January 6 brings a Full Moon at 16º of Cancer (5:08 pm Central). This cardinal water sign is ruled by the Moon, which is the luminary that shows our heart and soul. The Moon is our sensitivity and how we feel, our general mood. The sign of the Crab is most aligned with the archetypal expressions of the Nurturer or Healer. Home or our homeland, heritage or lineage, our safety and sustenance, who we care for and how we are cared for are themes for us to explore. This first full Moon of the year will likely increase sensitivities of all kinds and we will become acutely aware of our emotions and biggest feelings. While a protective mechanism may be defensiveness, a healthy expression would be to remain open, accepting of ourselves and loving to those around us. At certain times, being emo can be a conscious act of resistance against capitalism and popular society; take a break from social media and negative rumination, and let yourself pay attention and tend to what most needs care and nourishment.
Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn will oppose the Cancer Moon; we must be sure to listen to our deepest emotions and make room for sorting ourselves out with self-soothing and understanding. While overthinking or taking everything personally may be an unconscious response which won’t be helpful, intuition can be a strong guide for navigating through this time in a healthier way. Mercury is having a moment for the next couple of days, so pay attention to how you talk to yourself and others, how well you tune in and listen to yourself and others, and where your attention is concentrated.
Chiron in Aries forms a square to the Sun and Moon, which underscores the sensitivity inherent in this particular moon- give yourself permission to feel how you feel. Protect yourself by not engaging in reactionary debates or projection at this time, but rather attend to working through your own sticky issues that seem to be resurfacing again. This Moon also occurs under the influence of the trine between the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus. Imagine the spark of one’s vitality and willpower for life harmonizing with their assertion of non-conformity to norms and resistance to societal expectations. Consider how this might manifest and be enacted in your life. Can you establish boundaries, or daily practices, which include solitude and meditation and savoring some precious joys of embodiment?
The polarity of Capricorn-Cancer encourages us to engage with tending the heart and hearth of embodiment generously, balanced with our Great Work which can be offered to the world. For this Full Moon, allow your vulnerability to remind you to look after the sore spots, protect what’s most valuable, and feed the hungry ghosts with care and comfort.
- I allow for rest and renewal when it is needed, rather than waiting until I’ve reached my breaking point.
- Silence and solitude are medicinal.
- I can feel and tend to the variety of emotions that unfold within, which remind me that I am alive.
- Strong feelings deserve space and investigation rather than judgment.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
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