
February 20-26 Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, February 20 - Sunday, February 26



This week we move toward the end of this Eclipse Portal with our second eclipse, an annular solar eclipse in Pisces on Sunday morning. From the Leo Full Moon and eclipse on February 10 until the New Moon and Pisces eclipse the Universe is listening more intently and the energy is more fertile and numinous, making it a good time to invoke dreams and plant seeds and magnetize to you what you need. The sun just recently left Aquarius for Pisces, the last zodiac sign, and on Sunday we have a solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces making this a most potent day for Pisces sun signs. As with all New Moons, set intentions for this next lunar cycle and know that with the added power of an eclipse these intentions and inspirations could get activated magically, with the force of the heavens propelling them into manifestation.

Mercury, muse of the mind, also shifts into Pisces this week, on Saturday, changing the way we connect and the things we talk about. Mercury is conjunct Uranus in Aries this weekend, inciting some revolution through verbal or written means, or maybe only in our own thoughts.

Manage your psychology as best you can and try to tap into the palpable energy surges from these two eclipses, working with these forces to create something meaningful.


Enjoy your week.




For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Triang mukhaipada paschimottanasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Supta virasana

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Virasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Padmasana



Aries & Aries Rising

This week Mercury moves to Pisces, your twelfth house of endings and processing. Mercury’s realm includes memory, planning, thoughts, self-talk, conversations, movement and locomotion. While the communication planet is in this part of your chart you can focus on tying up communicative loose ends, get closure, indulge in rest and relaxation, and contemplate the meaning of life.

The Pisces solar eclipse and new moon are also in this part of your chart is the final eclipse in this Virgo/Pisces axis circuit that began in 2015. You have likely been through a series of health challenges over the past couple of years. This new moon could be a good time to set intentions around releasing wounds of the past and making self-care and rest a priority.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

This weekend Mercury moves to Pisces, your house of friendship. Mercury’s realm includes memory, plans, thoughts, self-talk, conversations, locomotion and communication. While the planet of the mind is in this part of your chart you can focus on connections with others, making alliances, and will likely join some new group or association aligned with something you care about.

The Pisces solar eclipse and new moon are also in this part of your chart and will bring even more energy there. This is the final eclipse in a series of Virgo/Pisces eclipses that started in 2015. For this one, set intentions around the tribe you want, the friendships you want, the work you want to do around issues that are important to you. It’s also about your long-term dreams, good fortune, and clarifying your personal vision.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

This weekend Mercury, planet of the mind, shifts into Pisces and your tenth house of hard work and career. All things mental, including memory, planning, self-talk, and communication are in Mercury’s realm and in this part of your chart his influence can show by you receiving recognition for your hard work, nailing a presentation, procuring a raise or promotion, being seen as an expert in your field, etc. Pay attention to and work with these energy shifts to let them work to your advantage.

The Pisces solar eclipse and new moon are also in this part of your chart, and you’ll feel that burst of energy on Sunday. This will be the final in a series of eclipses on the Virgo/Pisces axis that have likely reorganized your career path over the past couple of years. This eclipse could be a good time to commit to your new vision and set intentions to keep you inspired and motivated as the changes unfold.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Mercury, planetary muse of the mind, moves into Pisces and your house of communication and study on Saturday. This move can give a mental boost to your travel plans, educational goals, and mental pursuits. Sign up for a new class or dive into a new course of study. This is also a good time to arrange some vacation time.

The Pisces new moon and eclipse also land in this part of your chart on Sunday. As with any new moon, set intentions for this new lunation, and these intentions will center around such things as mind-expanding mental pursuits, higher education or literary efforts. This is the final in a series of eclipses on this Virgo/Pisces axis that may have over the past several months assisted you with taking a risk or being bold in a new way, particularly entrepreneurial goals, relocating for school or traveling to have an adventure. Use these potent eclipse portal energies to assist your big ideas this week.



Leo & Leo Rising

Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves to Pisces on Saturday and into your house of intimacy and merging. All the thoughts, plans and memories we have are Mercury’s realm, along with technology and movement and the past. You may have thoughts about joining resources with someone, inheritance or legacy, or about merging more intimately with a significant other.

Any legal matters regarding inheritance, death or material assets and property should be taken care of now.

The final eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis happens on Sunday with a new moon and solar eclipse in Pisces. This lands in the same part of your chart Mercury is moving to-- so there could be some changes, improvements or evolution there. You could deepen a bond or connection with someone, improve your sex life or co-invest with a partner in a new venture. Set intentions for this next lunar cycle that will help grow your money and intimacy with the people you chose to connect with.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

The mental planet Mercury moves to Pisces on Saturday, to your seventh house of relating. Mercury’s realm includes thoughts, plans, memories, daydreams, inner dialog, technology and locomotion. While in this part of your chart he can help you communicate more effectively with your significant other, your business partners and your general connections.

The final eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis happens this Sunday with a new moon and solar eclipse in Pisces (in the same area of your chart Mercury’s moving to). You’ve probably undergone a seventh house makeover since 2015 and at this new moon you can use all the force of will and your positive intentions to keep you moving in the direction of your dreams. Set important intentions around your marriage or love life, your business connections and collaborations, and creating harmony as you pursue your goals.


Libra & Libra Rising

Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves to Pisces on Saturday, into your house of health. Mercury’s realm is communication, understanding, memory, plans, connection. For this period you can focus on tasks like analysis or organization to improve life generally, and put your health and well being first for a while. This area of your chart also rules over the relationships you have with coworkers and employers as well as how to be useful in the world and even your pets.

The final eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis happens this Sunday with a Pisces new moon and eclipse, in the same area of your chart that Mercury is moving to. You have likely experienced some sort of health crisis, or loss, or the closure on a relationship. For this eclipse, focus on clearing clutter and stress from your immediate surroundings and on invoking healing.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Mercury, the mental planet, moves to Pisces on Saturday, into your fifth house of creativity and sex. The Mercury realm includes communication and thinking, memory and plans, self-expression and technology. While in Pisces, your conversations and connections will deepen around sex, passion, romance and artistic pursuits.

On Sunday we have a new moon and eclipse in Pisces, the last one on the Virgo/Pisces axis. If you’ve experienced an overhaul of your love life for the past couple of years, this eclipse may bring some good fortune your way. You could meet someone special or fall in love during this time. Your creative self-expression and creative output should get a boost and you could receive some recognition or fame for some of your work. Pregnancy is also a possibility.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to Pisces and your domestic house on Saturday. Mercury rules communication, self-talk, thinking and technology. While here, Mercury can help smooth your family discussions and disputes, assist your real estate or remodeling issues, and consider your maternal line of genealogy.

On Sunday we have a new moon and eclipse in Pisces, in the same part of your chart Mercury just moved to. If you’ve been uprooted or had trouble finding balance between work and home for the past two years, this eclipse could be a turning point. Set intentions for the new lunar cycle about what you want your homelife to be, what you intend about family and fertility, or what you hold closest to your heart.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Mercury, the mental planet, moves into Pisces on Sunday. While the planet of communication is in your third house of communication, your self-expression will be clear and concise. Technology and community as well as travel and family connections are supported strongly during this aspect.

On Sunday we have a new moon and eclipse in Pisces, in the same area of your chart Mercury moved to. Set intentions that you want to have grow during this new lunar cycle. You could have a change of heart about something or get unexpected news around this eclipse, or a flash of brilliance can spark a new project. Literary or publishing pursuits are favored now.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Mercury, planet of the mind, heads into water sign Pisces on Sunday, shifting the way you’ll think and discuss money and finances. With the communication planet in your financial house, your thoughts, plans and conversations will focus on your career, increasing your income, self-worth and material abundance. This is a good time for a career shift, ideas for new incomes sources, or to create a new business.

On Sunday we have a new moon and eclipse in Pisces, in the same part of your chart Mercury moved to. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle to increase your material success and focus on self-worth. Eclipses can bring big news or sparks of fortune, so look for exciting business opportunities or new ways money can flow to you.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

The mental planet Mercury moves to your sign and first house on Sunday. Your thoughts, self-talk, communications and self-expression should be easeful and clear now. You’ll feel more inquisitive and seek out intellectual challenges, or you could feel mentally restless.

On Sunday you have a big day; there is a solar eclipse and new moon in your sign. You only get the new moon in your sign during your solar return month once a year, and it can be a potent day for setting significant and meaningful intentions to carry you into your new year of life. Think new beginnings for you personally. This is the final eclipse of a series of eclipses on the Virgo/Pisces axis that could have caused a renovation to your personal life and closest relationships over the past two years. For this eclipse, magnetize your goals and vision to you.



February 13-19 Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology Horoscopes

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, February 13- Sunday, February 19



I don’t have to tell you there’s a lot going on politically, socially and personally, and my answer when people ask if anything is going on astrologically is always, yes. Always.

When you are in alignment with Nature, you can navigate the winds of the changing currents as the archetypal energies influence your consciousness. Understanding what these archetypal influences are, you can learn to work with the energies in the most optimal ways.

We are in an Eclipse Portal, the numinous space between eclipses, a designated no whining zone psychically, and a time when we can concentrate on and invoke positive change, transformation, and revolution.  We are coming off of the Leo full moon and lunar eclipse from Friday, and we’ll have a solar eclipse at the new moon in Pisces on February 26. The Leo/Aquarius axis of the full moon eclipse asks us to balance our paradoxical qualities or to explore contrary compliments, like power and grace, or balancing emotion with intellect. Jupiter is retrograde in Libra, asking us to fine tune where we want growth and expansion, and where we’ve gone into excess. Lilith moves to Sagittarius for nine months. And on Saturday we say goodbye to Aquarius season, as the sun moves into the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces. Neptune ruled Pisces solar cycle will assist our ability to tune in energetically and emotionally during the Eclipse Portal, looking deeply at our dreams as well as our delusions.

Enjoy your week. xo,



For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list to get a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Fire agate

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Amethyst

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Celestite

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Jet



Aries & Aries Rising

On Saturday we leave Aquarius for Pisces season, when the sun enters the water sign in the early morning hours (3:31am PST). Your attention will shift to your quiet twelfth house of solitude and self-undoing for the next four weeks. This down time is meant to prepare you for your solar return, coming up next. For this solar cycle you should allow yourself time to process any residue of resentment or disappointment, work out your plans, address your patterns of self-defeating behavior, and to get real rest. There might be a lot to let go of now before your solar return celebrations begin.

Mars, your ruler, is still in your sign all month so you should feel some of your passion and inspiration return as you plan your personal goals and vision.

This weekend, as we change sun signs, let yourself have some down time to be creative or to pamper yourself.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

On Saturday the sun leaves Aquarius and heads to Pisces, moving your attention to your eleventh house of alliances. For the next four weeks of this new solar season, your friendships will take the forefront, you’ll put energy into the clubs and political associations you belong to, and your long term dreams will come into focus. This is a good time for teamwork to create positive change and to use technology to move toward your highest vision for life.

This week we’re in the Eclipse Portal, so all your thoughts and energy will be heard clearly by the Universe; make sure you’re channeling what you want to draw in.

Start thinking about your tribe, those beings you surround yourself with and you count on, and consider where you could fortify your boundaries more and where your heart can open more.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

The sun leaves Aquarius and moves to Pisces on Saturday. For the next four weeks of the new sun cycle, you awareness will be on your career and public standing. This is a good time to focus on your material success in life, putting energy into your profession, fine tuning your aspirations, and embracing your talents. You could get a promotion during this time or just feel reinspired and more passionate and ambitious.

This week we are in the middle of the Eclipse Portal, a time when our thoughts and ideas are amplified. It’s important to not let your worry or overthinking take over this month. Let your inner dialogue reflect your heart’s deepest desires.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

On Saturday the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces, to your house of study and mental exploration. For the next four weeks you will seek out adventure, make travel plans or take a trip, or maybe you’ll register for a new course. This is the perfect time for higher education and deep studies, for expanding your horizons and trying something new.

We are in the Eclipse Portal, intensifying all of our thoughts and feelings. Make sure to put a pause on sulking and complaining, as the Universe is listening intently to what you’re focused on.

This week, think about what you really want in life and devise a few plans to choose from that can get you there.


Leo & Leo Rising

On Saturday the sun shifts out of Aquarius and into Pisces, your intense eighth house. For the four weeks that follow your attention will be on themes of sex, death and rebirth, manifesting in thoughts about intimacy and privacy, shared wealth, legacies or inheritance, and spiritual transformation. That should keep you busy enough, Leo.

If not, we’re still under the influence of the Eclipse Portal, so all things feel a little more intense. The full moon in your sign still has us feeling a little lunacy hung over. Remember to direct your thoughts in the direction of positive invocation and gratitude.

This week, let yourself explore the themes of this sun cycle without explanation, blame or guilt.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

The Aquarius sun cycle ends and the Pisces cycle begins this week, moving your focus to your relationship house. For the next four weeks your attention will be on partnerships, your partners and relationship issues. This part of your chart is about relating to others, forming bonds and partnerships, and includes the work part of relationships, with your partner as well as with the people you work with or those you’re involved with in legal affairs. This is the house of harmony.

We are in an Eclipse Portal all week, which can seem to intensify everything. Your thoughts and self-talk should reflect invocations of what you want in life rather than a laundry list of self-loathing, Virgo.

This week, keep a positive attitude and reflect on all your current relationships and how uplifting or draining they all are.


Libra & Libra Rising

The sun moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces this week, shifting the energy to your sixth house of organization and well being. For the next four weeks of this sun cycle your attention will turn to your health, fitness, doctor’s appointments, your relationship with the people you work with, pets and getting organized. Put your wellness first this month by scheduling all the check ups you need, starting a new class, eating better, getting more self-care and pampering. The energy can also be channeled into getting organized mentally and physically, decluttering your life in a major  way in order to make room for what’s to come.

This week you can focus on clearing away any negative self-talk and dream a clear vision into being during this eclipse season.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces on Saturday, putting the focus now on your creativity and passion. For the next four weeks your attention will center around sex, love, love affairs, artistic endeavors and creative pursuits. It can be a great month of making art, exploring romance, pleasure seeking and merry making. This is also the house that rules fertility and pregnancy. It may be a good time to fall in love or to indulge in your romantic side.

We are in the Eclipse Portal all week, intensifying everything, so stay centered on invoking abundance and joy into your life and release all the rest.

This week, tune into your muse and begin to create.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

On Saturday the sun shifts out of Aquarius and into Pisces, your fourth house of domestic duties. For the next four weeks of this solar cycle your energy and attention will turn to home, family, and stability. You may consider relocating or you could begin a home improvement project, you could decide to expand your family, or you could just feel called to stay in more and nest at home. This would be a good time for remodeling or spring cleaning, decluttering, reorganizing. An important woman or mother figure could play a starring role this month, as could a child or children. Self-care should be emphasized now and getting lots of rest and relaxation.

This week allow yourself to think about what makes you feel most at home and with whom you want to spend your time.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

On Saturday we have a new solar cycle; the sun moves into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. The emphasis for you will now be on communication issues for the next four weeks. This would be a good time to reach out to siblings and other extended family members or to clarify thoughts and communications. This is the part of your chart that deals with self-expression, travel and ideas. Your logic and memory will be strong now, and both technology and community will figure into this week’s work.

We are in the middle of an Eclipse Portal which causes activation, initiation, but also some confusion and intensification of emotions and energy.

This week it would be good to keep a level head and maybe get out of town for a break.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Your solar return month is coming to an end now after a full month of celebrations and intense astrology. The sun will will leave your sign and move to Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, and into your money house. As your birthday month ends, your focus for the next four weeks will shift to finances, your work, and all money matters. This will be a great time to reinvent yourself, to initiate a new business and increase your income. You could change professions or you may just implement new and important ideas to your current career. Self-love is certainly a big part of this part of your chart, as is material success. Your new vision will begin to pay off.

We are in an Eclipse Portal this week which intensifies everything.

This week you can try to come down from your birthday high and put all your inspired and bright ideas into making financial abundance.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

The sun leaves Aquarius on Saturday and you get to emerge from the intense twelfth house where you’ve been processing and resting. The sun moves to your sign and your solar return month begins, with the sun in your first house of self and personal intimacy. For the next four weeks your energy will be strong, as will your powers of empathy and intuition. This is your time to put your intentions and wishes into form, to invoke your deepest desires.

We are still in an Eclipse Portal this week creating upheaval and activating our thoughts into manifestation, so watch closely your words and self-talk.

This week will be for plans and rest to get ready for the sun’s shift into your sign, and over the weekend your celebration month begins.




Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes ~ Feb 6-12



Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, February 6 - Sunday, February 12


Jupiter has just turned retrograde in Libra (23º) on Sunday until June 9. His work of expansion and openings will be felt internally during this cycle, a good time to plant seeds and perfect plans. On Tuesday, Mercury joins the sun in Aquarius, modifying our communications and conversations. Mercury in Aquarius has a detached, unemotional tone, more informational and our thinking more logical if capable. The big news of the week is the Full Moon in Leo and penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Luna is more dramatic when in the sign of Leo, and on top of the usual lunacy we have the electrifying vibes of an eclipse. Eclipses are like cosmic power surges; they shake things up, wake us up, initiate sudden changes and activate us in some way. Those of you who’ve read my work and participated in courses over the years know that eclipses come in twos, and we’ll have another eclipse, a Solar Eclipse, at the New Moon in Pisces on February 26. You’ll also remember that the time span between the eclipses I call the “no whine zone” because the Cosmic Consciousness is fertile and being seeded with your thoughts, desires, longings and intentions, so during this time you should form your thoughts into affirmations and prayers, songs to the Divine about what you’re grateful for, what you heart is calling for. Eclipses often spiral in 9 and 18 year increments, connecting that time and those events to this one. For this upcoming eclipse, hold a clear and steady vision of what you want and offer gratitude for the fullness in your life.


Enjoy your week. And happy new year!




For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Hanumanasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Black tourmaline

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Supta virasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Grounding essential oil



Aries & Aries Rising

Mercury, the planet of communication, moves to Aquarius and your eleventh house of friendship and collaboration. This shift increases your logical brain power and ability to communicate clearly and effectively. This would be a great time to reach out to like minds, to dream of solutions with your heart tribe, even just to have your besties over for a slumber party and late night contemplative wisdom think tank.

On Friday we have a Leo full moon and lunar eclipse, activating some powerful magick. This moon lands in your fifth house of sex and art.  Full moons bring enough lunacy, but coupled with Leo it can get a bit dramatic. And add to that an eclipse, otherwise known as a changemaker, things could get interesting at best and volatile at worst.

This week is for organizing your thoughts and powers to have an action plan of moving forward into this year.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

The planet that rules all communication, Mercury, moves to Aquarius and your house of career. The way you express yourself and the thoughts you have will be influenced by Aquarian traits of logic, directness, and even aloofness or coolness. If you have any investigative work to do, or a presentation or talk to give, this is a good time for it.

We have a Leo full moon on Friday, plus a lunar eclipse, initiating something big. Full moons always bring lunacy and fruition, or the end of a cycle, and with an eclipse in the mix you can be certain there will be big changes or unexpected news. Be sure to focus on what you want to have in life rather that what you don’t have.

This week is for clearing your thoughts of negativity and hopelessness and invoking positive change where you need it.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

Mercury, muse of the mind, moves to fellow air sign Aquarius on Tuesday, to your house of mental exploration. The influence of Mercury governs what we think and talk about and in this part of your chart your mental pursuits, higher education pursuits and travel plans will be supported. This would be the best time to enroll in deep studies, go back to school, take a course or a long journey to a land far away.

We have a full moon in Leo on Friday with a lunar eclipse initiating changes. Full moons always bring lunacy and the completion of a lunar cycle, and with the eclipse energies added in there will be unexpected news coming in. Things can shift rapidly in an Eclipse Portal so stay alert to new information coming to you in all ways.

This week you can let your mind find solace in plans and intentions that motivate you to move toward your dreams.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

The planet of communications, Mercury, moves to air sign Aquarius on Tuesday, into your house of sex, death and rebirth. Mercury’s work is cognition, communication, self-expression. While in this part of your chart you can expect that your connection with your significant other or business partner will deepen, or you’ll join financial forces with someone, sharing wealth, and that’ll be profitable. In general, you should experience greater intimacy and possibly could have a spiritual realization of some sort.

We have a full moon in Leo with a lunar eclipse on Friday. Full moons bring lunacy and eclipses are change makers, so we can expect that this will be a potent day. This happens in your house of wealth; there could be changes to your financial state, your career, or just in your thinking about money. Remember that eclipse energy magnetizes and magnifies.

This week prepare for any news or changes that might come your way by getting truly grounded and centered and rested.


Leo & Leo Rising

Mercury, muse of communication, moves to polar opposite sign Aquarius on Tuesday and into your house of relating. While in this area, Mercury could increase your connections and verbal harmony with those you’re in relationship with. You could enter into a business partnership now, sign a contract, get a marriage license, profess your love to someone, or commit to a lover. That should keep you busy.

If that wasn’t enough to occupy your time this week, we have full moon in your sign on Friday WITH a lunar eclipse! Full moons always bring lunacy, and in your sign they’re always more dramatic, and with an eclipse you should expect the unexpected. An eclipse in your first house of self has the potential to be powerful, but there will likely be unexpected news or a sudden change, possibly connected to events of nine or eighteen years ago.

This week lean into your capacity to inspire people with your words, and prepare for the waves of change that are coming.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

The planet of communication and mental activity, Mercury, shifts over to Aquarius on Tuesday into your house of health. Mercury’s realm is all about connections, thoughts, conversations, the past... And in this part of your chart you could feel empowered to make some changes to your health or fitness routines, to focus on your well being in general. Get your thoughts organized and your life plans and routines will follow.

There’s a potent activation brewing on Friday with a full Leo moon plus lunar eclipse in your twelfth house of closure. Full moons are full of lunacy, emotion, potency, and with an eclipse added, there will be surreal changes or upheavals or unexpected changes that may feel uncomfortable but will benefit your upliftment in the long run. Say prayers, set intentions, get rest (deep rest), and indulge in spring cleaning, both inside and out.

This week is for getting your thoughts and plans in order, putting your health first, and making sure your self-care game is on point.


Libra & Libra Rising

Mercury, planetary muse of communication, moves to airy Aquarius on Tuesday, to your fifth house of sex and art. While Mercury is here, allow your muse to return. Indulge your sexual and artistic natures, fall in love, be creative. This could be a prolific time for you, artistically and creatively but also in the arts of seduction and romance. This is also the house of fertility…

On Friday we have a potent full moon in Leo plus a lunar eclipse zapping your house of friendship. Full moons are full of lunacy, drama and energy, and coupled with an activating eclipse, expect some upheaval or big shifts. Bonds created or broken, connections made and severed, will take your attention. Gather your tribe.

This week, let yourself savor artistic endeavors, the sensual delights, and make art.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The planet of communication and expression, Mercury, moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, to your house of home and family. With the gift of sharp cognition and eloquent speaking on your side, this could be a good time to bring up a home improvement project or relocation, or maybe family expansion. Tell the people closest to you that you love them.

On Friday we have a full moon in Leo in your tenth house of career. Full moons always bring lunacy and heightened emotions, and coupled with an eclipse there’s even more volatility. You can expect some unexpected changes at work or in your chosen community, there could be an increase to your material abundance, or maybe a project or vision you’ve been working on has come into being. This is also the house of experts, technology, alliances, father figures and ambition.

This week let your attention turn to creating home, as well as manifesting your career dreams.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

On Tuesday, Mercury moves into Aquarius, your third house of communication. Mercury’s realm is all about communication, thoughts, conversation, memory… and in the communication area of your chart all of your written and spoken words will carry more power and your self-expression will be clear.

We have a full moon in Leo on Friday with a lunar eclipse. This brings the action to your house of travel and education. All full moons are high energy events, bringing lunacy and drama, and in Leo that energy is exaggerated. With an eclipse in the mix there will likely be unexpected changes and big news about education, mental pursuits, travel, or freedom.

This week, clarify your thoughts and vision for the spring, focusing on where you want to grow.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Mercury moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, to your financial house. Mercury rules communication, thinking and technology and this part of your chart is about money, career and investments. This would be a good time to submit a proposal or start a business.

We have a full moon in Leo on Friday plus a lunar eclipse, illuminating your house of intimacy. Full moons always bring lunacy, completion or change, and with an added eclipse, there will be unexpected changes or big news to shake things up. This part of your chart is all about sex, death and rebirth, privacy and intimacy, sharing wealth, and occult knowledge. Eclipses are activators, so something important has the potential to be initiated now.

This week, make smart financial decisions that will impact your success, watch for money coming your way, and prepare for a transformation or upgrade.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

On Tuesday the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves to your sign and first house on Tuesday. You’ll be even more inquisitive and inventive, seeking out intellectual challenges. You could also be more restless and over think more than usual. Your brain power gets a boost; use this energy for reinventing, recreating and revolution.

We have a full moon in Leo on Friday with a lunar eclipse hitting your house of relationships. Full moons incite lunacy always, and with an eclipse they become more dramatic, often bringing big news or unexpected events or changes. This eclipse is also somehow connected to events from nine or eighteen years ago, dealing with partnership, relationships, or contracts of some kind.

This week enjoy your mental prowess and prepare for the eclipse activation by organizing your thoughts and focusing on your invocations.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

Mercury, planetary muse of the mind, moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, to your house of endings. All cognition, thoughts, memories and conversations are ruled by Mercury. This part of your chart is about processing sorrows and self-defeating patterns, getting rest and closure.

On Friday we have a full moon in Leo with a lunar eclipse in your sixth house of well being. All full moons bring about the end of a cycle and are infused with lunacy, but with the added juice of the eclipse, there could be new discoveries, unexpected news, or shocking events. This eclipse is connected to events that occurred nine or eighteen years ago, and could deal with your physical or mental health, your relationships with the people you work with, purification or organization, or even pets.

For this week, listen deeply to your intuition and watch for initiations or activations around the eclipse.



Light the Fires ~ Imbolc Blessings

February 2 is Imbolc (Candlemas), a cross-quarter holy day that initiates the very first stirrings of Springtime. Celtic/Pagan holy days begin at sunset on the eve before, so the observances begin on February 1 at sundown. There are subtle signs in nature that remind us that winter is waning and the sun's light continues to grow. The word oimelc translates as "ewe's milk" and refers to ewes ready to give birth to little lambs just as the earth swells with new life. This is a fire festival, presided over by Brighid (Brigit) the Great Celtic Goddess of Sacred Wells and Keeper of the Flames. She also governs occult wisdom and divination, healing, smithcraft, hearth and home.  Magic and divination are prominent this time of year. It is a fertile time for high magick and deep dreaming. For years on Imbolc Eve I have hung a special cloth, called Brighid's Mantle, from my window overnight so that as Brighid passes through the night it will be blessed by Her.

Also, in February we celebrate Lupercalia, which honors Faunus (Pan) and a festival to honor Juno; these celebrations involved fertility and purification and rebirth. February comes from the word februare, "to purify" or februa, "purifications, expiatory rites." Clearing out psychic debris and hardened resentments and disappointments, melting old petrifications, and generally letting go of self-imposed limitations will be assisted in the month of February, as we shift from winter toward spring. This is a an auspicious time for a renewal in your soul and to tune into your own psychic senses and non-rational ways of knowing. 

Light and tend the fires of your heart. Feel the red embers burning in the cauldron purify and clear confusion and stagnation and ignite new passions. Feel your golden dreams stirring in the darkness, burgeoning and ready to burst into being. 

May Brighid's mantle cover, protect, and bless you this year. Blessed be. 



Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes ~ January 30 - February 5

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, January 30 - Sunday, February 5

Happy Lunar New Year! Welcome the Year of the Yin Fire Rooster, initiated on the Aquarius New Moon on Friday, January 27. You can read my post about the Rooster on the blog.

We move into February on Wednesday, and Aquarius season is fully underway. As the Wheel of the Year turns again, we arrive at Imbolc (Candlemas), a mid-winter holy day. It begins at sunset on Wednesday and is a time for divination, visions and hope. In aligning with Mother Nature we bring ourselves into alignment and at this time of the year, when the ground is still frozen or wet and the wind blows cold, we are encouraged to draw close to the hearth of our hearts. Take time to honor your feelings of vulnerability, acknowledge your fears and the fragility of life, feel your humanity, and be with the mystery. The light is waxing and will return, bringing us all back to life from winter’s sleep. We have much work to do. For now, dream deeply.

Blessed be.



For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, chart or tarot reading (




Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Valor essential oil

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Rose essential oil

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Bergamot essential oil

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Jasmine essential oil



Aries & Aries Rising



On Friday we have a waxing half moon in Taurus. Venus, the planet of love and money, moves to Aries, your sign and first house. You should experience a burst of energy in your love life and your financial state. The actions you take and decisions you make will have potency and ambition, and if you focus on self-love now it will be powerful.

Jupiter, benevolent planet of blessings, turns retrograde in Libra late Sunday night, affecting your seventh house of partnerships. The retrograde is an optical illusion, but archetypally the retrograde cycle affects how we experience the energy of that planet. For the next four months you may do some soul searching regarding a relationship or your partner, contemplate how to grow your success and abundance, or reevaluate your philosophical beliefs.

Take time to reflect, to acknowledge where you are and reconsider the path if necessary. You don’t have to make changes now, just dream big and make plans.


Taurus & Taurus Rising


This Friday we have a waxing half moon in your sign. Venus, the planet of finances and romance, moves to Aries, your house of rest and release. With this aspect you may feel extremely sensitive or emotional, and feel better when alone rather than with someone for now. You may have a burst of creativity or fall into a secret love affair.

Jupiter, benevolent planet of blessings, turns retrograde in Libra late Sunday night, affecting your house of health. As the planet of blessings, Jupiter brings abundance and excess, good luck and possibilities. Reevaluate your health, fitness and eating habits, and mental clarity to find room for improvement. You could feel more tired and need more rest during this period of time.

Make space in your life for self-care, focusing on harmonizing practices like meditation, spending time in sunshine, and getting deep rest.


Gemini & Gemini Rising


Venus, the planet of love and money moves to feisty Aries on Friday, into your house of friendship. This part of your chart is all about alliances and collaboration, technology and community. You could feel sparks fly with a friend or deepen a friendship, or you’ll join forces with like minds to create something significant.

The beneficent planet Jupiter turns retrograde in Libra late Sunday night, affecting your house of creativity and sex. Jupiter bestows blessings and creates an abundance, but while retrograde it will feel like seeds are being created and planted, plans made, but it may not be visible growth externally until Jupiter is direct. This is a good time to review your life and consider what you’re ready and willing to receive when it comes to your sexual nature, fertility, romance, art and creativity, pleasure and passion.

Relationships may be the focal point of this week. Take time to contemplate where in your love and creative life you want to grow.


Cancer & Cancer Rising


Venus, planet of beauty and money enters fire sign Aries on Friday, to your house of achievement. Venus deals with romance and love, pleasure, beauty, abundance and money. In this part of your chart you could feel Venus as financial growth or material success increasing, you may fall in love with someone you work closely with, you could feel abundant in life, with your career on the rise, or it could be something about your father or a father figure or mentor.

The planet of boons, Jupiter, turns retrograde in Libra on Sunday night, affecting your fourth house of home. Jupiter’s expression is through abundance, good luck, expansion and excess, but while retrograde those strides are felt more internally, or like things are still in the planning stages getting perfected. It would be an ideal time to reevaluate your home and family life, consider family expansion, relocation, home improvement projects, or real estate purchases. Wait to make the actual changes when Jupiter turns direct if you can, but use this time to make a plan.

This week, consider your work and homelife and invoke any changes or improvements you’d like to make this year.


Leo & Leo Rising


Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, moves to fellow fire sign Aries on Friday, to your house of mental exploration. You could be able to increase your income somehow, perhaps through a publishing or literary effort, or you could find love while studying abroad. Follow your heart into the arts, education, deep studies, philosophy and travel right how.

The good luck planet Jupiter turns retrograde this week in Libra. This shift happens in your house of communication, the part of your chart all about self-expression, your family ties, travel, writing and logic. Jupiter expands whatever it touches but during a retrograde cycle the growth is more internal. You could think about making some major changes in education or studies now, or receive good news, but it may not be tangible or manifest fully until Jupiter turns direct in June.

Use this week to think deeply about what you want, what you want to share and express, and what you want to learn moving forward.


Virgo & Virgo Rising


Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moves to Aries on Friday. This brings a shift to your love life and your eighth house. This part of your chart is all about sex and intimacy, privacy and merging, and Venus rules over all things dealing with abundance, money, adornment, romance and the heart. You could deepen your connection and bond with a significant other now, move in with or marry your partner, join forces and resources with a business partner, even receive an inheritance. There’s a lot of potent energy to tap into here so keep your mind sharp and heart open.

The planet of blessings, Jupiter, turns retrograde in Libra this weekend in your house of money and possessions. Jupiter’s work is to expand and amplify everything he touches and is known to bring good luck where he goes. While retrograde however his energy functions differently, making it feel more like inner work and growth. Make an action plan for increasing your income, starting a new business, creating financial stability or growing your career, but you will likely not feel the big boost come through until Jupiter turns direct in a few months.

This week listen intently to your inner voice, to your emotions and intuition, and let your heart lead you.


Libra & Libra Rising


The planet of love and money moves to Aries on Friday, to your house of relationships. Venus, your ruler, rules relationships and could bring some positive vibes your way now. This part of your chart is about marriage and merging, often with a mate, but it is also about merging in business partnerships, legal affairs and politics. Whatever unfolds, keep good company.

This weekend the planet of expansion, Jupiter, turns retrograde in your sign. The gentle giant has been in your sign blessing your life for a while and now the retrograde cycle may make things feel a bit halted or slow. Jupiter’s expression turns inward during a retrograde cycle. For now, use this time to revision, make plans, align your actions with your desires. And when Jupiter turns direct you’ll feel all of your intentions and manifestations begin to materialize again.

Let your focus be on creating harmony and connection, first within yourself and then in your relationships.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising


Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, moves to fire sign Aries on Friday, to your house of health and alignment. This part of your chart is all about wellness, fitness, mental health, decluttering, purification, and general organization of body, mind and spirit. And pets. So with Venus here you may of course find love or deepen a connection pursuing a mutual interest or while working out. It could also mean that it’s time for a makeover, through a day at the salon, a new fitness class or workout routine, or through a commitment to meditation… Put things in order.

The planet of expansion, Jupiter, turns retrograde this weekend in Libra, your house of endings. Jupiter’s realm is positivity, abundance, excess, and expansion. While in the retrograde for the next few months, his energy and expression will be felt internally rather than externally. During the retrograde, Jupiter’s influence will assist you in getting deep and much needed rest and in recognizing where self-defeating patterns assert themselves to create suffering in your life. You’ll use this insight when this good luck planet turns direct again.

This week reflect on where you can make improvements in order to be in alignment with your desires.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising


The planet of beauty and pleasure, Venus, shifts into Aries on Friday and your house of creative and sexual expression. Venus rules sex, love, romance and money. This part of your chart is about sex, passion, pleasure and fame. While Venus is here, find your artistic talents that can become new income sources, fall in love, make art. Make note that this is also a placement pregnancy is a strong possibility.

Jupiter, the good luck planet, turns retrograde in Libra on Sunday, you house of friendship, collaboration, and your long term vision. Jupiter expands things, brings blessings and abundance. While retrograde this expansion will be felt inside rather than experienced externally or literally. Make plans and cultivate your dreams now.

This week let your heart lead, and work on the art of self-love.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising


The planet of love and money moves into Aries on Friday, to your house of home. Venus rules affairs of the heart, all relationships, finances, pleasure, beauty. This part of your chart is all about women, children, family, fertility, and domestic affairs. While here Venus could bring pregnancy news or a relocation or home improvement project of beautification. An important woman or mother figure could play a prominent role.

On Sunday, Jupiter turns retrograde in Libra, your house of career. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, brings good luck and optimism but while retrograde Jupiter’s expression is felt inside, more personally, rather than externally. Use this time to consider where you want growth and begin working, even in your progress feels slow in the next few months. It will pay off.

This week, let Venus and Jupiter bring love and optimism back into your life.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising


The planet of beauty, Venus, moves into Aries this week, to your third house of expression. Venus rules love, romance, creativity, pleasure and abundance. While here, let technology and community come together to assist your ideas. You may reconnect with siblings or other extended family now. Write and read beautiful and important words, communicate from your heart, tell everyone you love that you love them.

Jupiter, the planet of blessings, turns retrograde on Sunday in your house of mental exploration. Jupiter brings expansion or excess, good luck and positivity in general, but while retrograde the energies are experienced internally. The growth and expansion will occur inside, and progress may feel slow, but when Jupiter turns direct it will be felt in life.

This week enjoy your birthday month and continue to pamper yourself, steep in self-adoration, and use your magickal powers for the upliftment of all the souls here.


Pisces & Pisces Rising


Venus, planet of pleasure and abundance, moves to feisty Aries this week, into your money house. This is great news for you, Pisces. Your income may grow now or you could receive a financial gift. You could find love at work or come up with a bright idea to increase your earning power. Consider your self-worth as well, as welcome more abundance into life.

The good luck planet Jupiter turns retrograde on Sunday Libra, your eighth house of merging. Jupiter brings positivity and expansion, but while retrograde his work and your growth is more internal; you may feel things get stagnant or like momentum has been lost, but all the good energy will return when Jupiter turns direct. This part of your chart is all about sex, death and rebirth, joining together with another either sexually, intimately, or financially. This is also where alchemy and spiritual transformation take place.

This week, boost your self-love and self-confidence and welcome the blessings coming to you in all forms.




Happy Lunar New Year ~ Welcome to the Year of the Yin Fire Rooster

The Year of the Yin Fire Rooster




Happy lunar new year! We welcome the Rooster to head up this new year, and more specifically, a Yin Fire Rooster. So, what does this mean for this year? A lot. The Rooster’s crow is a wake up alarm, and I don’t think it could’ve come at a better time.




On Friday, January 27, the new moon that joined the sun in Aquarius initiated Lunar New Year. If you were born during a Rooster year you’re considered a rooster and this is your year. And just like Western astrology, Vedic astrology, etc, Chinese astrology is rich, complex, and cannot be understood by the simple and surface descriptions most people are used to when it is discussed. There are twelve animals in the zodiac, each assigned an element, season, positive or negative charge. Rooster corresponds to the Western sun sign of Virgo.


The direction associated with Rooster is west and autumn is the season (guards the lungs, controls Wood). It is a yin sign and its fixed element is Metal. This year is a yin fire Rooster, so it will have specific attributes. You can think of yin as more passive, or more focused on personal relationships and boundaries. If you were born between the hours of 5 and 7pm, you have Rooster as your ascendant and will have an affinity for Roosters and many of the characteristics. The animal that rules your birth year (and your rising sign), according to a Chinese saying, is known as “the animal that hides in your heart.”


Roosters can be paradoxical and misunderstood, similar to the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio. They are generally attractive, organized, direct and critical. Roosters can be great performers and big personalities, can be either fantastic at handling money or bankruptcy prone, and similar to the sign of Virgo can lean more toward the puritanical in sex and love, or just more discerning and cautious. They spend money on themselves and on their wardrobes, being chic dressers, and often wearing outfits that attract attention. Even as youngsters Roosters are self-starters and fast learners, meticulous, self-disciplined and dependable. There is a sense of perfectionism with Rooster, a sincerity underneath the opinions and strong ego, and a sharp, inquisitive mind. Roosters are resilient and loyal. They prefer praise to criticism, which they don’t take well, and are no strangers to controversy.



Along with these strong traits, this feisty sign can also be demanding and egotistical, abrasive, and a compulsive worker. Rooster can be suspicious of idealism, serious and stubborn. They can get cranky when things go south, cynical, and overly self-involved without caring much for the feelings of others. There’s a quixotic air about them with quite a few idiosyncrasies. Of course to some this is only endearing. Interestingly, I’ve found in my research that a lot of millionaires are Roosters and besides all the money they have, they also possess two major rooster traits in common- being opinionated and eccentric.



The Fire Rooster, out of the five roosters, can be temperamental and inflexible, is authoritative and a strong leader, is independent, unswayed and ethical.



The Rooster gets along best with Ox and Snake, and will encounter the most conflict with Rabbit (and Rabbit ascendant), unless the Rooster has a Rabbit ascendant or vice versa.




We can take on the characteristics of Rooster, such as great leadership, responsibility, directness, tenacity. With the fire element present we must watch out for out of control egotism or aggression as we do our work, as fire tends to bring out the feisty side. Rooster’s approach is no nonsense and straightforward, dealing with facts and the visible head on and doing nothing half way. As we embark into 2017 and this new era of the US and the world, most people are feeling overwhelmed and confused, overcome with despair, or impassioned toward revolution, all of which are appropriate responses to current affairs. This is not a time to play small or feel too dainty to get dirty, to cling to old paradigms and our tendency to bury our heads in the sand. Instead this wake up call should incite great courage and propel us toward success. It’s a time of awakening change and of spiritual transformation. The main word for this Rooster year will be resilience.



Famous Roosters include Steve Martin, Emperor Akihito of Japan, Quincy Jones, King Birendra of Nepal, Katharine Hepburn, Beyonce, John Glenn and Grover Cleveland.






This year’s theme: Roost in resilience, then rise up like fire Roosters; resist and reclaim!







Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes ~January 23-29, 2017

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, January 23 - Sunday, January 29





We are getting accustomed to the Aquarius solar cycle this week, for those not used to the energies of rebellion and cosmic insight. This Friday brings us to the auspicious reset button and new year for Aquarius, when the new moon lands in the same sign as the sun. It is a time for renewal and new intentions, especially for Aquarius suns. This new moon also signifies lunar new year, when we enter the Year of the Fire Rooster in Chinese astrology. You can feel this Fire Rooster as an invitation to rise firebird-like from the ashes of your disappointments or betrayals, and this year you can get away with more self-confidence and cockiness which will be necessary to combat the apathy and ignorance that prevail.

Also on Friday the planet of action, Mars, moves to Aries, which is home to Mars; this is the planet that rules will power, courage, aggression and sex drive. Wherever Mars is, expect a boost of energy there.


For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Azurite

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Caledonite

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Supta virasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Obsidian



Aries & Aries Rising

This week the moon wanes down to darkness and then on Friday afternoon we have a new moon in Aquarius. This brings your focus to your eleventh house when considering setting your new moon intentions, and themes of friendship, collaboration and hopes for the future. With both the sun and the new moon in this social part of your chart, you may want to host a new moon party this weekend. Take time to set intentions for the next six months of your life and what you want to bring forward as far as your wishes and dreams for the future.

Your ruling planet Mars moves into your sign and first house also on Friday this week. Your personal power and confidence will be extra strong now.

This is a good week to spend time with people you care about and trust, and set the tone for your friendships and relationships this year.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

This week the moon wanes down until Friday when we have a new moon in Aquarius. This brings your focus to your house of career; when you set your intentions for the new moon, consider what you need for material success, recognition, or attainment at work. New moons always signify a new six month cycle beginning, and with it in your tenth house this time, this is a good time to make any career makeovers or upgrades you want.

Mars, the fiery planet moves to Aries on Friday, to your house of endings. Explore any repressed feelings you have, the self-defeating tendencies you have, and deal with any secret enemies that you become aware of.  You may need some deep rest or experience a sort of spiritual transformation rather than feeling the excess of energy that usually comes with Mars.

This week, refine your vision for this year and release any self-imposed limitations.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

We have a waning moon this week until Friday, when there’s a new moon in Aquarius, your house of mental exploration. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle about travel, mental pursuits and higher education. What you focus on now will grow over the next six months, coming to fruition at the Aquarius full moon.

Mars, the planet of action, moves to Aries on Friday, to your house of friends. Anything related to your hopes and dreams, intellectual pleasures, friendships, alliances and groups will receive a blast of energy. Passions and also aggression can be high when collaborating, so try to keep a level head.

This week let your heart rather than your head lead the way when making important decisions.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

This week we have a waning moon until Friday and then there’s a new moon in air sign Aquarius, your house of intimacy and privacy. Set intentions for this new lunar cycle; themes will be things like shared wealth and merging with others, sex, and spiritual transformations. These intentions will evolve and grow for the next six months until the full moon in Aquarius. You can write them down to check in with how they are unfolding.

Mars, the planet of action is moving to Aries on Friday, paying a visit to your tenth house of public standing; you can experience a powerful resurgence of your career aspirations and ambitions. You’ll have strength and power behind your long term plans and building your material success, so use this energy to your advantage.

This week let romance and pleasure be your main pursuits.


Leo & Leo Rising

This week we have a waning moon until Friday and then we have a new moon in Aquarius, in your seventh house of relationships. You can set intentions for the new lunar cycle considering themes of partnerships, marriage, stability and harmony. Any manifesting you need to do to invoke a partner, or a productive business relationship or marriage will be powerful now.

Mars, the planet of of action is moving to fellow fire sign Aries on Friday, visiting your house of higher education and mental pursuits. Expect a burst of energy behind your educational pursuits, travel plans, philosophy or religious studies. Mars brings a forcefulness, and in this part of your chart you could be more prone to risk taking and blunt talk.

This week let your heart lead and invest in your relationships.



Virgo & Virgo Rising

We have a waning moon all week until Friday’s new moon in Aquarius. This illuminates your sixth house of health; set intentions for the next six months. Think about how you can best use your organizational skills and your gifts. And make a new plan for health, fitness and mental well being.

Mars, the planet of action, moves to Aries on Friday, to your intense house of death and rebirth. This power planet brings energy and strength wherever he goes, so with this placement in this part of your chart, prepare for your sex life to get a boost. Your sex drive will increase dramatically, and your romance will get steamy. Your pursuits with joining resources, with merging with a lover or a business partner, will be supported now.

For this week, spend time exploring your sexual nature and embrace spiritual transformation as it unfolds.


Libra & Libra Rising

This week the moon wanes down to darkness and then on Friday afternoon we have a new moon in Aquarius. This brings your focus to your house of creativity and sexual expression. Set intentions and watch them come to fruition over the next six months. Your themes and focus will revolve around sex, artistic expression, pleasure, romance, love, and even fertility. If having a child is something you want, now will be a great time to make that happen.

The planet of will power moves home to Aries on Friday and enlivens your seventh house of relationships of all kinds. Mars is all about passion and action, and in this part of your chart you can expect your sex drive to increase, your passion as well as anger to increase, and your relationships to get spicy.

For this week, let your joy be the focus, so move toward whatever makes you happy and brings you joy.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

We have a waning moon all week until Friday, when we have a new moon in Aquarius, your house of home. On this day, set intentions for your life that will grow for the next six month lunar cycle. The themes that will pull at your heart include home and family, fertility, children, mothers, and place. If you have been considering a relocation or growing your family, this would be a good time to manifest and make decisions.

The planet of power, Mars, shifts to Aries on Friday, enlivening your health and wellbeing. This part of your chart deals with your health, habits, mental wellness, physical fitness, but also organization and analysis, even pets. With Mars here, there will be bold energy and passion behind everything.

For this week, nest and rest, with the people who mean the most to you.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This week we have a waning moon all week until Friday when there’s a new moon in Aquarius, your third house of communication. Set intentions to grow over the next six months for you life. The main themes or areas of focus will be community, technology, communication, self-expression, travel, and your family. Consider what you’ll want to create and what you need in these areas.

Also on Friday Mars, the fiery planet, moves to Aquarius. This shift brings a burst of energy to your house of creativity and sexual expression. Mars energy is bright, bold, aggressive and passionate, so expect your artistic talents to get a boost and also your sex drive and love life. This would be a great time to have an art show or start a romance. It could also be a time for pregnancy.

For this week, focus on self-expression through art, pleasure, sex, and connection.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

This week the moon wanes until Friday when we have a new moon in Aquarius, your financial house. As with all new moons, take time to set intentions for this new cycle that will grow over the next six months. Focus your intention setting on things like your career, income, financial security, and self-worth.

Mars, the planet of action, moves home to Aries on Friday and will bring a boost to your fourth house of home. Mars brings energy and power wherever he lands, and in your domestic sector you may expect either passion or feisty emotions to erupt at home. Any home improvements or relocations will have energy behind them.

This week, consider what makes you feel at home and what in your life you keep most protected.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

The moon wanes all week until Friday when there’s a new moon in your sign and first house. This is your new year initiated, with the sun and the new moon in your sign, which only happens once a year. You get a cosmic reset button so to speak, so use this magical day to set special intentions for your life; set intentions that will grow and evolve for the next six months of this lunar cycle, until the full moon in your sign. Consider your deepest desires and most heartfelt longings, what gives you energy and joy, and what occludes it. Happy solar return, Water Bearer.

Mars, the action planet, shifts home to Aries on Friday to bring attention to your house of communication. When Mars arrives to this part of your chart, expect passion, energy and power in your self-expression, with extra energy in your family interactions and even travel plans.

This week you should focus entirely on yourself, you needs, wishes and desires and invoke all the magic and joy you can for your life.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

This week the moon wanes until Friday when we have a new moon in Aquarius and your house of rest and reflection. The sun is also in Aquarius and this part of your chart, your twelfth house. Set intentions for your solar cycle coming up next, let go of any self-diminishing patterns, and get deep rest.

Mars, the planet of action moves home to Aries on Friday. Since Mars is power and dynamism, he will bring energy to your second house of wealth. It might be a good time to invest, focus on your finances, or increase your income. You should also work to increase your self-worth and self-confidence at this time.

For this week, let yourself relax, unravel pent up emotions and clear away the psychic debris that accumulates in your field.



Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes ~ January 16-22, 2017

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, January 16 - Sunday, January 22




For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)-  Urdhva dhanurasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Amethyst

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Upavistha konasana

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Adho mukha vrksasana



Aries & Aries Rising

We are coming off the full moon high (from last Thursday), which triggered a Grand Cross and could have made for a dramatic weekend for you, Aries. This moon in your house of home could have revealed pregnancy news or a relocation.

This Thursday the sun leaves Capricorn and heads to Aquarius, your eleventh house of friendship and technology. These next four weeks will bring out your social side, and since Mercury’s direct again you can feel good about going out more, hosting a gathering, and focusing on your friendships. Collaborate and spend time with the people you can count on most.

This week you can lighten up a bit, let your hair down and do something that brings you joy.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

Coming off of the full moon high from last Thursday, we may still be processing some of the changes or news over the weekend and into this week. The Cancer moon activated a Grand Cross bringing an excess (Jupiter) of unexpected changes or volatility (Uranus), so you may still be feeling all the feelings now.

This Thursday the sun will leave fellow earthy Capricorn and move to airy Aquarius and your house of career and recognition. The next four weeks will be all about building your material success and security. Consider your long-term plans, career goals, how to best use your talents to make a difference, and increasing your ambition. This is also the house of fathers and important men in your life, so there will certainly be something of value to learn or work on in that area.

For this week, stay focused and active, moving forward toward your dreams.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

Last week’s full Cancer moon was potent, with the Grand Cross creating more intensity than usual. You could still be processing all the emotions triggered, as well as the changes, that the moon activated. The moon was in your house of technology, community, family ties and self-expression.

Thursday we shift sun cycles as the sun moves into fellow air sign Aquarius and your ninth house of mental exploration and travel. The first weeks of this month have likely felt bleak to you, Gemini, but now you will feel your lightheartedness return. Time for a new, exciting adventure, a vacation, or maybe a new course in something obscure. Your mental pursuits and higher education will be supported now, and it may be time to take a risk.

For this week, tune into what you want in your relationships and offer that quality back.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

We are coming off of the full moon high from last Thursday, which also triggered an intense alignment that involved Jupiter (excess) and Uranus (unexpected change). It may have been a challenging weekend for you, Cancer, with this moon in your sign and making everything hyper-personal. There may have been big changes initiated.

This Thursday the sun leaves Capricorn for Aquarius, you house of death and rebirth. These upcoming four weeks will allow you to sink into your more reclusive tendencies, as this house is all about intimacy and privacy. It would be a good time to work on a creative project, or write, anything deeply personal. Your sex life will also get a boost during this time, with the sun in this sexy, seductive part of your chart.

This week you can honor your need for solitude, and for spending quality time with someone special.


Leo & Leo Rising

We are emerging from last Thursday’s full moon which also triggered an intense alignment that involved Jupiter (excess) and Uranus (change). You could still be reeling from some sort of chaos or unexpected news. The moon illuminated your intense house of endings, so you could be dealing with closure or a goodbye.

This Thursday the sun moves from Capricorn to Aquarius, your house of relationships. For four weeks your focus will shift to romance and deepening your commitments, business partnerships, and creating harmony. You could fall in love now if you’re not involved with someone, or wait until the new moon coming up to set new intentions for the kind of love you want in your life.

This week reevaluate what is most important to you and direct your attention and energy there.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Coming off of last Thursday’s Cancer full moon, everyone is likely a little unsettled. The already emotional moon triggered a Grand Cross, or volatile alignment. Your eleventh house was activated, creating a potentially dramatic situation with friends or co-workers, with tempers flaring.

This Thursday brings another change; the sun leaves Capricorn and moves to Aquarius and your sixth house of health and service. For the next four weeks your natural skills of decluttering and organization will come in handy and are precisely what you need to use. You’ll finally be able to start checking some things off of your to-do list and get serious about your new year intentions (or resolutions).

This week, make your success a priority and organize things in your life to set you up for it.


Libra & Libra Rising

We may all still be feeling the full moon lunacy this week, after the Cancer full moon triggering a Grand Cross with the sun and Jupiter (excess) and Uranus (change) all happening in your house of career and success. You may be dealing with a big change or something ending, relocation for work, or possibly even pregnancy news.

This Thursday the sun leaves Capricorn to move into Aquarius, highlighting your fifth house of creativity and sex. For the next four weeks, love, creativity and passion are in the spotlight. This could bring a big romance your way or even a pregnancy, since this house rules fertility. In this part of your chart you’re encouraged to express yourself freely, be as seductive as you want, do what brings you joy, and you could even receive some notoriety, fame or recognition as a byproduct.

For you, let this week be about grounding and clarifying what you want as you move into this new sun cycle.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

We are coming off the full moon high from last Thursday’s Cancer moon which triggered a Grand Cross, or volatile alignment. The action happened in your house of mental exploration. There could be a wrench thrown into your plans for deep studies, education or long distance travel.

We have a new sun cycle beginning this Thursday, when we shift from Capricorn into Aquarius season. For the next four weeks the sun will inhabit your fourth house of home, and your attention will turn to domestic responsibilities, your family, mothers or mother-figures. This is a good time for family planning if you’re considering, and at the new moon coming up next week could bring pregnancy news.

For this week, consider what is most valuable to you and what you keep most protected, and follow your heart.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

We arrive to this week still high from Thursday’s Cancer full moon and Grand Cross that created quite a stir. The moon illuminated your intense house of spiritual transformation.

You may still be dealing with the fallout of an ending or big changes in your most intimate relationship.

On Thursday the sun leaves Capricorn and moves to air sign Aquarius, your third house of self-expression. For these next four weeks, most of your energy will be spent on family, travel and communication. This would be the perfect time to plan a trip, especially if you didn’t travel for the holidays. It could be an extremely productive period too, involving technology or collaborations or having bright ideas to bring to the table.

This week, keep the mental energy flowing and trust in your intuition and intelligence.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Last Thursday’s potent full moon in Cancer created an abundance of lunacy that you still may be feeling this week. The moon was in your relationship house, and together with the sun and Jupiter and Uranus, created a Grand Cross which stirred up volatility or changes.

This Thursday the sun leaves your sign and heads to airy Aquarius for the next four weeks. This sun cycle illuminates your second house of money and possessions, turning your attention and much of your energy to financial matters, career and stability. Grow not only your financial security and material success during this time, but your mental steadfastness too. You may be at a crossroads career-wise or creatively speaking but this month use your instincts and watch for open doors.

This week consider lucrative new income ideas and go for it, and keep remembering your own self-worth.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

We are coming off of the lunar high of the full moon in Cancer last Thursday which triggered a Grand Cross, including your ruling planet Uranus. The moon upended your house of health, maybe causing some disturbance in your plans to get your health or fitness on track. Don’t feel discouraged- begin again.

This Thursday is the beginning of your solar return month, as the sun leaves Capricorn for your sign. Happy birthday, Water Bearer! For the next four weeks the spotlight is on you. This is your time to shine, putting yourself first, being your boldest and most outspoken, and following your deepest desires. Next week we’ll have a new moon in your sign and that’ll be our true new year beginning.

This week let go of the residue of the past so that you can invoke and create what you want.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

Coming off of the lunar high of the Cancer full moon on Thursday, you could still be processing or integrating some of the energy or changes. The already emotional moon triggered a Grand Cross which usually brings about volatility or overwhelm. Your fifth house was affected, so themes of creativity and sexual expression.

This week we leave Capricorn season on Thursday when the sun heads into Aquarius and your twelfth house of closure. This is the time for you to rest and prepare for your solar return coming up next month. For the next four weeks your attention will turn to self-care, karma, and letting go of any self-imposed limitations or self-undoing behavior. It’s your time for deep rest and spiritual understanding.

This week, allow yourself extra space and solitude, maybe even taking a spa day to pamper.



Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes ~ January 9-15, 2017

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes

for the week of Monday, January 9 - Sunday, January 15

Mercury, the communication planet has just turned direct finally, early on Sunday morning. You can feel hopeful this week about mishaps and miscommunications not being so commonplace, however, this week and next we are in a shadow period as Mercury adjusts and gains momentum. You can certainly begin to reach out this week to smooth over miscommunications, but hold off on the really big stuff a bit longer.

We have a full moon in Cancer on Thursday morning, bringing a culmination of a lunar cycle and possibly some changes. Also on Thursday Mercury goes back into Capricorn, where it was retrograde most of December.


For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the wait list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- Anjaneyasana

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- Grounding essential oil

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  Tanzanite

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- Urdhva dhanurasana


Aries & Aries Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your tenth house of achievement and success. Use this time to your advantage and reboot your material success and career goals.

We have a full moon in Cancer on Thursday, illuminating your house of home. Plans you set to motion at the Cancer new moon six months ago have now unfolded. There could be a sense of completion, or even an ending. This is the house associated with women and mothers, so you may receive some news about a mother-figure.

Stay rooted in your heart this week, Aries.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your house of mental exploration. You can move forward with your travel plans or education plans or goals, and they won’t feel so… blocked or stuck. You’ll feel that you’re better able to express yourself clearly and be understood, speaking out when appropriate, and always prepared to offer the truth.

On Thursday we have a full moon in Cancer, your third house, bringing an emphasis to communication and self-expression. Full moons can bring changes or endings, and they often illuminate. You may receive news or find yourself on a spur of the moment trip, or there could be a breakthrough or changes in your immediate family.

Focus on expressing your ideas and spending time with the people closest to you this week.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your mystical eighth house. You will begin to feel your energy return and balance come back to your most intimate connections. Any problems regarding joint assets or shared wealth can also be attended to and corrected now.

We have a full moon in Cancer Thursday morning, illuminating your career. Most full moons represent an ending, or the completion of a cycle, including the lunar cycle that began on the Cancer new moon; there could be realized plans or a completed project now. Let this full moon remind you of your inherent worth and value, Gemini, whether or not you feel financially stable right now.

Focus on self-worth this week.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle over the next few days.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your relationship sector, putting the spotlight on marriage, partnership, and shared goals.

We have a full moon in your sign on Thursday, in your first house of self-interest. Full moons often bring change into our lives, or the completion of a cycle, and that could be true for you with this moon. This moon may feel more personal for you, and you could feel more emotional and intuitive now.

Spend time with your favorite people this week, and try to take a moon bath under the lunar beams.


Leo & Leo Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your house of health and service. Don’t set a bunch of resolutions that you won’t keep, just eat well, get rest, spend time outside, and exercise.

There’s a full moon in Cancer on Thursday in your house of self-undoing and closure. Since full moons often bring the end of a cycle, the sense of an ending, you may experience that more strongly than others. Let yourself process and work through all your feelings, release what doesn’t serve, and even contemplate the meaning of life. It won’t be such a social full moon for you this time, Leo,

This week focus on compassion for yourself and getting as much rest as needed.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward moving communication planet back to your house of creativity and pleasure. You’ll feel more inspired to pursue artistic talents, dive into romance, express yourself and lead with your heart. Any lovers quarrels, sexual or creative setbacks suffered during the retrograde will soon have to potential to be healed.

We have a full Cancer moon on Thursday in your eleventh house of friends and hope; it is possible that some of the seeds you planted at the new Cancer moon months ago have started to bloom, with ideas and projects and relationships transforming. Full moons often bring closure or an end of a cycle. This would be a good time to consider your long-term goals and dreams.

Clarify where you’re headed now, Virgo.


Libra & Libra Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward-motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin the work of smoothing out the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back in Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward moving communication planet back to your domestic fourth house. You’ll be able to put energy into home and family now and not feel so misunderstood. There may be a conversation you need to have, likely with your mother or a female mentor.

There’s a full moon in Cancer this Thursday morning in your house of career. Full moons generally bring endings or change to light, and usually the intentions you set at the Cancer new moon have come into being. You may get exciting news at work, maybe about a raise or promotion. Focus on growing your material success for now.

This week, consider what in your life is most valuable to you and direct time and energy there.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward-motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward moving communication planet back to your third house, putting energy back into your self-expression. Your technology will finally start working again. Any misunderstandings you’ve had with your family can be cleared up, and your thoughts will be clearer and communication smoother.

Also on Thursday we have a full moon in Cancer. This lights up your ninth house of mental exploration and self-discovery. You could get unexpected news or experience some minor upheaval, or you could get some exciting news that changes your plans.

Focus your energy on clarifying or evolving your own personal mindset, philosophy and views.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward-motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves from your sign back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward moving communication planet back to your money house. If there were mishaps with finances or at work during the retrograde period, you’ll be able to get back on track now. Put energy into increasing your income and stability in general.

We have a full moon in Cancer on Thursday morning, illuminating your house of transformation and intimacy. Full moons often bring lunacy, heightened emotions, changes or endings. You could be faced with making a decision about commitment, either in a romantic relationship or business partnership. This part of your chart is about sex and psychic energy and merging with another, either intimately or financially.

Tune into your intuition this week to make important decisions.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into your sign, Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your first house. While Mercury was in Sagittarius, which was only for a few days, you likely felt mental confusion or brain fog or had difficulty making decisions. This should feel better now.

There will be a full moon in Cancer early Thursday in your relationship house. Full moons bring heightened emotions, changes or simply the completion of a cycle. This will be a potent moon for you, especially with the major alignments surrounding it (Grand Cross), so stay focused on what is most important to you. The sun will enter Aquarius soon and you’ll feel more stable and rooted in the next cycle.

This week, know that your determination and hard work will pay off.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your house of endings and closure. Capricorn season for you is all about rest, release, and hibernation to prepare you for your birthday season coming up next. With Mercury direct now you should feel more clarity and insight.

There’s a full moon in Cancer on Thursday morning, highlighting your health and organization. Full moons always bring lunacy, unpredictability, change or completion. This is a good time to declutter and reorganize your life, get back on track with workouts, and start eating a little healthier. Don’t feel pressure to do it all at once, just begin.

This week focus on self-care, getting enough rest, good food, sunshine and quiet time.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

This week we will be adjusting to Mercury adjusting to forward motion, and although things will feel better in general than last week, we are currently in the shadow period. You can begin to smooth the rough edges of the retrograde cycle this week.

On Thursday morning Mercury moves back into Capricorn where he spent all but a few days of the retrograde period. This brings the forward-moving communication planet back to your eleventh house of friendship. If you dealt with technological mishaps and other problems at work or miscommunications with friends during the retrograde, these issues will clear up now.

There’s a full moon in fellow water sign Cancer this week, landing in your house of pleasure. Full moons always increase lunacy, with heightened emotions and unstable or erratic behavior. With this moon in your sexy fifth house, you may feel passions rise and drama increase. Your creative self-expression will be on fire and your powers of seduction and romance will be strong. You could have a breakthrough either creatively or romantically.

This week spend time remembering what it is you want.




Aquarius Full Moon + Guru Purnima + Lammas

In the early morning hours on Friday, July 31 at 3:43am PDT, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. This is the second full moon of the month, and also corresponds with two new moons in Aquarius that happened earlier this year.
It can be a powerful weekend to clear and release what has been hindering your growth or squelching your freedom, and to assert your desires and your own wild nature, realigning with your inner will and knowledge. Individuality and original authenticity are emphasized.


Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by the planet Uranus (modern ruler), the planet of change and unpredictability, the unconventional and disruption. It rules electricity and modern science as well as inventions. This sign is symbolized by the Water Bearer, pouring out the waters of wisdom and knowledge for humanity. When the moon is in Aquarius, a sign of rational thinking, logic, and humanitarianism, altruistic qualities are enhanced as well as intuition and imagination, sensitivity and heightened perception. Aquarius moon encourages more idealism, creativity, tolerance, a visionary outlook, but can also bring some unpredictability and aloofness, as well as a fixed opinion. This is the sign of the future, knowledge, clairvoyance, the unusual.


The Aquarius full moon is the second full moon of July. And even more importantly, it corresponds to two New Moons in Aquarius at the beginning of this year. So there will be some sense of completion or ending of a cycle that began during the new moons of the first of the year. The same day as the full moon, Venus, planet of love and worth, moves into Leo. And it is considered to be Lunar Lammas, the astrological Lammas, a time of gathering together. In addition, on this same day it is Guru Purnima, or the full moon of the guru, a time set aside to honor and celebrate our gurus, Teachers and teachers, the teachings and lineage we are aligned with, and the Adi Guru (supreme guru) and Guru Tattva (guru principle in the universe).


Celtic and Northern European Pagans celebrate Lammastide from sunset on August 1 until sunrise on August 2. This is a time to pause and remember the seeds sown, literally and figuratively. We savor the last long days of summer before reaping the fruits of our labor, the harvest. It is a time to reflect and offer gratitude, with themes around health, hearth and home. Lugh, the Sun god, is honored and the first grains are harvested and baked into a loaf of bread, seen as the bread of life. The grains symbolize the cycles of death and rebirth and those gods that die and are resurrected.


Throw into the fire your regrets and those things you are releasing from your heart or life. Contemplate what you want to harvest as summer begins to come to a close. Honor the mysteries and magic of this day. Have a feast to celebrate.




Venus Goes into the Underworld

Venus is the planet of love and relationships, beauty, value and self-worth, money, attraction, also jealousy and possessiveness, seduction, flirtation, self-love, affection, pleasure, how we adorn and beautify ourselves and our surroundings. Venus as archetype is the goddess of love, and as such rules over what and how we love, what we value, how we want to be loved, and what we find beautiful.


Venus turns retrograde every eighteen months.The personal planets (including Mercury, Mars and Venus) have shorter retrogrades compared to the outer planets, which spend much of their time in retrograde cycles. When a planet is retrograde it means that from earth’s viewpoint the planet is seemingly moving backward. During a retrograde cycle the archetypal energy of the planet is exaggerated on the station days (when the planet is turning retrograde or direct) and then it is turned inward deeply and experienced inside rather than expressed outwardly. Retrogrades are times for review and reevaluation, not a time to take direct action or make big decisions but rather a time of contemplation, inquiry and self-reflection.


Venus will be retrograde from July 25 - September 6, beginning in the sign of Virgo but with most of the cycle in the sign of Leo. Leo acts as the child of the zodiac, being the most impetuous, playful, and childlike, and is a self-focused sign (along with Aries). Leo also represents the heart. Venus is the planet that relates to all things heart-related. Leo is a boisterous and dramatic sign, and while retrograde Venus is shy and introspective, but the emphasis of the cycle will be on heart matters.

Self-love is the biggest and most important theme, to be explored honestly and re-ignited if necessary. As we all know, self-love is the only place to begin if we want true, healthy, extraordinary love in this life. As a “me” sign, Leo can often turn self-love into self-obsession (no one loves Leo more than Leo as they say) but when done mindfully, Leo can teach this concept of directing love and appreciation to oneself in a healthy, non-narcissistic way. This takes practice for most.


For this cycle we will be compelled to do some deep digging into our desires, needs, and wants. Everything related to love and money will be up for review during this time. During these next weeks we are called to look deeply at what we value in relationships and life. Are our desires and our actions in alignment? We will think about how much we value people, relationships, things and situations in life and if it is worth it or not. How do we want to be treated in relationship? What are our most heart-felt desires?


It isn’t recommended to make luxury purchases during this time, or to begin a new relationship. Most couples working with an astrologer will not plan a wedding during a Venus retrograde cycle. Since retrogrades encourage review, past loves and exes will often return during this time; this could be for closure and healing, for a reminder of why you are no longer together, or for a reconciliation depending on the circumstances. It may be time to reconnect. Use discernment and turn inside to your inner wisdom to help guide you here.


The last Venus retrograde cycle was December 21, 2013 - January 31, 2014. And the longer Venus cycle takes us back to eight years ago. If you can remember back to significant issues during those times you will have an idea of the themes or energy of the current cycle.


This is a time to reevaluate our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes around self-worth, love and relationships, money, looking deeply into our hearts and shadows, reactions and patterns regarding these issues. It can be an important time of self-reflection birthing new insights and even healing around core wounds and issues if done with intention.


In esoteric and shamanic terms, during this cycle Venus descends into the Underworld and will transition from Evening Star to Morning Star, undergoing a profound transformation. We too will make this journey at some point in life if we have not already. We will be stripped, laid bare, all established personality and persona dissolved as we leave behind everything we are and everything we know and enter the mystery, enduring metaphorical death, and eventually emerging changed forever.


Make a self-love altar, complete with rose quartz, rhodonite, and red wine, and sit at it daily to reassert your heart’s desire and intention to yourself. Feel your connection to the cosmos and the earth. You belong. Your heart can begin to unfold, whether it feels strong or broken. Let self-honoring seep into your bones and belly then rise into your heart.

May this cycle be a blessing of authentic self-revelation and the beginning of a genuine sense of falling in love with your Self.

For more information on KK’s online learning programs, including a Dark Goddess series, or to sign up for Kosmic Koaching or a natal chart, email her at


Capricorn Full Moon ~ You are Whole


Capricorn Full Moon ~ You are Whole

July begins with a Full Moon in Capricorn (Wednesday at 7:19pm PDT).

In astrology, the Moon represents our emotions, what we treasure in our hearts, intuition, instinctive knowing and behavior, the unconscious, our depths, our animalistic side, our innermost selves.

The Sun in Cancer opposes this Full Moon in Capricorn. These two signs are polar opposites; typically Cancer represents the archetype of the Mother in astrology and Capricorn, the archetype of the Father. While watery Cancer represents home and family life, earthy Capricorn is the sign of public image and reputation out in the world. With Cancer we connect with our emotions and with Capricorn the focus is on purpose and duty. We can explore this polarity and find a balance between taking care of ourselves, our loved ones, valuing domesticity and asserting ourselves in the public sphere, interacting with purpose, enacting our duty and dharma in life. We can contemplate how we feel nurtured and at home inside ourselves and how we offer our unique gifts out into the world.

With the Cancer/Capricorn axis, this Moon emphasizes the theme of home. Home is that familiar place where we are safe and feel comfortable, where we can feel nurtured and relaxed, and most importantly, where we can be ourselves unapologetically and be accepted. Hopefully. If that is not your current reality you may certainly feel a heaviness in your heart or that longing to belong on this full moon, but you can work with the lunar energies. Hold a vision in your mind’s eye of what you would like to see manifest with regard to feeling secure and nested in a home that’s right for you, with people who love and appreciate you. And turn inside to the hearth of your heart. Remember that you belong.

Capricorn’s influence brings a stabilizing effect to the changing moon. There is a sense of seriousness, responsibility and determination associated with Capricorn. Capricorn moon can bring more rigidity, pessimism and materialism, but also more discipline, patience and commitment. There is a quality of authority and self-reliance with the moon in this sign. This aspect of the Full Moon emphasizes the theme of purpose. Purpose, duty, and dharma, what we are meant to do, what our work is, will be examined and reflected upon. We will be reminded to be steadfast, that we are self-sovereign, and that we are capable of handling the tasks at hand.

We also have Venus, which rules love, beauty and money conjunct Jupiter, which expands everything and provides opportunities. This aspect can bring some sweetness and positivity.

Then there’s Mars. Mars is connected to this Full Moon, which could show us where we are being overly forceful and where we could be more assertive in certain areas of life and how we go about ensuring that we feel safe and nurtured. It could also arouse passive aggressive tendencies in ourselves and others. Under this influence, people can be inclined to project, to put blame onto another, to shame, to be deceiving, to bottle up feelings until they explode. And if there are buried anger, resentments, or pain built up inside unchecked, it is possible that the harsh, dominating, violent war-like qualities of Mars can emerge.

For this Full Moon, let your emotions be felt fully; let tears flow or howls be unleashed or elation bubble up from deep inside. This is lunacy, the art of being possessed by the moon... unbridled, instinctual expression. Do not suppress your feelings and expressions for fear they are unladylike or unmanly or not pretty. Don’t be pretty. Be real. Be radically vulnerable and infinitely strong. Make a commitment to embrace unreasonable authenticity, even if it makes you unpopular or coaxes you to stand alone. There is a tribe of deep-feeling souls, spread out in far flung places. There are those that see you for Who You Are and what you offer, appreciate your oddness or boldness, await your next contribution. Believe in your instincts and embrace your intuition. This moon reminds you that you are already whole.


KK  ~ Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology




Summer Solstice :: Light a Fire in Your Heart

Saturday, June 20 brings Midsummer Eve, an evening of flickering candles and divination, mugwort and deep dreams. Sunday, June 21 is Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) or Litha - the pinnacle and purna (fullness) of the Light, the triumphant day of the Sun, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Astrologically, Solstice is initiated when the sun moves into 0 degrees Cancer, which will occur at 9:38am PDT on Sunday. This is a day of radiance, luminosity, and boundless tejas (radiance, brightness).

The great and shining Sun reaches its perfection and fullness, and in a moment’s time we head into the dark half of the year. It will still be summer for quite some time, but we know that the light wanes and the darkness builds. This is the wheel of the year, turning once again…
Our lives, when aligned with nature’s way, pulse in this same way.

We are in familiar territory; life is constantly shifting and changing, bringing beauty and challenges, and there’s always more. That is the promise of life: the promise that there will always be more, more of everything. When I am asked what is happening astrologically, I say, “Everything. All the time.” And it’s true. This is happening in your lives as well, the unfolding and releasing, invoking and establishing. There is a constant pulsing of life flowing, waxing and waning, expanding and contracting. The Great Creatrix blinking us into into being, disappearing us, and bringing us back again. Birth, death, rebirth. We have an intimate understanding of this experience living life as householders on a path, navigating the exquisite and terrifying, holding the midline of ourselves and our sadhana (true spiritual practice).

Many are going through big changes at this time, some unexpected, and the enormity of the destabilization and confusion can be overwhelming. This is a time of immense amplification and acceleration. Some of you may feel like you’ve been startled by sudden change, your shell cracked open, your paradigm shifting. Remember to hold the midline and trust, even in the uncontrollable changes that seem to be devouring you. Shakti, the creative potency of the Universe is reorganizing you, and your life. This can feel uncomfortable, even unbearable, but through our practices we are becoming more skilled at allowing every circumstance of life to take us into the molten radiance of our hearts. That is yoga. It takes time and in the midst of it it isn’t pretty, it doesn’t feel good, and sometimes there is nothing to do but let the feelings and energies wash over you as though standing under a powerful waterfall. Feel everything. Try to stay rooted, in your belly and bones, with your heart open in radical vulnerability, and hold on. Love yourself fiercely and allow your compassion to turn inward as a new practice. Make art with your tears and frustrations, dig your fingers and toes into the black earth to ground, and remember that you belong. Light a fire in your heart. More will unfold- there’s more to the story.

On this Solstice, make a date with the Sun, bask in the warmth and relish the sunshine. The fullness of the light breaks into the beginning of the dark in its ancient way. At sunset say goodbye to the Sun disappearing into the sea, to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice. Late Sunday evening, light a candle and renew your commitments and offer your blessings. Bow to the golden radiance that burns brightly inside your own shining heart. 

Bright blessings,


~ Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology


Highlights of the Dynamic Astrology in March 2015


Highlights of the Dynamic Astrology in March 2015

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology: Highlights of March’s Astrology ~*~

The astrology of March will be monumental and r/evolutionary. There is so much activity that it will certainly be an action-packed spring. And it may feel like we’re in for either activation or annihilation. It could be both...

There’s an abundance of the fire element for the first half of March. Celestial giants Jupiter (in Leo) and Uranus (in Aries) connect in a trine, expanding our eccentric ideas, boosting our growth and opportunities, enlivening our faith, and igniting rebellious revolution! Venus and Mars, the divine couple, start off the month entwined in bold and aggressive Aries, stirring up passion and desire. Sex and war, loving and fighting… things get interesting.


Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, Retrograde in Aquarius


Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, Retrograde in Aquarius

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 We are now in Aquarius Sun cycle which means we are close to the end of our Wooden Horse year. Capricorn Sun cycle brings pragmatism and hard work to January, while the Aquarius cycle brings out our unconventional and unique expressions. If recently you have been experiencing the confusion of misunderstandings, forgetfulness, anxiety, weird technological glitches, misplacing things, being in a hurry when it seems like nothing is moving, or radical mental activity, it's because you've felt the impending Mercury station day.


October Astrology ~ retrogrades, eclipses & power


October Astrology ~ retrogrades, eclipses & power

October's astrology continues to be impressive in its immensity. The Year of the Wooden Horse (aka Year of the Unicorn) has moved with speed and intensity and we are now in the Dark time of the year, in the auspicious month of October.On Saturday Mercury (in Scorpio), planetary muse of communication and cognition, stations retrograde (12:02pm CST), essentially retreating into his Underworld for a few weeks. Venus (ruled by Libra) has moved happily into Libra. On Wednesday October 8 we have a powerful Full Moon in Aries with a powerful eclipse. The next eclipse is on October 23. And the month concludes with Hallowmas, Celtic New Year.


Mabon Magic


Mabon Magic

September 22, 2014 marks the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Equinox means "equal night" and this is a time when the Light and Dark are in balance. We hold within us both the beautiful darkness and the light, the asuras and the devas. When we honor both without suppression or condemnation, a great healing can occur, and our Truest Nature begins to stir and climb out of dormancy. When we welcome ourselves, our wholeness, we invite an intimacy with evolution and reclamation of what has been lost. The Sun leaves orderly and analytical Virgo for balance-seeking Libra at 9:29pm CST/ 7:29pm PST. This day is Pagan Thanksgiving, a holy day in the Wheel of the Year that some of us have honored with deep reverence for a long time, a time to give thanks, offer gratitude for our blessings, for the fruits of our labor, for the abundance of the harvest both literally and figuratively. Libra is represented by the scales, and longs to find balance and justice in all areas of life.  Libra is also concerned with relationships of all kinds and finding ways to be in alignment with love, relating, connecting, and our own desires. This is a good time to reflect on where you've gotten of f track, out of alignment with your deepses desires. You can readjust and realign in all areas, especially your relationships. Reflect deeply on lessons learned, acknowledging loss and betrayal as well as triumphs and victories. Contemplate the beginnings and endings and re-beginnings of all things in life. Articulate a ritual that will invoke and manifest the dreams hidden inside your heart, seeking balance and equanimity while honoring the radical upheavals inherent in a householder sadhana lifestyle. Remember and hold on to the midline...

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, stations direct this evening. This exaggerates the energies of this big entity, so themes of death, rebirth, and transformation will be highlighted. The Moon is currently waning, allowing for us a confrontation with the Dark, and on Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning we have a New Moon in Libra. This invites new beginnings and starting a new endeavor or ideas with increased clarity. Invoke and activate balance in your own being and life. Surrender if necessary to the pull into the Underworld, for in the Darkness, ultimately, we are healed, cooked, and nourished.

Blessed be ~*~



Beltane Blessings

* Repost from previous post: The Wheel of the Year turns once again, moving us forward into the light. The hearth/home fires are extinguished and re-lit for Beltane (“bright fire”). If we don’t have a bonfire or campfire to dance around, we can light a fire in our home cauldron, or a beeswax candle, and hop over it with a heart full of  inspiration and deep wishes, for protection and good luck. Traditionally, cattle were driven through two great balefires for purification, fertility and prosperity. People danced in the smoke from the flames for the same reason, and there was dancing around the maypole. Lovers frolicked and made love in the fields and gardens to bless the land. We can honor this day in the same way. This fire festival is a celebration of fertility and passion, revelry in sexuality and sensuality. The fire that purifies and clears also ignites and inspires. Beltane invokes sparks of creativity and new abundance, fertility and frolicking, celebration and creation, praises and pleasure.  May we feel the irresistible desire to make beauty and live artfully.  May we enjoy embodiment as a sacred pleasure treasure. - 



Entering the Eclipse Portal

The Eclipse Portal for 2014 is opening and energies are building. On April 15 we have a lunar eclipse with the Full Moon in Libra (25°) at 2:47am CST/ 12:47am PDT. The sister eclipse happens at the New Moon in Taurus, a solar eclipse on April 28 (1:04am CST/ 11:04pm PDT). This is just days before Beltane. Eclipses are activators and initiators. They shake us up and zap us out of default patterns. Things are often set in motion or dissolved. Like a power surge or jolt of electricity, eclipses can shift us around inside, shatter parts of us or our lives, and this is not usually comfortable. The energies are intense. In the eclipse portal, our thoughts and deepest desires will be magnified, whether they are conscious or not. This is why I have always (playfully) implemented a "no whining zone" with my students during these portals. Think of this time as entering a portal in which what your heart aches for, your bones long for, your thinking invokes… is all magnified and then magnetized to you powerfully. So it is a time to be conscious of our thoughts and patterns, our internal matrika, and what we're holding as a vision and a feeling in our heads and hearts. You will conjure.

As I have written before, to work with these potent, charged energies, clarify for yourself what you intend to have activated, what area of your life you might need revelation and understanding. Set an intention. Be prepared to have a big shift, but know that it takes up to six months for the eclipse to cycle out, so the aspect of life that was shifted may not be revealed until then. Eclipses cycle in 18-19 year patterns. We had a similar portal (with a lunar Libra eclipse at 25°  and then a Taurus eclipse) 19 years ago, and so the work you'll do during this cycle is likely connected somehow to that time period. You can look at your natal chart to find where you have 25° Libra to see where it hits you.

The Full Moon in Libra will bring out lunacy around issues of being indecisive and changeable, loving with your head rather than your heart, and trying to please and be everything to everyone. Venus rules both Libra and Taurus, where we'll have our Solar eclipse in a few weeks. Venus is love and beauty and money, and rules pleasure and love affairs and adornment. How deep is your self-love, where do you abandon yourself, where do you become a martyr or tyrant in love… and how can you bring forward the clearest expression of yourself in love.

Tuesday's eclipse will follow Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, station retrograde on Monday. Pluto is death and transformation and rebirth. Pluto's station calls us into the darkness, as this is the planet of annihilation and transformation, endings and beginnings. In the darkness we are devoured by the Great Mother, always to return with more radical wisdom. Pluto's gift is to help us to churn, to bring to the surface all the shards of brokenness and pain that live inside us, and in the churning there is transmutation. Alchemy happens.

The end of April, between the two eclipses, also brings us an encounter with the Grand Cardinal Cross. This alignment consists of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn meeting up with Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer (these are all Cardinal signs). These interactions are also volcanic in nature, initiating big changes and inviting confrontation with long repressed issues.

When experiencing an eclipse, we must learn to look honestly at the shadow parts of ourselves and where the participating planets are placing our focus, on those shadow aspects. Eclipses literally eclipse the light and create shadows… illumination is obscured. We must know that even immersed in the darkness, our luminous consciousness pulses within. As Tantrikas, we are never afraid of the dark. The darkness is our teacher. We adjust our eyes and can see far more than previously experienced.

There is always healing and transformation during these times of potency and intensity. The eclipse portal can be a gateway into your own truth and power.  Magnetize those forces  that bring blessings. Be clear and unwavering in your invocations and intentions. Conjure and call to you a deep prayer from your heart. Receive an eclipse initiation ~ a diksha from the Cosmos.

Jai Maa Kali ~*~

Blessed Be ~*~



Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse

On Thursday we have a full moon in Scorpio and a partial lunar eclipse. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, known as the Lord of the Underworld, ruling over death and deathlike transformations. And rebirth. There are powerful forces and energies swirling  around us right now. Full moons are already powerful, and Scorpio full moons are generally more intense (and uncomfortable) than most. Add to that an eclipse; eclipses are activators, they set things in motion, or dissolve things, or initiate things. An eclipse is like a zap of electricity or a power surge- they can create chaos and instigate change and generally shake people up. With the Scorpio influence, its likely that we could be pushed to the limits, we could feel a resurfacing of the very depths that we keep hidden inside, we could have more of ourselves revealed to us, more truth exposed, more of what has been kept away, more purging of the psyche.

Eclipses amplify and magnify and activate. To work with these potent, charged energies, clarify for yourself what you intend to have activated, what area of your life you might need revelation and understanding. Set an intention. Be prepared to have a big shift, but know that it takes up to six months for the eclipse to cycle out, so the aspect of life that was shifted may not be revealed until then.

There can always be healing that takes place in these times of epic change and turmoil. Death always gives way to rebirth. The process can rip us apart, but we can gather the pieces and create a mosaic with the shards of our brokenness. We can turn pain into beauty, churn difficulties into nectar. But first we must feel them, totally, entirely, intensely. This is Pluto's gift.

Let this eclipse portal be a gateway into your own intensity, to have the truth revealed to you, so that you can be uncompromising in the way you live life, so that you can magnetize those forces  that bring blessings, so you can rest in the wholeness of your brokenness and know that you will  rise. Kali is devouring us with love.

Jai Sri Maa Kali ~*~

Blessed be.
