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Retrogrades, Nodal Axis Shift, and More... May's Astrology Overview

We’ve reached Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of year signifying summer’s arrival and providing an opportunity to declare our gratitude. Taurus season is already an invitation to honor and celebrate the sensual, pleasurable, earthy, embodied, and enjoyable in life, and Beltane epitomizes conscious enjoyment. This is also a favorable time for divination and communing with the spirit realm if that’s a practice you have. May will continue to bring interesting astrological events to experience while we’re still sheltered in place and coping with various scenarios in our personal lives, watching the many scenarios unfold in the broader sphere of our communities and countries.

This month brings a wave of retrogrades that will extend through the fall, with Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter all turning retrograde this month, joining Pluto which turned retrograde on April 25. Remember that a retrograde planet typically functions or expresses itself differently during a retrograde cycle, and we are able to deconstruct or review a particular situation or area of life potentially. But these next months will be exceptionally retrograde-heavy, with many planets retrograde all at the same time. This could have the effect of things feeling slow… stalled… or maybe felt deeply internally. It will be something to be aware of.

Venus and Neptune form a square on Sunday, May 3. This aspect could reflect a wide array of potential circumstances; there may be over-idealizations, or overindulgence in fantasy over the reality of a situation, or dreaminess, delusions, or disappointments. Venus is currently in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces. It could be a good day for imagination, art, the mystical, high romance, or going with whatever flow feels good.

On May 5, the nodal axis shifts: the lunar nodes will exit Cancer and Capricorn and enter Gemini and Sagittarius (until January 2022). The nodes of the Moon are not planets but points - these are places where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic, and in the natal chart they represent what we bring with us into this lifetime from prior lives and our potential evolutionary trajectory. This shift will bring new themes and lessons for us to understand and work with. With the North Node in Gemini, Mercury will figure prominently into our lives at this time, urging us toward an endless curiosity and openness to new information, conversing and debating with different kinds of people. We will learn and grow through these new experiences and interactions. Mercury is one of the many planets turning retrograde between now and September and there will be much to reflect on during that cycle. Venus also turns retrograde soon, and in the sign of Gemini. Themes of communication and relationships will be reexamined and worked through for a while. The South Node moving into fire sign Sagittarius means that the planet Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, can provide assistance for working with our past karma and baggage. Sagittarius South Node indicates needing to release patterns and come to terms with issues around faith and belief systems among other things. A big lesson will involve surrendering into uncertainty.

Embracing uncertainty, quelling the need to be in control constantly, will be a major thematic element this year.

Affirmations for May: I embrace my whole self as I am now. I am worthy even when things are hard and I feel unsteady. I am alive and well today.

If you’d like to explore your nodes, or receive an interpretation of your your birthchart from an evolutionary humanistic perspective, sign up on the website or email

Overview of the Astrology of May: (all times are CA time)
5/3 Venus square Neptune (8:52pm)

5/5 Lunar Nodes change (from Cancer/Cap to Gemini/Sag)

5/7 Full Moon in Scorpio (3:45am)

5/10 Saturn retrograde (9:09pm) until Sept. 28

5/11 Mercury into Gemini (2:58pm)

5/12 Mars into Pisces (9:17pm) + Venus retrograde (11:45pm) until June 24

5/14 Jupiter retrograde (7:32am) until Sept 12

5/20 Sun into Gemini (6:49am) + Venus square Neptune (4:03pm)

5/22 New Moon in Gemini (10:39am)

5/28 Mercury into Cancer (11:09am)




Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction Exact on 444


MARS moved into Aquarius at the beginning of the week. The next day, the fiery planet met up with SATURN. Mars (action and will) conjoins Saturn (barriers and boundaries) at 0º Aquarius, the sign of logic. These two planets are regarded in traditional astrology as malefics, and acknowledging that is important. It is true that stress and frustration are generally felt when dealing with either planet and they both are challenging teachers. Mars can stir up crisis and Saturn creates constraints certainly, but these are natural conditions and necessary for growth and experience to develop. Mars is an activator and initiator, the beginning, and Saturn is time, completion and finality. It’s also helpful to understand that both planets have high vibrational sides to them in addition to their shadows, and their energies and strengths can assist and compliment each other; Mars is able to inspire and push through stagnant, stuck shadow Saturn while Saturn is able to regulate and modify the wrath and recklessness of shadow Mars. Pay attention to where and when you need to forge ahead versus retreat and regroup.

VENUS entered Gemini on Friday, which may shift our love natures into a more mental, curious and maybe flighty state. Gemini thrives in conditions of communication and information. Allow for plenty of intellectual exploration and discovery. On Saturday, Venus forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. This introduction into Saturn in Aquarius is expanding our capacity to find logical and innovative ways of connecting and communicating while distancing in isolation.

Saturday brings the first of three JUPITER/PLUTO conjunctions, this first one at 24º Capricorn (exact at 7:45pm CA time). Pallas is also right there. We'll have the next two conjunctions on June 29 and November 12. Jupiter is the energy of more, excess. And Pluto’s realm is death, elimination, transformation. These astrological associations sometimes manifest and are exhibited metaphorically and sometimes literally. There may be news of spread or growth (Jupiter) of loss and death (Pluto) from the virus, or maybe expansion of and increase in hope, supplies/resources, treatment, or cure related to the pandemic and economic collapse, bringing us closer to a shift and transformation. On a personal level may we have compassion for what we have long suppressed and ignored, the shadows we have neglected, that are now surfacing and require tending. Pluto can show us where our core wounds are and allow us to transmute or alchemize them, or conversely can "trick" us into deep despair and cynicism or power trips. May we tap into a sense of supreme grace collectively as we are confronted by this momentous time of shift, as the current power dynamic crumbles and is dismantled. (The USA is in the midst of its Pluto return, from 2008 until 2024).

It may look like chaos around us, and feel like chaos on the inside. It may be this way for a while. Don't despair or give up hope. Our Jupiter conjunct Pluto prayer or affirmation might be: 
May we grow and transform personally and globally into our healthiest, most empowered, and most joyful and thriving versions imaginable. 
Amen. Aho. So mote it be.

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology

Please reach out through the website or email ( to sign up for a tarot reading, astrological consultation, or Kosmic Koaching. Discounts and reduced rates available.




On Saturday March 21, Saturn entered Aquarius. For now, Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius for three months, until July 1, then retrogrades back into Capricorn until December. This is arguably the most anticipated transit of this busy year. And it is connected to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction coming December 21, 2020 (0º Aquarius). These three months will be a preview of our next few years. 

Saturn represents time, and karma, and is the Disciplinarian of the zodiac. When Saturn is involved we can expect a tone of seriousness and effort, we can assume fortitude and focus will be required of us. The realm ruled by the taskmaster planet always involves harsh realities, karmic consequences, self-discipline and responsibility. Saturn has been in cardinal earth sign Capricorn since December 2017, teaching us lessons about physical reality and the material world. It sets up boundaries and concretizes ambition. We have been focused in a particular area of limitation, building and growth for these past few years, and that’s about to change to a completely different scene. Moving into fixed air Aquarius, Saturn’s motives and means change. Capricorn is about the past, preservation, conservation, and Aquarius relates to the future, innovation, and progress. Capricorn deals with the material plane and Aquarius deals with the mental plane. Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius- it was the traditional ruler of Aquarius until Uranus was discovered- and so has a level of strength while in both signs. Saturn has been at home while in Capricorn and will continue to be comfortable in Aquarius. 

Look to the Aquarius part of your chart to see what area of your life will be impacted directly by Saturn’s ingress into the wisdom-dispensing sign of the Water Bearer. This area represents where the action will take place, where the trials and triumphs will be felt. Aquarius is the archetype of the non-conforming rebel, the mad scientist, the eccentric recluse, the forward thinking humanitarian. Saturn will reside here here until 2023.

There are no “bad” planets or signs, no “good” planets or signs. The unbalanced or shadow vibration of Aquarius is extremism, severe detachment, stubbornness, rigidity. Long vilified, Saturn’s reputation strikes fear or dread into most people who know a little about astrology, but skewing this planet’s archetype to its most unhealthy or harsh expression removes half of the equation, half of its potential. Just as the narrow description of Jupiter as the planet of luck and boons (only) is only partly true, the limited and one-sided portrayal of Saturn as the cosmic bad guy only shows part of the story. Saturn isn’t bad or out to get you. It isn’t just dogma, materialism, and cynicism, although these are examples of the shadow expressions of the planet. Saturn’s healthiest expression deals with maturity and integrity, and it assists us with the challenges in life that we don’t really want to deal with. It helps us do hard things, all of the ones that we like and need self-discipline for, and the ones we dislike but we must deal with. 

We experience our first encounter with Saturn at around age 29, when it comes back to the exact place it was when you were born, called your “Saturn return.” This phenomena creates almost as much fear and bad press as Mercury’s retrograde cycles. Saturn, the planet of adulthood and maturity, returns to this point every 29.5 years, which means that you’ll get another chance to work directly with this planetary teacher in your late fifties (58-60) and potentially again in your late eighties (88-90), and there are particular lessons and growth potentials with each return. 

While Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign of radical individuality and of humanity, we’ll be involved with inner and outer innovation and revolution. Aquarius frees and revolutionizes. One of its most sincere expressions is freedom in thinking. Aquarius Saturn has the potential to build innovative, sound social systems, empowering the individual toward high-minded logic and objectivity, to reach the masses most effectively and to democratize the most innovative technologies to benefit humanity, to reach the most underserved populations. There will be an emphasis on intelligence in general, and specifically on AI, and on technology and invention. Aquarius also teaches us that sometimes we must risk ridicule to reject conformity and not go along with the group-think, but instead to follow our own truth. This may look strange or far-fetched from everyone else’s limited perspective, but there’s something important and visionary in its message. Applied to Saturn in Aquarius, this could mean that things that look absurd or unnecessary may be our most valuable hope for survival and evolution, and what benefits humankind. Aquarius is the sign of non-conformity but also is associated with the group. It is known as a champion for the underrepresented. 

We are beginning this time of shift in some major cycles... revolution and evolution are necessities, from the most personal level to the most global. The old outdated and suppressive systems that have been in place for so long will continue to crumble. There is immense work to do, and with humankind at a crossroads and the old rule of law of systemic misogyny, racism, classism rightfully requiring dismantling, Saturn’s strengths of integrity and determination as we create and implement a new paradigm are necessary. An elevation of consciousness has potential to take place in these upcoming longer cycles, and can at least begin to take root now. 

Those that were born from 1991-1993 are entering their first Saturn return and it will take place in a particular area of your chart; that house holds a key to understanding the context of the Saturn return. You can look to your chart to see which, if any, planets you have in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio- all make contact with Saturn while in Aquarius by square, opposition, or conjunction. Natal Saturn placements in Leo, Taurus or Scorpio will have Saturn transits during this time. Transiting Saturn will conjoin Aquarius sun signs, and other natal Aquarius planets during these next few years, and the heaviness and seriousness of that work may push our limits. This work and the lessons or growth they involve will require our maturity and effort and will likely involve facing a harsh reality and doing some work that has been avoided.

Saturn in Aquarius may be a portal leading us into building a version of a new world in which we join our individual brilliance and offerings together and form an evolved collective vision for our world group - that is one of the possibilities.

For a deeper look into how Saturn in Aquarius will affect you, write to to sign up for a Saturn in Aquarius report or to determine the best astrological consultation for you.

If you’re having a Saturn return, sign up for a Saturn return report here:

Or if you would like to sign up for Kosmic Koaching to assist you in navigating these strange days, returning clients click here:  

Or for new clients:




♈︎ V e r n a l E q u i n o x ❀ O s t a r a ☀︎

◆ 3/19/20 ◆

The current Capricorn stellium (so many planetary bodies crowded together in Capricorn): Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, South Node, also Pallas and Chariklo. Saturn is at a critical point (29º) of Capricorn, preparing to enter Aquarius on Saturday night. That move will initiate a major collective shift in consciousness, focus, and work, and we are already seeing aspects of Saturn in Aquarius... (systems collapsing, social distancing, quarantines, and shut downs, humanitarian help on both small and large scales, education via technology, etc). The Disciplinarian planet will be in the sign of the Genius/Outcast for three months to start, then will retrograde back into Capricorn until December, and then will settle in to Aquarius until March 2023. December is also when we have Jupiter conjoining Saturn at 0º Aquarius (on the 21st).

For now we have Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn (exact on Friday early morning hours), and Mars conjunct Pluto on Sunday night. Jupiter/Pluto conjunction at 24º Capricorn coming soon, exact on April 4. Generally speaking, the energy of Mars is active, assertive, passionate, and ferocious. Jupiter's vibe brings more of everything, and on a grand scale- it is excessive and optimistic. Saturn restricts and limits, maintains boundaries, requires discipline. With Pluto we see elimination, transformative reformation, and the underbelly/underworld of everything; it works on us in deep and somewhat disturbing ways. The lunar South Node represents well worn habitual patterns that are hard to break, a comfort level in our habits that resists change. Altogether, this can create somewhat uncomfortable to deeply disturbed experience.

Many are more worried than usual about how to pay rent and bills and have food under these current circumstances, along with a multitude of other concerns. For some, survival and trauma are trials frequently and familiarly traversed and this is an occasion to call on inner resources, and for others this is an entirely new and different challenge to face. We may feel pushed to the limits or forced to surrender, or we may be reinspired to help actively, or to keep looking for and reasserting hope in our own meaningful ways.

All the action in Capricorn holds gravitas right now, where we will be forced to face severity of some sort. But today is a day to acknowledge a new astrological year beginning. Today in the Northern Hemisphere it is Spring Equinox, with the Sun leaving Pisces and entering Aries, the beginning of the zodiac tonight. We have Chiron in early Aries, but no more fire energy in the skies until the Sun arrives. This lack of fire for several months has been obvious in our (lack of) expressions of motivation, passion, inspiration, and confidence. If you can find it, be in the sunshine today. Let the Aries Sun inspire or encourage you in some small way, in whatever feels appropriate to your inner state.

We are under a mandatory shelter in place order for the next few weeks here in the Bay Area. My personal daily routine doesn't change, as an introverted work from home person, so I am available for astrology consultations, tarot readings, Kosmic Koaching, etc if you need these services. If you're out of work because of the current situation, please write to me about receiving a discount on one of my offerings.

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
