Last night was Midsummer Eve, for me an evening of flickering candles and divination, mugwort and deep dreams. Today is Litha (for those that follow the Old calendar) or Summer Solstice*- the pinnacle and purna (fullness) of the Light, the triumphant day of the Sun, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Astrologically, Solstice is initiated when the sun moves into 0 degrees Cancer, which occurred today at 10:16am PDT. This is a day of radiance, luminosity, and boundless tejas.

The great and shining Sun reaches its perfection and fullness, and in a moment's time we head into the dark half of the year. It will still be summer for quite some time, but we will know that the light wanes and the darkness builds. This is the wheel of the year, turning again...

We are in familiar territory; life is constantly shifting and changing, bringing beauty and challenges, and there's always more. That is the promise of life, the promise of sri, that there will always be more. When people ask me what is happening astrologically, I say, "Everything. All the time." And its true. This is happening in your life as well,  the unfolding and releasing, invoking and establishing. There is a constant pulsing of life flowing, waxing and waning, expanding and contracting. We have an intimate knowledge of this experience while practicing Anusara yoga, living life as householders on a path, holding the midline of our sadhana (true spiritual practice).

We will be in an eclipse portal for the entirety of June, which is why I've deemed June "Eclipse June." There was a partial solar eclipse in Gemini on  June 1 and a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 15. The final one of this cycle will be in the very early morning hours (1:38am) on July 1, with another partial solar eclipse in Cancer. This is a time of immense activation, acceleration, and amplification (my theme for this cycle). This is happening in some form or another in your life. Some of you may feel Kali Ma throwing lightning bolts into your life, startling you with unexpected and sudden change, or that your shell is being cracked, or that your paradigm is being shifted. Remember to hold the midline and trust the change; Shakti, the creative potency of the Universe is reorganizing you, and your life. This can feel uncomfortable, even unbearable, but in our practice we are becoming skilled at allowing every circumstance of life take us into the molten radiance of our hearts. That is the yoga.

It is important to be extremely mindful of the matrika of your self-talk, the pictures you are holding in your mind's eye, the visions you are channeling during the eclipse window. The eclipses are fortified with activation power. The Universe is listening to you, closely. So watch what you wish for. Amplification is happening.

On this Solstice, make a date with the Sun, bask in the warmth and relish the sunshine. The fullness of the light breaks into the beginning of the dark in its ancient way. At sunset say goodbye to the Sun as he disappears into the sea, to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice. Late tonight light a candle and renew your commitments and offer your blessings. Bow to the golden tejas that burns brightly inside your own shining heart.

Bright Blessings ~*

*in the Northern hemisphere