterns may reassert themselves during this transit. In general it will be a boon for Scorpios to have this benevolent planet nest in their sign. While here, Jupiter gets a little darker and more mysterious, and our interest in uncovering hidden truths and diving deeper will be strong. There will be a dynamic pulsation to explore between the energies of freedom and entanglement. Jupiter is all about fortune, expansion, optimism, success, excess, higher learning, wisdom, and abundance. Scorpio's archetypal qualities are about mysteries, hidden agendas, privacy, control, intensity, emotions, death, rebirth, and transformation. 

Jupiter expands things. And although we welcome those boons and all that good luck, the excess he creates applies to all things, including our vices — addiction, self-destruction and obsessive behaviors can also increase during this transit if we're not paying attention. There may also be more investigation into and awareness of mental health and addiction during this transit. 
Jupiter in Scorpio can stir up more interest in all things metaphysical and paranormal, and in subjects around death. Sex will also be a topic and experience of amplified interest; in Scorpio Jupiter can bring about such things as sexual revolution, more focus on reproductive rights, discussions about privacy, intimacy and merging, or plunging into emotional depths - your own and within the context of your relationship dynamic.

Work with this new energy and consider it to be a new beginning. Jupiter's relocation is a pretty big deal, so let's savor this bright spot and activate our dusty optimism, even venturing into setting an intention for what we want to open, deepen and expand in our lives in this upcoming year.  

Some possible Jupiter in Scorpio themes: relationships/relationship dynamics, jealous/possessiveness, freedom, sex, merging, intimacy/privacy, joint resources and shared wealth, interest in the occult, psychic phenomena and astral experiences, addictive behaviors, death, the afterlife/reincarnation, taxes/debts, spiritual transformation.

House Jupiter will inhabit for the next year:
Aries - intimacy, sex, transformation
Taurus - partnership, marriage
Gemini - service, health
Cancer - sex, creative pursuits, fertility
Leo - home, family
Virgo - communication, community
Libra - money, possessions
Scorpio - self
Sagittarius - secrets, self-undoing, healing
Capricorn - dreams and goals, friendship, pleasures
Aquarius - career, life path
Pisces - mental pursuits, higher education



Jupiter / Uranus Opposition

If you have felt frazzled, bedraggled, or bedazzled by life the past few days, I may be able to offer an explanation other than the general zombie apocalypse dumpster fire that is unfolding around us...

Jupiter in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries is usually interesting…. it happens about every fourteen years and this is the third in a series that began in December. Similar themes that showed up then may surface now as these two planets face off. Both Jupiter and Uranus need freedom more than any other planets, and with the tension they create you may feel internal pressures manifest externally, with unexpected, shocking or destabilized events.

And then there's Pluto's station. Today around 12:30 the Lord of the Underworld was roused and turned direct. Of course it will take time for Pluto to gain some momentum and for us to feel the forward movement or relief in the particular area of life that was affected, as he takes quite a long time to get going in either direction. During the five months of Pluto's retrograde cycle, there were undoubtedly lessons learned and dark corners (of the mind) explored. It will take time to digest this initiation. 

Mercury, the planet of communication, will shift to Libra on Friday evening, and this could help give us the energy to talk through some of our feelings and process with our besties and have some communication therapy.

How is everyone doing out there?

… to be continued...




E q u i n o x <=> Libra Season

September 22 marked the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, otherwise celebrated as Mabon. Equinox means "equal night" and this is a time when the Light and Dark are in balance. After this moment of balance, the darkness will begin to wax and reign and we move into the dark half of the year (in the northern hemisphere). This harvest observance marks another turn of the Wheel of the Year- a time to give thanks, to look back on lessons learned, to offer gratitude for our blessings, for the fruits of our labor, for the abundance of the harvest both literally and figuratively.

The Sun's entrance into Libra heralds the Equinox; Sun left orderly and analytical Virgo for balance-seeking, Venus-ruled Libra at 1:02pm CA time on September 22. 
Libra is represented by the scales and longs to find balance and justice in all areas of life. Libra is also concerned with relationships of all kinds and finding ways to be in alignment with love, relating, connecting, and our own desires. Libra is a cardinal air sign, attuned to being easygoing, diplomatic, socially inclined, active and artistic. Some of the traits that cause the most trouble for Libras include narcissism, hidden insecurity, and maddening indecisiveness, while the most beloved traits include skills with relating, diplomacy, style and creativity.

*During Libra season we should pay more attention to our kidneys and adrenals, as well as the low back.
*Some plants/herbs to explore for this season include Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and Rose. 

Overview of Libra Season

Sept 22  Autumnal Equinox / Sun moves to Libra 1:02pm PDT
Sept 27  Jupiter in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries
Sept 28  Pluto turns direct in Capricorn
Sept 29  Mercury moves to Libra
Oct 5     Full Moon in Aries 11:40am PDT
Oct 10   Jupiter moves to Scorpio
Oct 14   Venus moves to Libra
Oct 16   Mercury moves to Scorpio
Oct 19   New Moon in Libra 12:12pm PDT
Oct 22   Mars moves to Libra

I have some new tinctures and potions that I've added to the Kosmic Apothecary page; check them out (I am still adding descriptions). There are some lovely and useful additions that will be helpful to nourish and assist you during Libra season and what seems to be the zombie apocalypse. 

Into the Darkness we go. Goddess bless us all.


Mabon:Autumal Equinox.jpg



Virgo Season

Virgo Season 2017
(August 22-Sept 22)

With all of the excitement surrounding the Total Solar Eclipse (28º Leo) on August 21, everything else fell into the background. We’ll be integrating the transmissions we received and digesting the upgrades that were activated during this Eclipse Portal for quite a while. The visual beauty alone of the eclipse, which was visible only across the United States, will have earthlings talking for months to come. And also, the very next day, the Sun left Leo moved into the sign of Virgo, initiating a new solar cycle. This is the time when we leave the long, carefree days of summer behind and get back to work (school).

Here’s an overview of what’s in store this Virgo season, and a little bit about this sign. If you’re a Virgo Sun, happy solar return month!

Virgo is a mutable earth sign, ruled by Mercury, the planet of intelligence and reason. The symbol of this sign is the vestal virgin, a self-sovereign being, a priestess of Vesta, who was goddess of the hearth. Virgo is a sign of self-improvement, hard work, perfectionism, and information, and the keyword for this sign is “analyze.” This sign is driven to accomplish and to gather and organize information, striving for perfection and to make order from the chaos. Virgo is the sign of intelligence and practicality, common sense and precision. Due to the self-imposed pressure toward perfection and constant pursuit of accomplishment, Virgos can suffer from burnout and mental stress. Virgoans are prone to illness caused by nervous stress, anxiety and tension, as the nervous system and the intestines are ruled by Virgo. During this sun cycle it would benefit everyone, especially Virgos, to reevaluate eating habits, recommit to a fitness routine, and work on stress-reducing practices such as creative visualization, savasana, meditation, and to increase self-care strategies.



On Friday, August 25 in the early morning hours, Saturn, the stern celestial Taskmaster, turned direct in Sagittarius. Saturn has been retrograde since April and in Sagittarius for two years, moving on to Capricorn in December. Saturn’s themes are time, karma, discipline, life lessons, boundaries… not always considered the most fun or lighthearted themes. Saturn’s not a bad guy, his answer is just almost always, “No” which can feel disheartening on the surface but there is likely a good reason or more to consider. During Saturn’s retrograde, there were likely issues confronting you in the area of your chart where Saturn has been spending time. Sometimes Saturn rx cycles can contribute to making us feel lonely, depressed or unmotivated, but hopefully during the past four months we were able to recognize and pay more attention to these issues, find the root cause, and intervene with appropriate means. The retrograde cycle is also the time to reflect and correct -- we are able to see where our boundaries are weak or non-existent, see where we take on too much or shirk our responsibilities, notice tendencies to say yes when we mean no, and explore our relationship to commitment and discipline. Saturn is not a fan of procrastination, laziness, evading responsibility, recklessness. Since during the retrograde cycle it is not productive to begin new projects or take on new responsibilities but rather to deal with issues and complete work from the past, Saturn’s direct station means that things can begin to move forward.



Saturn is the planet of responsibility and discipline, self-control, realism and restriction, the father of Time, and is the one to hand out life lessons for our own good. When Saturn comes back to the exact position as when you were born is known as your Saturn Return, a much-feared but entirely useful and necessary milestone that happens around age 29 (and of course again around age 58). It’s such a big deal that astrologically speaking, cosmic adulthood doesn’t occur until age 28-29, whenever Saturn returns. Now that Saturn is direct, the area of your life that has been affected will find some relief if you did some work or made a plan. Implement the insights or conclusions that you can to. There’s no way around the hard work, the life lessons, the pressure, but there can be intelligence and grace in how you integrate Saturn’s influence. Our character is strengthened when Saturn is around. Through the obstacles we overcome, the hardships we endure, the responsibility we shoulder, we learn to persevere, and our courage and stability is fortified. Ultimately, Saturn represents karma, our destiny, but we must be up for the challenge in order to triumph.
*If you are nearing your first or second Saturn return, you may consider signing up for a Saturn Return Kosmic Koaching session with KK.

And to lighten things just a little, on August 25 the planet of abundance, love and beauty, Venus, ingressed to Leo, inviting a more playful and affectionate love nature. Also, drama, lots of drama. And on Thursday, August 31, mental Mercury also moved into Leo. Mercury finally turns direct in the early morning hours of September 5 (28º Leo), so after that station day, your communication and mental clarity should improve or at least stabilize. Under these influences you may feel compelled to put on a party dress or sexy caftan and sip martinis with your love, or go out on the town with besties and make a little magic. With so much going on in these strange days, savor every small victory and sweet little joy wherever you can.




A few highlights of Virgo season:
Aug 22 - Sun enters Virgo
Aug 25 - Saturn stations and turns direct (21º Sagittarius) + Venus moves into Leo
Aug 26 - Sun conjunct Mercury rx in Virgo
Aug 31 - Mercury moves into Leo
Sep 5 - Mars moves into Virgo + Mercury turns direct (28º Leo)
Sep 6 - Full Moon in Pisces
Sep 9 - Mercury moves into Virgo
Sep 19 - Mercury leaves shadow zone + New Moon in Virgo
Sep 22 - Autumnal Equinox ~> Sun enters Libra





\\ __ Apocalyeclipse__//

Total Solar Eclipse
28º Leo 53’
August 21, 2017

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that has nothing to do with you, this storm is you. Something inside you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up the sky like pulverized bones.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore



Apocalypse (Greek) literally means "an uncovering." A disclosure of knowledge; revelation.



Eclipses are activators. They set things in motion, or initiate things, or reveal, or dissolve/ destroy… often all of the above simultaneously.  

An eclipse could be represented as the image of the Tower tarot card, where there is the promise of inevitable transformation but with no clear indication of exactly what it will be or exactly how it will manifest. An eclipse is like a jolt of electricity, the zap of a lightning bolt, an intense power surge- they can create chaos and instigate change and generally shake people up. What has been in the shadows comes into the light.
It is likely that we could be pushed to the limits, we could feel a resurfacing of the very depths that we keep hidden inside, we could have more of ourselves revealed to us, more truth exposed, more purging of the psyche.

This is the second eclipse in this portal along the Aquarius/Leo axis, and it occurs alongside the second consecutive Leo New Moon. (The Aquarius Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse was at 15º Aquarius on August 7). You may remember that in May of this year the North Node moved into Leo and the South Node to Aquarius. Eclipses belong to particular groups, or families, called Saros cycles, which span the course of 1300 years in the move from one pole to the other. Solar Eclipses repeat approximately every 18 years. This is an oversimplified explanation of a complex astronomical idea, but I include it to provide some context. One way to begin to understand the implications of this eclipse (and others) is to understand which Saros Series it’s part of and the extended context in which it occurs, including historical and personal events that occur along the relevant eighteen year intervals. Tomorrow’s eclipse is part of the series called Saros 145. And there have been major historical events in this country that have happened near eclipses in this series.

The Leo Solar Eclipse is also significant and getting an excessive amount of social media coverage because it is visible only in the US, and that is unusual- a first since the nation was founded. While eclipse effects will be felt no matter where one is located, the effects of the eclipse will be felt most profoundly where it is visible, and major changes will be initiated. That’s why this eclipse has been named “the Great American Eclipse” and why it’s getting so much attention. The other reason for the frenzy is the fact that it hits the same spot in the heavens of the ascendant of Trump, meaning it will occur at the same point (28º Leo) in the heavens as when he was born. There will inevitably be personal implications for him as well as political implications. We (most astrologers) have been watching and waiting these past months anticipating this eclipse and knowing its personal significance to “45” … and that anything could happen. There will be fallout, but it may take a while to play out. The New Moon and Eclipse occur in the sign of Leo, the sign of leadership, ruled by the Sun. There’s also the conjuction with fixed star Regulus which is associated with royalty and rulership; this sets the scene for the rise or the fall of a leader. One thing is certain: things will be set into motion.

During a Total Solar Eclipse, and visible in the path of totality, the Sun’s light will be blocked out entirely by the Moon and the sky will darken. The darkness and shadows that are invoked literally and metaphorically are necessary and must be acknowledged and integrated for the total transformation that longs for manifestation.

Not everyone will be out for this hugely popular event in the US, watching with their much-discussed eclipse glasses, because there are some cultures that believe this to be an inauspicious event, or an intimate event between the sun and the moon (and not for our observation). Vedic astrology has a different perspective on total solar eclipses, as do the Dine’ for example, and some other American Indian tribes. You may choose to observe in a more reverent way if you can tune in genuinely to these powerful energies. Listen to and trust your intuition. It is in the shadows that our eyes adjust and are able to see in the dark. This is a necessary skill for these dark days; we can’t “wishful think” our troubles away, or “light and love” the situation into a higher vibration. When you’re in the dark your orientation shifts so that you move from a deeper place, a soul place, listening with your bones and feeling with your belly.

Eclipses amplify and magnify and activate. To work with these potently charged energies, clarify for yourself what you intend to have activated, what area of your life might need revelation and understanding. Excavate your most hidden and secret shadowy parts, where shame has rooted in and saturated your soul, where avoidance and dissociation have grown vine-like to choke your authenticity.


Set an intention, as you do at all New Moons. Be prepared to have a big shift, but know that it can take up to six months or a year to understand the extent of the changes and where exactly these shifts have taken place. There is always potential for healing to unfold in these times of epic change and turmoil. Death always gives way to rebirth, just as the light cannot exist without darkness; these are Laws of Nature. The process can rip us apart, but we can gather the pieces and create a mosaic with the shards of our broken-heartedness. We have fallen apart, personally, collectively… and the wounds are so deep, the fragility so fully exposed, that no one can deny the brokenness any longer, nor exclaim our okayness, our “oneness” or our “rise-above-it-ness.” We must feel our traumas and wounds, totally, entirely, honestly, intensely. We can turn pain into beauty, churn these difficulties into nectar - it’s alchemy after all. And although there’s no tidy plan or easy path forward, we have the capacity to bear the burden of the alchemist if we choose. There is deep work to do. Let this eclipse portal be a gateway into your own intensity, to have the truth revealed to you, so that you can be uncompromising in the way you live life, so that you can magnetize those forces  that bring blessings, so you can rest in the wholeness of your brokenness, shadows embraced, and know that you will rise.

Blessed be.



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8/8 Lion's Gate

::  8/8/17 = 8/8/8  Lion's Gate (or Lionsgate) Portal is open and active ::

Yesterday's partial lunar Aquarius Eclipse (and Full Moon) opened an Eclipse Portal and also announced today's opening of the Lion's Gate Portal, which happens on 8/8. This portal connects dimensions, the physical and spiritual realms.

The Sun is in the sign and constellation of Leo (the lion). Sirius (the Dog Star), the brightest star, is activated and moves closer to earth, and they align with the Galactic Center. There is potential for humankind to align with these energies and sense or imagine the earth being bathed in celestial spiritual light from both the Sun and Sirius (often called our "spiritual sun"). This surge brings an opportunity for tremendous shifts, up leveling and activation; we can experience a cosmic DNA activation, an upgrade or up leveling of epic proportions. Cosmic Codes of evolution may be revealed and absorbed or activated, beamed and transmitted to us on earth during this time. Sensitives especially may feel this and experience physical symptoms. Some may feel a dynamic stirring or burst of energy, an expansion of the solar plexus region and heart space, while others may feel a buzzing in the head, headaches, or exhaustion and need to sleep more. We can think of this as a "galactivation" that can awaken dormant seeds of karma, gifts and awareness that have yet to manifest in this lifetime, or a system's upgrade for our DNA, or a reminder of our intimate connection with the heavens and Cosmic Consciousness. 

The number 8 is considered to be a number of power, spirituality, infinity, cosmic realms. The Lion's Gate corresponds to the Strength card in the tarot.

From now until 8/14 we can tune in more to these cosmic energies and align as much as we can, upgrading our frequency or vibration, fine tuning our intuition and instincts, clearing old karmas from our DNA and inviting an upgrade for our highest/deepest selves. This is such a strange and surreal time to be alive on the planet. There are no rules or regulations for what to feel or how to navigate these days, as it changes day by day and is unique for each being. For this week especially try to spend time with bare feet and hands in the soil and sea or rivers, and let your second sight (inner vision) awaken to see the unseen. You may feel like you're in a cosmic cocoon awaiting rebirth, so don't rush the process. Take as much time as possible away from screens and social media and instead turn inward. Enjoy some solitude and experience the magick and evolution emerging within you. 

Embody the archetype of the regal and royal lion or lioness of quiet power, watching and waiting, listening and learning, and holding courageous space for the cosmic heart beating still… 
Light a fire in your cauldron and reclaim any power you've given away, offering gratitude and remembering there are more dimensions in the cosmos and in your consciousness than we can successfully imagine.

Blessed be.

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\ \ E c l i p s e P o r t a l / /

We're entering the Eclipse Portal once again this year. In February we had our first Lunar Eclipse of the year at 22º Leo, then a Solar Eclipse in Pisces. On Monday, August 7 on Lunar+Solar Lammas, the Aquarius Full Moon will be exact at 11:11am (CA time). The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 11:22am, 15º Aquarius. We'll experience the visible and potent Solar Eclipse on August 21 at 28º Leo.

All Eclipses are activators and accelerators, bringing about sudden changes, complete dissolution and exciting initiations. These upcoming astral blasts may be connected to events that happened 18/19 years ago. In my public teachings and writings over the years I've advised students and clients to make it a "no whine zone" during the Eclipse Portal, and this is because energetically this is such a charged and fertile space that we seed with our words and thoughts. Be as considerate and clear-minded as you can be navigating these next weeks, which will take focus. Generally speaking, an Eclipse is like a whirlwind of seemingly chaotic energy swirling through your life, doing (what looks like) damage but also rearranging things to work and flow better. Things can get turned upside down. It's like an energetic electrical power surge, where all the power shuts off, then resets everything as it's turned back on. So your considerations can be around what you're ready to release in a big way, maybe something you haven't felt strong enough to let go of on your own until now, and what your genuine invocation is.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by the planet of change and originality, Uranus (modern ruler). Aquarius is the Water Bearer dispensing wisdom, the mad scientist, the outlaw misfit, the logician, the humanitarian, the rebel genius, the hermit mystic. Part of the inherent paradox of Aquarius is that it's the sign of idealism and humanitarianism, but is often emotionally detached in interpersonal relationships, it is the sign of friendship but also the contented outcast, the scientist and the artist, the progressive yet extreme and fixed in opinion. We will need to find a way to make an impactful offering to the collective, to humankind, through means of our unique expression of our radical individuality.

Possible themes for the Aquarius Eclipse include: truth-telling, friendship/aloneness, belonging/being an outcast, justice/political extremism, leadership/radicalism, sincerity/shock value, loyalty/detachment, independence/collaboration, communication, questioning everything, analysis, unconventionality, invention, hopes and dreams, disruption, originality, avant-guard, wisdom. 

Keep in mind that Mercury (in Virgo) stations on Saturday, August 12 in the evening, and will be retrograde until September 5. So this week, as you work within the explosive and electrifying energies, try to also tie up any loose ends with technology and communication before station day. Mercury's backward motion is an opportunity to slow down in every way, from your mental activity to your literal activity (including walking, asana, driving…). The past will likely show up in one form or another, so be prepared. And if something important does resurface, it's because it needs another look, or a bit more attention. After acknowledgment it may finally be able to be released, so that there can be closure. 

If you're interested in more insight or how to work with this intensity, for a short time I'm offering an Eclipse Portal Guide to assist you. Send me an email letting me know you'd like it. ($17)
I also have Retrograde Relief nervine tonic, Mugwort & Rose Dream Potion, and body/anointing oils ready to ship out this week. See the Kosmic Apothecary page.

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For two and a half years, consistently week after week, I've written weekly horoscopes through some of the most dreadful days I've ever experienced, and gratefully, some of the most sublime. Having a writing deadline and keeping the kind of focus and intuition to do horoscopes the way I do them became a practice, part of my daily life, a tether or anchor through the storms and chaos of life shifting dramatically. For two years I wrote for Yoganonymous, as their Contributing Astrological Columnist, writing weekly horoscopes, monthly overviews, yearly overviews and additional seasonal pieces. I truly enjoyed having my column, and hearing from so many readers that my horoscopes were always eerily on point. ;) After Yoganonymous was bought by Wanderlust and dissolved, I moved my horoscopes back here, to the blog (where they were before). (I am appreciative to Dan and Yoganonymous for offering me this position right around my fortieth birthday- I loved the job). Writing my weekly horoscopes week after week for these two and a half years became an initiatory process, a deeply personal practice, which invoked a mythos… I think of Ariadne's story, the red thread, transformation, choice and destiny, and ultimately triumph. I am immensely appreciative of this process and the fruits that it came to bear. But each evolution brings an up-leveling, and new mysteries are brewing in the cauldron.

The format will change a little;  I will take a break from writing public weekly horoscopes for now. I'll write an overview for the month. And soon I'll offer the magickal weekly horoscopes by subscription (I'll make an announcement when that is ready for you to sign up for). I will offer a few online courses to give more specific and elaborate details for the dynamic astrology we find ourselves in regularly. And of course I always have a wait list for natal charts and tarot readings, so get in touch if you'd like to add yourself to the list. 

Thank you for your readership and ongoing support. It is a joy to be your celestial interpreter and to offer insights and suggestions to you for navigating the astrological weather.




July 17-23 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, July 17 - Sunday, July 23  

This is the week that fire signs have been waiting for: the week that the sun moves into Leo. And not only that, but Mars moves into Leo until September and we have a Leo New Moon this week too. We can wave goodbye to Cancer season for another year when the Sun enters boastful Leo on Saturday morning. The sensitive vibes of Cancer, which are necessary for us to actually feel our feelings and deal with them, can make us moody after four weeks so when sun-ruled Leo enters the scene, some emotional heaviness lifts and the mood lightens up in general. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so the Sun is happy here.

Mars, the planet of action and power, leaves Cancer and shifts to Leo on Thursday morning, changing the way we communicate, infusing our words and thoughts with more drama and confidence. Sunday morning is the New Moon in Leo, a time to seed fresh intentions and visions. We have a rare treat of having two back to back Leo New Moons this Leo season, with the second one bringing a powerful total Solar Eclipse.

Some of the additional aspects providing context this week include Venus squaring Neptune, Mars squaring Uranus, Mars trine Chiron, Venus trine Jupiter, Sun/Moon conjunction, and Moon/Mars conjunction. Squares imply conflict or challenge, trines are harmonious and favorable, and conjunctions are most powerful and intensifying.

The astrology of August heats up, and these shifts into Leo land will get everyone warmed up for the summer. I recommend for all signs to try to get their shit together as much as possible now before the Eclipse cycle hits, palo santo smudges and black tourmaline gridding, and sunflowers all around.


Aries & Aries Rising
The new solar cycle begins with the Sun’s entrance into Leo, making the next four weeks for you all about creative and sexual expression. The Sun will settle into your sexy fifth house and your energy will be passionate, making it a good time for artistic pursuits and romance. It’s also the house that rules children, joy and chance, and you may feel inclined for more play or it could be more about fertility/pregnancy. This is called the natural house for the Sun.

Around the time of the New Moon in Leo, clarify intentions of what you want to invoke around  love, romance or your art, in whatever form that takes.

When Mars makes a move to Leo, the sex and seduction increases; Mars is sex drive, and this part of your chart houses sex, passion and love affairs.


Taurus & Taurus Rising
The new solar cycle begins on Saturday morning with the Sun’s move into Leo, turning your attention to home and family matters for the next four weeks. As the Sun settles into your domestic sector, the energy will center on your household, home improvement or renovations, women and children in your life, and all domestic affairs. You’ll be happy to nest and rest at home, to host close friends and family at your space, or to indulge in much-needed self-care.

On Sunday morning we have a Leo New Moon in this same house, so set intentions for this lunar cycle lasting about six months, around bringing you closer to your dreams about home and family, and what it means to you to feel “at home” in the world.

Mars, the planet of power, moves to Leo on Thursday morning and remains until early September; this could bring more passion and give you the drive to complete home projects,  or it could bring some misunderstanding or arguments into your homelife, either with roommates or family members.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
On Saturday morning the Sun moves into Leo, beginning the new solar cycle. For the next four weeks your energy will be directed into ideas, self-expression, and community efforts. You may need to travel for work or as part of your studies, and you also may want to reconnect with extended family. Your sign is the natural ruler of this house; you’ll feel in your element for this cycle.

Sunday’s Leo New Moon is in this same part of your chart. In the time around the new moon, consider what new energy you’d like to bring in to support communicating your ideas and truth, for your studies or for mending relationships with some of your family members. Pay attentions to important conversations taking place on the New Moon.

The planet of drive, Mars, enters Leo on Thursday and brings a burst of bright energy to all of your communications. Be aware that Mars can be aggressive or insensitive here. In general, all things you do related to technology, logic, studies or communicating will be empowered; it is a good time to take some action on ideas.

Cancer & Cancer Rising
The Sun leaves your sign on Saturday and moves into bold Leo, which means your energy is shifting gears a bit. For this solar cycle your attention turns to money matters and opportunities to get grounded. This emphasis on your second house is exaggerated by having Mars move to Leo and also a Leo New Moon.

Mars makes a move on Thursday, and together with the Sun can bring new financial prospects your way, give you the drive and ambition to pursue a new position or outlet for your career, and boost your earning power and income. The Mars energy could also bring a disagreement over money or an expense you weren’t prepared for, but for the most part this dynamic arrangement will be positive and profitable if you work with the energy.

The New Moon arrives early Sunday morning and you can consider how you’d like to improve your finances or increase material success, as well for stability all around and seeing your self-worth.

Leo & Leo Rising
This is your week, Leo, and the beginning of your birthday month. Happy solar return!

We leave Cancer season on Saturday morning, and you can climb out of the heavy twelfth house energy to celebrate the Sun coming home to your sign. The next four weeks are all about you and with Mars moving to Leo as well as two consecutive New Moons in your sign this season, you’ll be on fire! Choose to use your powers for good.

Mars shifts to Leo on Thursday and remains until September, boosting your confidence and self-esteem (since you’re all so shy and quiet) and increasing your magnetism even more. Mars energizes but can also aggravate with all that impulsive and willful energy, so channel it wisely (into sex appeal and ambition).

The first of two New Moons (special) in your sign happens Sunday morning. The next one will bring with it a Solar Eclipse which will catalyze a rebirth or transformation of some kind. In the days after the New Moon, as the Moon waxes, consider what personal prayers or prized but hidden hopes you have that you want to invoke; this can help you prepare for the New Moon and Eclipse coming in August.

Virgo & Virgo Rising
The new solar cycle begins with the Sun’s entrance into Leo, which means that the next four weeks are for you to take time for yourself in deep reflection. This is just a rite of passage the month before your birthday month, a time for you to clear karma and get rest and heal some wounds before your yearly new beginning.

On Sunday we have a New Moon in Leo, and another one next month which is pretty special. The second Leo New Moon accompanies a Solar Eclipse which will bring a transformation or rebirth. For this one, clarify what karmic debts or self-defeating behaviors you’re ready to purge and get ready for the upcoming Eclipse to send a power surge through your life.

Mars makes a move to Leo on Thursday and remains until September. In this sensitive part of your chart that rules endings, self-imposed limitations, hidden agendas and sorrows, Mars can contribute to extreme right brain activity and an overactive subconscious. There could be a confrontation and you may say goodbye to a painful relationship. Tune in to your psychic sense.

Libra & Libra Rising
The next solar cycle begins on Saturday, when the Sun leaves Cancer for Leo, moving into your house of friends and alliances. For the next four weeks you’ll feel like socializing and re-connecting with people, and these connections can lead you to new opportunities.

Mars, the planet of will, moves to this same part of your chart on Thursday and continues to boost your confidence and charisma in social settings. You’ll feel an increase in ambition and will go after your goals; through either technology or teamwork your organization will succeed and your interests and objectives made clear.

We have the first of two consecutive New Moons in Leo on Sunday morning. In the first couple of days after the New Moon is exact, contemplate how you want to move forward into a new cycle and set intentions. The next Leo New Moon brings an Eclipse with it, which is certain to shake things up in some way, either severing a tie or igniting a new collaboration.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
On Saturday we start a new solar cycle, with the Sun moving into Leo, your tenth house of long term plans. The next four weeks will be beneficial for making moves to solidify material success in some way, and for success in matters outside of home and family, including your image and career.

Powerhouse Mars also moves to Leo and only contributes to boosting your ambition and career aspirations. This is prime time to pitch your ideas, get the raise you deserve or branch out on your own. Through your hard work, your fruitful efforts and raw talent, you’ll accomplish much during this time.

The first of TWO New Moons in Leo occur early Sunday morning- this one can be good practice for setting clear and lucid intentions that are both meaningful and ambitious, because the second New Moon coming up brings with it a significant Solar Eclipse which will surely bring big changes or evolution.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
On Saturday we begin a new solar cycle, when the Sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo; the next four weeks will give you an opportunity for success in philosophical or scientific thought and work or with travels. Expansion and growth are available to you during this cycle, and this is the time if you’ve been considering higher education or traveling abroad. Your sign is the natural ruler of the ninth house where all the action will be taking place so it should all feel familiar.

The planet of action, Mars, also moves to Leo and this part of your chart, which could make you more inclined to take big risks and speaking bluntly and honestly. You’ll be more drawn to adventure, and not so much to specific plans that may feel constrictive.

We’ll experience the first of two Leo New Moons this weekend, and the second one brings a powerful punch with a Solar Eclipse. For this New Moon, consider what energy you want to move forward with and what changes you want to make. Think globally for these moons...

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
The new solar cycle begins with the Sun’s entrance into Leo, meaning the next four weeks will be about your connections in intimate relationships. The Sun will settle into your house of intimacy and privacy, emphasizing money or debt that belongs to your partner, joint resources and spiritual transformation. This is the house that rules death/rebirth experiences, intensity, psychic powers and astral experiences... which aren’t part your usual day to day occurrences or thoughts.

Around the time of the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, clarify intentions of what you want to invoke around sex and intimacy, regeneration, and financial investments. A serious financial opportunity could show up now, or your relationship with a lover could intensify and deepen. We’ll have another Leo New Moon (unusual) in a month that also brings an Eclipse, so a transformative shift could be on the way.

When Mars moves to Leo on Thursday, jealousy and possessiveness could arise and rock the boat, so try to stay focused. Mars is sex drive and ambition, and this part of your chart is about sex and intimacy, as well as other people’s money or debt, so there can be more passion and more stress and tension during this transit.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The Sun moves into fire sign Leo on Saturday, emphasizing your seventh house of partnership and marriage for the next four weeks. This part of your chart is all about serious partnerships, creating harmony, and negotiating. This is where you balance your strong sense of individuality with working with another and making an offering.

Mars, the planet of action, also moves to Leo this week and can intensify things in general. Passions and tempers can rise, and you may feel more feisty and impulsive during this time.

We have a New Moon in Leo on Sunday morning, initiating a new lunar cycle that lasts for the next six months; around the new moon time, consider intentions to set that will impact your relationship, or your business partnerships, and what you want with regard to marriage/ partnering. Couples may decide to move in together or get married, or there might be a new collaboration with a creative partner. There will be a special second Leo New Moon in a month that brings an Eclipse! And eclipses always bring big changes, surprises and evolutionary upgrades, so clarify your vision for what you want to invoke and call into being, especially as it relates to harmonious partnership.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
The Sun leaves Cancer for Leo on Saturday, emphasizing your analytical sixth house; for the next solar cycle you’re encouraged to get things back in order, bringing organization to your home, your mind and your health. De-clutter and reorganize, release thoughts that cause emotional upsets, get all doctor visits taken care of, and get back into your fitness or workout routine. Realize that some stress you’re carrying and not dealing with could contribute to illness or feeling fatigued.

Mars, the planet of will, also moves into Leo this week (until September) and will give you a boost of courage, confidence and willpower in your health-focused endeavors. This could be what you need to kick a bad habit or to get motivated.

On Sunday morning we have the first of two Leo New Moons, so spend some time around the New Moon and set intentions around being of service to the world, your own well being, and being in a space of clarity. The next New Moon brings with it an Eclipse, which will certainly bring some revelations and necessary changes. Eclipses are known for zapping us awake where we’ve been resisting or unaware.







July 10-16 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, July 10 - Sunday, July 16

After several weeks of a constant barrage of astrological fireworks (and a long day of literal ones), we get a little time to catch our breath and deal with whatever was shaken loose. This week is on the quieter side although we’re still under the influence of certain aspects that aren’t comfortable. The Sun/Pluto opposition is a pretty volatile energy that we begin the week with. We’ll need to reflect and work with these energies and the others that were stirred up last week and the week before and integrate the experiences that are arising. There’s no reason to rush it, but we should try to deal with what we need to in a reasonable timeframe. Avoidance won’t really pay off in the end.
The energy will be deep, dark, and moody.
We will feel everything deeply- there is no surface level interaction with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. We will confront our depths, our shadows, what we've kept hidden away. We may see power struggles and control issues, uncover secrets, run into projections, fears, unconscious motivations, obsessions.
Themes: shadows, forces, the unconscious, power, death and rebirth, deception and truth.
Don't turn away from your own darkness or shadows. Allow this energy to catalyze a potent shift and transformation. Focus on what you want transformed. Let the energy bring clearing, healing, and a rebirth.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Black tourmaline, sage
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Black tourmaline, lavender
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- Black tourmaline, chamomile
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Black tourmaline, lemon balm

Aries & Aries Rising
This week begins where last week left off. The Sun/Pluto opposition could bring up some conflicts for you around balancing home life and career. With the Cancer Sun in your domestic region and the Lord of the Underworld in your tenth house of work and recognition, you may be pulled in different directions with both areas requiring your attention. You may be forced to make a hard decision about going back to work or changing your career, or maybe about a decision not expanding your family right now.
The moon will wane all week and we’ll have a half moon in Aries on Sunday. You can align with this energy by considering what habits or situations you can release, and consciously letting go of whatever you’ve been holding onto that isn’t healthy for you.

Taurus & Taurus Rising
This week begins with that Sun/Pluto opposition that we started feeling last week, bringing some potential tension between what you’re saying and what you’re really feeling and thinking about. The Cancer sun inhabits your house of self-expression and Pluto in Capricorn has nested in your ninth house of mental pursuits and honesty. These are the circumstances that incite power struggles and aggressive disagreements, so pay attention if you sense things are getting out of hand. It will likely work out better for you to avoid these situations, and instead of losing your temper, excuse yourself and cool down.
We have a half moon in Aries on Sunday, so this waning moon energy can assist you with releasing whatever you feel is holding you back or tying you down.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
The week starts with our annual Sun/Pluto opposition that we got a taste of last week. You may feel some tension with your financial decisions or stability arise, or realize that your financial situation is different from what you thought it was. The Cancer sun in your house of career and money colliding with shadowy Pluto in your area of assets, shared wealth and mergers may mean that you run into issues around joint resources or money that belongs to your partner, or you find you have to deal with your debt or money you owe to others. Avoiding the issue won’t help and can lead to more trouble, as will freaking out, so confront the situation directly and work to build security and stability. You can come up with a new plan if your put your brain power into it.
During the waning moon time this week, try to release patterns of worry or recurring habits that don’t serve you in the long run.

Cancer & Cancer Rising
To start the week we have the sun (in your sign) forming a tense opposition to intense Pluto, bringing this conflict into your serious partnerships. We started feeling this tension with Pluto’s opposition to Mars (also in your sign) last weekend. It’s possible that arguments and power struggles enter your closest relationship(s), making life feel less than harmonious. Unchecked ego trips, power struggles and outright violent outbursts are possible. Negotiations, contractual agreements, and even people’s word not be what they seem, so proceed with caution. Try to avoid fights on social media as well as in person, as things can get out of hand quickly. This isn’t only coming from other people, but it could manifest as coming from you to other people, Crab.
Let the waning moon energy help you dissolve and release whatever you want to clear out from your head, heart and energy field.

Leo & Leo Rising
As we start the week, we’re under the influence of a potentially contentious opposition between the Cancer Sun and Pluto, after already having some conflict with the recent Mars/Pluto opposition and a Sun/Jupiter square. The Cancer Sun in your house that rules sorrows and the subconscious bumping up against powerhouse Pluto in your wellness/analysis house could mean stress-related health issues or addictive or obsessive habits and coping mechanisms getting out of hand. Your may feel an urge to self-destruct, or find that a minor disagreement turns personal and nasty quickly. Just be aware of power plays coming from yourself as well as from others.The moon is waning down after the Capricorn Full Moon, and you can take this time to release some of the old energy or pain you’ve been carrying. The Sun will soon shift into your sign, lifting your mood and boosting your energy and outlook.

Virgo & Virgo Rising
This week begins with the Sun’s opposition to Pluto that we started to feel over the weekend, bringing some potential conflict with people you work with or friends, or with a lover. The sensitive Cancer Sun in your area of alliances collides with power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn, in your house of creativity and sex. Minor disagreements could turn to vengeful aggression pretty quickly, with inflated egos and underhanded power plays from one or both sides. Try to avoid it before it gets started, and know that you don’t need to try to fix things under this influence. You could feel more jealous now when it comes to romance or fame, or possibly see the shadow side of some relationships.
The Moon is waning all week so you can consciously release any energy or thoughts that you’re ready to part with.

Libra & Libra Rising
To start the week we have the Sun forming a tense opposition to power-hungry Pluto, bringing some conflict between your career and work life and your family and home life. We started feeling this tension with Pluto’s opposition to Mars in Cancer over the weekend. Pluto is in your house of home and family, women and children. And the Cancer Sun is in your career/professionalism house. There could be some intensity around motherhood or starting a family, or about your career and work life, ambition, success, or father figures. This tension can make people aggressive and manipulative, so be cautious about getting into arguments with your family about your aspirations or career plans, or with your employer about your family plans.
The waning moon this week can help you let go of whatever you’ve been grasping that is no longer in alignment with what you believe.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
This week starts with the sensitive Cancer Sun opposing shadowy Pluto in Capricorn, making trouble in your communications and considerations. The Sun is in your house of travel and studies, while your ruling planet Pluto is in your self-expression house. It’s easy under these influences for tempers to flare and for misunderstandings to ignite into violent outbursts, so proceed with caution. There may be power struggles or manipulations that you’re involved with, so try to avoid these situations, and at least don’t instigate them. Focus on the travels, adventures, or the explorations into profound subject matter that make this Cancer season valuable to you and your evolution.
With the moon waning down from fullness this week, try to align with that energy by releasing constraints, resentments, jealousy, self-loathing or other mental constructs that, by holding on to them and keeping them hidden, create drama and pain in your life.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
We begin the week with some of the irritating energy we felt last week. The moody Cancer Sun opposes dark and dramatic Pluto in Capricorn, bringing some conflict into your finances, inheritance, or joint assets that you share with either a romantic or business partner. Minor disagreements can turn to destructive aggression quickly, and tempers flare over money and power. Power plays, underhanded or manipulative dealings, or hidden agendas may surface in negotiations now, so be extra cautious.
The moon is waning all week, so you can tune into that energy of release and consciously let go of some of the habits, compulsions or patterns that contribute to stress or pain in your life. The New Moon will arrive again next weekend and you’ll have a fresh start.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
This week begins where last week left off, and we’re feeling squeezed under the Sun/Pluto opposition. The sensitive Cancer Sun in your relationship sector versus the Underworld planet Pluto in your sign may mean that you find yourself in a standoff with someone, and minor irritations could turn into aggressive outbursts. Pluto’s shadowy influence could make you more suspicious, so watch out for that tendency, and try not to project your stuff onto the other person or manipulate the situation in a shady way, even if it feels justified. Your temper may get ignited when dealing with a chaotic situation in one of your relationships and your patience for other people’s issues will be low.
The Full Moon was in your sign and first house over the weekend, so the moon is waning this week; tune into this lunar energy and release any negative coping mechanisms or thought patterns that aren’t working or uplifting to you any longer.  

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
We start the week under the influence of the intense energies we felt last week. The sensitive Cancer Sun makes an annual opposition to powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn, your house of sorrows and rest. This could show up in the general mood, but more specifically you may have zero patience or tolerance for dealing with other people’s issues. Minor misunderstandings could turn easily to hostile outbursts under this influence. With Pluto in this part of your chart, be aware of hidden agendas or manipulative behaviors of others, and even your own resentments and old self-destructive patterns showing up.
After the Full Capricorn Moon over the weekend, the moon wanes all this week, so channel this lunar energy. Look honestly at negative patterns and old pain, see what you’ve learned and integrated, and consciously sift through and let go of as much non-beneficial stuff as you can. Align with the unseen forces on your side and welcome healing in all its forms.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
The tense astrological influences of last week spill over into this week, and we begin the week feeling the Sun/Pluto opposition. The sensitive Cancer Sun in your sex and love house clashes with powerful Pluto in Capricorn in your eleventh house of friendship, stirring up hostilities and bad tempers. Everyone may seem to be operating from their shadow side right now, with ego trips, power plays and hidden agendas - even you, Pisces. So be aware of any manipulation and watch out for tempers turning aggressive from minor irritations. With Pluto in your house of group dynamics and alliances, there could be trouble in your friend group this week; try to stay diplomatic.
The Moon wanes all week, so align with the lunar energies and release whatever petrification you’ve gathered in your heart as you access and name it or as it comes up.




July 3-July 9 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, July 3 - Sunday, July 9  

This week both Venus and Mercury are on the move, changing signs on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. The love planet moves into flirty, flighty Gemini and the planet of communication and the mind enters boastful Leo. Venus in Taurus has been lovely, as it usually is, and now with the move to Gemini the way we relate and love may shift; we may engage with our loved ones more from our heads, making an intellectual connection rather than feeling heavy emotions. While in Gemini, Venus is super flirty and lighthearted and we may find ourselves being more careless with spending money. With Mercury’s move our communications will be more confident and our leadership qualities can come through. We’ll be more direct but could also be more boastful or arrogant. Expressions in the arts, in theatre and music will be successful now.

We’ll experience a Mercury/Chiron trine, a Sun/Neptune trine, a Sun/Pluto opposition to name a few. And on Saturday night we’ll have a Full Moon in Capricorn, bringing closure to the lunar cycle that began six months ago during Capricorn season.

July 4 is America’s solar return (yes, the US is a Cancer… I’ve discussed this a bit in my astro talks over many years if you’ve studied with me in person). I’m certainly not a political astrologer and do not want to be- my specialty is in a different area- but there are some aspects that are hard to ignore. And as much as I don’t want to get into it, and have avoided it actively, some things just jump out and force me to mention them briefly (there are plenty of astrologers who focus on political astrology and are good at it, so I defer to them to write about these things). This is an intense, infuriating, sick and sad time for the US… which is having its nodal return this year (Leo N Node).

I can’t quite seem to put it all into a cohesive thought or clear perspective to say anything meaningful as a teacher/writer/interpreter yet… it’s still churning and cooking. It is a challenge to find balance between being awake and aware but also needing solitude and seclusion away from social media and all the terrible things, between seeing the reality and being outraged and also seeing potential underneath the upheaval and holding onto hope. Sometimes I simply cannot take any more in, but feel guilty looking away, as if soul self-care and social consciousness in our current political situation are at such extreme ends of the spectrum that they can’t be reconciled. Right now I can only recommend monitoring and being responsible for your own psychology, and rather than looking out comparing how everyone else is responding or handling things, to get genuinely rooted into yourself, check in, and be honest about what you can and cannot do each day.

Happy birthday, America.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Pincha mayurasana
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Supta virasana
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- Trikonasana
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Parsvakonasana

Aries & Aries Rising

This week’s astrology picks right up where we left off last week, and we have plenty going on. On Tuesday the love planet moves to Gemini for a bit, which is your communication area. That means all the things related to relationships or finances will be where your mind is and what you’re eager to discuss, and it would be a good time to reach out to family you want to connect with, or invest in travels or studies that are meaningful to you.

The next day Mercury moves to Leo, bringing your thoughts to love and romance, sex and seduction, art and creativity. This could be a great time for an art exhibit or to talk about love or having children or what your passions are. You may even write some lovely poetry or create an art piece for your beloved.

Finally, we have a full moon in Capricorn on Saturday night, illuminating your tenth house of success and career goals. Whatever seeds you planted in December at the Capricorn new moon are growing and manifesting now. You could get some important news, receive some big recognition, even get a raise or promotion. The usual lunacy will accompany this full moon like all others, but for you there should be a luminous silver lining to it.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

On Tuesday Venus, planet of relating and finances, moves into Gemini and your money house; this means business boons and career boosts and even an increase to your income are all possibilities. Venus rules money, abundance, gifts and this part of your chart is about money and security and self-worth. Plan, invest, save, and create new lucrative sources of income for yourself.

Mercury also shifts signs this week, moving to Leo on Wednesday evening. The planet of communication and mental activity will relocate to your house of home and domesticity. Your thoughts, plans and discussions will revolve around family, homelife, security, women and children… you could be talking to your partner about expanding your family, remodeling or relocating, or maybe you’ll reach out to a mother figure or mentor for advice.

A full moon on Saturday in Capricorn lights up your house of travel, studies and mental pursuits. This full moon energy could bring news or revelations, blunt talk and honesty, or maybe travel opportunities. Think about the intentions you set back during Capricorn season for clues.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Venus, the planet of love and money, moves into your sign on Tuesday, bringing a new infusion of good vibes, loving energy and expressive romance to your life. There could also be a financial windfall in the works since Venus rules finances, abundance, worth, and gifts.

On Wednesday evening Mercury shifts into Leo. The communication planet, your ruler, moving into your communication house may just make your month. This aspect puts you in your wheelhouse, Gemini and you should take advantage of it; self-expression of every kind will be strong, sharing your ideas, connecting with family, studying, realizations, building community will all be enhanced and supported. If there are any projects or presentations to do, trips to take, or connections to make, now is your time.

Then on Saturday night we’ll have a full moon in Capricorn, bringing the usual lunacy and revelations. The themes of this moon for you, due to placement, include shared wealth, merging with another, sex, and even astral experiences. Think sex, death and rebirth territory.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

On Tuesday we’ll have love and beauty planet Venus move into airy Gemini. During her stay in this part of your chart you may want to take some alone time, process old heartache and get closure on those parts of your life, or look inside of yourself for healing and compassion.

With discernment rather than moodiness, let go of habits of self-undoing behavior, see hidden agendas you and others may have, forgive, and clear some karma.

Mercury moves on Wednesday, shifting from your sign into Leo. Your financial stability or career could get a boost, or you could at least open a dialog about improving finances, starting a new career, or making more money doing what you enjoy. Your mind should shift to money matters during this time so you can move toward your goals.

This weekend we have a Capricorn full moon bringing luminous energy to your relationships, partnerships or marriage. Full moons are high energy, and they can often bring news or information. Landing in this part of your chart means you could get some illumination about your connections, serious partnerships or even contractual agreements.

Leo & Leo Rising

This Wednesday Mercury, the mental planet, moves into your sign and first house. This is the most personal area and is all about your self-hood. Your thoughts, memories and conversations will be close to your heart and all about you, your hopes and desires and favorites. This shouldn’t be a problem for you, Leo. ;) You may even decide it’s time for a makeover, new haircut or new look (your appearance is part of this house).

Venus moves into Gemini on Tuesday and brings new energy and affection into your friendships and to the relationships you have with those you work with and the groups you’re a part of. You could even feel a love connection blossom with a friend. Your long term dreams will be infused with more beauty and your vision for your life can expand here.

On Saturday we have a Capricorn full moon in your area of service and health. Full moons bring high energy and even news or realizations; you could get health-related news or information about your pet or someone you work with. Any health related intentions you set six months ago (during Capricorn season) should be manifesting or becoming clear now.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

This week both Venus and Mercury change signs. Venus moves to Gemini on Tuesday, shifting energy to your professional world, your community standing and your success. Venus rules over love and relationships as well as money matters, so this can be a beneficial time to grow your material success. You may have advice coming in from a father figure or male mentor that will be helpful.

On Wednesday your ruling planet Mercury moves to Leo, your house of self-imposed limitations and karma. You may need more solitude and seclusion now, rest, and healing. Release self-defeating behavior and focus on getting closure in order to heal. Your thoughts may veer into more mystical, hidden and spiritual themes.

We have a full moon in Capricorn coming up on Saturday, illuminating the part of your chart that rules passion, creativity, love and romance, sex and fertility. Often full moons bring completion or endings to cycles and heightened emotions. Think about what was initiated six months ago during Capricorn season- this may be the end of that cycle. You could get news about a love affair or artistic endeavor around full moon time.

Libra & Libra Rising

On Tuesday, your ruling planet Venus moves into Gemini, your house of travel and philosophy. You may fall in love with a foreigner, philosopher, scientist or artist, or get married abroad. The arts, studies, long journeys, and self-discovery will be what you’re drawn to now.

Mercury, the mental planet, shifts signs as well, nesting in Leo and your house of selfless service and well being; this is a good context for analysis and organization, health related pursuits and being helpful in the world by offering your gifts. Connect with the people you work with and try to make a plan for your health care during this time.

Then on Saturday we have a Capricorn full moon bringing the usual heightened emotional state and completion of the lunar cycle. This moon shines on your house of family and home, the natural house of the moon, and the full moon themes will be based on this area. You may receive news or reach the end of a cycle related to parents, children, home improvement plans, a relocation, or other domestic affairs. Self-care and roots/ancestors are also potential themes that may arise.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Venus, the planet of finances, love and beauty, makes her way into Gemini on Tuesday, and enlivens your sex and intimacy sector. You could partner with someone in love or business now, merging physically and emotionally or financially, receive a gift or inheritance, or come into money or resources through a partner. This is one of the more mystical and intense houses in your chart.

The next day Mercury changes signs, moving into Leo and your career sector. This would be a good opportunity to make some long term plans about your profession, to express your talents and improve your expertise, and essentially to grow your material success.

This weekend we have a full moon in Capricorn. Full moons bring out strong emotions and sometimes craziness, and in your communication sector, you could be bold verbally or in your correspondence, or maybe you’ll get some important news about your family or  travels. The intentions you set six months ago during Capricorn season are manifesting now.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This week both Venus and Mercury change signs, on Tuesday and Wednesday. The planet of love and money shifts to Gemini and your relationship area. This could mean that you’ll be more sensitive to creating harmony in your serious partnerships, both business and personal, and you could enjoy some social and financial pleasures. Contracts and negotiations should be successful during this time.

The planet of communication, Mercury, shifts to Leo, your house of travel and deep studies. This makes it a good time for you to pursue educational and travel opportunities and to dive into mental pursuits. You may be more honest and blunt in your communications and take more risks now in general.

We have a full moon in Capricorn on Saturday illuminating your money house. As with all full moons, there will be heightened emotions and the end of a cycle - the intentions set six months ago at the Capricorn new moon are now manifested. You could get some important news about financial prospects or your career or possessions. Let the fullness of this luminary remind you of your self-worth and value.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

This weekend, on Saturday, we have a full moon in your sign, the completion of the lunar cycle that began during your birthday month at your new moon. Think back to those intentions you set and seeds you sowed during your season and see how they’ve manifested or are growing. Remember your inherent perfection and acknowledge the fullness of your life and what you’re grateful for.

Venus, the planet of love and money, moves into Gemini on Tuesday, your health house. You may invest money in fitness or health now, or maybe something in the wellness field provides income for you. Get rid of what causes worry, which can lead to illness, and re-organize your work and living spaces for optimum energetic flow. You’ll be drawn to beautifying and adorning now.

The mental planet Mercury shifts to Leo on Wednesday, to your third house (natural house) of communication. The communication planet is at home in the communication part of your chart, giving you success in self-expression, with writing, speaking, and technology, and increasing your bright ideas and clear perceptivity.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

On Tuesday evening Venus, the planet of love and worth, enters airy Gemini and brings new energy to your house of sex and love. Romance, sex and seduction, creative pursuits and passions, even fame and fertility are encouraged and enlivened here. With the love planet nesting in your house of heart you should have plenty of beautiful experiences to encounter during this transit.

The planet of the mind, Mercury, also changes signs, moving to Leo; your thoughts and musings, conversations and connections will be about serious partnerships. This is your area of relationships and marriage, but business partnerships, negotiations and contractual agreements will also be supported now.

We have a full moon in Capricorn on Saturday night shining on your mystical twelfth house. Full moons generally incite lunacy and heightened emotional responses, but they also signify completion of a cycle, and this part of your chart is about completion and closure. You may get news of a hidden agenda, heal a wound from your past, and you’ll certainly have strong psychic powers. Try to rest deeply and commune with la luna, reflecting and healing.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Venus, planet of love and beauty, changes signs and moves to Gemini on Tuesday. She’ll reside in your house of home, bringing focus to self-care and your relationships with your partner, parents, children, etc. You could invest in home improvements now, real estate, or beautification, expand your family somehow. Adoration of and appreciation for your closest intimates and recognizing what you value most are themes for you.

The communication planet Mercury moves to Leo and your house of wellness; start organizing your space, get your health back on track by getting doctor appointments out of the way, buy a new gym membership, etc.

We have a full moon this week in Capricorn, which illuminates your alliances, friendships, memberships, and long term goals and objectives. The intentions you set six months ago during Capricorn season are unfolding now. You could get news or have revelations, benefit from some good fortune or re-align with your life’s vision under this moon’s influence.




June 26-July 2

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, June 26- Sunday, July 2  

We’ve just had the shift from communicative Gemini to sensitive Cancer sun cycle, and the new moon in Cancer initiated a new moon cycle for us to manifest and activate new intentions. This week is quieter than last week when it comes to major movements, but there are some interesting aspects in play. We’re certainly still under the influence of so much Cancer energy and the sensitivity, moodiness and empathy that brings. The main shift this week will be Chiron, the wounded and healed healer, turning retrograde on Friday night in Pisces. Chiron will be retrograde until December. When a planet (or planetoid) stations (the day it turns direct or retrograde), it can be disorienting or discombobulating, as though that planet’s energies are all exposed, erratic and wild… these days are pivotal and often set in motion some changes. If this year marks your 50th birthday, you’re having your Chiron return (sometimes it happens at 49 or 51). It’s a notable milestone, and just like your Saturn return at age 29ish, the more self-awareness and sensitivity you have going in, the more ease and capacity you’ll have while moving through this rite of passage. I like Chiron’s complexity as an archetype and value the insight he brings. This transit does unearth our oldest and deepest wounds, as Chiron represents in our chart where we feel fundamentally wounded, but there are intelligent and productive ways to work with it.

The moon is waxing and moves through Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio this week. And there will be a Mars/Pluto opposition that I’m paying attention to, a Mercury/Pluto opposition, and Mercury will trine Neptune and square Jupiter.

*If you’re having your Chiron return this year, I’m offering a Chiron Return Special ($44) to assist you during this transformative milestone. Email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com with the subject "Chiron rx" in the subject line to sign up. 

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- White angelica essential oil
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Supta virasana, tourmaline
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Rose quartz
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Lucid dreaming or dreamwork

Aries & Aries Rising

Chiron, the wounded and healed healer, turns retrograde in Pisces on Friday night. Station days are pivotal and with Chiron in your house of sorrows and self-undoing, it is likely that a transformation is initiated or set in motion on Friday. During this transit let the broken parts of yourself be exposed, let the hidden agendas be revealed so that you can retrieve your lost parts of your soul. Indulge in self-care in the form of energetic and mental wellness and physical pampering. Both Neptune and Chiron will be retrograde in Pisces, creating a perfect storm of potential spiritual transformation and personal evolution.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

On Friday night the wounded healer Chiron stations and turns retrograde in Pisces. During this transit, which will last until December, you could have some healing work to do in your friendships or in a group you belong to. You could be triggered and have an old wound resurface, or have some old relationship ghosts return to haunt you now. Embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation, pay attention to where you feel pulled to do this work… This transit could also affect your long-term dreams, your objectives, or intellectual pleasures. Neptune just recently turned retrograde in this same sign so there’s a chance to heal hurts and non-beneficial thinking and relating.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

This week the wounded and healed healer, Chiron, stations and turns retrograde in Pisces. This transit will activate your house of career and achievement. From now until December Chiron will likely stir up some old wounds related to father figures, men, money and material success, your reputation. There could be something about your self image, your ability to accept responsibility, what you accomplish out in the world that comes up now that needs to be addressed. Neptune, the planet of dreams, recently turned retrograde in Pisces, so there is potential for spiritual transformation over these next months. Pay extra attention to any illnesses that occur during this transit.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

On Friday the wounded and healed healer Chiron stations and turns retrograde in Pisces. This transit lasts until December and occurs in your house of mental exploration. During this time, although you may feel vulnerable and hesitant, be open to the discomfort and welcome this opportunity to have a spiritual transformation. Sometimes Chiron transits can bring illness or a health crisis, so listen to your mind and body and take extra care of yourself now. This is a time to look honestly at your old wounds and how they play out in daily life when not addressed. Neptune recently turned retrograde in this same area, so there’s already dynamic energy unfolding around themes of travel, study, higher education, philosophy, discovery and freedom.

Leo & Leo Rising

Chiron, the wounded and healed healer of the zodiac, stations and turns retrograde on Friday. This transit lasts until December and is in your house of merging. Chiron transits can sometimes bring a health issue, so make sure to take care of yourself, and if there is an illness that comes up, pay attention to it. It’s possible that a surgery might be needed during this period. During these next months Chiron’s retrograde will encourage your own review of how old wounds are still affecting you and renew a commitment to pay attention to these primary hurts and deal with them in a straightforward way. There could be some wounds around sex and intimacy that show up, or fears about death or the afterlife.

Neptune, the dreamy planet, is also in this part of your chart and turned retrograde a week ago. Listen to your intuition and trust it.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

This Friday Chiron stations and turns retrograde. Chiron is the wounded and healed healer, showing us where our fundamental hurts live inside us, and while retrograde, there’s a chance to be broken open in a deeper way so that true healing can occur. This retrograde cycle, which lasts until December, will be in your relationship sector and could stir up an old memory of a painful experience that gets activated and animated in your current circumstances. The themes of these old wounds could be around marriage or divorce (maybe of parents), contracts, open enemies, or serious partnerships in either personal or business realms. Take care of yourself, your health and emotional well being during this transit.

Neptune is also recently retrograde in this same area, so there’s potential for deep work and spiritual transformation in the next months.

Libra & Libra Rising

On Friday of this week Chiron turns retrograde in Pisces, your house of wellness. Chiron is the healer of the zodiac, using his wounds to inspire his work of healing others. Now until December may be a time for you to explore the apparent woundings you’re experiencing, determine which are old hurts triggered by current circumstances, and begin the work to restore wholeness in certain areas. Chiron transits can sometimes bring a health crisis or physical symptoms, so pay attention to your body and take extra care of yourself. Eliminate people and situations that drain your vitality and cause mental stress.

Neptune, the planet of spirituality, also just recently turned retrograde in Pisces, so there’s a lot of energy in this part of your chart. Think of this as inner housekeeping and tending to a sort of soul retrieval for the disconnected parts of yourself.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Neptune, the spiritual planet, recently turned retrograde in Pisces, your house of art and the heart. You’re getting accustomed to the dream work or spiritual work you’re doing with this transit and this week, on Friday, this part of your chart gets more attention. Chiron, the healer of the zodiac, turns retrograde in Pisces until December. During this retrograde cycle you could feel broken open in a new way, with an opportunity to mend in a harmonious way, through a sort of soul retrieval to reanimate the lost parts of yourself. Or you may find that what feels like a fresh wound is actually an activated old wound. Take care of your health during this time, and your mental wellness too. This part of your chart is all about creativity, artistic and sexual expression, love and romance, amusement and joy, even fertility; look deeply at where you feel restricted in art, sex, joy and or fun.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This Friday Chiron, the wounded and healed healer, turns retrograde in Pisces, your domestic domain. During this transit, that lasts until December, you may feel triggered in the present which activates an old wounding you’re still carrying. You may become aware of just how many old hurts are still haunting you and causing conflict in the present. Chiron’s retrograde cycle could also bring an illness or health issue, so pay attention for that and take care of yourself. Any old stuff about mothers or children, family, roots and ancestors, or home that arises can be addressed and worked with consciously now, so that a clearing and healing is possible.

Recently Neptune just turned retrograde in Pisces and this same part of your chart, so there will be a lot of energy if spiritual transformation or evolution there for you to work with.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

On Friday Chiron stations and turns retrograde in Pisces, your communication sector. Chiron is the healer of the zodiac, called the wounded and healed healer, and during this cycle which lasts until December, you’ll have the opportunity for healing and inner work. You could feel like you’re having a wounding experience and upon closer investigation see that the experience is a trigger that has unearthed a buried wound from the past. This transit could also stir up an illness or health issue, so make sure to take good care of yourself and your health now. Neptune, the planet of dreams, is also retrograde in this part of your chart, so the potential for a minor dark night of the soul or illness followed by reintegration and spiritual transformation are there. Old pain related to self-expression or your family ties or community could surface for you to deal with head on, Cap.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

This Friday, Chiron, the wounded and healed healer, turns retrograde in Pisces. This area of your chart deals with money and worth, finances and possessions, stability and your career security. You may find that during this retrograde cycle, which lasts until December, you encounter health issues or an illness that needs to be addressed. Take care of yourself and guard against mental and emotional stress. You may also find yourself in a situation that triggers or activates buried pain from an old wound, likely about money or self-worth. Embrace the discomfort and explore this old stuff so that there can be a reintegration, calling back the disconnected parts of your soul.

Neptune, the dreamy planet, is also retrograde in this exact part of your chart so your inner work and contemplations have already begun. This exploration can lead to another evolution of senses, deeper understanding of yourself and psyche and ultimately, healing.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Your ruling planet Neptune turned retrograde in your sign recently, sensitizing your senses to a higher spiritual energy. Your already empathic and psychic nature could be feeling overwhelmed with householder life now, and either confused about your purpose or gaining deeper insights into your spiritual purpose in life.

Chiron, the wounded and healed healer, stations and turns retrograde on Friday night-- this also happens in Pisces and your first house, bringing even more spiritual, transformative and evolutionary vibes up close and personal. This retrograde cycle lasts until December, and in these next months you could experience an illness or health issue, so take extra care of yourself. You may notice that when you feel hurt now you can trace this trigger back to a much older wounding that was never fully resolved, or perhaps denied and repressed completely. Now is the time to unearth some of these old wounds and process and heal these disconnected places in your body, soul or psyche.





Summer Solstice Shift

Monday, June 19 brings Midsummer Eve, an evening of flickering candles and divination, mugwort and deep dreams.

Tuesday, June 20 is Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) or Litha - the pinnacle and purna (fullness) of the Light, the triumphant day of the Sun, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Astrologically, Solstice is initiated when the sun moves into 0 degrees Cancer, which is exact at 9:24pm PDT on Tuesday night. Solstice is a day of radiance and boundless light, a time to celebrate abundance and offer gratitude.

The great and shining Sun reaches its perfection and fullness, and in a moment’s time we head into the dark half of the year. It will still be summer for quite some time, but we know that the light wanes and the darkness builds. This is the wheel of the year, turning once again…

Our lives, when aligned with nature’s way, pulse in this same way.

We are in familiar territory; life is constantly shifting and changing, bringing beauty and challenges, and there’s always more. That is the promise of life: the promise that there will always be more, more of everything. When I am asked what is happening astrologically, I say, “Everything. All the time.” And it’s true.

This is happening in your lives as well, the unfolding and releasing, invoking and establishing. There is a constant pulsing of life flowing, waxing and waning, expanding and contracting. The Great Creatrix blinking us into into being, disappearing us, and bringing us back again. Birth, death, rebirth. We have an intimate understanding of this experience living life as householders on a path, navigating the exquisite and terrifying, holding the midline of ourselves and our sadhana (true spiritual practice).

Many are going through big changes at this time, some unexpected, and the enormity of the destabilization and confusion can be overwhelming. This is a time of immense amplification and acceleration. Some of you may feel like you’ve been startled by sudden change, your shell cracked open, your paradigm shifting. Remember to hold the midline and trust, even in the uncontrollable changes that seem to be devouring you. Shakti, the creative potency of the Universe is reorganizing you, and your life.

This can feel uncomfortable, even unbearable, but through our practices we are becoming more skilled at allowing every circumstance of life to take us into the molten radiance of our hearts. That is yoga. It takes time and in the midst of it it isn’t pretty, it doesn’t feel good, and sometimes there is nothing to do but let the feelings and energies wash over you as though standing under a powerful waterfall.

Feel everything.

Try to stay rooted, in your belly and bones, with your heart open in radical vulnerability, and hold on. Love yourself fiercely and allow your compassion to turn inward as a new practice. Make art with your tears and frustrations, dig your fingers and toes into the black earth to ground, and remember that you belong. Light a fire in your heart. More will unfold- there’s more to the story.

On this Solstice, make a date with the Sun, bask in the warmth and relish the sunshine. The fullness of the light breaks into the beginning of the dark in its ancient way. At sunset say goodbye to the Sun disappearing into the sea, to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice.

Late Tuesday evening, light a candle and renew your commitments and offer your blessings. Bow to the golden radiance that burns brightly inside your own shining heart.

xo, KK
*I updated this piece. Originally on the website and then published in 2015 on Yoganonymous.com, where it got 3.7k likes in a couple of days. It is just as relevant now. 
