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Retrogrades, Nodal Axis Shift, and More... May's Astrology Overview

We’ve reached Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of year signifying summer’s arrival and providing an opportunity to declare our gratitude. Taurus season is already an invitation to honor and celebrate the sensual, pleasurable, earthy, embodied, and enjoyable in life, and Beltane epitomizes conscious enjoyment. This is also a favorable time for divination and communing with the spirit realm if that’s a practice you have. May will continue to bring interesting astrological events to experience while we’re still sheltered in place and coping with various scenarios in our personal lives, watching the many scenarios unfold in the broader sphere of our communities and countries.

This month brings a wave of retrogrades that will extend through the fall, with Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter all turning retrograde this month, joining Pluto which turned retrograde on April 25. Remember that a retrograde planet typically functions or expresses itself differently during a retrograde cycle, and we are able to deconstruct or review a particular situation or area of life potentially. But these next months will be exceptionally retrograde-heavy, with many planets retrograde all at the same time. This could have the effect of things feeling slow… stalled… or maybe felt deeply internally. It will be something to be aware of.

Venus and Neptune form a square on Sunday, May 3. This aspect could reflect a wide array of potential circumstances; there may be over-idealizations, or overindulgence in fantasy over the reality of a situation, or dreaminess, delusions, or disappointments. Venus is currently in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces. It could be a good day for imagination, art, the mystical, high romance, or going with whatever flow feels good.

On May 5, the nodal axis shifts: the lunar nodes will exit Cancer and Capricorn and enter Gemini and Sagittarius (until January 2022). The nodes of the Moon are not planets but points - these are places where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic, and in the natal chart they represent what we bring with us into this lifetime from prior lives and our potential evolutionary trajectory. This shift will bring new themes and lessons for us to understand and work with. With the North Node in Gemini, Mercury will figure prominently into our lives at this time, urging us toward an endless curiosity and openness to new information, conversing and debating with different kinds of people. We will learn and grow through these new experiences and interactions. Mercury is one of the many planets turning retrograde between now and September and there will be much to reflect on during that cycle. Venus also turns retrograde soon, and in the sign of Gemini. Themes of communication and relationships will be reexamined and worked through for a while. The South Node moving into fire sign Sagittarius means that the planet Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, can provide assistance for working with our past karma and baggage. Sagittarius South Node indicates needing to release patterns and come to terms with issues around faith and belief systems among other things. A big lesson will involve surrendering into uncertainty.

Embracing uncertainty, quelling the need to be in control constantly, will be a major thematic element this year.

Affirmations for May: I embrace my whole self as I am now. I am worthy even when things are hard and I feel unsteady. I am alive and well today.

If you’d like to explore your nodes, or receive an interpretation of your your birthchart from an evolutionary humanistic perspective, sign up on the website or email

Overview of the Astrology of May: (all times are CA time)
5/3 Venus square Neptune (8:52pm)

5/5 Lunar Nodes change (from Cancer/Cap to Gemini/Sag)

5/7 Full Moon in Scorpio (3:45am)

5/10 Saturn retrograde (9:09pm) until Sept. 28

5/11 Mercury into Gemini (2:58pm)

5/12 Mars into Pisces (9:17pm) + Venus retrograde (11:45pm) until June 24

5/14 Jupiter retrograde (7:32am) until Sept 12

5/20 Sun into Gemini (6:49am) + Venus square Neptune (4:03pm)

5/22 New Moon in Gemini (10:39am)

5/28 Mercury into Cancer (11:09am)




April 10-16 Horoscopes ::Retrograde April::

Wild Moon Wisdom Horoscopes for the week of Monday, April 10 - Sunday, April 16

Retrograde April


We begin the week with a full moon in Libra on Monday night (11:08pm PDT). The usual lunacy will abound, and there could be some interesting experiences with Pluto squaring this full moon. Libra is ruled by Venus and is the sign of relating, but Venus is retrograde of course and possibly pushing you to your relationship limits. There could be a breakthrough with this moon if you’re able to integrate the relationship work you’ve been doing. Venus turns direct finally on Saturday in Pisces and and most love and financial issues should begin to be smoothed out next week.

Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all still retrograde, and taking Venus’ place will be Pluto next Thursday, so we have four planets retrograde for the entirety of the month. The pace of life may feel slower, or maybe you feel as though you’re moving slow motion through life. The past as a general theme is prominent during this time. Our efforts are best spent on more reflective or contemplative endeavors and we may benefit from more solitude and self-care now than usual.

Enjoy your week.

xo, KK

For more personalized insight and attention, email KK to sign up for the waiting list for a Kosmic Koaching session, a chart or tarot reading (



Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- tourmaline

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- tourmaline, tourmaline, tourmaline

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-  keep mouth shut, tourmaline

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- tourmaline



Aries & Aries Rising

We are coming close to the end of your reign, Aries, and soon it’ll be Taurus season. This week and part of next will still belong to you so use this power wisely. We have a full moon in Libra on Monday night that squares Pluto. This moon illuminates your relationship house, bringing a revelation, completion, ending or activation. Pluto’s involvement implies a power struggle of some kind. This moon could bring a resolution to an issue or clarity about commitment.

Venus turns direct on Saturday, and any relationship or money wounds you’ve been clearing or self-defeating patterns you’ve released can be put behind you now. You can emerge from the retrograde cycle now with a deeper insight and a plan.

The sun shifts to Taurus next week and your attention will turn toward money matters. There are now only three planets retrograde… until next week when Pluto stations.

Try to have some fun this week - go see comedy or watch an old movie that you love.


Taurus & Taurus Rising

Only a week and a few days left of Aries season and then the sun moves to your sign and  your solar return month gets kicked off! Next Wednesday afternoon Taurus season begins.

This week we have a Libra full moon on Monday night squaring Pluto. The moon will shine on your health house, and with the interaction with Pluto there could be a power struggle with someone you work with or you may receive some health news or results you’ve been waiting on. Your health and well being, pets, co-workers, organization or analysis could be possible full moon themes for you this time. If you’ve been dragging your feet about your health, consider this moon a kickstart to make your wellness a priority.

Venus, your ruling planet, turns direct over the weekend in your eleventh house of alliances. There have likely been some misunderstandings amongst your fellow group members or in your circle of friends. Hopefully the retrograde shed some insight on old wounds or hurt feelings and enabled you to grow or understand in some way. Hang in there- your birthday month is coming soon.


Gemini & Gemini Rising

We’re near the end of Aries season and preparing to move into Taurus. This week we have a full moon in Libra on Monday night, which illuminates your house of sex and creativity. The moon connects with Pluto, so there could be a bit of a power struggle involving a lover or creative partner. Full moons often bring big emotions, news, or a completion of some sort, and the themes of this part of your chart include pleasure and joy, fame, love and romance, seduction, art and creativity, even fertility. You could have a revelation about your relationship under this influence.

The planet of love and money, Venus, turns direct this weekend in your career sector. There were likely a few misunderstandings or feuds with co-workers or with a male boss. You could have experienced some money issues or problems with your income or material success. As Venus gains momentum and begins to feel like herself again the work you did during the retrograde cycle will be helpful for you moving forward.

With four planets retrograde for the entirety of April, including your ruler Mercury, this isn’t the best month for extreme socializing or obsessive mental and verbal attempts; just try to feel more and discuss less.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Aries season is winding down as we get ready to approach Taurus season next week. This Monday night we have a Libra full moon shining on your domestic house. Full moons are full of emotion and energy and bring news, insight or completion. You could get info or news about a mother figure or mentor or a mother-type has an answer or insight for you. You could honor the full moon by making a spa day and nesting at home. Since the moon forms a square with the Lord of the Underworld Pluto, you may run into a power play or control issues with a family member or mother figure.

Venus, the love and money planet, turns direct over the weekend in Pisces, you house of exploration. I hope this retrograde cycle brought you deep insights. Of course your travel plans and interpersonal interactions may have been strained that whole time, but energy will begin to move forward as Venus gains momentum and focus.


Leo & Leo Rising

On Monday night we have a Venus-ruled full moon in Libra illuminating your family connections and communications. Full moons bring heightened emotions, a sense of fullness or completion, endings or revelations. You could get news or information that you’ve needed or maybe a course that you’re taking ends now. This full moon makes a tense connection with  Pluto, so you could run into a power play or control issues. The themes to watch for could include communication, family ties, self-expression, travel, education, technology or community.

Venus turns direct in Pisces over the weekend. This was probably a rough one for you, Leo, since much of the retrograde was in your house of intimacy and legacies, with people or wounds from your past showing up. I hope you at least gained insight and understanding from the challenges you worked through. Things should begin to feel better as Venus gains momentum.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

We are in the final days of the Aries sun cycle and next week Taurus season begins; enjoy the focus on your eighth house themes of sex and love and art. This week we have a full moon in Libra on Monday lighting up your money house. The moon squares Pluto, bringing power struggles and control issues into the mix. You could get some important news or information, experience an ending of some kind, or receive a revelation. There will be the usual lunacy and heightened emotions that accompany all full moons, plus insight or news about an investment or your income, and control issues. Keep your discernment and patience through it all.

Venus, love planet, will turn direct finally this weekend in your relationship house. I assume you’ve had your share of run-ins, difficulties and arguments with people, including your spouse or partner, friend, or a business associate. As the love and money planet gains momentum and feels more like herself any misunderstandings should be able to be smoothed. If any people or exes from your past came back during this cycle, make sure you’ve been clear and gotten closure if that was necessary.


Libra & Libra Rising

The Aries sun cycle will soon come to an end and we’ll welcome Taurus sun next week. This week the focus is on the full moon in your sign on Monday night. This will be your personal full moon of the year, Libra, so make the most of the momentum. Watch out for control issues to arise, both in yourself and in others, or a power play of some kind, since the moon squares intense Pluto. You could receive important news or have a revelation or insight, or something will come to completion- a project, a situation, an era. Let this moon illuminate your heart’s desires and your clear vision.

On Saturday Venus turns direct finally in your house of service and health. If you’ve had some misunderstandings with coworkers or body image issues arise during this time, things can be remedied now. As Venus emerges from her underworld stay you can commit to beautifying your space, make your health and healing process a priority, and focus on your well being in all areas. If you have put off any beauty or adornment procedures during the retrograde, you’re in the clear now to color your hair, get a spa treatment or the special new tattoo you’ve been waiting to get...


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Taurus season begins next week and your focus will shift to relationships for the next solar cycle. This week’s focus will be on the full moon and Venus stationing.

We have a full moon in Libra on Monday night in your house of endings and self-undoing… so yeah that doesn’t sound like fun, but you can make the most of it because your old wounds, past betrayals and need for vengeance can be processed and released. This is the perfect time to put your past behind you and let go and move forward. You may experience a cycle coming to an end, or have karma to clear or hidden agendas to uncover, or sorrows that are lifted for this moon. There is a Pluto/moon square that could bring power struggles or control issues into the mix.

On Saturday Venus finally turns direct in Pisces, your sexy fifth house of heart and art. It’s likely that this retrograde cycle brought up old feelings, memories, nostalgia and past lovers or partners. As the love planet gains momentum you should feel a surge of romantic feelings, experience creative outbursts, begin or deepen a relationship, or get some recognition and praise for your artistic endeavors. This is also the house of fertility and pregnancy so keep that in mind.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

We’re almost through Aries season, and the sun will move into Taurus next week. This week’s focus is on the Libra full moon and Venus stationing.

On Monday the full moon is in Libra, your eleventh house of friends and dreams. This moon forms an intense alignment with Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, so there could be some power struggles, undermining or control issues that you encounter with a friend or in a group or association you’re part of. This house rules memberships, alliances, groups, idealism, goals and objectives and good luck. The full moon could bring a revelation, some big news, an ending or closure.

Venus turns direct on Saturday, so you should feel some relief to your home and family life if there has been conflict there. This area is all about home, domestic issues, women and children, roots and femininity, family, real estate, and security. That’s a lot of ground to cover, so you should emerge from this retrograde cycle with plenty of insight. Now you can get started on your remodeling, redecorating, beautifying or adorning. Permission to buy new bedding or dishes or art or plants or crystals…. ;)


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aries season ends soon, when the sun enters Taurus next week and your energy will turn to themes of sex and love and art. This week we have a full moon in Libra on Monday night illuminating your career sector. The moon squares Pluto, so there could be some drama in the form of a power play or control issues at work. Full moon vibes bring about extreme emotions, news and information, and an ending or completion. An important project or presentation for work could be due now, you could reach a decision about your professional life, or maybe you feel the fullness of your ambition and success in a new way.

Over the weekend Venus turns direct in Pisces, your communication house. The love and money planet retrograde here surely caused some misunderstandings with your relatives or mishaps with travels for work or school. As Venus gains momentum you should feel more connected to your relatives or community, more inspired in your ideas, more self-expressive.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

We will soon shift from Aries season to Taurus season, but for now your communication and self-expressive sector is still lit up. We have the only full moon in Libra of the year on Monday evening, shining on your house of expansion and education. Pluto squares this moon, bringing in a power struggle or revealing obscured information (Pluto’s in your house of sorrows and secrets). Themes associated with the ninth house include long distance travel, freedom and risk taking, religion and philosophy, higher education and mental pursuits; there could be revelations or a sense of completion in one or several of these areas.

Venus turns direct on Saturday. During the retrograde cycle, Venus could have caused some tension in your romantic relationships or your finances.... The planet of love will gain momentum and begin to help you create more abundance, more money, more security and more harmony. Make sure self-love and self-worth are abundant in your life as well, Aquarius.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

Aries season soon comes to an end and we will welcome the earthy Taurus sun cycle next week. This week our attention is on the only Libra full moon of the year and the love planet moving forward.

Monday’s full moon is in your intense house of transformation. Themes for this part of your chart include sex, death, rebirth, intimacy, shared wealth and inheritance. And with an intense square to Pluto thrown in, there could be a power struggle or hidden information surfacing. You could have a revelation or get important news, see a project reach completion, make a decision about joining resources with someone…

Venus turns direct in your first house on Saturday. Venus rules over money matters, love and beauty, so while retrograde you probably wanted to get a makeover or throw out your entire closet and buy all new clothes. You had to deal with the effects of your overspending or lost a source of income. Spring cleaning and donating everything you no longer wanted would have been perfect therapy. As Venus gets comfortable being direct, you should feel your self-confidence and sense of self-sovereignty return. Get ready to make some bold moves in love and money, Pisces, just not until after #retrogradeApril is over.
