
June 19-25 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, June 19 - Sunday, June 25

This week is Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) or Litha, another turn in the Wheel of the Year. This represents the triumphant day of the Sun, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Astrologically, Solstice is initiated when the sun moves into 0º Cancer, which will occur at 9:24pm PDT on Tuesday. So on Tuesday we’ll also enter Cancer solar cycle, and right away on Friday we’ll have our Cancer new moon, the starting point and new beginning for Cancer suns. The moon is the ruler of the sign of Cancer and bestows upon the Crab an ability to connect emotionally and a deep sensitivity. This sign rules the breasts and belly. On Wednesday in the early morning hours Mercury, the mental planet, moves into the sign of Cancer also. We’ll be swimming in a sea of feelings for a while. So if your sun or ascendant are in Cancer, this will be your week! And if you’re everyone else… enjoy Solstice. :)
xo, KK

When reading your horoscopes for insight and inspiration, take what is valuable to you and leave the rest. Horoscopes are written for a general audience. Read your sun sign first, and if you know your rising sign, read that next. This could give you a more expansive view of how these aspects may be felt for your personally. For specifics, deeper insight and understanding about how this astrology affects you personally, sign up for a natal chart or transit report, or a Kosmic Koaching session. Please note there is always a wait list that you’ll need to be added to. Email for more info. And to receive special emails that elaborate on various astrological events, go to the “Contact” page to subscribe to make a monthly donation.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Flourite
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Aventurine
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- Moonstone
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Silver and Moonstone

Aries & Aries Rising
We celebrate Summer Solstice this week, when the sun moves into the sign of Cancer which happens Tuesday night. This new Cancer sun cycle of four weeks is in your house of home and family. And the new moon on Friday night is also in Cancer, which means you can set intentions now that will grow for the next six months that revolve around your homelife. Themes for this Crab season include domestic affairs, relocating or redecorating, women and mother-figures, children, foundations, self-care and home.

The planet of communication, Mercury, also moves to Cancer on Wednesday, keeping the focus of your thoughts and conversations on family matters. This would be an ideal time to discuss expanding your family, real estate, your parents, to spend time with and get insight from female mentors or mother-figures in life, or to just invest more time and energy into your family members and homelife. All of this water makes you uncomfortable for the most part, but it could be beneficial to soften just a little and look for ways to create a cozy and stable home.

Taurus & Taurus Rising
This week we celebrate Summer Solstice, when the sun moves into Cancer on Tuesday night. For the next four weeks, your attention will be focused on communication, travel and family ties. On Friday there’s a new moon in Cancer, a time for you to set new intentions which will grow for the next six months, with themes of ideas and technology, community and family, travel and self-expression.

The communication planet Mercury moves into Cancer and this part of your chart on Wednesday, joining the party. This is an optimal placement in your chart for inspired and clear speech and logic and for doing such things as applying for artist residencies or writing jobs, learning a new manual skill or studying a new subject.

As an earth sign all of this water energy could make you feel heavier than usual, or maybe cloud your perceptions slightly, so stay focused on your goals and use this energy to your advantage.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
It’s Summer Solstice this week, happening on Tuesday night when the sun enters the sign of Cancer. This initiates a new solar cycle, so for the next four weeks your energy will shift to second house themes: money, career, possessions, stability, and self-worth. This will be a great month to focus on your financial success and making any plans or moves that will further your career. We have a new moon in Cancer on Friday, so the intentions that you set will be about abundance and wealth and worth. These intentions will grow until the full Cancer moon six months from now.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, joins the sun in Cancer on Wednesday moving into this same part of your chart. Your thoughts and conversations will center on finances. This is a great time for planning new sources of income and increasing your earning power.

Cancer & Cancer Rising
This is a good week for you, with a lot of action in your first house. The sun moves into your sign on Tuesday evening making it your solar return month. This also initiates Summer Solstice, when the sun reaches 0º Cancer. This is the longest day of the year and a personally significant day for you to contemplate how far you’ve come and what you’re grateful for.

Also this week you’ll have Mercury joining your sign and first house. Mercury is the planet of communication and thinking, so your considerations will be clear, communication direct and self-expression strong.

Your new moon of the year comes quickly, happening this week on Friday night. This Cancer new moon is special for you, a time to set intentions for how you want to live. These seeds planted will grow until the full moon in your sign six months from now. Tune in to your intuition and align yourself with yourself with this seasonal and energetic shift; speak out like a spell your heart’s desires for this new year.

Leo & Leo Rising
This week we celebrate Solstice, the longest day of the year, triumph of the sun, your ruler. The sun enters the sign of Cancer on Tuesday night and initiates Cancer sun cycle; for the next month you’ll feel compelled to get rest and do some healing. Since it’s the month before your solar return, the sun spends time in your house of endings and closure and you get to release self-defeating behaviors and clear old karma. This is a necessary time for you, so that you can look honestly at your life and clear out what’s holding your back and sabotaging your joy.

Mercury, the communication planet, also moves to Cancer this week, further emphasizing the need to let go of disappointments and think about ways to enact compassion and self-acceptance. Hidden agendas and secrets could come to light now, which only assists your transformation.

There’s a significant new moon in Cancer on Friday night in this same part of your chart; set some intentions to let go of sorrows and self-defeating tendencies and to invoke your dreams.

Virgo & Virgo Rising
This week is Summer Solstice, when the sun moves into Cancer. This new sun cycle in your house of friends and wishes begins on Tuesday evening. For the next four weeks your energy will be focused on alliances, intellectual pleasures, the groups you belong to, and your goals and objectives in life.

Mercury, the mental planet, joins the sun in Cancer and your eleventh house. This will be a more social time period for you, and you’ll be able to deepen friendships and make new acquaintances. Think about and talk about things like what you value in friendship, what you enjoy about other people, your idealism and your long term goals.

Also, on Friday evening we have a Cancer new moon initiating a new lunar cycle. Set intentions for this new beginning, clarify your vision and remember your dreams.

Libra & Libra Rising
This week the sun moves into the sign of Cancer, making it Summer Solstice. The sun enters the sensitive sign and your career sector on Tuesday evening. For the next month your attention will turn to work, your achievements, and material success. This part of your chart also connects you to fathers and father figures, and all aspects of your profession.

On Wednesday, Mercury, the planet of the mind, joins the sun in Cancer and your tenth house. This is a great time to verbally express your long term goals, ask for a raise or promotion, or have a brainstorming session with an expert in your field or male mentor or father figure.

Additionally, there’s a new moon in Cancer on Friday night, further emphasizing work and achievement; set intentions for this new lunar cycle all about success, ambition and achievement in the work you do in the world.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
We celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year this week: Summer Solstice is on Tuesday. This also means that the sun is shifting into Cancer, your house of studies and travel. For the next four weeks, you’ll be drawn to explore new educational pathways, higher education, foreign travel, religion and philosophy and self-discovery.

Then on Wednesday, the mental planet Mercury also moves to Cancer and this part of your chart. Your mental energy and conversations will be all about these ninth house themes. Mental pursuits, blunt talk and honesty will come to you with great ease.

And finally, we have a new moon in Cancer on Friday night. This new lunar cycle will wax for the next six months until the full Cancer moon, so set intentions now for travel plans, freedom, and new explorations.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
We celebrate the solar festival of Solstice this week, when the sun moves into the sign of Cancer on Tuesday evening. For the next month, your attention will be focused on themes of intimacy and privacy, shared resources, and astral experiences. You may decide to move in with a lover or join forces with a business partner now, or there may be an inheritance.

Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Cancer on Wednesday and into this same realm. This implies that your thoughts and conversations will center on these same themes.

You may need to discuss sex or shared wealth or your spiritual experiences.

In addition, we have a new moon in Cancer on Friday night, beginning a new lunar cycle. Set intentions for the new moon keeping with these same themes. You can invoke deeper intimacy with a partner or to have more psychic sensitivity to spiritual experiences for example.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
This week we celebrate Summer Solstice and the sun moving into Cancer on Tuesday. This shifts your energy to relationships, partnerships and marriage for the next month. This part of your chart is all about the mate your choose in life, the people you go into business with, the partnerships you make.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, joins the sun in Cancer on Wednesday and moves more mental energy and focus to your partnership house. This would be a good time to make negotiations, enter into a contractual agreement, or make things official with your love.

There’s also a new moon this week in Cancer, on Friday night. Set your new moon intentions for the next lunar cycle all about relationships and harmony within your serious partnerships.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
We’ve arrived at Solstice, and this week on Tuesday the sun moves into Cancer, your house of health. For the next four weeks of this cycle your attention will turn to health and spiritual hygiene. Get rid of anything that causes so much stress it makes you sick. And get re-organized at home and in the office. Make your health a priority now.

Mercury, the mental planet, also moves into Cancer this week and puts more of your mental energy and focus on your well being. This would be a good time to get doctors visits and check ups done.

The new moon on Friday evening is also in sensitive Cancer. Set your new moon intentions for this new cycle that deal with wellness, clarity, how you are in service in the world, and your pets.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
This week we celebrate Summer Solstice, when the sun moves into the sign of Cancer. For the next four weeks of this sun cycle your attention will be on art and romance. You may fall in love or make a commitment now, or explore your creative passions in a new way…

The planet of the mind, Mercury, also moves to Cancer this week, on Wednesday early morning. Your mental energy, thoughts, visions, and your conversations will be more focused on love, sex and art.

And then on Friday night we have a new moon in Cancer in this same part of your chart. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle about love and romance, fertility and children, pleasure, and creative expression. The mental seeds that you plant now will grow for the next six months and bloom at the Cancer full moon.





June 12-18 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, June 12 - Sunday, June 18  

This week we’re still adjusting to the dynamic astrology of last week and the weekend before that. Jupiter is getting used to direct motion and we are ready and waiting for the magic-maker’s positivity and expansion in our lives. At this point, we’ll take anything we can get, and Jupiter is a powerhouse planet of good vibes. This week another outer planet causes a stir; Neptune turns retrograde until November 22. Neptune is retrograde about half of the year, so it’s not a new experience but maybe one that you’re just becoming aware of. There’s plenty to say about this but in general during this time the empaths are more empathic, the dreamers are dreamier, and our delusional and addictive tendencies can surface and be more pronounced, so we should be aware. After last week’s movement, Venus is happy to be at home in Taurus and Mercury is best suited for Gemini, so many of the aggravations that surfaced over the past weeks, especially in romantic partnerships or with loved ones, will ease up now. And it’s almost time for Solstice!?!
xo, KK

Some notable aspects:
Tuesday- Mercury/Jupiter trine, Mercury/Neptune square
Thursday- Sun/Saturn opposition
Friday- Neptune rx in Pisces
Sunday- Moon/Jupiter opposition, Mercury/Saturn opposition

I am recommending black tourmaline for all signs this week in particular, and for the rest of Neptune’s retrograde cycle as protection from psychic attack and to ward off unwanted energies. It will also help you to ground. In addition, I’m recommending working with Gardenia and Lily flowers (*some lilies are poisonous to cats so please take precautions) which are both lunar plants associated with the water element. Gardenias can be placed on your altar or you can use the dried petals sprinkled around a room to increase ease and peacefulness. Lilies can be planted in your garden to protect against “the evil eye” and to keep unwanted people away.  

*When reading your horoscopes for insight and inspiration, take what is valuable to you and leave the rest. Horoscopes are written for a general audience. Read your sun sign first, and if you know your rising sign, read that next. This could give you a more expansive view of how these aspects may be felt for your personally. For specifics, deeper insight and understanding about how this astrology affects you personally, sign up for a natal chart or transit report, or a Kosmic Koaching session. Email for more info.

Aries & Aries Rising
The main news for this week is Neptune’s station. The dreamy planet will turn retrograde in Pisces on Friday. This retrograde cycle lasts until November, so you’ll have plenty of time to get used to it, but the station day could feel heavy or intense in some way. Neptune’s in your house of sorrows and rest. Neptune rules Pisces and is at home there, and in this part of your chart the spiritual planet influences you to be more sensitive, creative, and helpful toward others. And during this sleep cycle, you’ll be more attuned to the hidden, the illusive, but could also feel more paranoid or irritated. Try to avoid drugs, particularly stimulants, self-defeating behaviors, and being around psychic vampires during this retrograde. Tune in to your intuition and trust your vision.

Taurus & Taurus Rising
This week’s big news is that Neptune, the planet of spirituality, turns retrograde on Friday. This happens in your friendship house, the area all about teamwork, organizations you participate in, alliances, technology and objectives. While Neptune is retrograde, you’ll be more intuitive and receptive, and could feel heavy or moody during this cycle. Consider your ideals, your vision for your life and specific goals you have, and work to remedy any issues you find so that when Neptune turns direct again things don’t get worse. Steer clear of addictive behaviors and habits during this retrograde and stay away from people who drain your energy. Be wary of any psychic attractions and getting caught up in what you think may be a destined relationship.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
This week the planet of spirituality turns retrograde in Pisces; this happens on Friday morning in Pisces, your house of career and achievement. Neptune will turn retrograde and its energies will be more withdrawn. You’ll be more receptive and have an insightful perspective on things, with increased intuition and sensitivity. It’s important to take action and remedy any issues that you uncover so that when Neptune turns direct again things don’t worsen. While the planet of dreams and delusions is retrograde, try to avoid using drugs and falling into addictive behaviors or unhealthy coping mechanisms. Try to tune into your intuitive sense, but if you feel paranoid, you may be picking up on too much psychic debris. Keep your boundaries secure.

Cancer & Cancer Rising
This week’s main news is about Neptune, the planet of illusion and imagination, turning retrograde on Friday. Neptune is in Pisces, a sign he rules, and in your house of mental exploration. Neptune will function differently while retrograde in his sea cave, and you will feel more open psychically, more receptive and sensitive. You may have deep insights and see things differently during this time; take steps to heal or bring balance to any issues you see in your life now, or the issues can worsen when Neptune turns direct. You’ll be able to pick up the illusive and have a clearer perspective during the retrograde cycle, but guard against psychic overload, which Neptune brings. And steer clear of substance abuse and addictive behaviors now, as well as what seem to be “destined” love affairs or negative attractions.

Leo & Leo Rising
Neptune, ruler of dreams, turns retrograde on Friday morning in the sign of Pisces. Neptune actually rules Pisces and is at home there, but the retrograde cycle means that this energy will manifest differently. Neptune’s in your eighth house of sex, death and rebirth, which deals with themes of intimacy, merging, sharing wealth, sexual union and spiritual transformation. During the retrograde cycle, your insight and receptivity will increase as well as your psychic sensitivity. Try to avoid being around addictive personalities and protect yourself against psychic attack. This is also a time where you’re susceptible to negative attractions or to be swept up in a delusional story to escape reality.  

Virgo & Virgo Rising
On Friday of this week, Neptune turns retrograde in your house of partnership. Neptune is the planet of dreams and delusions, and during the retrograde cycle, which lasts through November, the energies of this planet will manifest differently. During this cycle you may feel more receptive and psychically sensitive, especially around energy vampires, so keep your boundaries strong. Heightened openness and sensitivity can be a double-edged sword if you’re not prepared for it or working with it consciously. Avoid using addictive substances and engaging in addictive behaviors now, and guard against psychic attack and energy overload. Problems that you pick up on should be addressed and dealt with to ensure that the issues don’t worsen when Neptune turns direct. Trust your intuition and expanded perspective and stick close to those you trust deeply.

Libra & Libra Rising
This week’s big news is that Neptune, the planet of spirituality, turns retrograde until November; Neptune is in Pisces and your house of analysis and well being. While the dreamy planet is retrograde, your perceptions can expand and your sensitivities may increase. This heightened receptivity can be powerful but also overwhelming depending on how you use it. If you feel paranoid or energetically overwhelmed, you may have psychic overload and will need to ground and refocus. Steer clear of psychic attractions and jumping into a relationship suddenly now because you feel it’s “destiny” or karma… and avoid using drugs and engaging in addictive patterns (such as co-dependency), as that can get out of control quickly. Try to do earthy practices that ground you regularly and listen closely to your inner voice and where it leads you.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
This week’s important news is about Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams and delusions. Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces on Friday in your house of creativity and sex and remain retrograde until November. During this cycle, your intuition and receptivity will increase, as will your ability to see far more in any given situation compared to when Neptune is direct. Rely on your inner vision and voice. Protect yourself against psychic attack and negative attractions, where you feel compelled or seduced by a feeling of “destiny” with someone you don’t truly know, especially with this planet in your house of seduction and romance. Guard against feeling paranoid, which may indicate a psychic overload or an energy vampire in your midst. Your perceptions and instinctual knowing will be strong now, so pay attention to any problems you perceive and address them or they could worsen when Neptune turns direct. Avoid turning to addictive substances and addictive patterns, as this planet rules addiction and delusion, and instead embrace creative and artistic outlets. Your own intuitive compass is your guide.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, turns retrograde on Friday in Pisces, your house of home and family. The way this planet manifests and displays its energy will shift during this cycle. You may find that your receptivity and psychic sensitivity increases, and you could even get a little bit of psychic overload depending on who you’re around. Try to avoid addictive substances and patterns now, as Neptune rules drugs, chemicals, anesthetics, delusions and addiction. Instead focus on the heightened perception it brings and make sure to work on the issues that are illuminated now, so that they don’t worsen when Neptune turns direct. Use your elevated sensitivity to increase closeness with important people in life and to tune into your inner vision and voice now and follow those.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
This week’s big news is that Neptune, the planet of spirituality, turns retrograde in Pisces, your house of communication. Neptune’s influence will be experienced differently while retrograde until November. This energy is usually experienced as more psychic than physical or material, which is your preferred interaction. During the retrograde cycle you may feel more receptive and able to pick up subtle things that were occluded while this planet was direct; make sure to address these issues you pick up on, as they could worsen when Neptune returns to direct motion. Your sensitivity and empathy will increase, and avoid interacting with energy drainers and negative attractions. Avoid stimulants and other addictive substances now, as Neptune rules chemicals and drugs, addiction and delusion. Instead tune into your heightened perspective and insight, listening to your inner intuitive voice and vision.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The big news for this week is Neptune’s station, turning retrograde in Pisces on Friday in your money house. Neptune’s realm is spirituality and religion, dreams and delusions, institutions and prisons, mystery and secrets, and while retrograde its energies will manifest differently. During this cycle your empathic and psychic skills will increase, as will your receptivity and sensitivity. Avoid interacting with anyone who drains your energy or causes your energy-body to cringe, and resist seductive negative attractions and encounters that feel like “destiny.” Since Neptune rules addiction, escapism and criminal activity, it’s best to avoid drugs and addictive behaviors now as the effects will be amplified. Instead, get into the wake of this imaginative, otherworldly, psychic and spiritual vibe and use your powers for evolution and magical work.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
Your ruling planet Neptune is stationing and will turn retrograde on Friday in your sign. Neptune is at home in your sign and you’re at home with the Neptunian influence of mysticism, mystery and illusion. During the retrograde cycle, which lasts until November, you’ll find there’s a subtle shift in the tone of this planet’s influence. You could feel more romantic and vulnerable now, or perhaps if you’ve allowed yourself to be deluded in love or business, that facade will be removed and you’ll have to face reality. Pisces can have a natural tendency toward escapism and self-deception when under stress due to Neptune’s influence, whether that’s escaping through spiritualism, drugs or other mind-altering substances, or addictive behaviors. During the retrograde you may be more prone toward this escapism, or perhaps the false realities will be removed now if you’ve traveled far from the truth. Whatever arises, deal with it directly and let it be a step toward evolution. Keep your intuition clear and focus on your soul’s growth and heart healing.





June 5-11 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, June 5 - Sunday, June 11  

Some aspects and transits to note this week:
Monday- Moon opposes Venus, trines Mars
Tuesday- Venus ingresses into Taurus, Mercury ingresses into Gemini (both into home signs)
Friday- Full moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Libra direct
Saturday- Moon opposes Mars, trines Venus

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Caledonite
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Topaz
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- Lapis
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Jasper


Aries & Aries Rising

This week Venus, the planet of love and money, moves to Taurus and into your money house. Look for opportunities for at work that aries that could advance your career or increase your income. You could find love, or just value, on the job or with an expert in your field, or receive recognition from a male mentor of yours.

On the same day Mercury changes signs, moving to Gemini, your communication house. Expect your communication in general to get a boost and have some power, and also a surge of big ideas, strong self-expression and improved memory and study skills.

On Friday we have a full moon in Sagittarius shining on your mental pursuits or education goals. Any courses or studies you began six months ago are coming to an end, or the ideas that came from the philosophical or higher mind subjects you were studying are paying off. Other themes include freedom, religion, travel, honesty.

Also on Friday Jupiter turns direct in Libra. With the expansive planet inhabiting the relationship sign in your relationship house turning direct, all of that work you did while Jupiter was retrograde will likely pay off. You may have ended an unhealthy pairing or halted negotiations or contract signing, and now the information you need is here, the opportunity you’ve waited or good luck you’ve hoped for has arrived.  

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The love planet, your ruler Venus, moves to your sign on Tuesday and will bring your romance, beauty and money games up a few notches. Venus rules money matters, worth, love, relationships, the arts… and your sign is THE sign of love, money, and artistic creativity. This transit should bring boons for you.

Mercury moves to Gemini on the same day, bringing the conversation to money from another angle. With the communication planet in your money sector, your thoughts and discussions will likely center on career, income and finances. This is obviously a great time to have talks about money issues or discuss additional lucrative income sources, and to think about your financial prospects.

Friday brings a full moon in Sagittarius, lighting up your house of health; full moons bring completion and information, so if you’ve been waiting for test results or have implemented a fitness routine, you’ll likely get results or news now and this will be the end of a particular cycle. Reflect on the work you’ve done this lunar cycle and feel good about the improvements you made.

Jupiter, the good luck planet, turns direct in your house of service and health. You should feel some positivity return to your fitness goals and healthy eating habits, and some energy return to your body so you can get motivated to work out and take care of yourself.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

Venus moves into Taurus, a sign she rules, on Tuesday. This puts the planet of love and abundance into your house of sorrow and healing, which could mean you’ll need to retreat some in order to clear some old love karma or disappointments. Release any self-sabotaging habits you’re aware you have with relation to romance or finances.

Mercury, your ruling planet moves to your sign on Tuesday and boosts your brainpower, grants you clear and articulate communication and inspires intelligence and technological success. This would be a perfect time to get your best ideas across and communicate your wishes and dreams.

On Friday the full moon in Sagittarius shines on your relationships, bringing either completion of a cycle or news about a serious partnership, negotiations, or an agreement. The intentions that you set six months ago at the Sagittarius new moon have now unfolded. Reflect on the relationships in your life and what you’re grateful for.

The planet of abundance, Jupiter, finally turns direct this week, bringing some passion back to your lovelife. You may feel a burst of creativity or surge of romance.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

On Tuesday both Venus and Mercury change signs. The love planet moves to Taurus and the communication planet moves to Gemini. With Venus in your friendship house you may find forming alliances and friendships easier, and your relationships within the groups you’re part of that deal with family, work or other associations should improve.

Mercury’s move to your house of sorrows and closure means you’ll be thinking about the ways you self-sabotage or how self-limiting behavior or thinking creates trouble and stress in your life. You can clear old karma and repetitive thought loops of negativity now, get some rest, and hopefully heal a little through your contemplations.

We have a full moon in Sagittarius this week in your house of health, so the fitness routines or healthy eating you’ve been doing for the past six months should be paying off now. Reflect on your inherent perfection and continue to organize and de-stress your life.

The good luck planet turns direct on Friday after being retrograde since February. Jupiter will bring expansion and abundance to your homelife again, touching on themes of family, women and children, real estate ventures, and self-care.

Leo & Leo Rising

Venus, the planet of finances and relationships, moves to Taurus this week, to your tenth house. Your material success should increase and you could get a promotion or raise. If you’re looking for love, you may start looking at work during this transit, or let a coworker or colleague set you up.

The communication planet also changes signs, moving into Gemini, which means your friendships and alliances will get some attention. You’ll find your tribe and socialize more during this transit.

We have a full moon in Sagittarius on Friday morning shining on your romantic fifth house. Full moons bring emotions, closure, the end of a cycle or news, and the themes for you could include creativity, the arts, love, fertility, and pleasure.

Jupiter finally turns direct this week in Libra. Any communications that have felt stalled or stuck since February when the good luck planet turned retrograde should improve now. This part of your chart is about self-expression, travel and family, ideas and technology, so Jupiter’s influence will now be to enhance and expand these areas.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Venus and Mercury both change signs this week, on Tuesday. The love planet moves to Taurus and your house of travel and education, and the communication planet moves to Gemini, your career house. With Venus in this part of your chart you may find or deepen love while traveling or studying, and investing in things related to philosophy, risk taking and freedom are enhanced.
Mercury will bring increased verbal skills and bright ideas for your career advancement while in this part of your chart, and your ambition and success should increase. Try to meet with a trusted mentor or father figure during this transit for advice.

There is a Sagittarius full moon on Friday morning in your house of home. Full moons increase lunacy and represent the end of a cycle. You may get news or have a revelation about your family or a real estate deal that you’ve been waiting on or you could feel a sense of wholeness with regard to your homelife.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, turns direct in Libra, your money house; Jupiter has been retrograde here since February, causing you to feel a financial roadblock. You should sense an increase in stability in your career and finances now, as well as an improvement in your sense of self-worth.

Libra & Libra Rising

Your ruling planet moves into Taurus, the other sign that Venus rules. This means that the planet of love will be in your intense house of intimacy and sex, and while Venus is here your connection with your partner can deepen or you could come into money through your partner, inheritance, or shared resources with a business partner.

Mercury, the planet of communication, moves to Gemini and your travel and education sector, so this would be the best time to take an adventurous trip, study philosophy or other profound subjects, or go back to school.

There’s a full moon in Sagittarius on Friday shining on your communication house. As with all full moons there could be an increase in lunacy, news, or some kind of end to a cycle. Themes for you could be around technology, day to day travel, relationships with your family, or self-expression.

And also on Friday Jupiter turns direct in your sign. From September 2016 until October of this year the planet of good luck is in your sign and first house. And now that Jupiter is direct, the opportunities and expansion will return and you can enjoy focusing on growing your most special dreams.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The planet of love and money, Venus, moves to Taurus and your relationship house on Tuesday, bringing a burst of romance to your relationship house. Rejoice! I know you’ve been feeling annoyed with everyone lately, but this will help.

Mercury, the mental planet, moves to Gemini, your house of privacy and intimacy, so that could mean considerations and conversations that revolve around sex, merging with another person- either moving in with a lover or getting a business partner, or the afterlife and spiritual evolution.

We have a full moon in Sagittarius on Friday, illuminating your money house; full moons often represent closure or the completion of a cycle, and the seeds you planted six months ago are now blooming. Reflect on your financial situation and make sure that you’re investing in self-love and self-worth.

Jupiter, the planet of boons, turns direct in Libra on Friday. The good luck planet is in your house of closure and rest and this transit has been a time for you to release self-destructive behaviors, clear away deeply ingrained negative self-talk and habits, and you’ve had to explore the balance between retreat for self-care and escapism.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Venus, planet of finance and romance, moves into comfy Taurus on Tuesday and to your health house. Invest time, money and energy into getting your health on track and your life organized. If you’re looking for love, you could run into it in a fitness or cooking class now.

The communication planet Mercury also changes signs on Tuesday, moving to your seventh house. Your relationships will be on your mind and in your communications.

We have a full moon on Friday in your sign and first house. This full moon brings full circle the intentions you set during your birthday month new moon, so you should see the fruits of your wishes.

The planet of expansion and your ruler, Jupiter, turns direct in Libra on Friday in your friendship sector. Any alliances or relationships with people or groups that have stalled or taken a break could now be reinvigorated. This house also rules intellectual pleasures, and your goals and objectives, so expect a wave in inspiration to hit you in these areas.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The planet of love and money, Venus, moves into earthy Taurus this week, bringing energy to your sexy fifth house. Your love life will certainly feel this shift, with an increase in romance, sex and seduction. This is also your area for creativity and artistic endeavors, and since Venus also rules beauty and artistic expression, these pursuits will be especially supported now.

Mercury, the mental planet, also changes signs moving into Gemini and your house of health; thoughts and conversations will focus on getting healthy, getting organized, relationships with people you work with, analysis and service.

We have a full moon in Sagittarius this week in your house of rest and closure, and the intentions you set six months ago at the Sagittarius new moon will be coming into being now. Full moons represent the end of a cycle and bring a sense of completion.

On Friday the planet of expansion, Jupiter, turns direct in Libra, your career house. Jupiter has been retrograde in this part of your chart since February, and now that the good luck planet is turning direct, your ambition, career achievement and material success will return. Re-establish your long term plans after Jupiter gains momentum.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Venus, the planet of love and money, moves into Taurus on Tuesday and to your domestic fourth house. This energy could manifest as you redecorating or remodeling your home, or your connections with family deepening, or your relationship with a mother figure or female role model will be of significant importance now… This is also the part of your chart all about self-care and what you value most in the world.

The mental planet Mercury also changes signs and moves to Gemini, your house of creative and sexual expression. Your mind and conversations will be about love and romance and making art during this transit.

Friday brings a full moon in Sagittarius, which is your house of alliances. Full moons bring completion and endings, so there could be some alliance or a friendships that come to a necessary close now, and tightening up your boundaries gives you even more freedom. This is also the house of your goals and dreams, so some of the intentions you set six months ago are blooming now in your life.

Jupiter, the good vibes planet, turns direct on Friday in your ninth. If education or travel plans were put on hold when Jupiter turned retrograde (back in February), now that energy will flow again. This is the house of a few things close to your heart like freedom, blunt talk, risk taking, religion, honesty, discovery and philosophy. So you should get that feeling of being back on track soon, Aquarius.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

The muse of love and money, Venus, moves to one of her homes Taurus on Tuesday, to your communication sector. Anything related to your ideas, technology, community, self-expression or family ties should bring good feelings or a financial boost. Take a trip to visit siblings now if you can.

Mercury, the communication planet, also changes signs and moves home to Gemini, your house of home. Your mind will be on your family and childhood memories, real estate or remodeling your home, or maybe roots and your maternal line.

On Friday we have a full moon in Sagittarius shining on your career. This full moon, like the others, will increase emotions and big feelings and can bring about a completion of a cycle. The intentions you set six months ago at the Sagittarius new moon have likely manifested now, so you could see your achievements recognized and your material success increase.

Also on Friday, Jupiter finally turns direct in Libra. The good luck planet has been retrograde since February in your intense house of intimacy, so this shift should bring clarity and understanding. The themes of this part of your chart include your shared wealth or joint resources, merging with another person either intimately or in a business partnership, surgery, sex, and spiritual transformation.

Emily Balivet

Emily Balivet



May 29-June 4 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, May 29- Sunday, June 4  

Somehow we’ve made it through May and will welcome June on Thursday. The moon will be waxing all week, as we’ve just had our new moon in Gemini last Thursday and we’ll have a full moon in Sagittarius next week. Put energy into the ideas or intentions you created for the new moon. Here are some aspects of note for this week:
Monday - Moon enters Leo
Tuesday - Moon trine Venus
Wednesday - Mercury trine Pluto … Moon enters Virgo
Thursday - Venus trine Saturn … Half Moon waxing
Friday - Mars square Chiron … Moon enters Libra
Saturday -  Venus conjunct Uranus
Sunday - Mars enters Cancer


Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Grapefruit essential oil
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Palo Santo essential oil
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Peace and Calming blend essential oil
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Bergamot essential oil

Aries & Aries Rising

Mars, the action planet, moves to Cancer on Sunday morning and to your house of home. And Mars is your ruling planet, so you’ll feel how uncomfortable this planet of will power feels in watery Cancer. Under this influence you could feel more emotional about your family, more protective of them, and there will certainly be an important interaction with a mother-figure or female mentor. This energy could encourage more self-care and home improvement projects. Other themes include your roots, ancestors, children, real estate, or preparations for later years of life.

Next week’s full moon could be big for your mental pursuits or travel ideas. If you’ve considered going back to school or signing up for a new philosophical course, this will be a good week to plan for it.

Keep channeling powerful communication skills and bright ideas during this Gemini season, and if you haven’t yet, reach out to family members you haven’t connected with lately.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

The planet of will power, Mars, moves into Cancer on Sunday to your third house. Mars brings energy and action, and often aggression to all situations. With this placement, you may have more force or drive, or an aggressive tone, in your communications. Anything related to technology, community or ideas will be supported and empowered. Your communications will be direct and there could be some anger expressed, otherwise this should be a helpful alignment for you.

The moon waxes this week until the full moon next Friday. Your house of intimacy and merging will be the highlight of the full moon energy.

This week continue to be focused on your career and money matters.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

Mars, the planet of action, enters Cancer on Sunday, to your house of money and possessions. The energy of Mars is direct, active, forceful, energetic and aggressive. This should be a boost to your financial situation, either increasing your earning power or empowering a new source of income, or activating your sense of self-worth. Think about your career and all money matters getting a new surge of energy so stay open to new opportunities coming your way.

We have a full moon coming next week that will illuminate your relationship sector; the energy is already building with the waxing moon.

Your solar return season is well underway and your new moon last week initiated a brand new cycle that will continue to grow for the next six months.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

The planet of will power moves into your sign on Sunday. Mars is the fiery planetary ruler of Aries and is not super comfortable in your very sensitive sign. Channel this extremely focused and direct energy into your vision and goals. You communication and self-expression in general will be strong and effective. Any major decisions about your style, your appearance, your preferences self-hood will be empowered.

The moon is waxing this week until next week’s Sagittarius full moon shining on your house of well being. Try to get more organized this week, and take care of any health-related appointments.

With Gemini season being your time to retreat, continue to indulge in rest and relaxation, letting go of old stuff and having a healing.


Leo & Leo Rising

Mars, the fiery planet, moves to Cancer on Sunday, to your house of surrender. Mars is all about action and directness so isn’t super comfortable in the watery sign of Cancer. In this part of your chart, Mars’ directness could help you see clearly where self-destructive habits or self-imposed limitations have created problems in life, or empower you to cut ties where appropriate.

The moon waxes all week and we have a Sagittarius full moon next week in your house of creativity and love.

This Gemini season for you is all about friendships, alliances, and goal setting, so keep reaching out to the people that matter to you, use your charm and connections to propel you into the next level of your brilliant plan, and polish up your idealism and objectives.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Mars, the fiery planet, moves to Cancer on Sunday, to your house of friends and teamwork. This planet of action brings power, confidence, energy and often aggression to the table, so in your eleventh house that can manifest as leadership qualities, self-confidence and self-assuredness when speaking to people or in the groups you’re part of. This house also rules hopes, dreams, goals and objectives; you should feel a boost of strong energy, some optimism and also will power to your plans and wishes.

The moon waxes all week and we’ll have a full moon next week in Sagittarius which will illuminate your family and homelife, bringing to fruition or completion a cycle that you started six months ago.

The Gemini season for you emphasizes your career, success, expertise and attainment, so continue with your plans and hard work. This will be a productive cycle for you, and you love it.


Libra & Libra Rising

The fiery planet Mars enters sensitive Cancer this Sunday, moving to your career sector. Mars energy is strong, confident, aggressive, direct and gets things done, so in this part of your chart you should have an advantage at work. This would be a good time to ask for a raise or promotion, make a presentation, open a new business, or grow your material success and professional reputation. Father figures and male mentors are also part of this house, so you may want to listen if your dad decides to give you unsolicited advice about your career choices. Anything you do that will further your career or increase your expertise will be favored now.

Gemini season for you emphasizes your mental pursuits, anything related to higher education or philosophy, religion, and even risk taking. Continue with your travel plans, your studies, and your pursuit of freedom that this Gemini sun encourages of you.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Mars enters Cancer on Sunday this week, moving into your ninth house of mental exploration. The energy that Mars brings as the fiery red planet is power. Mars is direct, feisty, clear, aggressive, confident, and so in this part of your chart, your studies as well as your travels will be empowered. Your communication will be more honest, blunt and truthful, with a little aggro vibe thrown in to your directness and clarity. You may take more risks now or decide to go on an adventure or expedition. All higher education or deep studies you pursue will be supported now.

This Gemini cycle for you is in your intense house of death and rebirth, so could be bringing up issues around intimacy and privacy, sex and merging, and maybe inheritance or surgery. Keep doing the deep work you’re doing and strengthen your psychic powers for this cycle.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Mars moves to Cancer on Sunday, to your house of sex and death. Mars is the planet of power, action, energy, directness, aggression, sex drive and confidence so in this part of your chart, he brings that energy to spiritual transformation and evolution, sex and intimacy, and merging with another person, including joining resources or sharing a business. This would be a good time to join forces with a business partner or to merge finances with your intimate partner. It is also likely going to bring a potency and focus to sex and your sex drive and will heat up your powers of seduction.

Next week we have a full moon in your sign and first house- this moon brings the end of the cycle that began during your birthday month, and the intentions that you set at that new moon will show fruit now. Reflect on lessons learned and how much you’ve grown since then.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The feisty planet Mars changes signs this week, moving to Cancer on Sunday, which is your house of relationships. The qualities of Mars include confidence, action and power, aggression and sex drive, directness and clarity; these qualities will increase with relation to your partnerships, marriage, relationships of all kinds. Any legal matters or contracts you’re involved with will also receive a boost of energy. Your sex drive may feel like it has increased and your bossiness within the context of relationship may increase, so keep an eye on that, Capricorn. Channel this boosted energy into love, romance, sex and connection with your partner, and self-confidence and power with all the other relationships and any legal affairs you’re engaged with.

Next week’s full moon lands in your house of endings and brings to a close a lunar cycle that began six months ago. So whatever intentions you planted then are blooming now. Themes for this full moon for you could include healing, closure, rest, compassion, and you may encounter karma, hidden agendas could come to light, or you could have a new revelation about the meaning of life.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

The planet of action, Mars, shifts into sensitive Cancer on Sunday and into your house of wellness. Mars brings power and aggression and in this part of your chart you should feel a boost of energy with anything related to your health, healing, well being. Your mind should feel clear and you’ll be able to express yourself directly and clearly especially to people you work with or with your doctors, etc. If you haven’t been, start working out again, eating well, clearing out any mental stress that creates emotional distress.

Next week we have a full moon in Sagittarius, your friendship house, bringing a sense of completion or closure to certain relationships or alliances or groups you’ve belonged to. Your idealism as well as your goals should have a resurgence and you’ll be able to see the work you’ve done in this area since the Sagittarius new moon six months earlier.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

This Sunday the planet of action, Mars, enters fellow water sign Cancer. This shifts the fiery planet into your house of creativity and passion, which could mean a potent and fertile time for you. Mars themes include directness, aggression, passion, sex drive, energy and in this part of your chart he directs all this energy to your heart, your art, love, sex, pleasure, creativity, and romance. This house also rules fertility and pregnancy, so keep that in mind, Pisces. Otherwise, this should bring a boon and boost to your love life and all your artistic endeavors. This could be really fantastic so stay open and let the summertime fun begin.

There’s a full moon building up, happening next week in your work sector, which will likely bring news, revelations, closure or the completion of a cycle that started six months ago. This is your house of career, achievement and material success.



May 22-28 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, May 22 - Sunday, May 28

We’ve reached the end of Mercury’s shadow period, and you can begin to speak freely and move at your normal pace once again. The moon will traverse Taurus, Gemini and Cancer this week, with a new moon in Gemini at 12:44pm PDT on Thursday. For Gemini suns, this is your personal new moon of the year; while the sun is in your sign and and you’re able to consider what is most important in your life, set intentions at this moon to grow your biggest wishes and heartfelt desires. When the full moon in Gemini arrives you will be able to see what you’ve created. We will all set new moon intentions that we’ll cultivate for the next six months, but with both the sun and moon in Gemini our Gemini friends will have an infusion of strength and magic to theirs.
Enjoy your week.  Xo, KK
PS Please remember that my work and writing are funded entirely by my readers and astrology/herbal practice. If you're a regular reader or client, or if you simply look forward to and enjoy reading my work, please consider making a minimal monthly contribution as a subscriber.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Dhanuasana
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Supta virasana
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Gomukhasana
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Trikonasana

Aries & Aries Rising

The new moon in Gemini on Thursday lands in your technology and ideas sector; set intentions around self-expression and communication, your family ties, trips and travels. Manifest some new ideas and energy.

Although the exact hit was last week, we will feel the trine between Saturn and Uranus for the rest of the month. This affects your ninth and first houses, so there could be profound revelations that change everything and you’ll have the tools and organization to ground them in reality. Stay open to dreams, connections and opportunities this week.



Taurus & Taurus Rising

On Monday we have a new moon in Gemini shining in your money sector. Like with all new moons, the energy is that of initiation and new beginnings, so set intentions for your financial success and security, your career, and your earning potential. This is also the house that rules self-worth which is a necessary component as you move forward with your hopes and dreams.

Although the exact aspect was last week, we will feel the trine between Saturn and Uranus for the rest of the month. You may feel potent changes unfolding around legacies, spiritual transformations, closure and healing. Old karma may be cleared to reveal a newfound sense of self-understanding.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

This Monday we have a new moon in your sign for your solar return month. This is your moon; each sign only has one new moon in their sign and it is while the sun is also there. Take time to ritualize your intention setting this month to increase potency and focus on your personal goals and deepest desires.

Last week’s Saturn/Uranus trine was exact, but we will feel the energies for the rest of the month. Your relationships and friendships will likely undergo an upgrade. Don’t resist the changes but rather open to the unexpected; things are reorganizing in a better way.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

On Monday we have a new moon in Gemini, your intense house of endings and understanding. This is a strange feeling since new moons usher in a new beginning, but with it in this part of your chart, your energy will be mostly drawn to the dark moon just before the new cycle. Allow yourself to purge and release old residue and karma in order to move into a new era. Then your new intentions will arise from a new sense of self-empowerment.

Although the exact aspect was last week, we will feel the trine between Saturn and Uranus for the rest of the month. You may feel potent changes unfolding or new insights with your health or in your career. The harmonizing of these two opposite powerhouses can make a lasting impression on your life.


Leo & Leo Rising

On Monday we have a new moon in Gemini, your house of alliances and idealism. Take time to set intentions for this next lunar cycle that will grow for the next six months. This part of your chart rules memberships, intellectual pleasures, friendships, and your goal and objectives. This is also a good time to reach out to your connections; you never know who will have an important bit of information or advice that could bring a boon.

Although the exact aspect was last week, we’ll feel the trine between Saturn and Uranus for the rest of the month. The merging of two opposite signs with paradoxical energies can bring some disorientation at first, but an evolutionary alignment eventually. You’ll feel the themes of love, sexuality, creative expression, deep studies, risk taking and freedom come together in some way.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

On Monday we have a Gemini new moon in your career house, so take time to set your new moon intentions and manifest some money magic! The intentions set now will develop and grow for the next six months until the Gemini full moon; focus on long term plans, your aspirations and ambition, being successful in your career cultivating material success for the long run. This part of your chart is also about experts and expertise in your field, fathers and important male mentors in your life, so there could be some sage advice coming your way from a father figure.

The Saturn/Uranus trine that hit last week is still in play, and we’ll feel the energies for the rest of the month. For you the old school discipline planet is in your domestic house and the innovative planet is in your house of death and rebirth; you’re bound to have some changes and upgrades in your intimate connections and your finances. Be open to love, to a new business partner, to real estate deals or buying a home. And don’t forget to take some time to enjoy your life, Virgo.


Libra & Libra Rising

Monday’s new moon in Gemini shines on your house of honesty and freedom; set intentions that will grow for this new lunar cycle that assist your mental pursuits, higher education or deep studies, and long distance travels. Maybe you’ll be traveling for work or school, or to learn a new language. And truth-telling and blunt-talk are both favored with this moon, which is challenging for you usually; you’d much rather not ruffle feathers or have anyone mad at you. But use this new moon to make a new beginning with honesty, for yourself and others.

Although the exact hit was last week, you still may be feeling the energy of the trine between Saturn and Uranus. The planet of structure and stability is in your house of communication and technology and the rebellious planet of change is in your relationship sector. These two paradoxical forces could revolutionize your relationships, so keep paying attention to where the energy is moving.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

We have a new moon in airy Gemini on Monday, illuminating your powerful eighth house of death and rebirth. This could be a big new beginning for you, Scorpio. Mark the occasion by setting intentions that are your true desires about sex and intimacy, assets and sharing resources with another. Something will likely be initiated on Monday is this area and will manifest over the next six months (until the Gemini full moon), so be as clear as possible. You may decide to take a leap of love and move in with your partner, or to get hitched, or to get pregnant! Possibly a new business opportunity will arise with a new financial partner that will boost your current business. Even though you need more privacy and solitude during Gemini season, stay open to what’s coming to you.

The Saturn/Uranus trine that was exact last week is still influencing us and will all month. For you Saturn is in your money house and Uranus is in your health house; allow for a radical reframing of your past habits and patterns (that clearly do not work anymore) and get reinspired to get your health and mental state on track.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Monday brings a new moon in airy Gemini and initiates a new lunar cycle. The intentions you set on Monday will take root and grow for the next six months. The themes of your new moon will be relationships. Both your business relationships as well as personal connections could undergo a shift; if you’ve been fighting with your partner or having creative differences with a financial partner, this could be a good time to smooth things over. If not already involved in one of these relationships, you could find yourself in love (or be introduced to the perfect financial partner) on Monday.

Saturn, the planet of discipline, formed an exact trine with Uranus, the planet of sudden change, last week but the energies of these two polar opposites harmonizing will be felt for the rest of the month. With Saturn in your first house and Uranus in your fifth, there may be something to do with artistic talents, fame, creative expression, love and sex that could become an important and lucrative project. Focus on the personal, what you’re passionate about, and follow that thread.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

We have a new moon in Gemini coming up on Monday, in your house of health and service. As with all new moons, set intentions that will grow for the next six months, and for you, use themes related to your health, mental well being, the work you do in the world, organization and purification. With your natural focus and dedication, committing to your health and fitness won’t be hard, so expect to get started on Monday with a new motivation.

Last week was an exact trine between your ruler Saturn and the rebel planet Uranus in Aries, and activates your houses of healing and of home. The impact will be felt all month long. It is likely that you’re undergoing some personal changes and shifts, with finances, career, family and roots or foundations; although it may appear chaotic on the surface, the rearranging is necessary. It will make sense once things get more settled.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

On Monday we have a new moon in Gemini in your seductive fifth house of art and sex; set intentions as you always do on new moons, but with the focus on invoking your deepest desires about love and romance, fame and joy, creativity and even fertility. Artistic endeavors and creative pursuits as well as entertainment and all matters of the heart are favored. This will be a big day of magic and manifesting, Aquarius. Dust off your emotions and get ready to feel. ;)

The powerful trine between your ruler Uranus and Saturn was exact last week but we’ll feel the energies all month long. Uranus is the outlaw of the zodiac, much like you, and is in your communication sector and Saturn, the task master, is in your friendship and connections house. There’s sure to be some big, unexpected news coming your way, and one if not a few of your radical, seemingly eccentric ideas (or inventions) has the potential to manifest into the relative realm! Saturn helps you get the work done, and you’re already awesome at the revolutionary insights, so merged together should provide a promising outcome.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

We have a Gemini new moon on Monday landing in your domestic sector. Set intentions as you always do for the new moon, with the themes of family, real estate, land ownership, foundations, and self-care for this particular moon. For you, this is the beginning of a new lunar cycle that could put family ties in the direct spotlight, especially with important women mentors and mothers or mother-figures in your life. It is also likely that you could relocate to a new destination, buy or sell a home or make some home improvements.

Last week we had a powerful exact trine between structured Saturn in your career house, and radical Uranus in your financial house. We’re still under the influence and will be for the rest of the month. The implications of this aspect for your life could be transformational. We had one exact trine in December and will have another coming up in November, so between now and then expect some monumental shifts. Continue to listen to your instincts and intuition throughout.






May 15-21 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, 15 - Sunday, May 21
Taurus season is coming to a close and on Saturday afternoon the sun enters Gemini (1:31pm PDT) and we’ll begin a new solar cycle. Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, the Messenger, and duality is the main trait. Gemini’s symbol is the Twins and rules the lungs, shoulders, hands and arms. Gemini tends to be more mental than emotional, adapts easily, and can have a nervous temperament. Adaptability and communicativeness are trademark Gemini qualities that we can all practice and employ during this sun cycle.

Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, moves to Taurus on Monday evening, bringing a bit of groundedness to our minds and conversations for this week. And near the end of the week we have the second exact Saturn/Uranus trine that should be interesting and even potentially awesome for all involved. Saturn, as any Archer will tell you, is in Sagittarius (no picnic) and Uranus of course is in Aries. The expression of Saturn is one of sternness, restriction and structure while Uranus is the radical planet of change; this is the “old guard” meeting the rebellious and using the best energies and applications of both worlds to create (r)evolution.

The shift out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius is a bumpy ride… ground down and rise up.

Enjoy your week. xo, KK


Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Jasmine essential oil

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Rose essential oil

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Valor blend essential oil

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Grounding blend essential oil




Aries & Aries Rising



On Monday, Mercury moves to Taurus and your second house of possessions. You’ll be able to see good financial opportunities and could earn money now by writing or teaching, and may add a few more sources of income. You may spend more money now on education and travel, or on gadgets. Try not to be careless with spending and guard against theft.

The sun shifts to Gemini from Taurus on Saturday night (10:37pm PDT) and rearranges your focus to shift as well, now to communication and self-expression. For the next four weeks of this solar cycle, this social air sign will be encouraging you to socialize more, communicate your ideas and express yourself. You may get a teaching or writing project or have great ideas now, and your creativity will be strong.

We have a Saturn/Uranus trine happening this week, with the planet of restriction in your house of mental pursuits and the planet of change in your first house, you will likely have a few revolutionary ideas that can be grounded into reality and made manifest.


Taurus & Taurus Rising


Mercury moves to your sign on Monday! This will be a boon to your communicativeness and self-expression, Taurus. With the planet of technology and communication in your first house, verbal and written expression as well as technological and mechanical transmissions will be strong.

The sun leaves your sign and moves into Gemini on Saturday afternoon, which shifts your priorities and proclivities; for the next four weeks your attention will be on finances. This will be your time to create financial stability, increase your income, and improve your self-worth.

The Saturn/Uranus trine this week could bring some unpredictable energies, amplifying the themes of sex, intimacy, boundaries and endings, karma and completion. Expect heightened emotions and passion, and a little volatility.


Gemini & Gemini Rising


Your ruling planet Mercury shifts to earthy Taurus on Monday evening, moving to your house of self-undoing, giving you an opportunity to reflect on what you say and think and how hidden agendas manifest or self-defeating habits create stress and disappointments.

The sun leaves Taurus and moves to your sign on Saturday. Happy solar return, Gemini. For the next four weeks you get the spotlight and in addition to celebrating your birthday month, you will be able to put yourself and your goals and plans into action. Your personal new moon comes up next week, when you’ll be able to set intentions for your life, personal goals, and heartfelt wishes that will manifest over the next six months.

One of your birthstones is agate, which brings eloquence in communication and also provides protection. Try to reflect on how you can diminish some of the traits that cause you trouble, such as gossipping and superficiality, and use your gifts of self-expression and versatility to connect to your world.


Cancer & Cancer Rising


Mercury, the communication planet, moves to Taurus on Monday into your house of friends and hopes. This will be a great time to reach out to your connections and dearest confidants, join a new club or organization, and to set new goals and objectives for life in general.

The new solar cycle begins on Saturday with the sun in Gemini, your house of rest. This is your reclusive and quiet month in preparation for your solar return coming up next. Use this opportunity to reflect on where self-imposed limitations and self-defeating behaviors create stress and suffering in your life,  focus on getting some closure with regard to old habits or wounds, and give yourself some pampering and self-care.

This week also brings us a unique Saturn/Uranus trine that activates your house of health and house of career; Saturn brings stability and Uranus brings the unexpected, so await the paradox of these qualities in these two areas of your life.


Leo & Leo Rising


Mercury moves to Taurus on Monday, to your house of achievement and success. With the planet of communication and money in your career house, there are sure to be some boons and blessings coming your way. Think material success, recognition for your work, increased ambition and accomplishment, and even long term plans coming together.

Also this week we encounter the second of three Saturn/Uranus trines in a bundle (one was in December and the next will be in November). This affects your houses of sex/art and mental exploration; any number of scenarios could arise, working with themes of creativity and passion, love and fertility, studies and travel, truth telling and risk taking…

The new solar cycle begins this weekend with the sun entering Gemini, your eleventh house of friends and connections. For these next few weeks, you get to be the social butterfly that you love to be, and will make new friends, join new organizations, form new alliances, and even get clearer on your life goals.


Virgo & Virgo Rising


Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters earthy Taurus on Monday, to your ninth house of mental pursuits. This would be a good time for higher education and deep studies, long distance travel, expressing philosophical ideas and self-discovery.

The sun moves into Gemini this weekend, shifting your focus for the next four weeks to your career and achievement. Themes for this month could include experts, material success, making long term plans, and achievement in your work.

Also this week we have a potent Saturn/Uranus trine that for you will impact homelife and sex life. Saturn’s all about boundaries and discipline, while Uranus is the radical planet of the unexpected; this may sound tense but will likely be an important shift. There could be money coming your way unexpectedly, or a soul connection with someone, or maybe you’ll decide to cohabitate with your partner in a non-conventional way.


Libra & Libra Rising


The communication planet Mercury moves into Taurus on Monday, into your sexy house of intimacy. Your mind will be on such things as sex, death, spiritual transformation, as well as shared resources and wealth, taxes and debt. This is a good time to discuss merging with another person, intimately or financially, psychic powers, even surgery.

The sun enters Gemini on Saturday, moving to your area of travel and discovery. For the next month you can focus on mental pursuits; you may plan a trip to a foreign land or decide to return to school. This is your house of honesty and risk taking as well as literary efforts and philosophical studies.

We also have a Saturn/Uranus trine happening this week. With the strict planet of restrictions in your communication house and the planet of change in your relationship house making this harmonious connection, there will likely be a relationship breakthrough or break up. Your sign is known for being indecisive in your love life, but this aspect will clarify things quickly.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising


Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Taurus and your relationship sector on Monday; you’ll be able to bridge gaps of understanding through communication in your partnerships. This is also an opportune time for signing contracts or legal unions.

The sun moves to Gemini on Saturday, shifting your focus for the next four weeks to your intimate connections and joining forces with another (either romantically or in business).

We will experience a potent Saturn/Uranus trine on Thursday night (or Friday morning, depending on timezone) that will likely bring a big change. Saturn is all business (the old fashioned way) and Uranus is a rebel and brings an unconventional edge, so with these two connecting your income and your health, expect some big changes. Get organized for more productivity and abundance to flow, purge relationships and habits that cause stress and anguish, and invest in yourself and your well being.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising


The mental planet Mercury shifts into Taurus on Monday, to your house of wellness. You’ll feel good about getting organized and putting some energy into your health and paying attention to what creates worry and stress in your life which also creates illness.

Saturn forms a trine with Uranus this week, with the discipline planet in your sign and the planet of freedom in your house of creativity and love. There could be some strong evolution unfolding with this aspect, and any artistic or creative talents you express could garner you fame and recognition or attention. Whatever it is you are passionate about will be boosted now, and matters of the heart - love, seduction, romance - could go through an upgrade.

The sun leaves Taurus for Gemini this weekend, shifting focus for the next four weeks to your relationships. This part of your chart is about business partnerships as well as romantic partners, creating harmony with another person, and also includes legal affairs and contracts.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising


Mercury moves into Taurus on Monday, to your house of sex and art, providing an energetic boost to your creative expression and artistic pursuits. You could fall in love or deepen a love connection during this time, and pregnancy is also included in this area of your chart.

Saturn, the planetary disciplinarian, forms a trine with Uranus, the planet of change this week, the second of three direct hits in this grouping. Saturn is your ruling planet and is in your intense house of karma and closure, and Uranus is in your domestic house of home, so with these two polar opposite forces harmonizing there could be a potential revelation or breakthrough that is personal and profound. Since you’re ruled by Saturn and have a natural sense of structure and order, this intimate aspect with Uranus, known as the rebel of the zodiac, could be disorienting at first but cathartic or evolutionary eventually.

The sun moves to Gemini over the weekend, shifting the focus to your health and well being. You’ll get reinspired about a health kick, clean eating, structured meal planning and workout routines, as well as reorganizing everything in an updated way to support any new lifestyle changes. This house also rules pets and your relationships with the people you work with.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising


Mercury the messenger moves to Taurus on Monday and into your fourth house of home. You’ll likely be thinking about your childhood, what constitutes home for you, and your ancestors in your own Aquarian way. There may be a message or information coming in from a mother figure or female role model.

Your rebellious ruling planet Uranus forms a trine with strict Saturn this week, the second of three exact hits of these two powerhouses in this particular bundle. There’ll be another one in November. And Saturn was considered your traditional ruler so these connections will impact you profoundly. With Uranus in your communication house and Saturn in your friendship house, and with these two being pretty polar opposites, you’ll get to employ your general expertise and enjoyment of all things paradoxical. This won’t phase you at all, Aq. Just do what you do best which is hold the paradox and merge the best of both old and new; honor tradition respectfully and be enlivened by innovation.

The new solar cycle begins on Saturday when the sun enters fellow air sign Gemini, your sexy fifth house; get ready for some sultry seductive fun. These four weeks will be perfect for passion and romance, expressing yourself creatively, enjoying pleasure and making art. This is also the house that rules fertility and pregnancy, so keep that in mind. ;)


Pisces & Pisces Rising


The messenger planet Mercury moves into earthy Taurus on Monday, to your house of technology. Mercury rules these things: travel, communication, technology… and in the house that rules these same things, you’re certain to have success and strength in these areas now. The Saturn/Uranus trine is the big news of the week; two powerful planets, at far ends of the spectrum, harmonize and bring into balance seemingly disparate ideas. The planet of discipline is in your career house and the planet of unexpected change is in your money house. This could be a potentially life changing transformation to hit your career and your finances, with the balance of the hard work you’ve put in (Saturn) and the innovative ideas you come up with (Uranus), so take a chance and trust your instincts under these influences. On Saturday the sun enters Gemini and your domestic sector, causing you to feel much more home-bound for the next four weeks. Make your nest even more homey and cozy, beautify your surroundings, work in your garden, spend time with those closest to you. This month can recharge your batteries and renew your spirit.





Mothers Day. When this day comes around it isn't all flowers and brunch and happy photos posted on social media for everyone…. 
for those who struggle to make it through this day, to be bombarded, like it or not, with the hallmark card-ification of this day…

for the motherless children….

for those that have a strained or nonexistent or volatile or painful relationship with a mother…
for those with mothers with mental illness, or addiction, those with scarred maternal line threads that stretch back through ages... 
for those whose mothers have left the earth plane and the mothers who have lost a child and those women who long to be mothers but have not been able to have children… and those mothers struggling to feel maternal, struggling with postpartum, feeling guilty for not feeling how they are "supposed to" ...
for those women who do not want children and are constantly questioned about why not and made to feel that they are less of a woman because of this choice…
for the moms that have to be mother and father, and the dads who are father and mother...

I see you, I feel you, I cry with you, I honor you.

Blessed be the children of the Great Mother of All.
Cybele, Ishtar, Astarte, Isis, Hathor Hera, Rhea, Demeter, Maia, Tellus, Ceres, Gaia,
Kali Ma…
Jai Jai Maa

for the motherless children...



May 8-14 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, May 8 - Sunday, May 14  


May is underway and we take refuge in the prominent Taurus vibes- we need this for sanity and grounding. This week Mercury gains momentum in his direct motion and our mental fog is finally beginning to clear. With Uranus in the mix with Mercury (conjunct), Mercury’s direct station will illuminate for us quickly and more than usual, so stay tuned to your revelations. We have several aspects this week that will play out in a myriad of ways and could keep things interesting. The full moon in Scorpio on Wednesday will bring illumination for us all and the culmination of the lunar cycle that began six months ago. Another important shift that unfolds on Wednesday is the North Node shifting into Leo (until November 2018), which shifts the nodal axis from Virgo/Pisces to Leo/Aquarius. Mars in Gemini is active all month long and this week squares Neptune and harmonizes with Jupiter… Wednesday’s full moon is also Lunar Beltane (older observance date) and an appropriate time for magic and to “bless the fields.”

Enjoy your week.



*If you’re interested in reading more specific and detailed information on many of the subjects I discuss (the nodes for example) make sure you’re signed up to receive my newsletter on the Contact page *and* as a monthly subscriber.



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Topaz

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Opal

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Azurite

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Moonstone

Aries & Aries Rising


On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we have a Scorpio full moon shining on your eighth house. This could be an emotional day for you, Aries, but it will bring a conclusion or healing that you need. A relationship with a romantic partner or lover, or with a business partner, could reach it  its finality, or you have clarity and decide to jump in. Some themes for this moon for you personally could include sex, intimacy, money that you inherit or is gifted to you, merging money and resources with another, death and rebirth.

Your ruling planet Mars is active this week, and in a trine with Jupiter, the planet that expands everything, you are certain to feel a new burst of optimism and energy for your goals, projects, ideas and plans.

Mercury is now direct in your sign and will form a harmonious alignment with Uranus, bringing an abundance of cosmic consciousness and big, visionary ideas.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we have a Scorpio full moon shining on your relationship house. As usual, this full moon could bring illumination or insight as well as an ending of a particular cycle. Some themes for this moon for you personally could include partnership, marriage, contracts, legal affairs and shared goals. A home improvement project or relocation could be coming to a close now or you could have a revelation about a certain relationship. This could be a decision-making time or you may receive some important news.

Mercury is now direct in Aries and harmonizing with with Uranus, and now there are likely multiple revelations that you’re coming to after the retrograde cycle… which unfolded in your house of closure and healing. Secrets or hidden agendas coming to the surface, processing past wounds, or getting closure with an ex that returned during the retrograde cycle are all possibilities with this conjunction.

We are nearing the end of your birthday month, and the sun leaves your sign for airier territory next weekend, so for this week keep the celebration going, and all the self-care and grounding vibes.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we have a Scorpio full moon shining on your house of health. As usual, this full moon could bring illumination or insight as well as an ending to a particular cycle. Some themes for this moon for you personally could include health health-related news, diet or fitness, getting organized and streamlined, or relationships with the people you work with. This could be a decision-making time or you may receive some important information. This particular cycle began six months ago with the intentions you set at the new moon in Scorpio.

Mercury is now direct in Aries and harmonizing with with Uranus, and there could be multiple revelations that you’re coming to after the retrograde cycle which unfolded around friendships and long term goals for you.

We have just a little more time in Taurus season, as the sun enters *your* sign next weekend! So continue to use this time wisely, this week and next, to process, contemplate, release and get deep rest in preparation of your birthday celebrations. You’ll feel happy that you did.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

We have a potent Scorpio full moon on Wednesday illuminating your house of heart and art. As with all full moons, expect heightened emotions and lunacy, and in this part of your chart the themes of this day could include sex, romance, seduction, creativity, artistic pursuits, fame, or pregnancy/fertility. The intentions you set at the new moon in Scorpio have been growing and manifesting. You could get some important news now that you’ve been expecting or have another sort of revelation or conclusion… this is your house of fertility and pregnancy as well, so this could be the decision or news…? You’ll have romance and love on your mind and want to open and share your heart and this could impact your relationship or magnetize a lover to you! Self-expression and art and creative endeavors will be strong now.

Continue to enjoy the Taurus season vibes in your friendship sector this week by socializing, networking, diving into social media to promote your work or projects or maybe you’ve started an online campaign or are active politically during this time, which is in total alignment with the sun in this technology and idealism house. This should be a positive week for you, Crab.


Leo & Leo Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we have a Scorpio full moon shining on your domestic sector… and as with every full moon, there’ll be no shortage of lunacy and emotion. Some themes for this moon for you personally might be home and family, kids and women, relocation, and self-care. Full moons often bring new information to light or represent the end of a cycle, so if your house has been on the market or you’ve been trying to rent or buy or move into a new place, these things could manifest on or around this moon.

Another big deal on Wednesday is that the North Node shifts to your sign! The last time the North Node was in Leo was in 1998-2000 and will it be here until this November. Essentially, this node represents our purpose in life and has much to teach us. The Nodal Axis shifts to Leo/Aquarius, inviting deep consideration of enacting and balancing our personal power with our collective consciousness.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we’ll have a full moon in Scorpio illuminating your house of communication. You could receive news you’ve been waiting on or important information about a project or idea. Communication with family members, or travel for family or work could be part of this moon for you. Connect with your community, sign up for a course, write and communicate your truth clearly; your self-expression will be strong under this lunar influence.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is gaining momentum and although still in the shadow period, should bring illumination to some of the confusion the retrograde cycle brought up. With Mercury retrograde in your house of sex and intimacy, you likely ran into financial issues, maybe your own debt or with your business partner, but you can address any mishaps and make things better this week. There could have been disagreements or money trouble with your romantic partner as well, but you are working through that now. Continue to integrate any lessons learned or realizations remembered from the past few weeks.


Libra & Libra Rising

This Wednesday’s full moon in Scorpio shines on your second house of money, possessions and worth. You could receive exciting news about your career, income or financial prospects, and maybe approval for a project or a promotion. The intentions you set six months ago at the Scorpio new moon should be blooming now, and your stability and self-worth could get a boost. Pay attention to new information coming in.

Jupiter, retrograde in your sign, forms a trine with Mars in Gemini this week, expanding passion and goals and strong energy in your life; use this energy to propel your dreams forward, increase your passion and get things done.

Mercury is direct now, so there won’t be as many misunderstandings occurring in your partnerships. You should be able to tune into the positive vibes and optimism that you’re so capable of.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we have a full moon in your sign; it is the only one of the year, so soak it up. This full moon could bring illumination, insight, or a sense of completion of a particular cycle. You could receive some big news or have an important realization. If you’ve been wondering about or considering something, this moon could help bring clarity and answers. This particular cycle began six months ago with the intentions you set at your new moon in Scorpio during your birthday month. Think about what you’ve been working on and thinking about and longing for since your birthday, and acknowledge how far you’ve come already.

Mercury is now direct in Aries and harmonizing with with Uranus, and there could be some revelations or progress around your health or well being this week, especially if you’ve been trying to figure things out or have had mystery symptoms. As Mercury gains momentum even in this shadow period, you can begin to address these issues.  


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This Wednesday’s Scorpio full moon beams down on your intense house of closure. As with all full moons there will be heightened emotions and lots of lunacy, but with the moon in this part of your chart, this energy will be more pronounced. Another aspect of full moons is the sense of completion of a particular cycle and they can often bring endings or transitions. Some possible themes for your full moon include clearing karma, sifting through sorrows and self-defeating behaviors, healing your wounds, and esoteric contemplations. Full moons often reveal what has been concealed and expose where exits or endings should occur. An unhealthy relationship may come to a much needed end, or you may have realizations about the essential purpose of life. Charge your crystals and let the moonbeams heal your soul aches.

While the sun is in Taurus and occupying your sixth house region, continue to focus on your physical and mental health and creating harmonizing relationships with the people you work with. Getting organized in your home and and head will pay off.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we’ll have a full moon in Scorpio illuminating your house of teamwork. This is the perfect time to connect with your community, gather your tribe, participate in social justice and political outreach, or clarify your goals and dreams. Friendships,idealism and collaboration are major themes of this moon for you, and this full moon is a great time to blow off some steam and enjoy the people in your life, so make sure to plan a night of fun and socializing with good friends.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is gaining momentum and although still in the shadow period, should bring illumination to some of the confusion the retrograde cycle brought up. With Mercury retrograde in your house of home, there were likely some misunderstandings and tense moments, but you can address any mishaps and make things better this week. Mother’s day is Sunday, and the fourth house rules mothers, important women in your life and children, so it could be a good time to smooth over any miscommunications. Continue to integrate any lessons learned or new insights from the past few weeks of retrograde.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

On Lunar Beltane this Wednesday we have a full moon in Scorpio illuminating your career and ambition sector. The energy of a full moon brings lunacy and heightened emotions of course, but it can also represent and ending, closure, or a transition. You could receive important news or have a big revelation under these moonbeams, particularly regarding your career. Or maybe you’ve come to a decision or conclusion about your work, your career, what you want to spend your time doing and the achievements you’d like to contribute. Changes could be unfolding currently or are on their way. Additional themes for this house include father figures, material success, expertise and long term plans.

There’s something big brewing for next week, with the Saturn/Uranus trine affecting you strongly and  boosting your propensity for intellectual independence as well as bringing some major evolution your way (again). Stay tuned and pay attention.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

Wednesday is Lunar Beltane and also a full moon in Scorpio. Your house of mental exploration and truth-telling will be highlighted this time, including themes of long distance travel, higher education and publishing or literary efforts. With the full moon in a sister water sign, there will be plenty of powerful emotions, dreaminess and lunacy, but also revelations. This is the time to run away on an adventure, to take a risk and welcome big opportunities into your life.

There will be some potentially big career news or an expansion of your bank account or treasure chest coming next week with the Saturn/Uranus trine; stay tuned for more details. For this week just continue to steep in the Taurus sun vibes and look for joy all around you.



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May 1-7 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, May 1- Sunday, May 7

The Wheel of the Year turns once again and we arrive at Beltane on Monday! This holy day actually begins on Sunday evening, May Eve. Equinox, which we celebrated mid-March, marked the beginning of Spring, a time when the Light and the Dark are harmonically balanced. Now at Beltane we tilt toward mid-spring. You can acknowledge this shift in nature most intimately by observing it first in yourself…

Get quiet, tune in and feel the pulse of life in your own breath and beating heart. Look around you and see the signs of life, the promise of spring fulfilled, the way the sunlight initiates the rising vines and opening blossoms as if into an ecstatic mystery.

I won’t go into the particular observances and traditions of Beltane here but will mention that  if it is not personally a holy day to you, you can still honor the seasonal shift with a simple celebration of your own.  Light a fire outside in your firepit, or inside in your cauldron, and consider your deepest desires, what ignites your soul, as well as how the expression of your shakti, sexuality and sensuality are honored or diminished. Make a vow of commitment to yourself and to radical self-acceptance.



Oh yeah, and Mercury stations on Wednesday. ;)


Enjoy your week. xo, KK



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Valor essential oil blend

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Rose essential oil

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- Peace and Calming essential oil blend

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Bergamot essential oil



Aries & Aries Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the great wheel that brings us closer to summer, closer to our deepest desires waiting to manifest. The news everyone’s been waiting for, Mercury turning direct, happens on Wednesday morning. Keep in mind that Wednesday is a station day and when the planet “changes direction” its energies are exaggerated, so don’t make any sudden moves yet. Mercury is in your sign and first house and has been creating disturbances in your ability to communicate to others without wanting to punch them. ;) Can you keep a cool head just a little bit longer, as the communication planet moves through the brief shadow period? Try. Then some of the aggro tension will lift and your interactions will feel more balanced. Soon you can finally use technology again without your head exploding and your travel arrangements will be unhindered.
Enjoy the good financial luck you seem to be having this Taurus season, and make the most of it.

On Saturday evening the Libra moon opposes Venus, creating a potential sensitive heart or free flow of emotion. Remember what is most important to you, Aries.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of closure and rest. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period things will feel better. This Mercury rx period has been in your twelfth house of deep psychology, so it is likely that you’ve run into some degree of secrecy and hidden agendas, self-sabotage, unseen forces, or spiritual debt. The mental chaos or heavy brain fog you’ve dealt with during this cycle will begin to lift. You will emerge from this retrograde with deeper insight into other people’s as well as your own secrets and hidden motivations, your past patterns, and with some closure.

Continue the birth month celebrations, delighting your senses and spoiling yourself, Taurus! Your birthday season is a treat for us all if we attune to the sensual, earthy, Venusian vibes you’re always feeling.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

Monday is Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Taurus season in general encourages us to get out of our heads for a bit and stop and smell the roses. For you it is a time of deep psychological work and deep rest, in preparation for your solar return coming up. Continue reviewing your boundaries, looking at your own hidden agendas, confront self-defeating behavior, and inviting healing, Gemini.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of alliances and connections. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period things will feel better. There has likely been disturbances within the groups or clubs you belong to, or at work, or within your extended family. You also could’ve lost sight of your goals and objectives, but the mental fog will lift now.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Taurus season for you, and the recent new moon, is all about friendships and connections with people and your hopes and dreams. Continue to open to all the possibilities around you and make the most of this opportunity.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your career house. Remember that station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period, things will feel better. With Mercury rx in this part of your chart, it is possible that you dealt with receiving some constructive criticism at work, or had your project stalled or misunderstandings with colleagues, your boss or employees. In the next week you’ll be able to get back on track and smooth over some of those disputes.


Leo & Leo Rising

Monday is Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summertime and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Taurus season highlights your career and aspirations, and last week’s new moon in Taurus was surely the beginning of a new cycle of ambition and success for you, Leo. The intentions that you set for the new moon last week will continue growing for the next six months until the Taurus full moon.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your ninth house of mental exploration. (Mercury started out retrograde in your career house, and there could have been unresolved conflict with a father figure or male mentor to deal with or work through). Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday, as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period, things will feel better. For this retrograde cycle Mercury surely created some mental chaos, mind fog, misunderstandings, travel problems and general miscommunication for you. Most of it can be remedied and smoothed over in the coming week or two.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. This Taurus cycle for you has centered around travel and mental pursuits, and the intentions you set at last week’s new moon in Taurus will bring new energy into these areas of your life. Continue to study and learn and investigate philosophical and religious studies, higher education, long journeys, taking risks, and freedom in its many aspects in general.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of intimacy. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period things will feel better. This retrograde cycle has affected your sex life, intimate connections and shared wealth… and you could have encountered issues with sending texts or emails, or maybe with debt or identity theft. Things should begin to feel better by the end of the week, and as Mercury gains momentum, you should be able to feel the transformation that unfolded during this period.


Libra & Libra Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. This Taurus sun cycle and the new moon in Taurus last week are shaking up your eighth house and keeping most of your attention on sex and intimacy, death and rebirth. You may be discussing death or the afterlife, you may receive an inheritance, or you could be joining financial forces with a partner.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of harmony. Station days can be tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period things will feel better. Your relationships were possibly put through the ringer during this cycle, particularly with your partner. Now any disharmony that showed up can be smoothed over. Make the effort to reach out to your work partners as well as to your intimates. Legal matters and contracts can move forward now.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are.

We’ll have a full moon in your sign next week that will bring a particular cycle for you to a close. A major goal or special intention that you set at your birthday new moon will be manifest now. Revelations about your life can come about with this full moon coming up, so begin considering what you’d like to have revealed.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your health house. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period, things will feel better. Set a new course with your mental and physical health. During the retrograde your immune system was likely low or your stress levels high, so it’s time to take care of yourself. If you fell off of your diet or fitness routine, or stopped working out altogether, don’t feel bad about it- just pick up where you left off and keep going.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Much of your energy for the Taurus cycle is on your health, well being, service and getting organized. Continue with your plans and work in these areas this week, and try to harmonize with the people you work with. You may be in the midst of a health crisis of some sort now, or perhaps you are finally addressing some health issues that you can no longer ignore.
Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of creativity and sex. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period, things will feel better. If over this period of time you’ve had disruptions in your romance or blockages with your artistic output, energy will improve now. It’s likely that an ex reappeared on the scene, and whether you got entangled again or you got closure that you needed, now you may feel more able to move forward.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Pluto is still retrograde in your first house, bringing you many opportunities for transformation, to explore your long held beliefs, to test your perseverance, and to regenerate and renew yourself.
Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of home. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period things will feel better. Any disruptions to remodeling or relocating will find resolution, and any misunderstandings or drama in the family dynamic can be smoothed over now.

Next week we’ll have a Scorpio full moon lighting up your friendship sector, making a perfect time for collaboration and connection.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are.

Your Taurus season and the recent new moon is lighting up your homelife; this part of your chart is all about family and home. This week, continue to nest in your cozy house and take plenty of time for rest and recharging.
Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your house of communication. Station days are tricky, but every day after as Mercury moves out of his shadow period things will feel better. With the communication planet retrograde in your communication house, this was a challenging time to be heard and understood. You likely spent most of this retrograde cycle alone in an effort to avoid conflict. If you did run into drama, when Mercury turns direct you will be able to smooth things over.



Pisces & Pisces Rising

Monday is May Day, Beltane, a turn in the wheel of the year that brings us closer to summer and reminds us of how important the simple pleasures of life are. Taurus season in general encourages this attitude, so spend this week tuned in to pleasure.

Mercury is finally turning direct in Aries on Wednesday, in your money house. Station days are tricky, but every day after Wednesday as the communication planet moves out of his shadow period, things will feel better. If you ran into any identity theft, hacking or debt scenarios, you will be able to get things cleared up now that Mercury is direct.

We will have a full moon in Scorpio next week, shining on your house of discovery and adventure; this is a great time for long distance travel and risk taking if you’re able to, as well as higher education and philosophical pursuits. If you can’t travel to have an adventure, you could take a new class or participate in deep studies of some sort.



KK/Beltane —photo by Faern

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April 24-30 Horoscopes :: New Moon Blessings ::

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, April 24 - Sunday, April 30

After last week’s bombardment of four aspects (that I wrote about in the very long horoscopes), in addition to the already very #retrogradeApril, I have some good news…. this week is the last week of April! And there’s nothing terrible to report. I’ll just go over the basics and it’s not overwhelming. We have a new moon in Taurus on Wednesday in the early morning hours, the big reset button for Taurus suns and a sweet new beginning for everyone else.  On Friday the love and money planet Venus moves to Aries, and can heat up your love life. It’s Taurus season and that means savoring and appreciating all of the sweet and simple pleasures in life. All of the other aspects that I’ve been writing about don’t just go away as we start a new week- all that stuff still applies. We continue to integrate. Everyone has their own deep work they’ve been engaged with, we’re all a little tired and our adrenals are likely depleted, but we can also reflect on the beauty that surrounds us. Invite joy in wherever you find it.


Enjoy your week. And New Moon blessings!





Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Celestite and pincha mayurasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Rose quartz and supta virasana

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- Bloodstone and bhujangasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Jet and urdhva dhanurasana



Aries & Aries Rising

Last week was pretty action-packed astrologically speaking. Obviously the aspects mentioned in last week’s horoscopes are still in play, and this week we have a new moon in Taurus and Venus shifting to your sign. The new moon, like the sun, is in your money house and can bring opportunity or good fortune your way. Set intentions at the new moon for inviting abundance and wealth into your life, as well as grounding and self-worth. These intentions will grow and evolve for the next six months. Taurus season can be a useful time for you ground down and get earthy- just tune into the Venus vibes. Money and beauty planet Venus rules Taurus… so Taurus season for you is about wealth and worth; certain aspects of your life have the potential to feel pretty heavenly if you can find the alignment. This would be a good time to focus on your career, lucrative sources of income, creating financial security, and clarifying what is most important to you in life.

On Friday the love and money planet heads into your sign and settles into your first house. This can spice up your love life as well as contribute to your material success. Venus rules over wealth, beauty, adornment, love, romance, connection, art, money… so for the next several weeks you can immerse yourself into creating or expanding in these areas.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

We had so many aspects and shifts last week that we’re still trying to see how we feel about it all this week. The sun has just moved into your sign, and on Wednesday morning we have a new moon in Taurus, making it your most powerful new moon of the year. You have the opportunity to set intentions for your life for the next six months and these goals or dreams will grow until the full moon in Taurus. Make a ritual on this moon during your solar return month and ground into what you want in life, what visions you want to renew, and the evolution that you are ready for.

Your ruling planet Venus moves into Aries on Friday morning, into your mystical house of healing.  Themes of this part of your chart include closure and endings, karma and compassion, hospitals and healing, sorrows and self-defeating behaviors. Fortify your boundaries if necessary, to prevent the emotional stress that comes from having people around you that siphon your energy or drain your joy. Invest your time and money in things that support your soul. Let go where appropriate and heal your heart.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

There was so much astrological action last week and we are still adjusting and integrating this week. Taurus season is underway, and on Wednesday we have a new moon in Taurus. New moons generally are for new beginnings, setting intentions for the next cycle, but with Taurus in your twelfth house, the focus for you will be more attuned to the dark moon, the cycle just before new moon. Let go, purge and clear out as much as you can, releasing old patterns of self-sabotage or defeat, negative self-talk. Bring hidden agendas and information to the surface so it can be released. Focus on healing and getting closure. Then at the new moon, set intentions for moving forward with more lightness and open-heartedness, free of the heavy burdens of self-undoing. This is all in support of your solar return month coming up next, Gemini.

On Friday Venus, planet of love and wealth, moves to fiery Aries and your house of alliances and collaboration. These next weeks you’ll find comfort in your friendships, and will likely join a new group or club or connect with new people. This part of your chart also rules your long term goals, your hopes, good luck and intellectual pleasures. Clarify your wishes for your life, your objectives, and begin to gather your tribe.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

You could still be processing all of last week’s astrological shifting, but don’t worry because there’s plenty of time for that. This week as you settle into the Taurus sun cycle, make some time to observe Wednesday morning’s new moon in Taurus. This continues to illuminate your house of friendships and connections. Set intentions at the new moon for this new lunar cycle that lasts until the full moon in Taurus in six months; themes could include collaboration, goals and objectives, harmony in relationships, idealism, teamwork, technology, or alliances. This is a good time to reach out to family or colleagues, join a new organization or club, and to think consciously about the people you surround yourself with, your chosen tribe. Make adjustments as needed, from a place of consideration and not hurt feelings.

Venus, planet of money and beauty, moves into Aries on Friday morning, to your career house. This could bring a financial boon, a promotion or raise, a new position of power, or possibly an office romance. Falling in love with your work again is also a possibility, if you haven’t felt inspired or productive lately. Your material success could increase now. Be on the lookout for some good investment or career advice from a father figure in your life that could be the information you’ve been waiting for.


Leo & Leo Rising

There was a lot going on last week, Leo. This week you should feel more settled into the earthy Taurus sun cycle while still processing some of the aspects that occurred last week. On Wednesday we have a new moon in Taurus, bringing more attention to your career. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle that will grow and manifest for the next six months; themes include your profession and public standing, long term goals, expertise, your image, success, recognition, and important men in your life. This could be an important new beginning with your career or holding a position of power. Material success during this time will be a natural unfolding of your ambition and expertise.

On Friday Venus moves to Aries and into your ninth house of travel and education. The realm of Venus includes beauty, self-care, money, love, romance, pleasure and amusement. Make plans to travel or take a risk or go back to school. Philosophical pursuits and higher education are favored, as well as the study of languages. Enjoy an adventure or engage in some learning now.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Last week’s astrology was dynamic and we are still integrating and settling into Taurus season. We have a new moon coming up on Wednesday also in Taurus, which further illuminates your house of adventure and exploration. This entire solar cycle is centered in this area for you, and on the new moon mark the occasion by setting intentions for the new lunar cycle that lasts for the next six months. Focus on themes of travel and higher education, philosophical or religious studies, mental pursuits and self-discovery.

Venus moves to feisty Aries on Friday, and your love life could heat up. The realm of Venus includes money, worth, love, romance, beauty, and pleasure, so in your house of sex, death and rebirth you could get a surge of sexy energy. You may merge intimately with a lover or you may merge resources and money with a life or business partner… This house also rules surgery, taxes and debt, and money that belongs to your partner.


Libra & Libra Rising

There was a lot of astrological action last week and we are all still adjusting as we settle into Taurus season. We will have a new moon on Wednesday in Taurus, further illuminating your intense eighth house. Set intentions at the new moon for this new lunar cycle and they will grow and manifest over the next six months of this lunar cycle. Themes to focus on include death and rebirth, intimacy and privacy, sex and merging emotionally or financially with another, and also surgery, taxes and debt. These are the themes for your Taurus cycle in general, and at the new moon you can set intentions in these areas for what you truly want to manifest and create. You may notice your psychic powers and intuition are strong during this cycle.

On Friday your ruling planet Venus moves to Aries and your relationship house. With the planet of love and pleasure in the relationship and marriage sector, you can expect to have a breakthrough or clarity in your primary relationship. This part of your chart rules your romantic relationships but also your platonic and business partnerships, as well as any contracts you enter into, and your adversaries in the professional world. Direct your energy into creating harmony in your connections.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

All of last week’s astrological action is still in play and this week we will continue to integrate those shifts and settle into Taurus season. This week we have a Taurus new moon, further emphasizing your relationships. You Taurus cycle is centered on your seventh house of relating and harmony. At the new moon set intentions for this new lunar cycle which lasts for the next six months. The themes of this house include romantic relationships and marriage, business partnerships, open enemies, unions or contracts and harmony. You’re likely already engaged in some sort of relationship work or consideration now.

The planet of love and relationships moves to Aries on Friday. Venus will now reside in your wellness-focused sixth house. This can feel like a renewed commitment to your own self-care, self-love, self-improvement… manifesting in such ways as ordering an organic CSA box to be delivered to you weekly, committing to your meditation practice, joining a fitness class, or working with a therapist. Organize your mind and your life, declutter both, and invite clarity to emerge. Eliminate people and situations that create emotional upsets, as these disturbances create illness. Put yourself first.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Last week was a full week of astrological activity and we’re all still integrating and settling into the earthy vibes of the Taurus cycle. And on Wednesday we have a new moon in Taurus, further emphasizing your health and wellness. This Taurus season for you is all about the sixth house - your health, fitness, purification, organization, addressing illness, including how stress and worry creates physical illness, and also your relationship with the people you work with. And pets. So set intentions at the new moon for what you want to create in these areas, and the seeds you plant will unfold for the next six months until the Taurus full moon.

On Friday, a day ruled by Venus, she moves into Aries and your house of creativity and romance. Venus rules love of course, but also pleasure, beauty, worth, money… With the love planet in your sex and love house, there will surely be ignited passions, romantic connections, spicy sex, deep love, creative inspiration, artistic expression and just plain joy. This house also governs fertility and pregnancy so keep that in mind as you enjoy these next few months, Sagittarius.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Last week’s dynamic astrology is still in play and we will continue to tune into these changes this week as we settle into Taurus season. On Wednesday we have a new moon joining the sun in earthy Taurus, further emphasizing your creative and romantic natures. This Taurus sun cycle for you is all about heart and art, with the sun’s stay in your fifth house. At the new moon, set intentions that will grow for the next six months, considering the themes are: sex and creativity, pleasure and passion, new undertakings, your artistic talents, love, romance and seduction. This is also the house of fertility and pregnancy, so keep that in mind this week.

On Friday Venus enters Aries, your domestic fourth house. The planet of love and pleasure, money and worth brings energy to your home life, domestic affairs, your family… This house also rules women and children, self-care, roots and foundations, real estate, and what you keep most protected in life. This should be a sweet time of connecting for you, Capricorn. Reach out to your family, your parents, or your children. Honor your ancestors. This is your house of home, and what home really means to you.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Last week we had multiple astrological aspects that we are still adjusting to as we get settled into the new Taurus sun cycle. We have a new moon in Taurus on Wednesday morning, initiating a new start, and you can set intentions that will grow for the next six months of this lunar cycle. Taurus season for you, as well as this new moon, will center on themes of home and family, security and foundations. This house also governs ancestors, women and children, fertility, parents, real estate and land ownership. This new moon your invocations will center on family and what home means to you.

Then on Friday Venus shifts to Aries and your communication sector. Venus rules the realm of love and romance, beauty and pleasure, money and value. The themes for the love planet’s stay in your third house could involve family ties, your relationship with your siblings, travel for work, education or to see family, technology, and self-expression. This could be a good time to visit family or invite them to visit you. Writing and expressive arts will be supported during this transit as well.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

We had some dynamic astrology last week that you may still be adjusting to as Taurus season gets underway. We will have a new moon in Taurus on Wednesday morning which will further highlight your house of communication. The energy of your Taurus season is about self-expression and travel, as well as your connections to your siblings and extended family. For the new moon, set intentions about these areas and what you want to create as we begin a new lunar cycle. Travel for work or education will be supported during this time.

On Friday the planet of love and money shifts into Aries and your money house, Pisces, which is good news for you. The realm of Venus includes love and romance, beauty, art, money and worth. This will be a great time to form a new business partnership or to try out one of your new ideas that you think will be a lucrative business. Focus on your career and putting your ideas to work, but with Venus in this part of your chart it will be important to invest in self-care and to consider and remember what is most valuable to your in life, infusing your feelings of self-worth with more power.





April 17-23 Horoscopes :Taurus Season:

First off readers, how are you? We find ourselves in the middle of “Retrograde April” once again and looking around we seem to be in the midst of a giant shit show. And that makes any personal shit shows seem that much shittier. So I know that things could be feeling overwhelming or challenging now, and it could be stirring up some anxiety or depression (whichever you’re prone to). As always when I write or teach, my intention is to tell the truth, be informational and inspiring, and help you see the humor in the hardest parts…


With four planets retrograde for the month, everything will feel slow, time will drag, and the past is a major theme. But this week we have some dynamic shifts in the skies to break up the monotony of terribleness in the news and the deep work we’re all doing inside.


On Wednesday afternoon the sun leaves Aries and moves into Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus sun cycle is a Venus-ruled, fixed earth sign and during Taurus season we all are more drawn to art and beauty and the sensual delights of embodiment. My favorite Taurus archetypal character is Ferdinand the Bull… if you haven’t read this old children’s story lately (or ever), I recommend that you kick of this Taurus sun cycle by reading it (The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf). Ferdinand is the quintessential Taurus. So we can start to align with those earthy, arty Taurus vibes now, stopping to smell the roses and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

This week we also have Pluto turning retrograde in Capricorn (Venus turned direct but Pluto takes her place as the fourth retrograde planet in the skies this month). Pluto of course is the Lord of the Underworld himself, and as such gets a bad rap. But Pluto is just doing the Plutonian work that only he can do and while it may be uncomfortable, it is necessary.

Retrograde Mercury moves back into Aries from Taurus. Mercury moves faster than the outer planets and so has usually three retrograde cycles a year (sometimes four). We just have to adjust our pace; slow down in all areas.

On Friday Mars shifts to Gemini. Mars energy is action, ambition, aggression, confidence and willpower; it should give a little burst of inspiration or energy.

Enjoy your week.





Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Tourmaline and inversions

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Tourmaline and supta virasana

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Tourmaline and upavistha konasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Tourmaline and backbends



Aries & Aries Rising

Your Aries season has come to an end and on Wednesday, the sun moves into earthy Taurus for a month; your focus will shift away from self-interest to money matters. This part of your chart is all about finances, your career and income, financial security, even self-worth, so begin to think about how to improve or sustain abundance and even how to create new lucrative income sources for yourself.

On Thursday Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, turns retrograde (in Capricorn), making that once again four planets retrograde this month. This affects your career and public standing; Pluto’s transformational powers will be on pause while retrograde, so there could be issues at work or with male bosses or father-figures. You may do some soul searching about your career or have a confrontation with your father or male boss.

Also on Thursday, retrograde Mercury backs into your sign for the rest of the cycle. That should be reason enough for you to keep your head down and mouth shut, but of course you remember there are three other retrograde planets in addition.

And lastly, Mars enters Gemini on Friday, bringing strength or power to your communication. Your self-expression will be strong and so will your powers of suggestion or persuasion. This part of your chart also deals with technology, travel and family ties. Mars brings action.


Taurus & Taurus Rising


Aries season is over and your solar return month begins! Happy solar return, Taurus. The sun moves to your sign on Wednesday afternoon and initiates your season. We all welcome Taurus season, as it encourages us to tune into the Taurean good vibes… we pamper ourselves a little more, we crave the arts, tasting the most delicious food and savoring all the sensual delights of embodiment. You are encouraged to put yourself first, indulge in self-interest and making your goals, hopes and wishes a priority. Even with four planets retrograde, this is your time to celebrate and enjoy life. Your new moon is coming up next week, the perfect time for a grand new beginning.

Pluto turns retrograde on Thursday in your house of mental pursuits. If you find yourself feeling that you could be having a minor existential crisis, that’s retrograde Pluto. Keep up with your deep studies or your adventurous travels but use extra discernment with the subjects and people you’re interacting with.

Mercury (retrograde) moves on Thursday also, to Aries, your house of finality. During the retrograde cycle you may find yourself immersed in misunderstandings, a betrayal, or hidden agendas. Trust your intuition about your boundaries and who to trust. Watch your own back.

And Mars moves to Gemini on Friday, to your money house. Your finances or investments could get an energy boost, or maybe you truly get into the self-care/self-worth vibes and treat yourself to a makeover or spa day or new crystal….  It is your birthday month after all.


Gemini & Gemini Rising


Goodbye to Aries season. We welcome a Taurus sun cycle on Wednesday and since your solar return month comes us next, that puts you in the twelfth house, Gemini. Twelfth house themes include but are not limited to: endings and goodbyes, rest and relaxation, purging and clearing, processing the past, and looking at your self-defeating or non-beneficial habits. With four planets retrograde during this cycle, you should have no trouble tuning in, being more introspective, and doing some deep work on yourself. Then when Gemini cycle begins you will feel wiser, clearer, more integrated.

Pluto turns retrograde this week in Capricorn, your intense eighth house. This is right in line with the twelfth house reflection and purging; you may encounter a confrontation with a person from your past or your issues from the past. This part of your chart is all about sex, intimacy, merging with another, privacy, shared wealth, death, rebirth. This is not a great time to enter into or begin a deep relationship or a financial partnership for you.

Mercury, your ruler, moves into Aries during his retrograde cycle and that affects your friendships and goals and technology… there will likely be more disagreements within the groups or clubs you belong to, and your objectives could feel cloudy for a while. Old friends from your past could resurface, and you would likely benefit from exploring or revisiting connections from this time.

Mars moves to your sign on Friday, giving you a little boost of confidence, a burst of energy, and hopefully assistance in moving forward with something important to you now. Mars in your first house can be a powerful ally, like a cosmic bodyguard, but yeah it could increase aggression too. Use your power for good.



Cancer & Cancer Rising



We begin the Taurus sun cycle on Wednesday, putting attention on your friendships and alliances. This retrograde heaviness can take a toll, so use this time to reach out to good friends and hang out and have fun. This part of your chart is all about technology and teamwork, long term goals, groups, membership, and hopes and dreams. Use your resources to improve and harmonize all of your connections.

Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn, your house of relationships. This could be an interesting time for you if you’re up for the challenge and willing to do the work. Someone from your past will likely make an appearance now, either an ex lover or business associate, and there is likely karma there. This retrograde cycle (which lasts until September) encourages you to look at old wounds, unconscious patterns, and general bad habits that cause trauma and drama in your connections.

Retrograde Mercury moves to Aries and your career sector this week; this likely won’t be the best time for a big launch or presentation but rather a time to revisit previous ideas, look back at what has worked, review and tweak. There could be miscommunication or issues with with a male boss or father figure.

Mars enters Gemini and your house of endings and closure on Friday. Mars energizes and activates, and sometimes instigates, and in your house of sorrows this could feel like unearthing buried rage, uncovering hidden agendas and confronting your own self-sabotage. So… good luck there.


Leo & Leo Rising


Aries is out, Taurus is in this week. The sun moves into earthy Taurus on Wednesday and your career house, where you should feel more inspired at work and in the community, even advancing your position or increasing your salary. Material success can certainly increase during this month. There will likely be an issue with or valuable connection with a male boss of father figure, so pay attention to any advice or mentoring coming your way this month. Use this time to focus on work, the work you do for others, your talents and achievements, and increasing your expertise in whatever your chosen field is.

Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn this week, in your health house. From now until the end of September, you should address any and all health concerns, get all of your check-ups, and eliminate emotional stress and preventable tension from your life.

Mercury is still retrograde but will move to Aries this week, into your ninth house of mental exploration. There will be the usual mishaps and misunderstandings, with the concentration of that miscommunication being at work. Double check all work-related emails and texts before sending, all proposals before sending, all contracts before signing.

Mars moves to Gemini on Friday, putting energy into your friendships and alliances. Your goals and objectives, sense of idealism, and good luck could get a boost as well so keep your eyes open for little miracles.


Virgo & Virgo Rising


This week we leave Aries and enter the Taurus solar cycle, as the sun move to the earth sign on Wednesday. This shifts focus for you to mental pursuits, travel and studies. Even if you don’t take a trip now, this is the time to make plans and arrangements. You could enroll in a course or go back to school, study a language, publish a piece you’ve written, or just take more risks in the realm of mental exploration or travel.

Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn on Thursday, in your artistic fifth house. Under these circumstances, from now until September, you may feel pulled into the underworld with Pluto and made to confront old patterns in your sexual and love relationships. You may be prone to feelings of jealousy or possessiveness during this time, an ex could reappear on the scene, and you could process unfinished business when it comes to your creativity or sexuality. This will be deep work on you time, Virgo. Oh, and this is also your fertility/pregnancy house, so…

Mercury is still retrograde and will head into Aries on Thursday, to your intense eighth house. With this arrangement, I will caution you to pay extra Virgoan attention to the texts and emails you send now, especially to your lover or partner, and guard against identity theft and credit card fraud, etc.

Mars moves to Gemini and your career house this week, which will bring some feistiness and and action your way. Expect an increase in your ambition, aspiration and even attainment. Grow your material success and refine your long-term goals.


Libra & Libra Rising


The sun moves into earthy and grounded Taurus on Wednesday, initiating a new solar cycle. This month your focus will turn to themes of sex and intimacy, privacy and boundaries, death and rebirth. There will be some work or awareness around shared wealth and joint resources, and maybe even an inheritance.

Just after your ruler Venus turns direct we have another planet entering a retrograde cycle; Pluto turns retrograde on Thursday in your house of home. For this retrograde cycle, which lasts through September, you will feel pulled to do deep inner work and uncovering… You may have questions about your ancestry or history, or about your mother or grandmother. You could do soul searching about relocation or the way you’re living. Self-care will be necessary, and if you tune into the mystical aspects of these themes, this could be a powerful retrograde for you.

Speaking of retrograde, Mercury still is. The communication planet will reverse into Aries this week, your house of relationships, so if Venus retrograde did not convince you to rethink and reform all of your relationships, this one will. Your work and business partnerships will also be affected, as well as your friendships and more intimate connections.

And finally this week, Mars shifts to Gemini and to your travel and study sector; if you’ve been trying to make a decision or get a confirmation about anything related to education, philosophy, long distance travel, relocation for work or studies, or a literary effort, expect an answer or clarity.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising


We start a new solar cycle this week, with the sun moving out of Aries and into Taurus. This shifts your focus for the next month to relationships, partnerships and marriage; themes will be related to companionship and harmony-seeking. If you’re looking for love, this could be your month. Single Scorpios could find someone special and irresistible now, and partnered Scorpios may dive deep into couple’s therapy or make a commitment. Marriage is a possibility, as is the creation of a new business partnership. We still have four planets retrograde, so contemplation, consideration and planning are favored over taking big risks under these circumstances. Consider with whom you work well.

Your ruling planet Pluto is at it again, turning retrograde this week like he does every year. With Pluto in Capricorn, your communication house is affected; from now until September when Pluto stations, you could encounter hidden agendas or power struggles, particularly with siblings, extended family, or in online communities or social media.

Mercury is still retrograde and enters Aries this week, moving to your sixth house of health. This is the time to continue adulting with all of your Saturn duties… make a doctor or dentist appointment, organize your desk and closets, and eliminate unnecessary stress because you know it contributes to illness. Stress makes you sick. Keep a low profile with the people you work with to curb any emotional upsets that could unfold during this time. This is also the house that rules your pets, so it could be time for kitty’s check-up.

Mars moves to Gemini on Friday which is your area of shared intimacy and joint resources. Your sex life could get a boost, your could receive an inheritance or portion of shared wealth.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

We are moving out of fellow fire sign Aries sun cycle into Taurus season this week, and that puts the spotlight on your health and daily routines. Administrative duties, organization, analysis, purification, wellness, and pets fall under this canopy; let this new influx of earthy energy ground you, Sagittarius. Focus on rest, self-care, and purging negativity and mental stress from your life.

The lord of the underworld, Pluto, turns retrograde this week in Capricorn, your money house. Remember that all retrogrades bring the past back, or issues/wounds from the past, so your unconscious beliefs about money, feelings of scarcity and worth will arise. This is the time to smudge all the things! Clear your head and your space. Try to ground and stabilize now, even reconsidering any old ideas for new sources of income.

Mercury is still retrograde and moves back into Aries this week, your sexy fifth house. The usual misunderstandings will unfold and you may not see eye to eye with your lover or creative partner. People and issues from your past will continue to show up.

The action planet Mars moves to Gemini this Friday, into your relationship house, bringing energy and excitement, or anger and aggression, into your connections. There could be marriage, mergers, legal contracts or politics in this mix.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising


The Taurus solar cycle begins on Wednesday and shifts the energy for you toward creativity and sex. This is your invitation to let loose and have some fun. Take some time off to lounge and relax with a lover or plan a spa day… go on an adventure, indulge in romance and art. Artistic talent, play, joy, passion, seduction, love and fertility belong to this part of your chart and for the next four weeks you’ll have time to expand these areas.

Pluto has been in your sign since 2008 transforming things for you and on Thursday will turn retrograde, so if you feel an existential crisis coming on, don’t despair. Be spacious with yourself. Pluto’s realm is the underworld, our deep psyche, so soul searching is on the schedule for you for now.

The communication planet Mercury is still retrograde and moves to Aries, your domestic house, on Thursday. The usual mishaps and miscommunications will occur, technology will be weird, and there could be some delays with remodeling or upgrading your home. There could be a misunderstanding or important connection with a mother-figure during the end of this retrograde cycle.

Mars moves to Gemini on Friday and enlivens your house of health. This is the time to purge, analyze, organize your life, and get focused on your well being and eliminating the stress that leads to illness. Mars will bring will power and action to this area. Pets and the people you work with are included in this part of your chart.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising


Aries season comes to an end and on Wednesday we welcome Taurus sun cycle. This shifts your main energy and focus to home and family for the next four weeks. Indulge in the earthy Taurus vibes and get grounded, nest, tend to your garden. You could consider relocating or redecorating your space or even growing your family, as this house rules women and children and pregnancy.

Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn on Thursday in your house of sorrows and secrets… with intense Pluto here you will be able to confront old wounds and triggers, release karma, unearth hidden agendas, get closure and healing. This is heavy work and you’ve been immersed in it for years now, able to function with one foot in the relative world of existence and one in the underworld… you’ve been undergoing transformation and evolution. For this retrograde cycle, pay attention to the ways emotional stress accumulates and creates or contributes to chronic health conditions. Get enough rest and focus on healing and closure. Your dreams could be more prophetic and meditations deeper during the retrograde cycle.

Mercury is still retrograde and moves to your third house stirring up the typical miscommunications and crossed wires that we’ve come to expect, and in your communication and technology house, well… you’ll just have to wait to buy that phone or laptop.

Action planet Mars moves to Gemini this week and will infuse your fifth house with extra passion and sexiness. Mars rules sex drive and this part of your chart is about sex and seduction, love and romance, creativity and fertility.


Pisces & Pisces Rising


The sun leaves Aries and heads into steadfast Taurus on Wednesday, shifting the focus for the next four weeks to communication and self-expression. Potential themes for this cycle include family ties, your relationships with siblings, technology, ideas and community. You’ll likely be doing a lot of traveling for work or school this month. Make time to get grounded with the earthy Taurus vibes.

The planet of transformation, Pluto, turns retrograde on Thursday until the end of September. This brings some attention to your friendships, alliances, and your vision. This part of your chart also rules technology and teamwork, so watch out for hidden agendas or identity theft issues during the retrograde.

Retrograde Mercury moves to Aries and your money house this week, so keep an eye on your accounts, your spending (avoid making a large purchase right now, especially a car or technology), and try to avoid conflict or disputes with business partners.

Mars, the planet of action, moves to Gemini on Friday and into your domestic house. Your spring cleaning, remodeling or redecorating projects will get a burst of new energy. This part of your chart is about family, foundations, women and children, and more mystically-speaking, about what you keep private and protected from the rest of the world.




April 10-16 Horoscopes ::Retrograde April::

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, April 10 - Sunday, April 16

Retrograde April


We begin the week with a full moon in Libra on Monday night (11:08pm PDT). The usual lunacy will abound, and there could be some interesting experiences with Pluto squaring this full moon. Libra is ruled by Venus and is the sign of relating, but Venus is retrograde of course and possibly pushing you to your relationship limits. There could be a breakthrough with this moon if you’re able to integrate the relationship work you’ve been doing. Venus turns direct finally on Saturday in Pisces and and most love and financial issues should begin to be smoothed out next week.

Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all still retrograde, and taking Venus’ place will be Pluto next Thursday, so we have four planets retrograde for the entirety of the month. The pace of life may feel slower, or maybe you feel as though you’re moving slow motion through life. The past as a general theme is prominent during this time. Our efforts are best spent on more reflective or contemplative endeavors and we may benefit from more solitude and self-care now than usual.

Enjoy your week.

xo, KK

For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- tourmaline

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- tourmaline, tourmaline, tourmaline

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  keep mouth shut, tourmaline

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- tourmaline



Aries & Aries Rising

We are coming close to the end of your reign, Aries, and soon it’ll be Taurus season. This week and part of next will still belong to you so use this power wisely. We have a full moon in Libra on Monday night that squares Pluto. This moon illuminates your relationship house, bringing a revelation, completion, ending or activation. Pluto’s involvement implies a power struggle of some kind. This moon could bring a resolution to an issue or clarity about commitment.

Venus turns direct on Saturday, and any relationship or money wounds you’ve been clearing or self-defeating patterns you’ve released can be put behind you now. You can emerge from the retrograde cycle now with a deeper insight and a plan.

The sun shifts to Taurus next week and your attention will turn toward money matters. There are now only three planets retrograde… until next week when Pluto stations.

Try to have some fun this week - go see comedy or watch an old movie that you love.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

Only a week and a few days left of Aries season and then the sun moves to your sign and  your solar return month gets kicked off! Next Wednesday afternoon Taurus season begins.

This week we have a Libra full moon on Monday night squaring Pluto. The moon will shine on your health house, and with the interaction with Pluto there could be a power struggle with someone you work with or you may receive some health news or results you’ve been waiting on. Your health and well being, pets, co-workers, organization or analysis could be possible full moon themes for you this time. If you’ve been dragging your feet about your health, consider this moon a kickstart to make your wellness a priority.

Venus, your ruling planet, turns direct over the weekend in your eleventh house of alliances. There have likely been some misunderstandings amongst your fellow group members or in your circle of friends. Hopefully the retrograde shed some insight on old wounds or hurt feelings and enabled you to grow or understand in some way. Hang in there- your birthday month is coming soon.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

We’re near the end of Aries season and preparing to move into Taurus. This week we have a full moon in Libra on Monday night, which illuminates your house of sex and creativity. The moon connects with Pluto, so there could be a bit of a power struggle involving a lover or creative partner. Full moons often bring big emotions, news, or a completion of some sort, and the themes of this part of your chart include pleasure and joy, fame, love and romance, seduction, art and creativity, even fertility. You could have a revelation about your relationship under this influence.

The planet of love and money, Venus, turns direct this weekend in your career sector. There were likely a few misunderstandings or feuds with co-workers or with a male boss. You could have experienced some money issues or problems with your income or material success. As Venus gains momentum and begins to feel like herself again the work you did during the retrograde cycle will be helpful for you moving forward.

With four planets retrograde for the entirety of April, including your ruler Mercury, this isn’t the best month for extreme socializing or obsessive mental and verbal attempts; just try to feel more and discuss less.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Aries season is winding down as we get ready to approach Taurus season next week. This Monday night we have a Libra full moon shining on your domestic house. Full moons are full of emotion and energy and bring news, insight or completion. You could get info or news about a mother figure or mentor or a mother-type has an answer or insight for you. You could honor the full moon by making a spa day and nesting at home. Since the moon forms a square with the Lord of the Underworld Pluto, you may run into a power play or control issues with a family member or mother figure.

Venus, the love and money planet, turns direct over the weekend in Pisces, you house of exploration. I hope this retrograde cycle brought you deep insights. Of course your travel plans and interpersonal interactions may have been strained that whole time, but energy will begin to move forward as Venus gains momentum and focus.


Leo & Leo Rising

On Monday night we have a Venus-ruled full moon in Libra illuminating your family connections and communications. Full moons bring heightened emotions, a sense of fullness or completion, endings or revelations. You could get news or information that you’ve needed or maybe a course that you’re taking ends now. This full moon makes a tense connection with  Pluto, so you could run into a power play or control issues. The themes to watch for could include communication, family ties, self-expression, travel, education, technology or community.

Venus turns direct in Pisces over the weekend. This was probably a rough one for you, Leo, since much of the retrograde was in your house of intimacy and legacies, with people or wounds from your past showing up. I hope you at least gained insight and understanding from the challenges you worked through. Things should begin to feel better as Venus gains momentum.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

We are in the final days of the Aries sun cycle and next week Taurus season begins; enjoy the focus on your eighth house themes of sex and love and art. This week we have a full moon in Libra on Monday lighting up your money house. The moon squares Pluto, bringing power struggles and control issues into the mix. You could get some important news or information, experience an ending of some kind, or receive a revelation. There will be the usual lunacy and heightened emotions that accompany all full moons, plus insight or news about an investment or your income, and control issues. Keep your discernment and patience through it all.

Venus, love planet, will turn direct finally this weekend in your relationship house. I assume you’ve had your share of run-ins, difficulties and arguments with people, including your spouse or partner, friend, or a business associate. As the love and money planet gains momentum and feels more like herself any misunderstandings should be able to be smoothed. If any people or exes from your past came back during this cycle, make sure you’ve been clear and gotten closure if that was necessary.


Libra & Libra Rising

The Aries sun cycle will soon come to an end and we’ll welcome Taurus sun next week. This week the focus is on the full moon in your sign on Monday night. This will be your personal full moon of the year, Libra, so make the most of the momentum. Watch out for control issues to arise, both in yourself and in others, or a power play of some kind, since the moon squares intense Pluto. You could receive important news or have a revelation or insight, or something will come to completion- a project, a situation, an era. Let this moon illuminate your heart’s desires and your clear vision.

On Saturday Venus turns direct finally in your house of service and health. If you’ve had some misunderstandings with coworkers or body image issues arise during this time, things can be remedied now. As Venus emerges from her underworld stay you can commit to beautifying your space, make your health and healing process a priority, and focus on your well being in all areas. If you have put off any beauty or adornment procedures during the retrograde, you’re in the clear now to color your hair, get a spa treatment or the special new tattoo you’ve been waiting to get...


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Taurus season begins next week and your focus will shift to relationships for the next solar cycle. This week’s focus will be on the full moon and Venus stationing.

We have a full moon in Libra on Monday night in your house of endings and self-undoing… so yeah that doesn’t sound like fun, but you can make the most of it because your old wounds, past betrayals and need for vengeance can be processed and released. This is the perfect time to put your past behind you and let go and move forward. You may experience a cycle coming to an end, or have karma to clear or hidden agendas to uncover, or sorrows that are lifted for this moon. There is a Pluto/moon square that could bring power struggles or control issues into the mix.

On Saturday Venus finally turns direct in Pisces, your sexy fifth house of heart and art. It’s likely that this retrograde cycle brought up old feelings, memories, nostalgia and past lovers or partners. As the love planet gains momentum you should feel a surge of romantic feelings, experience creative outbursts, begin or deepen a relationship, or get some recognition and praise for your artistic endeavors. This is also the house of fertility and pregnancy so keep that in mind.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

We’re almost through Aries season, and the sun will move into Taurus next week. This week’s focus is on the Libra full moon and Venus stationing.

On Monday the full moon is in Libra, your eleventh house of friends and dreams. This moon forms an intense alignment with Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, so there could be some power struggles, undermining or control issues that you encounter with a friend or in a group or association you’re part of. This house rules memberships, alliances, groups, idealism, goals and objectives and good luck. The full moon could bring a revelation, some big news, an ending or closure.

Venus turns direct on Saturday, so you should feel some relief to your home and family life if there has been conflict there. This area is all about home, domestic issues, women and children, roots and femininity, family, real estate, and security. That’s a lot of ground to cover, so you should emerge from this retrograde cycle with plenty of insight. Now you can get started on your remodeling, redecorating, beautifying or adorning. Permission to buy new bedding or dishes or art or plants or crystals…. ;)


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aries season ends soon, when the sun enters Taurus next week and your energy will turn to themes of sex and love and art. This week we have a full moon in Libra on Monday night illuminating your career sector. The moon squares Pluto, so there could be some drama in the form of a power play or control issues at work. Full moon vibes bring about extreme emotions, news and information, and an ending or completion. An important project or presentation for work could be due now, you could reach a decision about your professional life, or maybe you feel the fullness of your ambition and success in a new way.

Over the weekend Venus turns direct in Pisces, your communication house. The love and money planet retrograde here surely caused some misunderstandings with your relatives or mishaps with travels for work or school. As Venus gains momentum you should feel more connected to your relatives or community, more inspired in your ideas, more self-expressive.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

We will soon shift from Aries season to Taurus season, but for now your communication and self-expressive sector is still lit up. We have the only full moon in Libra of the year on Monday evening, shining on your house of expansion and education. Pluto squares this moon, bringing in a power struggle or revealing obscured information (Pluto’s in your house of sorrows and secrets). Themes associated with the ninth house include long distance travel, freedom and risk taking, religion and philosophy, higher education and mental pursuits; there could be revelations or a sense of completion in one or several of these areas.

Venus turns direct on Saturday. During the retrograde cycle, Venus could have caused some tension in your romantic relationships or your finances.... The planet of love will gain momentum and begin to help you create more abundance, more money, more security and more harmony. Make sure self-love and self-worth are abundant in your life as well, Aquarius.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

Aries season soon comes to an end and we will welcome the earthy Taurus sun cycle next week. This week our attention is on the only Libra full moon of the year and the love planet moving forward.

Monday’s full moon is in your intense house of transformation. Themes for this part of your chart include sex, death, rebirth, intimacy, shared wealth and inheritance. And with an intense square to Pluto thrown in, there could be a power struggle or hidden information surfacing. You could have a revelation or get important news, see a project reach completion, make a decision about joining resources with someone…

Venus turns direct in your first house on Saturday. Venus rules over money matters, love and beauty, so while retrograde you probably wanted to get a makeover or throw out your entire closet and buy all new clothes. You had to deal with the effects of your overspending or lost a source of income. Spring cleaning and donating everything you no longer wanted would have been perfect therapy. As Venus gets comfortable being direct, you should feel your self-confidence and sense of self-sovereignty return. Get ready to make some bold moves in love and money, Pisces, just not until after #retrogradeApril is over.



April 3-9 Horoscopes :: Retrograde Station Week

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, April 3 - Sunday, April 9  

Retrograde Alert! This week we’re right in between the Aries new moon (last Monday) and the Libra full moon (next Monday), so our intentions grow and spring fever increases. Aries season is the beginning of the astrological year, so as the sun’s light strengthens so will our inspiration, will power, aspiration and ambition, and confidence. And in the midst of all this burgeoning and stirring of springtime, we hit a bit of a temporary roadblock with two planets turning retrograde this week: Saturn and Mercury. These two join Venus and Jupiter in the retrograde underworld. That makes four planets retrograde this month. If that doesn’t bring a tingle to your spine or a wave of cautious consideration to your thoughts, don’t know what would. But, we continue to navigate the celestial landscape because that is what we must do.


Saturn is the stern task master of the zodiac, the disciplinarian, and whenever he shows up we have lessons to learn and hard work to do. This planet’s archetypal influence seems to cement, to crystalize an opinion, belief or vision. Saturn first entered Sagittarius in December 2014, moving out of Scorpio, and will leave Sagittarius on December 19, 2017. While Saturn is retrograde until August, you may have some hard lessons to learn or growing up to do or responsibility to take.

Mercury turns retrograde much more frequently, so you’re used to these cycles by now. On Sunday the mental planet turns retrograde in Taurus and will affect our communication and thought processes. Since we started the new year this year with Mercury retrograde for the first eight days of January this will officially be the second sleep cycle of 2017. This cycle would be a good time to put energies into gardening and the arts.

Enjoy your week.

xo, KK

For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (




Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Danburite

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Setubandha

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Peace & Calming EO

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Obsidian



Aries & Aries Rising

On Wednesday, Saturn turns retrograde in Sagittarius, your house of mental exploration. Saturn’s presence is about adulthood, discipline, karma, boundaries, responsibility, hard work, time, self-control, patience, maturity, realism, diligence. While retrograde, planets tend to become more introverted and their energies are felt internally more than externally in our lives. Saturn in your third house could affect your self-expression, family ties, technology or community.

The second planet this week to turn retrograde is Mercury on Sunday. Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus and your money house for a few weeks. Be careful with spending and investing now. Try to avoid making big purchases and instead focus on saving and creating some financial stability by looking into sources of income you’ve been considering, or lucrative projects. Maybe you’ll reconsider your career during this time or simply make some refinements to become more successful.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

On Wednesday, Saturn turns retrograde in Sagittarius, your house of death and rebirth. This could get interesting for you, Taurus. Saturn themes include growing up, responsibility, boundaries, work, and karma to name a few. And themes associated with this part of your chart involve sex, death, spiritual transformation, assets, shared wealth or resources, inheritance and occult or esoteric studies. There must be some lesson or work to do involving some combination of these. Good stuff! Good luck…

Then Mercury turns retrograde in your sign and first house on Sunday. This retrograde cycle may be best spent in semi-solitude, with plenty of quiet time, in consideration of what you want to channel in your mind’s eye, what thoughts you want to hold, what conversations you want to have (in a more esoteric or spiritual sense, not just literally)... If you happen to run into misunderstandings during these next few weeks, try not to take it personally. Be sweet to yourself this month.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

Saturn, the disciplinarian, turns retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, in your relationship house. Saturn’s realm includes themes of karma, hard work, adulthood, life lessons, commitment. Those don’t sound fun at first, but remember that they are absolutely necessary in order to have the blessings of Jupiter for example. There could be some karma to work out, some lesson, some work to do, some realization to come to about a relationship or partnership, a union of some kind, or a contract.

Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus on Sunday. The mental planet deals with thoughts, memories, plans, communication, technology, and in your house of rest and renewal, you are invited strongly to be mostly quiet during this retrograde cycle. Use this time for consideration and contemplation rather than problem solving and communication. Get some much needed rest either mentally, physically or emotionally. This part of your chart is about endings, closure, release, sorrow, self-defeating patterns, and relaxation. Give your brain and your socializing tendencies a little break for now.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Saturn, the planet of discipline, turns retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday in your house of wellness. Saturn’s realm of rulership includes themes of karma, adulthood, work, discipline, life lessons, commitment and self-sufficiency. While retrograde in this part of your chart you could have a health crisis arise, or begin to unravel a medical mystery, or undergo a process of purification and detoxification…  the sixth house is about health, service, your relationships with people you work with, your constitution, diseases, analysis, clarity, and even pets.

Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus on Sunday in your friendship house. You could run into the usual Mercury rx mishaps, but it will affect your communication with friends, in groups you belong to or political organizations, your memberships and alliances, and could stall your goals and objectives. Take all the necessary precautions and proceed with caution as usual. Just be spacious in your interactions and try hard not to take anything personally, Crab.


Leo & Leo Rising

The stern task master of the zodiac, Saturn, turns retrograde this week in Sagittarius, which is your sex and art house. This part of your chart is all about creativity, artistic pursuits, play, sex, pleasure, seduction, passion, romance, love, fertility, pregnancy, fame, new undertakings, and your heart. Saturn’s realm is discipline, time, karma, work, responsibility, self-sufficiency, commitment… so while retrograde you could feel some pressure to figure out what’s not working and get your shit together. This work will likely involve one or multiple themes listed above; something is needed to be adjusted, boundaries in place, hard work done, a commitment made, etc. Use this time to consider wisely.

Also this week Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, your career house. Take the necessary retrograde precautions in your communications and with technology. Hold off on major announcements, big projects or presentations at work, making public statements. There could be a misunderstanding with a father figure or male mentor. You’ll need to be slow, methodical and attentive with all professional or community endeavors. You could feel like your material success diminishes or your ambition wanes during this time.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Saturn, Father Time, turns retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday in your domestic sector. All of Saturn’s themes involve hard work, discipline, commitment, karma, adulthood and responsibility. Fun. And in your house of home, retrograde Saturn could stir up some work for you at home, with family, with remodeling or relocation, and in your very support roots and foundation metaphorically.

On Sunday Mercury, muse of the mind, turns retrograde in Taurus, your house of exploration and expansion. Travel plans and arrangements should be postponed or reviewed extensively. Expect delays. This house is all about mental pursuits, travel, study, philosophy, freedom… and with the communication planet retrograde here, your thoughts may get cloudy, your travels delayed, your literary pursuits stalled, and you could get yourself into trouble with blunt talk and telling the truth right now, so consider deeply before all communications and correspondences.


Libra & Libra Rising

Saturn, the planet of discipline and effort, turns retrograde in Sagittarius and your third house on Wednesday. Saturn’s all about rules and regulations, adulthood, commitment, boundaries, hard work, responsibility. These are necessary components of a functioning grown up in the world, but Saturn has a harsh way of delivering lessons sometimes. In this part of your chart you could run into issues with communication, self-expression, your family and even travels and technology. Maybe you need to reassert clear boundaries with certain people, or to address a bunch of red tape in order to move forward with ideas, travels, literary things, family members… The work is necessary and will be worth the effort in the long run.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, turns retrograde on Sunday in Taurus, your house of intimacy and privacy. You could run into communication issues with your lover or closest intimates. There could also be a privacy issue or boundary crossed. This is the house of sex, death and rebirth, so strong energies could be stirred up.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The good news is that Saturn is no longer in your sign. After your very own challenging Saturn stint, you should just be glad he has moved on. The planet of restriction turns retrograde in Sagittarius this week in your money house, giving you an opportunity to do some work and learn some lessons around boundaries, career, stability, your income, security and self-worth. That doesn’t sound fun but it is necessary. And at least Saturn isn’t in your first house anymore…

Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday in Taurus, your seventh house of relationships. Yeah, so that’s not the best news to get but you can work with it; seventh house issues include themes of partnership, marriage, platonic relationships, harmony, divorce, legal unions, open enemies, shared goals. You’ll just have to proceed with caution and be spacious with any miscommunications or hurt feelings. If you’re partnered with an intimate, try to disclose that this Mercury rx period is affecting your relationship this time around and try to work out a communication plan for the retrograde cycle to minimize arguments and misunderstandings.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Saturn, the planet of responsibility, turns retrograde on Wednesday in your sign and first house. Saturn first entered your sign in December of 2014 and will be there until December. While retrograde, Saturn’s energies will be expressed and worked with differently, and while you may not come up with answers to all your questions, you will certainly have a deeper insight into things. Saturn could have some hard work for you to do now, some tough life lessons about boundaries and responsibility and maturity...

On Sunday Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus and your sixth house of health. While the mental planet is retrograde in this part of your chart, you could have a health crisis or emergency arise or an issue or injury from the past could bother you again. This part of your chart also deals with organization, being of service to others, the people you work with, purification, organization, wellness and your pets. Be extra conscious with your communications and correspondence with others. Address any health concerns or issues now and revisit old injuries and problems.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The Planetary Disciplinarian, Saturn, turns retrograde on Wednesday in Sagittarius, your house of endings and sorrow. This is your ruling planet and you are extremely influenced by his archetypal energies. While Saturn is retrograde here you could find yourself in a rabbit hole of memories, processing and getting closure on lessons learned, wounds received, your self-defeating patterns, spiritual debts paid, and the meaning of life. The themes of this time will be boundaries, maturity, responsibility, limitation, and diligence.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, turns retrograde in Taurus on Sunday in your fifth house of sex and art. This will be a time to review and revision your artistic pursuits and goals and your sexual desires and passions. You could run into some misunderstandings with a lover or partner so try not to take things personally. This would not be the best time to begin a romance or love affair. It is likely that an old flame or ex love will show up now.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Saturn, the Disciplinarian, turns retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday in your friendship house. The themes Saturn brings include responsibility, boundaries, commitment, maturity, and limitations. Your eleventh house is all about intellectual pleasures, long term plans, alliances, groups you belong to, teamwork, goals and objectives. You may feel compelled to review your friends and alliances and tighten up your boundaries again.

On Sunday Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus and your domestic fourth house. This part of your chart is all about your home life, your family members, foundations, roots, femininity, and self-care. When Mercury is retrograde your communication and conversations could be strained, so try to avoid verbal conflict and pay extra attention to correspondence, emails and texts. People from your past could return during this time, or there could be some information or insight gained about your maternal line.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

On Wednesday, the planet of responsibility turns retrograde in Sagittarius and your career house. Saturn is known as the Disciplinarian because he rules discipline, hard work, maturity, limitation, and diligence. He is the teacher of tough life lessons. In your tenth house, this retrograde cycle could bring you work to do around success, material abundance, ambition, your career, long term plans, experts or father figures in your life. All of Saturn’s lessons are necessary to mature and to evolve.

Mercury, the muse of the mind, turns retrograde again on Sunday in Taurus and your third house of communication. This retrograde cycle will surely bring some misunderstandings and mishaps as the communication planet retrogrades in your communication sector. Make sure to review all texts and emails and be aware of your verbal communication as well. If you can avoid signing contracts or initiating new beginnings during this cycle, you should postpone until Mercury turns direct.




March 27-April 2 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes week 111 for the week of Monday, March 27 - Sunday, April 2  

This week we’ve settled into Aries season and are welcoming springtime. On Monday we have a new moon in Aries (at 7:57pm California time), which is the reset button/new year solar return celebration day for Rams. You only get the sun and new moon in your sign once a year and it can be an auspicious day for a brand new beginning. For everyone else, it is still the time to set your spring intentions that will grow for the next six months. On Friday the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to earthy Taurus helping us ground in our communications and more inclined to seek beauty in our thoughts and conversations, to write and read poetic words, to make and see art. Then on Sunday evening retrograde Venus retrogrades back into Pisces, so the relationship work you’ve been doing can get deeper or more emotional or intuitive.

Enjoy your week.

xo, KK

For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Urdhva dhanurasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Bhujangasana

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Setu bandha

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Urdhva dhanurasana


Aries & Aries Rising

Monday’s new moon is in your sign and first house, making this your most potent new moon of the year since it happens during your solar return month. Set clear intentions for the energies and circumstances you’d like to invoke for your new year.

On Friday Mercury, muse of the mind, moves to earthy Taurus for a bit bringing a shift to your self-expression and infusing money matters with more potency. In your second house the themes of your communications and thoughts will be about money, career, income, stability, self-worth, and financial prospects. You can get a lot accomplished with this boost.

Venus, the planet of love, retrogrades back into Pisces and your house of endings on Sunday. Your relationship work will shift back to a more intuitive and empathetic kind of processing, and any old money or love wounds can be healed during this time. Try to refrain from hot-headedness and outbursts and instead do the slow, deep inner work necessary to be productive in these matters when Venus turns retrograde in April.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

Monday’s new moon is in Aries, in your house of endings and closure. That means that your focus will be mostly on the dark moon energies the day before and the day of. Release any self-imposed limitations and self-defeating habits. Let go of negative self-talk and work through any feelings of unworthiness or any old love wounds. Then on the new moon you can plant a simple intention seed of clarity for moving into the next six months.

Mercury, planet of communication, moves to your sign on Friday, making your self-expression strong. With the mental planet in your first house you will think and speak more clearly and your projects, presentations, studies and ideas will have an impact.

On Sunday retrograde Venus reverses back into Pisces, your eleventh house of alliances. Your relationship work will go back to friendships, the people you work with, the groups you belong to. You may be able to have some insight into your new clarified goals and long-term dreams and how to move forward with them. The retrograde allows you to clear old energies and patterns in how you relate to others.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

On Monday the Aries new moon is in your house of friendship, so when you set your intentions for the new lunar cycle, focus on themes of alliances, technology, goals and objectives, long term dreams, and your relationships with friends, co-workers, and the people  with whom you interact in the groups and alliances you belong to.

Mercury, planet of the mind, moves to Taurus on Friday, to your house of closure. This is a time to see how your self-defeating habits and patterns create suffering in your daily life and begin to adjust your thinking. Mercury’s realm is communication, memory, conversation, all mental activity and technology. You can clear old patterns and recalibrate your thinking to align with your vibration.

Then on Sunday retrograde Venus reverses back into Pisces and your tenth house of career and public standing. The relationship work you’re doing will shift back to career and work relationships. This part of your chart also rules your relationships with your father-figures or male mentors.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Monday’s new moon is in Aries and your house of achievement and success. Set intentions for the new lunar cycle that center around your career, your material success, your ambition and your long-term goals. The next six months could be a positive and abundant time for your career. Seek advice from your male mentors or father figures.

Mercury, the mental planet, moves to Taurus on Friday to your house of alliances. Your thoughts and conversations will revolve around friendships, the groups or memberships you’re part of, and long-term dreams.

On Sunday Venus, the love planet, now retrograde will move back into Pisces and your ninth house of mental exploration. Venus rules everything dealing with our relationships and finances in general, so during this time, maybe you review your relationships and investments that relate to education and studies, risk taking, religion, or travels. This could be a good time to plan for your upcoming higher educational goals or your journeys and adventures.

Leo & Leo Rising

Monday’s new moon is in fellow fire sign Aries, your house of travel and philosophy. Set intentions for the new lunar cycle with themes of higher education, long journeys, mental pursuits and spiritual studies.

The planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Taurus on Friday shifting your thoughts and conversations, your memories and ideas to your career and work related things. This could be a good time for you to be productive and ambitious, pursuing your career goals and increasing your material success. Listen for important information or insights from male mentors or father figures.

On Sunday retrograde Venus, the love planet, reverses back into Pisces and your intense eighth house; the relationship work you’ve been doing will shift back to themes of intimacy, privacy, sex, and joint wealth or inheritance.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

On Monday we have a new moon in Aries, in your house of death and rebirth. Set intentions for this new cycle about sex, privacy, intimacy, spiritual transformation, surgery or shared wealth. These intentions will grow for the next six months.

Mercury, the mental planet, moves to Taurus on Friday, shifting your thoughts and conversations to philosophical ideas. This part of your chart is about mental exploration, discover, truth telling, freedom, long distance travels, study, higher education and public expression.

On Sunday retrograde Venus reverses back into Pisces and your seventh house. Your relationship work will go back to your primary relationship or marriage or your business partnership. This work is about establishing and maintaining harmony and moving toward shared goals.



Libra & Libra Rising

Monday’s new moon is in Aries, your house of relationships. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle that will grow for the next six months. This house is all about seeking harmony in your relationships and partnerships, romantic, platonic and business.

The mental planet Mercury moves to Taurus on Friday, shifting the tone of your thoughts and conversations. This part of your chart is all about intensity, death and rebirth, sex, privacy, spiritual transformation. This house also deals with shared wealth and joint resources and inheritance.

On Sunday retrograde Venus reverses back into Pisces and your sixth house of health. This house rules your relationship with the people you work with as well as the state of your health. It also deals with service and how you are useful to others and in the world. You may want to organize or beautify your space and your life.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Monday’s new moon is in Aries, your house of health. You can focus your intention setting on themes of organization, your health and well being, how to be of service… This is a good time to make your health a priority and implement a fitness routine and a new eating plan.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves to Taurus on Friday, to your house of relationships. Your thoughts, ideas and conversations will be generally focused on how you relate to your intimates, friends and family, and business associates.

On Sunday retrograde Venus reverses back into Pisces and your fifth house of creative and sexual expression. Your Venus retrograde work will revert back to focusing on lovers, sex, romance, love affairs, artistic talents, passion. Healing can take place in any of these areas or dealing with these themes.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

On Monday we have a new moon in Aries with the sun in the same sign. This enlivens your creative fifth house. Set intentions for this new moon cycle around what you want with your artistic pursuits, your creative expression, your sex life, love, romance, fertility and pregnancy. This is your pleasure house for the most part.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, will move into Taurus and your sixth house on Friday. Your conversations and thoughts will be directed to health related themes and service, or how you are useful in the world. Analysis, organization, well being, relationships with the people you work with, and pets all belong to this part of your chart.

On Sunday retrograde Venus reverses back into Pisces and your fourth house of

home. Your relationship work will go back to home and family, mothers or mother figures, children. Domestic affairs, real estate, land ownership and fertility are all part of this house. There may be some healing in a relationship with a mother figure.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Monday’s new moon is in Aries, your domestic fourth house. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle that deal with your home or property, your family, your parents or children, important women or mother figures in your life, grounding and self-care. These intentions will grow over the next six months.

The mental planet, Mercury, moves to Taurus on Friday, your house of creative and sexual expression; expect your thoughts and conversations to turn toward the things you do for pleasure, love, romance, passion, artistic talents, sex and fertility. This is a good time to discuss things like love, sex and pregnancy.

Retrograde Venus moves back into Pisces on Sunday, to your third house of communication. Your relationship work will continue, and you could have some insights into recent communications with your lover or partner. This house also deals with community, technology, short trips, family ties, and self-expression. Look for how the Venus energy is inviting you to feel more or open more or invest more in one of these themes.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Monday’s new moon is in Aries, your communication house. Set intentions for the next lunar cycle around self-expression, your family, travel, connecting and communicating effectively.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Taurus on Friday, your domestic house. Conversations and thoughts will reflect this placement, turning to home and family, parents and children, foundations, roots, and fertility. This part of your chart, in a more mystical sense, is about what you keep protected and close to your heart and what home means for you.

Venus is retrograde and will move back into Pisces on Sunday, back to your second house of money. Venus rules over love, relationships, finances, beautification, and in this part of your chart you may need to review some investments or a business partnership, a new source of income, a relationship with someone at work, or a career move. Or maybe this is the planning stage and you’re working through your ideas now before Venus turns direct.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

On Monday we have a new moon and new beginning in Aries, your house of money and possessions. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle concerning your career, financial stability, new sources of income, the work you do in the world, grounding, and self-worth.

Mercury, mental planet, moves into Taurus on Friday, to your communication area. Your thoughts and conversations will reflect third house themes of connecting and communicating with others, technology, community, your relationships with your family members, self-expression.

Retrograde Venus will reverse back into your sign on Sunday and stay there until she turns direct on April 15. You will continue to tune in and reflect and do your relationship work, addressing your patterns of self-sabotage, looking at relationship habits and exploring your views and feelings about love and about money. When Venus resumes direct motion in a couple of weeks, you’ll emerge from this time with greater insights about yourself and how you interact with these Venus themes.

model: KK / photog: Faern / location: Golden Gate Park


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Vernal Equinox & Ostara Blessings

This morning at 3:29am California time, the sun entered 0º Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, initiating not only Aries season but an astrological new year AND Vernal Equinox (in this hemisphere). Aries is the beginning, and we can allow this new beginning to be personally significant by aligning with the energies of Nature at this time.

Equinox (“equal night”) is a time of year when day and night are equal and light and dark are balanced; the sun rises and sets due east and west and crosses the Celestial Equator. This is the perfect time to honor and invoke and implement balance as a practice in life. We can reflect on the ways we spend our time and energy and whether they are in alignment with what we truly value. We can then renew our commitment to make changes when needed, to seek the midline of life when we feel uncertain or uninspired. Balancing effort and ease is a valuable practice to remember.

Vernal Equinox is also Ostara, a holy day in the Celtic/Pagan Wheel of the Year named for the Goddess Ostara, or Eostre, the Goddess of the Red Dawn- the Spring Goddess, whose sacred attendant is the magical hare. It is a time to bless spring seeds and place them in your heart and into the ground. Signs of spring announce that the Light will now begin to reign. The sky pours rain to soak the earth, to resurrect nature from the frozen sleep of winter. The Cosmic Egg of Nature hatches and life emerges enthusiastically from within.

The hare, long associated with the moon, is the embodiment of fertility and an ancient symbol of magic, sacred to Ostara as well as the Faerie Queen. The egg is the primordial symbol of birth and beginnings. The Aries sun calls us to feel a renewed energy, new inner fire and spark, an awakening of dormant creativity or slumbering passion. May we break out of our shells with ignited inspiration and exclaim with lives lived artfully that we align with a radical and wild Nature.

Some simple but meaningful ways to ritualize the Equinox and Ostara:

  • Spring cleaning, inside and out, is a great way to express the energy of renewal and new beginnings. Clear out the clutter and stagnation, regrets and resentments, to make space for new growth and abundance. Collect the clothes or other items you aren't wearing or using and donate them. Don't forget that stagnant energy settles into your upholstery, so your bed, couch, chairs etc all need refreshing. When cleaning your home, it is customary to scrub clockwise to infuse the space with good energy for growth, and add positive thoughts, affirmations or mantras. Open all the windows and burn sage or palo santo to clear the old energies out of your space and let fresh air in. Set up a spring altar, with rabbits and colored eggs, daffodils and wildflowers, chocolate bunnies, candles, a cauldron and seeds…
  • Plant seeds in your garden or flowerbed, or make a place to grow in containers by a window indoors. Make the already natural act of gardening even more of a ritual by clearing and blessing your tools and your seeds first, set intentions for the seeds you'll be planting so that you can sow in the energies you want to grow with the seeds, and say a prayer or blessing after your planting to protect and enhance your garden, and offer gratitude to Nature and the elements.
  • Get a bag of small chocolate covered eggs wrapped in colorful foil (they're everywhere now because Easter is coming, but no one knows Ostara is where it all began!). These little eggs represent primordial eggs of potentiality and intentionality. Hold one egg in your right palm near your heart space and place your left hand over your right. Set an intention for your life, especially around bringing balance or harmony somewhere, and infuse the colored egg with your intention. Do this one or two more times (these intentions should have gravitas, so two or three should be perfect). Now eat your egg! And plant the chocolate egg seed in your belly consciousness. :)
  • It is said that only two times a year can one balance an egg on its end, and this is one of those days.
  • Think spring cleaning and seeking balance as themes. Sprinkle with gratitude and hope. Enjoy.


Blessed be ~*~


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March 20-26 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, March 20 - Sunday, March 26


We begin the week with Spring Equinox on Monday, when the sun moves to 0º Aries. Moving from Pisces to Aries, we move from the last sign to the first, the beginning of the astrological new year. Happy solar return, Rams! Ostara blessings to all.

Equinox means equal night, and refers to the balance of light and darkness in nature. It reminds you to seek harmony, and look at where in life you’ve gotten out of balance in the extreme and make the necessary adjustments. This is also our cue from Nature to initiate spring cleaning and declutter our brains of winter’s heaviness.

The first set of eclipses have activated and magnetized some major shifts and now and for p to six months we will see how these changes manifest.

Enjoy your week. Happy Ostara!

xo, KK

Monday: Sun in Aries 3:29am PDT / Waning Half Moon in Capricorn

Thursday: Mercury squares Pluto

Friday: Mercury opposite Jupiter / Venus Perigee (closest to earth) 

Sunday: Mercury conjunct Uranus


For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (





Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Danburite

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Morganite

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Moonstone

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Azurite



Aries & Aries Rising



This week kicks off Aries season on Monday with the sun’s shift into your sign- which initiates Spring Equinox- and starts your solar return celebratory month. Happy birthday, Aries!

With the sun in your sign for the next four full weeks, your wants, needs and desires come to the forefront even more than they tend to be normally. Put yourself first, and revision your dreams and long term goals.

Vernal Equinox is a turn in the Wheel of the Year, bringing us closer to the Light. The energies of the Light and the Dark are balanced pretty harmoniously in the cosmos at this time and we can work to create and manifest more balance and harmony in our own lives. Spring cleaning is also the work of this time of year, both inside and out.

This week starts your birthday celebrations, so take time to feel centered and clear when you make your wishes.


Taurus & Taurus Rising


This week kicks off Aries season on Monday with the sun’s shift into the first sign of the zodiac. That also means it’s Spring Equinox, a turn in the Wheel of the Year that brings into balance the Light and the Dark. From now on the sun will begin to grow stronger (in the Northern hemisphere) and we know Spring is around the corner. Spring cleaning is in order, both inside and out.

The next four weeks will pull your attention to your own self-care, to looking at your wounds and negative patterns and making some adjustments. While the sun is in Aries your energy will be in your twelfth house of rest and restoration. This is an important time to clear out and clarify before your solar return month, which is next. Use this time to purge and release, relax and recharge.


Gemini & Gemini Rising


On Monday the sun shifts into the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off a new astrological year and also Spring Equinox, when the sun is 0º Aries. For the next four weeks, your energy will go toward friendships, social situations, long-term goal setting and intellectual pleasures. Join a new club or society, learn a new hobby and make some friends. Expand your tribe and cocreate. Mercury, your ruling planet, just recently moved into Aries and your eleventh house too which will mean you’re even more social and outgoing, talkative and inquisitive in your interactions.

Equinox happens twice a year, when the Light and the Dark are in balance. We are reminded to cultivate a sense of balance and harmony, and to look at where in life we are either too indulgent or wearing too thin. Set intentions to steady the midline of life and to bring more balanced action to your work and expressions.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

On Monday the sun shifts into the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off an astrological new year and also Spring Equinox, when the sun moves to 0º Aries. For the next four weeks, your energy will go toward career, success and recognition. This will be your time to dust off your mental toughness and professional prowess and go after your career ambitions. You are encouraged to manifest material success, and to seek out expert advice, dig deep into your hidden aspirations, and create the career you want to have. Put energy and action into work, projects and positions of power, keeping your ears open to feedback and input from your father figures or male mentors.

Equinox happens twice a year, and the Light and Dark come into balance. We should look into our own lives at where we have gotten out of balance and out of harmony and begin to move toward creating a sense of cohesion that is in alignment with what we want.  


Leo & Leo Rising


This week, on Monday, the sun leaves Pisces for Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off the astrological new year and Spring Equinox. For the next four weeks your energy will gravitate toward mental exploration, study and travel. With the added boost of the sun in this part of your chart you will feel empowered to pursue your educational goals, research and deep studies, literary pursuits, and self-exploration. Plan your spring and summer travels now, take an adventurous weekend out of town, or dive into a new area of study and let your brain drink in new information.

Equinox occurs twice a year and brings the Light and the Dark into balance. We are reminded to cultivate a sense of harmony and balance and to look into where we are out of alignment and off balance.


Virgo & Virgo Rising


On Monday the sun leaves Pisces and moves to Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off an astrological new year and Spring Equinox. For the next four weeks your energy will gravitate toward themes of death and rebirth, merging with another, sex, and transformation. This part of your chart also rules surgery, shared assets, inheritance and legacies, taxes and debt, and psychic energies. Organize some of your thoughts and actions around some of these themes.

Equinox happens twice a year and brings the forces of Light and Dark into balance. We should reflect on our lives and see clearly where we are out of balance or have disharmony and then do the work to reorganize. After the Equinox, expect a slight intensification of energies and work to do.


Libra & Libra Rising


This Monday the sun leaves Pisces and moves to Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off an astrological new year and Spring Equinox. For the next four weeks your energy will gravitate toward themes of partnership and connection. This part of your chart is all about relationship work, your business and romantic partners, legal unions, and you ability to work harmoniously with others.

The theme of harmony continues with Equinox when the forces of Light and Dark come into balance. We have the opportunity to reflect on our lives and look at where we are out of balance or have disharmony and do important work. Do some spring cleaning in your relationships as well as in your home for this cycle, Libra.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising


This Monday the sun leaves Pisces and moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off an astrological new year and Spring Equinox. For the next four weeks your energy and attention will turn to your health and wellness, cleaning and organization. This is the perfect time for spring cleaning, inside and out. Reorganize your space, clear out clutter, purge out the old, and get your health back on track. This is your encouragement to join the gym, take a fancy fitness class, do some yoga, and dust off your juicer.

Equinox happens twice and year and brings the energies of Light and Dark into balance. We have the chance to reflect on our lives and look at where we are out of balance or have disharmony and can do important work. Try to keep your awareness around your health, the people you work with, and the way you analyze information for this month.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising


The sun leaves Pisces for Aries on Monday, bringing us to the beginning of an astrological new year. When the sun enters 0ºAries, it also initiates Spring Equinox. For the next four weeks your attention will turn to creative pursuits, sex and love issues. This part of your chart is about your heart and all the entanglements around it. It includes at and creativity, your sexual nature, seduction, passion, love affairs, fertility and pregnancy. Venus is retrograde in this same part of your chart so you’ve already been encouraged to look more closely at these things.

Equinox, when the Light and Dark are in balance, happens twice a year. We have a chance to confront the ways we are out of balance or out of harmony or alignment and work to remedy them. There’s a lot to work with here. Learn to let go of whatever feels lacking in integrity or satisfaction to make room for the things you do want. All the work in do in this area will be supported.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising


On Monday the sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and we begin an astrological new year. For the four weeks that follow, your energy will turn to home and family issues. This sun cycle for you will be about kids, parents, partner, your home, remodeling or redecorating projects, land ownership, real estate, roots, important women or mother figures in your life.  Self-care and creating a support system also fall into this part of your chart. This part of your chart reveals to you what you keep most hidden and protected from the rest of the world.

Equinox happens twice a year, the time when the Light and Dark are balanced in nature. We are asked to confront the ways we are out of harmony or alignment and work to bring balance back. You may have some family dynamics to work through, family planning to do or maybe just make plans to relocate in the future.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising


On Monday the Pisces cycle ends and the sun moves to Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, kicking off an astrological new year. For the four weeks that follow, your powers will used for communication. This will be your time for logic and memory to be strong and for self-expression to be supported. Any literary or publishing projects are favored now, as well as projects or work involving community or technology. Take a short trip or two during this month, and reach out to siblings or other family members.

Equinox occurs twice a year, with the forces of Light and Dark in nature balanced. We are able to look at where in life we have gotten off track and off balance and work to restore harmony where there is disarray. We purge and release the old to welcome the new. Consider where you could bring a more even exchange at work, with your family and in your self-expression, Aquarius.


Pisces & Pisces Rising


On Monday of this week your solar cycle comes to an end, and so does this astrological year. The sun moves to Aries and the first sign of the zodiac, initiating an astrological new year as well as Vernal Equinox. For the next four weeks of the Aries cycle, your attention will turn to money and career issues. After a celebratory month of honoring your solar return, it’s time to put your energy back into work related endeavors. The themes associated with this part of your chart and this month for you are such things as financial security, material success, career moves, new projects, new sources of income, earning power, security and self-worth.

Equinox, which happens twice a year, brings the Light and the Dark into balance in nature, reminding us to see disharmony and misalignment in our lives so that we can restore balance. If you’ve been giving out of proportion with receiving, in any context, bring awareness and balance back. Consider saying “no” more than usual this month if necessary, and after a good spring cleaning, invite more abundance in.


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March 13-19 Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, March 13 - Sunday, March 19  

This week we’re still reeling from Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon and the recent eclipses. The effects of this eclipse portal may not play out fully for another six months, but we can feel things set in motion.


On Monday Mercury moves again, this time to Aries. Our communications could get a little more direct and a lot more feisty.


This week is fairly quiet, which can allow for the integration of the pretty intense astrological weather we’re having. And next week the Wheel of the Year will turn once again, bringing us to Spring Equinox finally. The sun will move into Aries, and the astrological calendar will begin again. For these seven days, begin to reflect on where you’ve gotten off track or out of balance, and also what feels healthy and strong in your life right now.

Enjoy your week.




For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (





Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Strength card

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Star card

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Justice card

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- The Magician card



Aries & Aries Rising



We are in the last week of the astrological year, before the sun moves to your sign, the beginning, and we start a new year. Spring Equinox signifies the sun’s shift to Aries and the time in nature when we seek and reach a balance point in the forces of the darkness and the light.

On Monday the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to your sign and first house, bringing a sense of self-confidence, directness and force to your communications. Your thoughts will be clear and your self-expression powerful. Just watch out for stubbornness or aggressive outbursts.


Taurus & Taurus Rising


We’re in the last week of the astrological year, before the sun moves to Aries and we start a new year. Spring Equinox signifies the sun’s shift to Aries, when we seek and reach a balance point in the forces of the darkness and the light.

On Monday the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Aries and your house of sorrows and self-undoing. Your thoughts and conversations will turn to self-defeating patterns and self-limiting behavior. This will allow you to do some inner work around releasing old habits and getting closure. There may be some discussions about these themes, or maybe you’ll need to retreat from dialog altogether.


Gemini & Gemini Rising


We’ve come to the last week of the astrological year, before the sun moves to Aries and we begin a new year. Spring Equinox signifies the sun’s shift to Aries and a time we reach balance in the forces of darkness and light.

On Monday the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Aries and your domestic house. Your thoughts and conversations will turn toward home and family. Any themes of fertility, domesticity, nesting, mothers or children will come into focus now.


Cancer & Cancer Rising


It is now the end of the astrological year, the last week of Pisces, before Spring Equinox when the sun shifts to Aries and we balance the forces of darkness and light. Your emotions and intuitions will be strong during this time.

On Monday the planet of communication, Mercury, moves into Aries and your house of success. Your mind will be focused on your career, material success, power and position. You could get a promotion or raise, or receive recognition for your good work. Use this strong energy to your advantage.


Leo & Leo Rising


We’ve reached the end of the astrological year, the last week of Pisces, before the Spring Equinox when the sun shifts to Aries and we balance the forces of darkness and light. Your house of mental exploration and long distance travel will be infused with more energy.

On Monday the planet of communication, Mercury, moves to Aries and your travel and adventure house. Your thoughts and conversations will be focused on mental exploration, travel, study, risk taking and freedom. This would be a good time to focus on school, higher education, religious and spiritual studies, and self-discovery.


Virgo & Virgo Rising


We have come to the end of the astrological year, the last week of Pisces and the time before the Equinox when the sun shifts to Aries and we balance the forces of darkness and light. Your house of intensity will be the focus next, for four weeks, so this week wrap up any loose ends.

The planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Aries on Monday, your house of privacy and intimacy. You’ll likely think about your sex life, merging with another, and spiritual transformation during this time. You can also consider such things as taxes, inheritance, debt and shared wealth. Make negotiations and sign contracts. Put anything important in writing.


Libra & Libra Rising


We’ve arrived at the end of the astrological year, the last week of Pisces and the time before the Equinox when the sun shifts to Aries and we balance the forces of darkness and light. After that, the focus will be on your relationships for four weeks, and on creating harmony and ease with your connections.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves to Aries on Monday, your relationship sector. Your communications and conversations will center around marriage and connections, relationships, even legal affairs and contracts. Take care of all that business you can manage while these themes are prominent and you can make some changes.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising


This week is the end of the astrological year, the last week of Pisces and the time before the Equinox when the sun shifts to Aries and we balance the forces of darkness and light. Then, for the next four weeks your focus will be on service and health.

On Monday, the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Aries and your house of health, the place where you get reorganized and recommitted to your own well being. Your thoughts and conversations will be focused on health, wellness, charity work and purification. Let go of any blocks to your own health and happiness. Make self-love and your well being a priority.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising


This week is the end of the astrological year, the last week of Pisces and the time before the Equinox when the sun shifts to Aries and we balance the forces of darkness and light. Then, for the next four weeks the focus will be on creativity and sexuality in your world.

On Monday, the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Aries and your fifth house. Your thoughts and ideas, conversations and plans will be about your artistic talents, love and romance, passion and fame, fertility and the heart. This will be a good time to make plans and figure some things out. You could find love or deepen a romantic relationship during this time, or things could get complicated and entangled temporarily. Make, participate in or enjoy somehow the arts during this period, to feed your spirit.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising


This is the last week of the Pisces season, right before Equinox, when the sun moves to Aries and a new astrological year begins. Next week and for the following four, your attention will be on domestic affairs and the homefront in general. You’ll be able to put your energy and plans into action regarding home improvements or gardening projects…

On Monday, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves to Aries and this same part of your chart, bringing your mind toward thoughts of home and family. You’ll be able to have important conversations with or about your parents or children, or make clear plans for relocation, home improvement or remodeling, or even family planning. Your thoughts and conversation will be all about home and family now, the one you have or the one you’re creating, so enjoy.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising


This is the final week of Pisces season, before Equinox, when the sun moves to Aries and a new astrological year begins. Next week the sun shifts and your energy will follow, moving to matters of communication.

On Monday Mercury, the planet of communication, moves to Aries and your house of communication; your self-expression is going to be supercharged. Use this time to do any writing or presentations, indulge your literary pursuits, travel, reach out to your family, and anything related to technology as it will all be supported now. Complete your writing projects and launch your new online business during this time, and keep track of all your big ideas or flashes of insight that hit you. This is the area of your chart related to plans as well as memories, and is also connected to your siblings and extended family.


Pisces & Pisces Rising


This is the final week of Pisces season, your solar return month. You are the end of the zodiac, the final realm. Now we will begin to emerge from these intuitive depths and as the sun moves to Aries, a new astrological year begins. Next week we will come to Spring Equinox, a time of balance in the darkness and light, and the time when the Sun enters Aries.

On Monday, the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Aries and your second house of money matters. Your mind will be focused on money, career, building sources of income, as well as themes of stability and self-worth. This will be a wonderful time of planning and growing after your birthday month, and to begin to see the first sprouts of your intentions unfolding from the eclipse portal.

raven watchers

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March 6-12 Horoscopes




Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes


for the week of Monday,  March 6 - Sunday, March 12  


This week the moon moves through Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra late Sunday night. We have a full moon in Virgo on Sunday morning. All full moons increase lunacy and emotionality, and represent an ending or the completion of a particular cycle.  


Mars, the fiery planet of action, moves into Taurus on Thursday, so wherever that is for you, expect a boost of energy, passion or ambition, and strong will.

On Friday Mercury, communication, makes a conjunction with Chiron, wounds and healing, which could influence discussions or conversations around old pain, or to facilitate a healing process.

Enjoy your week.




For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (





Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Ardha hanumanasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Supta virasana

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Triangmukhaipada paschimottanasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Ardha padmasana



Aries & Aries Rising



Your ruling planet Mars leaves your sign and moves to Taurus this week, to your financial house. You’ll feel inspiration and ambition about your career, and passion and drive to succeed, as well as just a boost of energy in general around money matters.

This weekend we have a full moon in Virgo, illuminating your sixth house of clarity. This moon could represent the end of a cycle, perhaps related to fitness or health. Or some new information could come to light. This part of your chart also deals with organization, health, purification, and pets.

Take your crystals and other magickal implements out for a full moon bath this weekend.


Taurus & Taurus Rising


The planet of willpower, Mars, moves from Aries to your sign and first house this week. While Mars is here, you can expect your enthusiasm and passion to return, as well as ambition for your goals in life, and just more energy behind your thoughts and actions.

We have a full moon in Virgo on Sunday morning in your house of health. You may receive some news about your health or a treatment you’re receiving, or maybe a particular cycle with a part of your health is coming to an end. Full moons can illuminate and reveal, so be open to insights you get.

Saturday night and Sunday morning make sure to spend time outdoors under the full moon beams to cleanse and recharge.


Gemini & Gemini Rising


The power planet Mars moves from Aries to Taurus on Thursday, shifting energy to your house of endings and rest. You may need to process some anger and resentment while Mars is here, so be careful not to lose your temper when you don’t mean to. The effort you put into taking time for relaxation and self-care, releasing self-imposed limitations, and considering the meaning of life will be empowered now. This is a good time to take care of your mental and emotional well being.

We have a full moon in Virgo on Sunday morning, in your house of home. Full moons reveal or illuminate, so you could get some news about fertility, mothers, children, relocation, or immediate family. This moon could also be the end of a particular lunar cycle and the end of a period or situation for you.

Spend time Saturday night and Sunday morning with your crystals and gemstones under the bright moonbeams of the Virgo full moon.


Cancer & Cancer Rising


Mars, the planet of energy, moves from Aries to Taurus on Thursday, shifting that energy to your eleventh house of alliances. While Mars is here, your personal magnetism and charm will increase, your passion and inspiration will be strong, and your communication with your friends and associates should feel clear and direct. This will be a good change for you, Cancer. Be bolder and more self-assured in your connections.

We have a full moon in Virgo on Sunday morning, in your house of communication. Full moons often illuminate, or reveal information. You could receive some news or an answer. This is also the culmination of a particular lunar cycle that began six months ago, so there could be some resolution around community, technology, travel, or literary pursuits.


Leo & Leo Rising


The feisty planet of action, Mars, changes signs on Thursday, moving to Taurus and your career house. Mars brings passion, directness, and power to whatever he contacts so your work life should feel a boost. Expect your ambition as well as accomplishments to be strong, your passion to grow and your material success to increase.

On Sunday morning we have a full moon in Virgo, your house of money.  Full moons often bring an ending to a cycle, or closure, or news. This moon could illuminate some new information about a money matter, or a project that propelled your career forward is coming to a close, or maybe your sense of self-worth or your material worth may increase under this moon’s energy.

Spend time Saturday night and Sunday early morning in meditation or contemplation under the full moon’s illumination.



Virgo & Virgo Rising



The will power planet Mars moves from Aries to Taurus on Thursday, shifting his energy to your house of mental exploration. Mars brings passion, inspiration, ambition, and clarity to whatever he encounters. This is good news for your educational goals, study plans, travel or adventure plans, or any publishing or literary efforts. You could find joy in engaging with like minds in spirited, deep, philosophical debates.

On Sunday morning we have a full moon in your sign and first house of selfhood. This full moon could illuminate or reveal something important to you, or be the culmination of a period of work or thought, or it could bring news or ideas.

Be sure to make time for a moonbath this weekend, under the stars and the full moon beams, to clear away any residue and to recharge your energetic batteries.



Libra & Libra Rising



The planet of action and aggression, Mars, moves from Aries to Taurus on Thursday, shifting the energy to your intense eighth house. Mars rules our ambition, will power, and direct action, and even sex drive. In this part of your chart, Mars can make you may feel more passionate and fiery. This is the area of privacy and intimacy.

On Sunday morning we have a full moon in Virgo in your house of closure and rest. Full moons bring culmination or closure, and this is your house of endings. You will likely find yourself at the end of a cycle, or saying goodbye in some way. This moon could also bring news or information for closure and healing.

Saturday night or Sunday morning, spend time taking a moon bath, letting the lunar beams clear away self-imposed limitations and sorrows, and to recharge your energy.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising


Mars, the action planet, moves to Taurus on Thursday, to your house of relationships. The energy will shift to your connections, partnerships, marriage, business associations. You’ll feel more passionate and want to create harmony, so try not to use aggressive tactics to get what you want now. Mars can gift us with power, but we can also get more aggravated when trying to make a point.

On Sunday morning we have a full moon in Virgo, your house of friendship and alliances. Full moons bring endings or culmination of a cycle or period of time, or they can bring news or revelations. You may get insight about your tribe, or something may shift with your long-term dreams.

Spend time outside on Saturday night and Sunday morning, to cleanse and recharge your crystals and your energy field.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising


The planet of will power, Mars, moves from Aries to Taurus on Thursday, to your house of health and organization. Mars brings action, direction, passion and courage. In this part of your chart Mars could assist your fitness goals, in reinspiring your ambition and the courage to work out and take care of yourself even if you’re exhausted. Mars can also empower your health goals, health care procedures, and your aspiration toward your personal vision of your life.

We have a Virgo full moon on Sunday morning in your house of career. This full moon could bring to a culmination a work project or cycle of time, or it could illuminate new information about your career or long-term plans, or perhaps you’ll have a revelation about your material success. Father figures and male mentors are also included in this part of your chart, so there may be information there.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising


The planet of will and war, Mars, moves to Taurus on Thursday, shifting energy to your fifth house of sex and art. Mars brings magnetism, passion, power and action. In this part of your chart, your sex life, or romance, or creative pursuits will get a power surge. This house is all about love, joy, pleasure, artistic expression, your heart. And pregnancy.

We have a Virgo full moon on Sunday morning in your house of mental pursuits and travel. Full moons bring illumination, culmination, and lunacy. You could get some news or find closure about a particular thing in your life related to studies, education or traveling.

This part of your chart is about long journeys, not just physically, but also mentally, so think deep studies and spiritual transformation.

Spend time on Saturday night or Sunday morning under the full moonbeams.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising


Mars, the  planet of action, moves to Taurus on Thursday, to your domestic house. Mars brings passion and energy, and in this part of your chart you can feel empowered to do spring cleaning, remodeling, or other family-centered activities. Women and children are part of this house, as is self-care.

We have a full moon in Virgo on Sunday morning in your house of intimacy and privacy. This is the realm of death and rebirth, spiritual transformation, and merging with another. Full moons bring endings or the culmination of a cycle, or they could bring revelations and news. Spend time on Saturday night and Sunday morning taking a moon bath- recharge your crystals and yourself.


Pisces & Pisces Rising


The action planet Mars moves from Aries to Taurus on Thursday, to your third house of communication. Mars brings power and passion, and amplifies energy. In this part of your chart you could feel clear in your self-expression, and anything connected to technology, community, or ideas will feel empowered as well.

We have a Virgo full moon on Sunday morning in your house of relationships. Full moons illuminate and reveal information or news. They can also be the end or culmination of a particular cycle. The themes of this moon will be around the connections you have with family members, your partner, and business associates.

Spend time out under the stars on Saturday night or Sunday morning to recharge your crystals and gemstones and to take a moon bath yourself.


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: Venus Retrograde : Finding Consideration and Clarity in the Chaos

Venus, the love planet, turns retrograde at 13º Aries on March 4, 1:09am California time. Rather than the fear and confusion this news usually invokes, it can actually inspire you into a period of self-reflection about the kind of relationships you want and the way in which you want to be loved.

The journey Venus makes through the heavens astronomically is a particularly fascinating one to me, as well as Venus' association with the mythic story of Inanna. I have written and taught about Venus and Inanna for years and continue to have insights when studying and experiencing these energies, as they are both valuable and potent archetypes. Venus makes what can be considered eight year loops, and turns retrograde every year and a half. She begins her retrograde in Aries but will move back to Pisces on April 2 until direct motion on April 15, at 27º. When Venus turns retrograde she is an Evening Star but will emerge as a Morning Star next month after her time in her Underworld. This parallels the mythology of Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, who leaves all the she has and all that she is behind and is initiated into the Realm of the Underworld by her sister Ereshkigal, the Dark Goddess. After her trials and death to her old self she is reborn, she ascends from the Realm of the Dead and rises as Morning Star and Queen once more.

While Venus is in her Underworld, she is not functioning normally, as she enters a numinous and intense space. Her work will be felt internally and deeply, and may not manifest at first externally. This is a time when we have the option of doing great work on ourselves, to deal with outdated self-imposed limitations when it comes to love and vulnerability, we can clear out heart wounds, and we can revision what we want in our relationships and in love. During this next month, we will begin to unearth the frozen and petrified parts of our hearts and let go of much pain and patterning that doesn't serve us, do important work on self-love, and clarify and invoke the highest love available to us in this life in all our relationships.

Venus rules all things related to love, money, abundance, beauty, adornment, pleasure, beautification, the arts, music, writing, sex appeal, romance, friendship, allure, love affairs, finance, emotions, grace…  so when she moves we may need to pay attention. Look at your horoscopes to see where Venus will turn retrograde and where your work will start. Relationships, like anything of value in life, requires our investment and our work. Think of this Venus retrograde as the chrysalis stage of your transformational metamorphosis … emerging with updated and activated visions and insights about love, relationships and harmonious existence.  

Dowse yourselves with rose oil and surround yourselves with rose quartz. Drink or soak in magnesium before bed and if you're adept at herbs, make a dream tea with hops, lavender and valerian to assist deep sleep. If you don't have a love altar in your home and feel like you want or need one, create it. Need ideas? Send me a pm. 

May your hearts let go and release the baggage and heal, grow and glow in this time of contemplation and revelation. 

Blessed be.

artwork by Relm

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February 27-March 5

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, February 27 - Sunday, March 5



We’ve just emerged from the second eclipse in this current Eclipse Portal, with the solar eclipse and new moon in Pisces on Sunday morning. We are often altered in some way, either during the Eclipse Portal itself or in the six months that unfold after, revealing something that was dissolved or removed and something new beginning to grow. Eclipses always magnify or magnetize, they initiate and activate.

This weekend Venus, the planet of love, turns retrograde in Aries. While Venus is retrograde she turns inward, and we may have some inner work to do around self-love or our relationship or money wounds. It is also a time to reflect on what you desire in love, in your relationships with others, and also your core beliefs around material success and abundance.

Enjoy your week.




"Confusion and chaos are signs of the old structures of life breaking down so that something new can emerge. There is nothing inherently unspiritual in feeling confused. In fact, growth may not be possible without periods of chaos."   ~ Mark Thurston.


For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Patchouli

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Palo Santo

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Jasmine

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Frankincense



Aries & Aries Rising

Venus has been in your sign since February 3, and on Saturday will turn retrograde until April 15. During this time, you may feel pulled toward reflection and review of your love life and how you relate in your relationships. Some of your closest connections may undergo change. This is also a good time to contemplate and revision your beliefs about money and material wealth and spiritual abundance.

Your ruling planet Mars is shifting from your sign to earthy Taurus next week and that will feel different. You may be feeling on edge and riled up, and rightly so, but butting heads in conflict has taken its toll and now it’s time to ground down a little bit. The feistiness will still be there- you’ll just need to be more discerning about which battles you really need to take on.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

The planet of love, Venus, will turn retrograde in Aries on Saturday in your house of endings. Your sign is ruled by Venus, which is what makes you such a lover of art, beauty and pleasure in its many forms. This is the hazy, reclusive part of your chart where you sit with your sorrows and lick your wounds, release and get rest. You can contemplate what you want in your relationships going forward, the kind of lover you want, friends that are your tribe, and how even challenging relationships can give momentum to your evolution. Venus is also all about finances and self-worth, so think about these things too.

Next week Mars, the action planet, will leave Aries and move to your sign, giving you a boost and blast of energy and power. You can start making plans now for how you’ll channel your ambition and drive.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

The love planet Venus will turn retrograde in Aries this Saturday in your house of alliances. While Venus is retrograde, your romantic and relatable side may go underground temporarily in favor of rethinking what it is you want in your relationships. Venus also rules money and self-worth, so there will be some work to do around those issues as well.

Mars, the feisty planet, is in Aries currently and in this same part of your chart. After last week’s Mars/Pluto square, you could be involved in some interpersonal conflicts but those could begin to be smoothed out when Mars moves to Taurus next week, when you’ll be able to process things and get some rest and solitude.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Venus turns retrograde in Aries on Saturday. This means that your work relationships or your relationship to income could shift or evolve after some introspection. Themes of this Venus retrograde for you could involve beliefs around material success, how you feel about your profession and your public standing, and you could revisit some insights passed on to you by a male mentor or a father figure.

Mars, the planet of action, is still in Aries and also in your house of career, but will move to Taurus next week. That will bring an abundance of this energy to your house of friendship, enlivening your social calendar, strengthening bonds, empowering intellectual pursuits, and activating your goals.


Leo & Leo Rising

On Saturday, Venus turns retrograde in fellow fire sign Aries, which is your house of mental exploration and adventure. While retrograde, Venus turns her power inward. You could decide to relocate for love or education, or you could decide to take a long trip as an adventure. You may feel more inclined to think about and discuss the philosophies of love, the ideas behind these feelings and emotions, and since this is the risk-taking and blunt-talking part of your chart, you could take a chance or make a love declaration after this period.

Mars, the action planet, is still in Aries and this same area of your chart this week. Next week that energy will shift when Mars moves to Taurus; your career and public standing will get a big boost now. Be resourceful and use this burst of energy to fuel your goals and ambition, to create bright ideas that will garner admiration, or to increase your material success.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Venus turns retrograde in Aries on Saturday, in your house of intensity. The love planet has been infusing your sex life and private life with more romance or passion. Now during the retrograde cycle, that energy will turn more inside. You’ll have time to reflect on what you want romantically, with your sex life, in your love life, even in the relationships you have with business partners.

The planet of energy, Mars, is also in this part of your chart, infusing your sexy eighth house with more passion. But next week Mars shifts to Taurus, and that will move that fire to your house of mental exploration. Your literary pursuits, travel adventures, higher education goals will be empowered.


Libra & Libra Rising

The love planet Venus (in Aries) will turn retrograde on Saturday in your house of relationships. Venus is your ruling planet, and has been bringing her powers to your seventh house, making connections better and deeper. During the retrograde cycle those powers will manifest inwardly, and you’ll be able to do much relationship work, clarifying deep needs and desires about your partnerships.

Mars, the planet of will, is also in this part of your chart for now, infusing more power and passion into your romantic connection. There could also be more volatility with the energy of Mars here. Next week he moves to Taurus and will shift the energy to another realm.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Venus, the planet of love, turns retrograde in Aries on Saturday in your house of wellness. While retrograde, Venus takes her power and energies inside. There will likely be some work to do in the relationships with people you work with. You could meet someone special and begin a friendship or romance while taking a fitness class or working out or at the juice bar. This house also deals with purification, so you could purge and release some heartache or relationship wounds.

The action planet Mars moves from Aries to Taurus next week, so you’ll feel an infusion of new energy and strength in your relationships, marriage and connections.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The love planet, Venus, turns retrograde in Aries on Saturday, in your house of sex and creativity. Venus has been bestowing blessing on your love life and artistic pursuits, but during the retrograde cycle her powers will be felt more internally. Maybe there’s some work around self-love or self-worth to do now. Or you’ll be more tuned in to your creative and sexual desires so that you can articulate and manifest them when Venus turns direct. This house also involves fertility and pregnancy, as well as love affairs.

The planet of will, Mars, is also in this part of your chart, increasing your passions. Next week Mars moves to Taurus, so that power will shift to your house of health and well being.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Venus, the planet of love and money, turns retrograde in Aries, your domestic house, on Saturday. Venus has been in this part of your chart, helping your nesting and family-centered work manifest. During the retrograde period, Venus turns her work inward. It may feel like a time of contemplation about family planning or where you want to call home, or possibly relocating for love. Stay connected to the women in your life and family during this time.

Mars, the planet of action, is also in this part of your chart this week, bringing willpower and maybe even stubbornness to your family life. Next week he moves to Taurus, and that will shift his energy to your house of creativity and sex…


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

The planet of love and money, Venus, turns retrograde in Aries on Saturday, in your third house of communication. Venus has been here, assisting your self-expression, smoothing family ties and enticing you to want to travel. During the retrograde period her work in this part of your chart will be felt more internally, maybe giving you space to think about what it is you want and make plans for study or travel to take place in the coming months.

Mars, the action planet, is also in this part of your chart this week, bringing potency. Next week Mars shifts to earthy Taurus and your domestic house. That means you’ll feel boosted energy and ambition with such things as spring cleaning, reorganizing, remodeling, gardening, nesting and making your home cozy and magickal.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

The love and money planet Venus turns retrograde in fiery Aries on Saturday, in your house of money. Venus has been here giving your love life and your bank account and investments lots of love. During the retrograde cycle you may not feel this energy manifest externally as much as internally. This is a good time for self-love and growth, and to consider your feelings about self-worth, and how your material wealth influences your amount of self-worth.

Mars, the planet of action, is in this part of your chart this week, boosting your ambition and financial power. Next week he moves to Taurus and your third house of communication. That means your communication skills, self-expression and all educational endeavors will be empowered.
