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astrological consultation


MARS enters ARIES ♂ ⇾ ♈️

June 27, 2020 ◇◆ MARS enters ARIES ◆◇

Today (6:45pm in CA) the planet of will power leaves the watery realm of Pisces (there since May 12) and enters home sign Aries, and will remain there much longer than usual. (In traditional astrology, Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio). Because Mars will have a retrograde cycle, which happens every couple of years, the fiery planet’s stay in feisty Aries will be particulary extended - six months rather than the typical six weeks. The retrograde cycle for Mars occurs from September 9 until November 13. And Mars will be in its domicile or home sign of Aries until January 6, 2021.

It’s important to review both the healthy or medicinal manifestations and the unhealthy or poisonous manifestations that a planet and a sign have the potential to bring out. Mars is well known as the god of war, the warrior planet, with traits like anger, competitiveness, impulsivity, impatience, and conflict. Mars does bring those attributes, and also passion, assertiveness, and ferocity. And when it’s channeled or there’s a worthy opponent, the Mars energy becomes a champion for standing up against tyranny and the rightful and worthy application of fire and aggression. The sign of Aries has similar attributes. It’s the first sign of the zodiac, a cardinal fire sign associated with ambition, sex drive, and the archetype of the warrior. Aries needs a worthy battle, a cause to fight for, something to protect. It brings an energy of initation, powerful life force, true courage, and will. With Mars and with Aries we must remember that conflict or stress is inherent - it comes down to what kind of conflict or stress; do we want to be adventurous, courageous defenders of freedom, or tyrannical bullies finding a fight everywhere we look?

There’s a forceful, aggressive, direct kind of power with Mars in Aries… an explosive and slightly volitile undercurrent. Mars’ square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn* will make things more interesting and complex, with Mars igniting changes in the Capricorn areas. We could have six months of anger and frustration and war-like circumstances, as Aries Mars manifests as rage and battle. We could have a complete transformation of systems, as that energy alters and elevates the status quo. This combustible intensity could be used in service of dismantiling and destroying outdated structures and systems, or to war within oneself and others. There are many possibilities. Mars is ever-ready to act. There’s an opportunity to take brave, decisive, strategic action, to be wise warriors, true champions of humanity, to channel this potency ambitiously into all worthy causes at this crucial time in history. The force and fury of 2020 is not weakening, it’s building. We can handle what comes if we stay steady in our hearts, don’t lose hope, and harness the most evolutionary aspects of these energies.


If you have your natal chart, look for where Aries is to find the area where you’ll experience this Mars power.
Reach out to to ask about astrological services.

*Retrograde Saturn re-enters Capricorn on July 1.




Venus ♀ Retrograde

The planetary deity of love returns to the underworld abode - otherwise known as Venus stationing retrograde, an event that occurs every couple of years.

Venus ♀ turns retrograde in Gemini on May 12 at 11:45pm PDT. During this next six weeks, Venus makes the journey from Evening Star to Morning Star. And like Inanna heeding the call of her sister Ereshkigel to descend to the Great Below, Venus descends into her underworld, retreating from ordinary reality and initiating a shamanic experience. This takes (astrologically) the appearance of Venus stationing and entering the retrograde cycle. On some level, a part of each of us may undergo a transformative descent or experience alchemical shadow work, an excavation in which we fundamentally reorient our values, our ways of relating, our sense of self-worth. An optimistic perspective is that, in theory, we could emerge wiser after this cycle.

Venus governs the way we strive for balance and beauty through relationships with others. The beauty of Venus can be seen shining in the heavens, and can be felt within us as a deep release of tension, an embodied sigh, a fundamental restoration of inner balance. The glyph of Venus is a shape that could be interpreted to be a hand mirror, it holds our reflection, it shows us our beauty. Venus is all about love, money matters, relationships, values, worth, esthetics, beauty… in the chart it is what we have to learn about relating, it is the urge we have to connect with people. All relationships with others fall under Venus’ rule, including familial, platonic, friendships, romantic. Since Venus is a relationship planet, during this retrograde period you will likely get the opportunity to work on one or several of your relationships. You can navigate this work skillfully or unskillfully. Bringing consciousness to the work is vital, and relationship work starts first as inner work with the self. Venus assists this connection as well.

Known as the twins in the zodiac, Gemini’s dual nature is illustrated in its glyph ♊︎. Gemini is about perception, observation, seeing what’s in front of us. Constantly moving, this mutable air sign intends to seek out and take in as much information from as many sources as possible. While Venus is retrograde, let curiousity guide you in your relationships, and have a curious mind and an open communication style. Staying curious is an antidote for feeling compelled to have all the answers. For Gemini, to be confused or perplexed is a sign they’re onto something, and ensures they stay receptive. Use communication, intelligence, perception, and curiosity as resources in your work during Venus retrograde. Create space.

The sign of Gemini is having a moment now. Recently (5/5/20), the nodal axis shifted from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius. This means that the North Node of the moon is now in Gemini. The nodes are mathematical points, not planetary bodies, and they hold mysteries of the soul that can be read in the natal chart. With the North Node now in Gemini, we are under a new paradigm with a new focus and new work. Re-parenting work became the undercurrent of the Cancer/Capricorn axis, and appropriately so. Gemini can manifest as the archetype of the Storyteller and Sagittarius represents the Philosopher. While the nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius we will have new experiences and opportunities that reflect this particular nodal zeitgeist.

There are some things to be mindful of during Venus retrograde in Gemini. Watch out for nervous system dysregulation and mental exhaustion. Some other things you may experience include feelings of paranoia, or there may be potential for you to be taken advantage of, or you may get entangled in co-dependency. These are shadow aspects of Venus retrograde in Gemini. If exes resurface during Venus retrograde, don’t give it much energy if any. Make sure to engage in some form of physical movement or exercise during this period, especially to counteract the tendency to be super mental, heady, and overthink things.

It would be beneficial to consider and unpack mindfully some of your old relationship patterns and make them conscious so that you break that pattern and can start to heal that original place of wounding. You can redefine or recommit to what you want in relationships and how you’ll show up for them, and reflect on your inner stories about and relationship to money, value, self-worth. During this cycle you can rewrite your current love story, or your self-love story, and create a more evolved and authentic storyline for your life at this time.

Emerge from your underworld journey wiser.

Affirmations for Venus retrograde:
I am whole and worthy as I am.
I engage in healthy relationships that evolve my soul.
I am loveable.

For assistance in navigating this Venus retrograde or to look into where it will be in your chart, email to request a Venus retrograde report.

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology




Libra Full Moon

4/7/20 FULL MOON in LIBRA (18º 45’)
7:35pm PDT 

On Tuesday we have Mars square Uranus, hinting at potential volatility, some level of dysfunction, inner or outer revolution, or maybe an assertive expression of our individuality. Mental planet Mercury forms a sextile with Pluto and then Jupiter and the Libra Full Moon also connects with them. Pluto rules the realm of the underworld and always brings a major serious tone. Jupiter is deep faith and brings increase or excess. Mercury governs connections, communication, and mental confusion. The sextiles with Mercury could emphasize major imbalances that we experience in the collective as well as personally.

The Pluto/Jupiter conjunction was exact at 24º Capricorn on Saturday 4/4/20, and we will continue to be under this influence and feeling the effects of it. We have the underworld ruler as well as topics of death, endings, and rebirth (Pluto) being increased, amplified, or exaggerated (Jupiter). This sounds and feels intense and uncomfortable. It was no secret that this year was going to be extreme, as we arrive at a changing of eras, a critical point of no return from the immense changes that are unfolding. We are witness to and participants in the world’s current crisis. And individually we experience the new enforced solitary confrontation with our true selves, all pretense and polish wearing away, our hidden depths brought to the surface for inspection. Our faith is tested, we may lose hope or we may be reinspired into our spiritual beliefs and practices now. We may be dealing with our so-called shadows more explicitly, or entertaining our demons more frequently. We grieve, retreat, reach out, blow up, shut down… our vulnerabilities are exposed and our limitations pushed. There does exist the possibility of transformation, after what may be or feel like annihilation or elimination, and that may be the promise of the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction if we can make it through. 

Libra Full Moon is a call into relationship reflection. The Libra impulse is to move and work toward harmony, balance, and compromise, and is a sign that learns and grows in these specific areas. At this already impactful full moon, in these already extreme circumstances of being sheltered in place during a pandemic and economic and emotional collapse, this Libra moon calls us to accept the invitation into quiet communion with ourselves, a descent into the shadowy spaces of our psyche and heart, and be as honest and gentle with ourselves as we can. You may feel emotional upheaval, deep heavy grief or stinging sadness, you may feel heightened nervous system dysregulation, or just feel more sensitive to things. You can look back into your journals and see what was happening in your life and relationships at the new moon in Libra about six months ago; these themes may be revisited. With this full moon, relationships are under scrutiny and many issues may need to be acknowledged or addressed. Try to find the point of balance with Libra’s scales, and look consciously for the beauty even in the hard times.

Here’s a little wild moon wisdom to consider for this full moon: 
◇ There is no “right way” to experience your experience- you only have to show up for yourself and practice being present. 
◇ Feelings are meant to be felt. 
◇ Practice listening to your intuition and to your body-knowing (gut instinct). 
◇  Be a student of your breath and breathing, observing often and regulating the breath when necessary.

Affirm: I am whole and holy, wise and worthy. 


