As we climb out of October, saying goodbye as we do at Samhain, we feel the tremendous Scorpionic impulses of this numinous space. We’ve come to the Crossroads. It’s often repeated that at this time the veil between the worlds is thin; we can feel this for ourselves when we become still and tune in. This is when we must listen closely to the dark, make offerings and send prayers up with incense smoke, a time for honoring the ancestors. We encounter this threshold each year and are pulled into our very own underworlds. It’s the season of darkness, dreamtime, and divination, and there is a moodiness that settles over November’s astrology that we can’t escape.
On November 6 the nodal axis shifts as the Lunar Nodes change signs. These points are most often associated with representing life path and life lessons, or destiny and past life karma. The North Node leaves the Leo/Aquarius axis for Cancer/Capricorn for the next year and a half, bringing an undercurrent of change that will reverberate cosmically and personally. There is much to unpack and understand about this most significant occurrence of not only November but the year. This shift will certainly impact Election Day in the US and the history unfolding around it. Another post focused on the Nodes will follow soon. For now, here’s an overview of some of the astrology of November:
Nov. 6 Lunar Nodes change signs, with ingress to Cancer/Capricorn
Uranus squares the Nodes
Uranus retrogrades back into Aries
Nov. 7 New Moon in Scorpio (8:02am PST)
Nov. 8 Jupiter ingress to Sagittarius
Nov. 9 Rx Venus in Libra trine Mars in Aquarius
Nov. 15 Mars ingress to Pisces
Nov. 16 Venus D in Libra
Mercury rx in Sagittarius
Nov. 22 Sun enters Sagittarius (1:01am PST)
Full Moon in Gemini (9:39pm PST)
Nov. 24 Neptune D in Pisces
Persephone and Demeter by Susan Seddon Boulet