We have a New Moon in Libra (13º) coming up on Wednesday, October 6 (4:05AM PT/6:05AM CT) in a tight conjunction with the Sun (as usual) and Mars, with retrograde Mercury in a wider conjunction. Chiron in Aries sits opposite this group in the sky, and none other than Pluto (in Capricorn) will station direct a few hours after the New Moon is exact.

Over the past several days or more, you may have felt mounting inner tensions starting to be expressed outwardly. We started this month with a Pluto/Mercury square and Mars opposing Chiron, with possible hurt feelings, flaring tempers, and reacting egos, so this intensity isn’t unfamiliar. With tomorrow’s astrological activity this could continue, bringing out your sensitivity and encouraging you to tune in to your emotions and intuition, or it may be expressed in less healthy ways, with excessive brooding or misguided confrontation. Sometimes brooding is appropriate, and with Pluto in the mix, it may be what’s called for to allow you to deepen your perceptions and get more in touch with your wise and infinite inner counsel. Pluto’s gravitas puts things in sobering perspective: we must face the unavoidable- life and death and ourselves, and make meaning.

The Chiron opposition may serve to stir some triggers to the surface, an opportunity to do deep work… or to react from deep wounding. But if you can bring focus and awareness to this time, the healing potential is immense. Explore relational dynamics and unhealthy patterns, investigate where present actions are rooted in past trauma, establish new or uphold current boundaries, and truly tune in with how you’re caring for your Self in all ways.

The energy of a New Moon is quite different from a Full Moon, and not the active, intention-setting time it's sometimes portrayed to be- it’s dark still, and quiet, sort of suspended and not ready to enact, and its reticence can be reflected in our moods and expression. The New Moon in Libra can call us into unguarded stillness to consider how we are in relationship to others, what lifts our souls and what calms us down and grounds us. This practice can be transformational.

The Mars conjunction changes the tone and texture of this New Moon. Libran Mars can give us the courage to be vulnerable and honest in our intimate relationships and has an understanding that conflict isn’t the enemy of love, but rather a necessary part of it. It shows us how to love and express ourselves bravely. But Mars in any sign can become confrontational and reactionary, overly critical and impatient in its shadowy expression. So watch for entitlement and unhealthy aggressions to arise; try to find their origins. Also avoid passive aggressive behaviors. Stand up for yourself when necessary and give voice to your truth. The day after the New Moon, the Sun/Mars conjunction is exact and it might be helpful to find a healthy physical expression of this energy so that a combative, angry enactment doesn’t take over. Self-care in place of burn-out. Rest when you need it. Let new beginnings emerge. Seek harmony within and find beauty in your connections.
This is a time for reflection - see what’s being reflected back to you.


Libra New Moon Affirmations:
The harmony I seek is reflected within me.
My soul is soothed with beauty and balance.
I release old patterns and embrace new beginnings.

Art/Photography: Rankin @rankinarchive
