January 6 brings a Full Moon at 16º of Cancer (5:08 pm Central). This cardinal water sign is ruled by the Moon, which is the luminary that shows our heart and soul. The Moon is our sensitivity and how we feel, our general mood. The sign of the Crab is most aligned with the archetypal expressions of the Nurturer or Healer. Home or our homeland, heritage or lineage, our safety and sustenance, who we care for and how we are cared for are themes for us to explore. This first full Moon of the year will likely increase sensitivities of all kinds and we will become acutely aware of our emotions and biggest feelings. While a protective mechanism may be defensiveness, a healthy expression would be to remain open, accepting of ourselves and loving to those around us. At certain times, being emo can be a conscious act of resistance against capitalism and popular society; take a break from social media and negative rumination, and let yourself pay attention and tend to what most needs care and nourishment.
Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn will oppose the Cancer Moon; we must be sure to listen to our deepest emotions and make room for sorting ourselves out with self-soothing and understanding. While overthinking or taking everything personally may be an unconscious response which won’t be helpful, intuition can be a strong guide for navigating through this time in a healthier way. Mercury is having a moment for the next couple of days, so pay attention to how you talk to yourself and others, how well you tune in and listen to yourself and others, and where your attention is concentrated.
Chiron in Aries forms a square to the Sun and Moon, which underscores the sensitivity inherent in this particular moon- give yourself permission to feel how you feel. Protect yourself by not engaging in reactionary debates or projection at this time, but rather attend to working through your own sticky issues that seem to be resurfacing again. This Moon also occurs under the influence of the trine between the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus. Imagine the spark of one’s vitality and willpower for life harmonizing with their assertion of non-conformity to norms and resistance to societal expectations. Consider how this might manifest and be enacted in your life. Can you establish boundaries, or daily practices, which include solitude and meditation and savoring some precious joys of embodiment?
The polarity of Capricorn-Cancer encourages us to engage with tending the heart and hearth of embodiment generously, balanced with our Great Work which can be offered to the world. For this Full Moon, allow your vulnerability to remind you to look after the sore spots, protect what’s most valuable, and feed the hungry ghosts with care and comfort.
- I allow for rest and renewal when it is needed, rather than waiting until I’ve reached my breaking point.
- Silence and solitude are medicinal.
- I can feel and tend to the variety of emotions that unfold within, which remind me that I am alive.
- Strong feelings deserve space and investigation rather than judgment.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
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Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
We’ve come to the end of Leo season this year, but before the Sun moves into Virgo on Sunday afternoon, we’ll have our second Aquarius Full Moon of this Leo season and the year. The first one occurred on the evening of July 23 at 1º Aquarius, with a conjunction to Pluto, and this one will be on Sunday morning, August 22, at 29º and conjunct Jupiter. We usually have one full moon in a sign each year, so to have two is a special occurrence when it happens, one that amplifies that particular archetypal dimension. There may be some similarities in the themes unfolding for both of these moons; look to where you have Aquarius in your natal chart to get insight into what area will be activated for you and where breakthroughs may occur. The 29 degree point of this Full Moon is also notable, as it is considered the anaretic or critical degree, encouraging crisis and transformation. Crisis comes from the Latinized Greek krisis, meaning “decision” or “a turning point in a disease,” from krinein, “decide.”
Like the first one, this Aquarius Full Moon is opposite the Leo Sun and that Leo/Aquarius polarity will be at play. These polar opposite signs have implicit similarities and also complimentary differences mirrored through their expressions; both are about individuality, essentially, but it is expressed and emphasized in different ways. Fixed fire sign Leo can be seen as the Royal or the Performer, and needs to shine to be healthy and happy, and fixed air Aquarius embodies the archetype of the Revolutionary or the Scientist- freedom of expression is paramount. Individual self-expression and celebration with Leo, and individuality and non-conformity at any cost for the eventual benefit of the collective with Aquarius. Full moon energy always has a feeling of culmination, so an ending or completion of some sort is insinuated. The moon represents our emotions, our feelings, the heart, and the sensitivity of the soul. But Aquarius isn’t known for being the most emo of archetypes, and instead is described as rather logical-minded and detached, or just not as comfortable emoting feelings dramatically. Leo on the other hand, revels in high drama. What Aquarius is adept at, for better or worse, is having fixed opinions, stubbornness, and truth-telling. The usual heightened senses and intense feelings, sleeplessness or restlessness accompanying full moons will likely be felt.
Keep in mind that will we have some other strong aspects in effect alongside this second Aquarius Full Moon, including the ever-present Saturn/Uranus square that defines this year with transformations and disruptions in foundations and structures (we had the second of three exact squares in June). This is emphasized also because these planets co-rule the sign of Aquarius- Saturn as the traditional ruler and Uranus as the modern ruler. Saturn is about foundations and self-discipline and Uranus is focused on revolution and individuality.
There’s a Sun/Jupiter opposition, which may bring extremes in highs and lows, and exaggerated overoptimism and confidence. (Leo Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius). We also have Uranus in Taurus trine Mercury and Mars in Virgo, bringing surprises and the unexpected to thought, communication, and action, and moving us into new experiences. Focusing too much on the self egotistically without empathy and compassion and not listening with sensitivity will be damaging. Being of service and employing conscious humility can be helpful. We may benefit from reflecting on what’s most valuable in our lives and considering how to optimize health, increase mental and physical wellness, creating new routines and solutions that are in alignment with our values.
Full Moon Considerations:
Can I sit with uncertainty without losing my inner anchor of stability? Can I see from multiple broad perspectives and allow for new information to be integrated? Does my current stubbornness or resistance serve my evolution? In which situations is it useful for me to embrace paradox? Contemplate your deepest values - how can you honor your unique individuality while serving the collective?
June 27, 2020 ◇◆ MARS enters ARIES ◆◇
Today (6:45pm in CA) the planet of will power leaves the watery realm of Pisces (there since May 12) and enters home sign Aries, and will remain there much longer than usual. (In traditional astrology, Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio). Because Mars will have a retrograde cycle, which happens every couple of years, the fiery planet’s stay in feisty Aries will be particulary extended - six months rather than the typical six weeks. The retrograde cycle for Mars occurs from September 9 until November 13. And Mars will be in its domicile or home sign of Aries until January 6, 2021.
It’s important to review both the healthy or medicinal manifestations and the unhealthy or poisonous manifestations that a planet and a sign have the potential to bring out. Mars is well known as the god of war, the warrior planet, with traits like anger, competitiveness, impulsivity, impatience, and conflict. Mars does bring those attributes, and also passion, assertiveness, and ferocity. And when it’s channeled or there’s a worthy opponent, the Mars energy becomes a champion for standing up against tyranny and the rightful and worthy application of fire and aggression. The sign of Aries has similar attributes. It’s the first sign of the zodiac, a cardinal fire sign associated with ambition, sex drive, and the archetype of the warrior. Aries needs a worthy battle, a cause to fight for, something to protect. It brings an energy of initation, powerful life force, true courage, and will. With Mars and with Aries we must remember that conflict or stress is inherent - it comes down to what kind of conflict or stress; do we want to be adventurous, courageous defenders of freedom, or tyrannical bullies finding a fight everywhere we look?
There’s a forceful, aggressive, direct kind of power with Mars in Aries… an explosive and slightly volitile undercurrent. Mars’ square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn* will make things more interesting and complex, with Mars igniting changes in the Capricorn areas. We could have six months of anger and frustration and war-like circumstances, as Aries Mars manifests as rage and battle. We could have a complete transformation of systems, as that energy alters and elevates the status quo. This combustible intensity could be used in service of dismantiling and destroying outdated structures and systems, or to war within oneself and others. There are many possibilities. Mars is ever-ready to act. There’s an opportunity to take brave, decisive, strategic action, to be wise warriors, true champions of humanity, to channel this potency ambitiously into all worthy causes at this crucial time in history. The force and fury of 2020 is not weakening, it’s building. We can handle what comes if we stay steady in our hearts, don’t lose hope, and harness the most evolutionary aspects of these energies.
If you have your natal chart, look for where Aries is to find the area where you’ll experience this Mars power.
Reach out to wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com to ask about astrological services.
*Retrograde Saturn re-enters Capricorn on July 1.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Summer Solstice, Cancer Season begins, and Solar Eclipse today.
Today is Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, the turning point when the Sun leaves Gemini and enters Cancer (2:44pm PDT), the longest day of the year when the light peaks and sun stands still (from sistere in Latin). This year we have an annular solar eclipse happening on the Solstice.
At 11:41pm we have a new moon and solar eclipse at 0º of Cancer. We recently had a lunar eclipse (and full moon) in Sagittarius on June 5, and we’ll have one more in this cycle, another lunar eclipse on the Capricorn full moon on July 4. Eclipses are always cosmic activators, shaking things up. They often bring about dissolution and collapse or initiation in the aftermath of an eclipse portal, bringing us transformation of some kind, revealing what has been hidden or occluded. As this cosmic power surge disrupts the natural flow, we can spend some time in meditation, contemplation, or reflection, listening within for any insights or understanding revealed. This eclipse is occurring alongside the North Node of the moon, bringing an element of rebirth and evolution as we are able to see more clearly into our shadows. Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. The Cancerian themes, exaggerated today as the sun enters the sign and there’s a new moon and eclipse there also, include ideas about home, place, roots, stability, family, ancestry, nurturing, and being nurtured. If you have your chart handy, look to 0º Cancer to see the area of general personal impact for you.
Mars in Pisces makes a connection through sextile to retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn, bringing a potential boost to confidence and courage, and positive, successful actions. Mars and the Moon make a square, which may intensify passions, conflict, and creativity. On Monday night Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces until November 28. As the planet of consciousness, Neptune rules psychic sensitivity and soul.
As always on Solstice, make a date with the sun, bask in the warmth, then at sunset say goodby as it sets and disappears to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice. Late tonight you can light a candle and offer eclipse blessings. Bow to the golden light that burns inside your own heart.
Black Lives Matter.
For my white readers, I recommend the work of Rachel Cargle and participation in her curriculum called The Great Unlearn, which you can find on her Patreon page (with membership as low as $5 monthly). You can also make a donation for her work at Paypal.me/rachelcargle. Follow @thegreatunlearn on Instagram. Additionally, see some of my past instagram posts on resources for anti-racism education.
We’ve reached Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of year signifying summer’s arrival and providing an opportunity to declare our gratitude. Taurus season is already an invitation to honor and celebrate the sensual, pleasurable, earthy, embodied, and enjoyable in life, and Beltane epitomizes conscious enjoyment. This is also a favorable time for divination and communing with the spirit realm if that’s a practice you have. May will continue to bring interesting astrological events to experience while we’re still sheltered in place and coping with various scenarios in our personal lives, watching the many scenarios unfold in the broader sphere of our communities and countries.
This month brings a wave of retrogrades that will extend through the fall, with Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter all turning retrograde this month, joining Pluto which turned retrograde on April 25. Remember that a retrograde planet typically functions or expresses itself differently during a retrograde cycle, and we are able to deconstruct or review a particular situation or area of life potentially. But these next months will be exceptionally retrograde-heavy, with many planets retrograde all at the same time. This could have the effect of things feeling slow… stalled… or maybe felt deeply internally. It will be something to be aware of.
Venus and Neptune form a square on Sunday, May 3. This aspect could reflect a wide array of potential circumstances; there may be over-idealizations, or overindulgence in fantasy over the reality of a situation, or dreaminess, delusions, or disappointments. Venus is currently in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces. It could be a good day for imagination, art, the mystical, high romance, or going with whatever flow feels good.
On May 5, the nodal axis shifts: the lunar nodes will exit Cancer and Capricorn and enter Gemini and Sagittarius (until January 2022). The nodes of the Moon are not planets but points - these are places where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic, and in the natal chart they represent what we bring with us into this lifetime from prior lives and our potential evolutionary trajectory. This shift will bring new themes and lessons for us to understand and work with. With the North Node in Gemini, Mercury will figure prominently into our lives at this time, urging us toward an endless curiosity and openness to new information, conversing and debating with different kinds of people. We will learn and grow through these new experiences and interactions. Mercury is one of the many planets turning retrograde between now and September and there will be much to reflect on during that cycle. Venus also turns retrograde soon, and in the sign of Gemini. Themes of communication and relationships will be reexamined and worked through for a while. The South Node moving into fire sign Sagittarius means that the planet Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, can provide assistance for working with our past karma and baggage. Sagittarius South Node indicates needing to release patterns and come to terms with issues around faith and belief systems among other things. A big lesson will involve surrendering into uncertainty.
Embracing uncertainty, quelling the need to be in control constantly, will be a major thematic element this year.
Affirmations for May: I embrace my whole self as I am now. I am worthy even when things are hard and I feel unsteady. I am alive and well today.
If you’d like to explore your nodes, or receive an interpretation of your your birthchart from an evolutionary humanistic perspective, sign up on the website or email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com.
Overview of the Astrology of May: (all times are CA time)
5/3 Venus square Neptune (8:52pm)
5/5 Lunar Nodes change (from Cancer/Cap to Gemini/Sag)
5/7 Full Moon in Scorpio (3:45am)
5/10 Saturn retrograde (9:09pm) until Sept. 28
5/11 Mercury into Gemini (2:58pm)
5/12 Mars into Pisces (9:17pm) + Venus retrograde (11:45pm) until June 24
5/14 Jupiter retrograde (7:32am) until Sept 12
5/20 Sun into Gemini (6:49am) + Venus square Neptune (4:03pm)
5/22 New Moon in Gemini (10:39am)
5/28 Mercury into Cancer (11:09am)
4/7/20 FULL MOON in LIBRA (18º 45’)
7:35pm PDT
On Tuesday we have Mars square Uranus, hinting at potential volatility, some level of dysfunction, inner or outer revolution, or maybe an assertive expression of our individuality. Mental planet Mercury forms a sextile with Pluto and then Jupiter and the Libra Full Moon also connects with them. Pluto rules the realm of the underworld and always brings a major serious tone. Jupiter is deep faith and brings increase or excess. Mercury governs connections, communication, and mental confusion. The sextiles with Mercury could emphasize major imbalances that we experience in the collective as well as personally.
The Pluto/Jupiter conjunction was exact at 24º Capricorn on Saturday 4/4/20, and we will continue to be under this influence and feeling the effects of it. We have the underworld ruler as well as topics of death, endings, and rebirth (Pluto) being increased, amplified, or exaggerated (Jupiter). This sounds and feels intense and uncomfortable. It was no secret that this year was going to be extreme, as we arrive at a changing of eras, a critical point of no return from the immense changes that are unfolding. We are witness to and participants in the world’s current crisis. And individually we experience the new enforced solitary confrontation with our true selves, all pretense and polish wearing away, our hidden depths brought to the surface for inspection. Our faith is tested, we may lose hope or we may be reinspired into our spiritual beliefs and practices now. We may be dealing with our so-called shadows more explicitly, or entertaining our demons more frequently. We grieve, retreat, reach out, blow up, shut down… our vulnerabilities are exposed and our limitations pushed. There does exist the possibility of transformation, after what may be or feel like annihilation or elimination, and that may be the promise of the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction if we can make it through.
Libra Full Moon is a call into relationship reflection. The Libra impulse is to move and work toward harmony, balance, and compromise, and is a sign that learns and grows in these specific areas. At this already impactful full moon, in these already extreme circumstances of being sheltered in place during a pandemic and economic and emotional collapse, this Libra moon calls us to accept the invitation into quiet communion with ourselves, a descent into the shadowy spaces of our psyche and heart, and be as honest and gentle with ourselves as we can. You may feel emotional upheaval, deep heavy grief or stinging sadness, you may feel heightened nervous system dysregulation, or just feel more sensitive to things. You can look back into your journals and see what was happening in your life and relationships at the new moon in Libra about six months ago; these themes may be revisited. With this full moon, relationships are under scrutiny and many issues may need to be acknowledged or addressed. Try to find the point of balance with Libra’s scales, and look consciously for the beauty even in the hard times.
Here’s a little wild moon wisdom to consider for this full moon:
◇ There is no “right way” to experience your experience- you only have to show up for yourself and practice being present.
◇ Feelings are meant to be felt.
◇ Practice listening to your intuition and to your body-knowing (gut instinct).
◇ Be a student of your breath and breathing, observing often and regulating the breath when necessary.
Affirm: I am whole and holy, wise and worthy.
MARS moved into Aquarius at the beginning of the week. The next day, the fiery planet met up with SATURN. Mars (action and will) conjoins Saturn (barriers and boundaries) at 0º Aquarius, the sign of logic. These two planets are regarded in traditional astrology as malefics, and acknowledging that is important. It is true that stress and frustration are generally felt when dealing with either planet and they both are challenging teachers. Mars can stir up crisis and Saturn creates constraints certainly, but these are natural conditions and necessary for growth and experience to develop. Mars is an activator and initiator, the beginning, and Saturn is time, completion and finality. It’s also helpful to understand that both planets have high vibrational sides to them in addition to their shadows, and their energies and strengths can assist and compliment each other; Mars is able to inspire and push through stagnant, stuck shadow Saturn while Saturn is able to regulate and modify the wrath and recklessness of shadow Mars. Pay attention to where and when you need to forge ahead versus retreat and regroup.
VENUS entered Gemini on Friday, which may shift our love natures into a more mental, curious and maybe flighty state. Gemini thrives in conditions of communication and information. Allow for plenty of intellectual exploration and discovery. On Saturday, Venus forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. This introduction into Saturn in Aquarius is expanding our capacity to find logical and innovative ways of connecting and communicating while distancing in isolation.
Saturday brings the first of three JUPITER/PLUTO conjunctions, this first one at 24º Capricorn (exact at 7:45pm CA time). Pallas is also right there. We'll have the next two conjunctions on June 29 and November 12. Jupiter is the energy of more, excess. And Pluto’s realm is death, elimination, transformation. These astrological associations sometimes manifest and are exhibited metaphorically and sometimes literally. There may be news of spread or growth (Jupiter) of loss and death (Pluto) from the virus, or maybe expansion of and increase in hope, supplies/resources, treatment, or cure related to the pandemic and economic collapse, bringing us closer to a shift and transformation. On a personal level may we have compassion for what we have long suppressed and ignored, the shadows we have neglected, that are now surfacing and require tending. Pluto can show us where our core wounds are and allow us to transmute or alchemize them, or conversely can "trick" us into deep despair and cynicism or power trips. May we tap into a sense of supreme grace collectively as we are confronted by this momentous time of shift, as the current power dynamic crumbles and is dismantled. (The USA is in the midst of its Pluto return, from 2008 until 2024).
It may look like chaos around us, and feel like chaos on the inside. It may be this way for a while. Don't despair or give up hope. Our Jupiter conjunct Pluto prayer or affirmation might be:
May we grow and transform personally and globally into our healthiest, most empowered, and most joyful and thriving versions imaginable.
Amen. Aho. So mote it be.
Please reach out through the website or email (wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com) to sign up for a tarot reading, astrological consultation, or Kosmic Koaching. Discounts and reduced rates available.
◆ 3/19/20 ◆
The current Capricorn stellium (so many planetary bodies crowded together in Capricorn): Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, South Node, also Pallas and Chariklo. Saturn is at a critical point (29º) of Capricorn, preparing to enter Aquarius on Saturday night. That move will initiate a major collective shift in consciousness, focus, and work, and we are already seeing aspects of Saturn in Aquarius... (systems collapsing, social distancing, quarantines, and shut downs, humanitarian help on both small and large scales, education via technology, etc). The Disciplinarian planet will be in the sign of the Genius/Outcast for three months to start, then will retrograde back into Capricorn until December, and then will settle in to Aquarius until March 2023. December is also when we have Jupiter conjoining Saturn at 0º Aquarius (on the 21st).
For now we have Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn (exact on Friday early morning hours), and Mars conjunct Pluto on Sunday night. Jupiter/Pluto conjunction at 24º Capricorn coming soon, exact on April 4. Generally speaking, the energy of Mars is active, assertive, passionate, and ferocious. Jupiter's vibe brings more of everything, and on a grand scale- it is excessive and optimistic. Saturn restricts and limits, maintains boundaries, requires discipline. With Pluto we see elimination, transformative reformation, and the underbelly/underworld of everything; it works on us in deep and somewhat disturbing ways. The lunar South Node represents well worn habitual patterns that are hard to break, a comfort level in our habits that resists change. Altogether, this can create somewhat uncomfortable to deeply disturbed experience.
Many are more worried than usual about how to pay rent and bills and have food under these current circumstances, along with a multitude of other concerns. For some, survival and trauma are trials frequently and familiarly traversed and this is an occasion to call on inner resources, and for others this is an entirely new and different challenge to face. We may feel pushed to the limits or forced to surrender, or we may be reinspired to help actively, or to keep looking for and reasserting hope in our own meaningful ways.
All the action in Capricorn holds gravitas right now, where we will be forced to face severity of some sort. But today is a day to acknowledge a new astrological year beginning. Today in the Northern Hemisphere it is Spring Equinox, with the Sun leaving Pisces and entering Aries, the beginning of the zodiac tonight. We have Chiron in early Aries, but no more fire energy in the skies until the Sun arrives. This lack of fire for several months has been obvious in our (lack of) expressions of motivation, passion, inspiration, and confidence. If you can find it, be in the sunshine today. Let the Aries Sun inspire or encourage you in some small way, in whatever feels appropriate to your inner state.
We are under a mandatory shelter in place order for the next few weeks here in the Bay Area. My personal daily routine doesn't change, as an introverted work from home person, so I am available for astrology consultations, tarot readings, Kosmic Koaching, etc if you need these services. If you're out of work because of the current situation, please write to me about receiving a discount on one of my offerings. wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
With the current events unfolding, and the subsequent actions and precautions that must be taken, many are starting to feel the mental and energetic toll that this kind of concern and uncertainty bring. And many mental health conditions which people live with daily are easily amplified or stirred up under these conditions, understandably.
As you check in with yourself more often these days, do all of the things that you already know to do, things that ground and strengthen and reorient you toward your consciousness. Make sure that you’re breathing, not holding your breath or chest breathing; breathe regularly, and just pay attention. Meditate daily. Gratitude lists or acknowledgements are always portals to your inner wisdom. Eat nourishing foods. And don’t eat with any news visible or audible around you. Take medicinal plants and herbs that are immune-supportive, reduce inflammation, and tend to gut health. Pay attention to your self-talk. Spend plenty of time outside, and if you’re lucky enough to have it, get sunshine. Try to stay present, moment to moment.
Chiron, an archetype of wisdom, wounding, and healing, is squaring the lunar nodes at about 4º. Chiron is in fire sign Aries and the North and South nodes are in Cancer/Capricorn. We may be sensing or experiencing wounding/healing in these areas now, an unearthing of deeply rooted pain or issues that want to be dealt with. While the energy of Cancer represents home, family, emotional security and belonging, creating structures of connection and safety, Capricorn represents the “out in the world” energy, the physical/material world, business and work, creating tangible structures and systems. The North Node is in Cancer, signifying that domestic life, “home” and family (given or chosen) are necessary to our evolution collectively, and conversely, the Capricorn South Node indicates a collective past of patriarchial structures, over-attachment to material wealth and toxic capitalism that are hard habits to break. Chiron in Aries deals with primary wounds or trauma, especially related to self-image, self-acceptance, and self-confidence, and issues of agency, oppression, authenticity. It has the potential to teach you to be confident in who you are, to release fear around self-image and about doing what you truly want to do, to amplify your purpose and ambition to create. (Chiron has been in Aries since February 2019 and will be there until April 2027).
As Chiron transits through Aries we are all directed to turn inside and self-reflect, to redefine what identity means, to understand how to retain our individuality while working within the collective, to look into systemic oppression as well as self-suppression, and to heal some of the overly aggressive, destructive, hot-headed expressions that lower vibration Aries can take on. Will we lose ourselves in anger or futility, or can we direct it into wise action? Self-acceptance will be a major theme as well. With Chiron in Aries squaring the nodes in Cancer/Capricorn, we may feel fiery emotions and the fight or flight urges to be defensive or escape, when it might be more helpful to turn toward what feels like home and safety to us, and to channel that fire into initiatory inspiration. At this time many are quarantined, either self-imposed or mandated, and there may be old wounds stirred up around belonging and home, commerce and work in addition to general worry. Like the Cancer Crab, we must retreat into our homeplace even as there is such pressure to be productive out in the world. Create the most grounded, calm, clean space you can where you are right now, and don’t feel guilty if you need more quiet or more time under the weighted blanket than usual. Particularly if you have planets at around 4º of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra, you may need to pay extra attention.
The nodes will change signs soon, in less than two months, and we’ll have a new nodal axis to inform our perspective and give us new information to think about and work with. And Saturn, ruler of time, discipline, and structures, is at 29º Capricorn now, strong and in its own sign. The shift of Saturn into Aquarius requires its own post. The social distancing and isolation of recent days, while we try to advocate for all those suffering the most under these conditions, is a clear indication of Saturn’s impending arrival in Aquarius. But the point is that if you’re feeling helpless, hopeless, squeezed, flattened, unsure, or unraveled, it’s entirely understandable under given circumstances- things are intense. AND we can reevaluate and reprioritize what’s most important, make sacred certain moments of the day with our awareness, lean in to the rough edge to polish us a bit more, and practice meaningful self-care- on the most practical to the most spiritual levels. What’s required is space and sensitivity.
We all have a Chiron return around the ages of 49-51, as it takes Chiron about 49 years to travel around the zodiacal wheel. This is a time to re-examine and finally heal the core wounds that show up for us. It can be deep healing work, a perfect time for specific therapies and for self-healing. And if you’ve already done most of that work, healed major traumas, this is a time to share your wisdom, to help the healing of others in your own modality and with your unique gifts.
Please reach out if you’d like to book a an astrological consultation, tarot reading, or Kosmic Koaching.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
The following is a repost taken from a sermon for hard times: “Wild Moon Wisdom astroAlignment ~ Shakti Church sermon edition” (International Women’s Day 2015). It felt apropros.
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”
-C.P. Estés
There are times in life when concepts and theories are enacted in the relative realm, moved from phantoms into being, where energies take shape and shadows surface and there is nowhere to hide, no way to avoid or resist.
There are times in life when you find yourself as an archetype, enacting the myth, where the dream is visceral and the pain is great and the madness sets in, when you can't make it pretty or feel better or "stay positive." The muffled tormented screams that you hear in your ears are not only all your own- yes many of them are, carried inside you for years- but some are the collective anguish from the atrocities branded into our DNA from burning times and before, to the present inexcusable treatment of beings on earth… They are from your own terror, your heavy grief and loss, the resentments that have calcified, the expectations you could not conform to, the brokenness that never healed, carried in your heart and hips and belly, suppressed and ignored until they are uncaged and spill out like hungry ghosts.
There are times when you are Inanna, queen of heaven and earth, but must descend and know the Underworld intimately- you must give up your queenhood and your crown, remove your glory, bow yourself low, be condemned, have the eye of death fixed upon you, you must be turned to a corpse and hung on a hook. There are parts of you that you have disconnected from that must be reclaimed, called back into yourself, and you must face your demons and find vulnerability and understand what real surrender means. This is a ferocious initiation and births the reclamation of your true power.
And there may be a time when you are Ereshkigal, the Dark Sister, whose fate it is to rule the Underworld, not necessarily her choice of domains. She is unloved and holds the wounded neglected parts of Inanna, instinctual, frightened, isolated and alone, and through her rites can release some of her anguish and anger by the empathy offered to her. She has carried the burden of holding the collection of all the secrets and shadows of us all. Still there are ever-present sparks that burn quietly like embers in even the most seemingly unholy places.
There are times in life when the work is ugly and you may feel defeated and devoured by exhaustion in the process, you may feel like a lonely "lunatic" (moonstruck) with no respite, barely human. Don't be afraid. You may have to fight or let go, get still or fling yourself wildly, go silent or scream hauntingly… descend, submerge, sink down, in order to live. Sometimes disorderly chaos is an intuitive and perhaps unconscious realignment with an ancient wisdom. Let the feral creature embedded in your bones growl low and thunderously, a Rudra howl of terrifying sublimity. There is always more to the story…
~ KK
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
There has been an undeniable pressure building since this year began, with visible evidence playing out in major ways seen in world events right now. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and even trepidatious about what is being stirred up and how it will play out, and while I don’t practice or support fear-based astrology (or its opposite of exaggerated positivity), there is a need to pay close attention and increase self-awareness and mindfulness.
On Friday, January 10 we have our first of six eclipses this year, a penumbral lunar eclipse at 20º Cancer visible from almost everywhere except for the Americas. This lunar eclipse is the bookend to the annular solar eclipse at 4º Capricorn that happened on December 25 to open our current eclipse portal. With Friday’s full moon eclipse, this particular eclipse portal closes. These eclipses on the Cancer/Capricorn axis (part of a Saros cycle, a series of eclipses repeating) may have similar themes to major themes of eighteen years ago.
Typically I do not recommend workings of any sort on an eclipse because the energy is electric but too volatile and can be like trying to drink from a fire hydrant of chaos. So not even charging your crystals, altar items, or water on this full moon. There’s a super-charged, unpredictable vibration that is palpable around an eclipse, especially if you’re sensitive. They carry gravitas. They usually usher in changes, beginnings, endings, something initiated and something dissolved, a cycle has reached completion. Everyone’s experience of the eclipse will vary, and while it may be mild for some, it can bring intensity for others, major breakdowns and breakthroughs. Some people may feel lost or uneasy, some may feel an amped up general aggravation. On eclipse day it is usually better to do grounding practices, to smoothe and soothe your nerves and mind, to be in a quiet, private mental space and care for yourself gently.
Look for twenty degrees of Cancer/Capricorn to see where the eclipse lights up your chart. Reparenting and healing generational trauma have seemed to be getting more attention and practice lately and may be appropriate practices to engage with or look into in the months after this eclipse. This Cancer/Capricorn polarity invites us to consider where we feel safest, most secure and at home, as well as our how we empower ourselves out in the world. The Moon now stands opposite the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, all in exacting Capricorn which sounds overwhelming, but being in her home placement of Cancer, and with her North Node also in Cancer, this Full Moon contains a powerful force in her own right. Cardinal signs may be feeling extra sensitive. Many people may feel disturbed or restlessness. Radical Uranus turns direct at 2º of Taurus on the same evening of the eclipse, which could add to the provocation of our psyches and feelings of agitation.
Keep in mind that we have the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Ceres and the South Node currently in Capricorn, and the intensification is building as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction approaches (exact this weekend on January 12). These two power planets meet meet up every thirty three to thirty eight years. And this will be the first time in many years that Pluto and Saturn have been conjunct in the sign of Capricorn. Sunday’s Saturn/Pluto alignment happens at 22º Capricorn and is also connects with Mercury. Saturn rules responsibility, tests, endurance, disciplined work, and Pluto’s realm is the Underworld/shadow realm and deals with elimination, transformation, and power.
Care for your nervous system and be easy and gentle on yourself and others if you’re around them. Take some time for a cleansing bath, do a long, supported restorative savasana, even take a nap when needed and if possible today and this weekend. Get some deep rest. Meditate and practice mindfulness moment to moment.
In the coming weeks and months, continue these practices. Go to therapy if you can, or sign up for a one of the behavioral health services apps that bring therapy to you through a phone call or text, or if necessary reach out to one of the free mental health hotlines if you need to talk to someone.
Email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com for information on charts, Kosmic Koaching, or a tarot reading after the eclipse if necessary.
On December 2 at 10:20am California time, the gentle giant planet Jupiter left home-sign Sagittarius and entered earthy Capricorn for the next year. The orbit of Jupiter around the Sun takes just about twelve years, which is how long it has been since this planet has occupied Capricorn. Jupiter is considered to be beneficent in traditional astrology and is typically thought to bring good fortune and expansion. And although most of what you’ll see about this grand planet is about being irrepressibly fortunate, it is wise to understand the shadow side of its expansiveness as well and to be aware of the myriad of manifestations possible. Whichever realm of your chart Jupiter moves through will receive the planet's spotlight and amplification for the year- look for Capricorn.
The precious gifts bestowed by Jupiter include optimism, abundance, wisdom, good fortune, broadmindedness, and most importantly, faith. There is a fundamental deep trust and confidence, an inner assurance encouraged. The transition of leaving the sign of Sagittarius and entering the portal of Capricorn is notable. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and not only feels at home there but also functions at full power and wisdom. For many, transiting Jupiter through freedom-loving, high-minded Sagittarius was undeniably the highpoint of the year, a positive balm to soothe some of the heavy astrological weather. The scenery changes now with Jupiter in Capricorn, which is considered to be in its “fall” and least comfortable. Saturn has been in Capricorn since 2017 and Pluto since 2008 (and the South Node since 2018) so with Jupiter joining, the Capricorn emphasis intensifies as we prepare to enter a new decade and face 2020’s astrological significance. Saturn rules this Jupiter in Capricorn terrain and evokes discipline and effort, concentration and maturity, which feeds and fuels our long-term goals. Jupiter encourages us to dream big, and Saturn directs the work we must do in order to manifest that dream in the physical realm. Jupiter in Capricorn signals that it’s time to get serious about growth.
We now stand silently at this threshold, reflecting and preparing, and as we begin the holy traverse through a new decade, may we keep our humility and humanity intact.
Wednesday 9/18/19: SATURN turns DIRECT (13º 55’ Capricorn) at 1:47am PDT.
The planetary Teacher of Reality has been retrograde since April 29 (rx at 20º 31’ Capricorn) and this retrograde cycle has felt particularly perilous because of the South Node conjunction, plus Saturn is extra Saturn-y while in its home sign of Capricorn. Saturn’s retrograde dealt with themes of self-sovereignty, responsibility, and general integrity. With Saturn and the South Node linked together closely, we have been called into deeper deliberations about karmic contracts, unhealed generational trauma, unhealthy patterns that haunt and hinder us, and where we are stuck. It has been important to see where we lack the boundaries necessary for a strong foundation (in our sense of self as well as structurally in life) and where we lack maturity. We may have been confronted by the ways in which our conditioning and reactions inhibit our progress and maybe how our lack of boundaries or overuse of armor first began. During the retrograde we were invited to investigate and re-define our boundaries, commitments, and responsibilities. With Saturn direct we will hopefully integrate the insight and clarity we discovered about these issues and can now iimplement the lessons and allow for growth. It is possible to appreciate the oftentimes uncomfortable, hard-earned lessons Saturn brings us when we realize that nothing would ever get done without this planet’s influence. Saturn’s energy fortifies and solidifies, it grounds and empowers. It coallesces the will and inner reserves of faith within even the most reluctant recepient. Saturn’s shadow period will last about another three months, until December 26. And this all leads up to the much anticipated Saturn/Pluto conjunction at 22º 46’ Capricorn on January 12, 2020, a major event.
For now, pay attention to the areas that have felt blocked for the past five months of Saturn’s retrograde period, the projects or works that have been stalled, and any changes that arise. You may feel things start to shift soon. Saturn places the obstacles in the way but also supplies the means to overcome them and make things happen. Apply what you’ve learned. This Saturn freqency will be expressed politically and socially as well as intimately in your personal life. Some have had a rougher and more intense time with this retrograde than others, so if you’re feeling bruised and humbled, or disassembled and back to an inner origin point, remember that within the confines of Saturn’s stern stare and uncompromising discipline, immense freedom is granted.
Equinox arrives soon.
Current Sky ☁︎
9/14 ☿ & ♀ ➝ ♎︎
9/16 ☿ ☍ 🔑
9/17 ☽ ➝ ♉︎ & ♀ ☍ 🔑
9/18 ♄D
9/19 ♀ ⊼ ♅ & ♂ △ ♇ & ☽ ➝ ♊︎
Please reach out by email (wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com) to inquire about astrological services, charts, tarot, Kosmic Koaching, or any other requests.
Cancer Season has arrived (8:54am PDT)… Happy solar return, Crabs.
(Neptune stationed retrograde this morning at 7:35am).
Reach out to wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com or through the contact page to book a reading or session to support you going into the Eclipse Portal and beyond. Solstice blessings.
~ KK \\ Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
We’ve arrived at midsummer eve, an evening of flickering candles and divination, mugwort and deep dreams. June 21 is Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) or Litha - the pinnacle of the Light, the triumphant day of the Sun, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Astrologically Solstice is initiated when the sun moves into 0 degrees Cancer, which is exact at 8:54am. That same morning, dreamy Neptune in Pisces stations retrograde until November 27, and the July eclipses are coming soon. Solstice is a day of radiance and boundless light, a time to celebrate abundance and offer gratitude. The great and shining Sun reaches its perfection and fullness, and in a moment’s time we head into the dark half of the year. It will still be summer for quite some time, but we know that the light begins to wane and the darkness starts to build. This is the wheel of the year, turning once again… Our lives, when aligned with nature’s way, pulse in this same way.
We are in familiar territory; life is constantly shifting and changing, bringing beauty and challenges, and there’s always more. That is the promise of life: the promise that there will always be more, more of everything. It’s happening in our lives as well, the unfolding and releasing, invoking and establishing. There is a constant pulsing of life flowing, waxing and waning, expanding and contracting. The Great Creatrix blinking us into into being, disappearing us, and bringing us back again. Birth, death, rebirth. We have an intimate understanding of this experience living life as householders on a path, navigating the exquisite and terrifying, holding the midline of ourselves and our true spiritual practice.
Many are going through big changes at this time, some unexpected, and the enormity of the destabilization and confusion can be overwhelming. This is a time of immense amplification and acceleration. Some of you may feel like you’ve been startled and exposed, your shell cracked open, your paradigm shifting. Remember to tune into your intuition and trust. The creative intelligence of the Universe is reorganizing you and your life; this can feel uncomfortable, even unbearable, but through our dedication to our spiritual practices we are becoming more skilled at allowing every circumstance of life to take us into the primal power of our hearts. It takes time and in the midst of it it isn’t pretty, it doesn’t feel good, and sometimes there is nothing to do but let the feelings and energies wash over you.
Try to stay rooted in your belly and bones, with your heart open in radical vulnerability, and hold on. Love yourself fiercely and allow your compassion to turn inward as a new practice. Make art with your tears and frustrations when necessary, dig your fingers and toes into the black earth to ground, and remember that you belong. More will unfold- there’s always more to the story.
On this Solstice, make a date with the Sun… bask in the warmth and relish the sunshine in the morning or mid-day or late afternoon. At sunset say goodbye to the Sun disappearing into the sea, to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice. The fullness of the light breaks into the beginning of the dark in its ancient way. You don’t have to craft an elaborate ritual to mark the occasion, and in fact heartfelt, contemplative presence is all that is necessary to honor this seasonal shift meaningfully. Late in the evening, light a candle and renew your commitments and offer your blessings. Bow to the golden radiance that burns brightly inside your own heart and vow to stay true to yourself.
*I updated this piece- originally on the website and then published in 2015 on Yoganonymous.com. It is just as relevant now.
⭐︎ The Kosmic Apothecary has several tinctures and potions available, including mugwort Dream Tonic, Love Potion, and more.
⭐︎ Please send a note to wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com to sign up for Kosmic Koaching, charts, tarot, or other astrological services.
We’ve reached the conclusion of Capricorn season. And just in time. What boundaries, lessons, structures were initiated during the sea goat’s reign, and what hard work did you put in that paid off?
The Sun enters Aquarius on Sunday with quite an accompanying bang.
This year will invite us into a deeper relationship with discipline and freedom. We will build on the Capricorn lessons learned and continue to feel Saturn’s influence strongly throughout the year. We began the year with a solar eclipse, 15º Capricorn (on January 5), and this weekend delivers the counterpart to that, with a lunar eclipse in Leo (0º) opposite the Aquarius Sun. Sunday’s full moon brings us to the final eclipse in this Leo/Aquarius cluster, with the last eclipse along the Leo/Aquarius axis having happened last August 11 at 18º Leo. Reflect on the past two years of growth and evolution, lessons and hardships.
Eclipses light up a sign and its polar opposite sign in groupings, which happen over about a two year period, and reoccur approximately every nine years. This axis was highlighted in 2008-2009, and thinking back to major changes or life event from that time can hint at possible general themes for the current Leo/Aquarius eclipse set. The house that the eclipse falls into reveals more insights into the areas you can expect a shift in. If your lunar nodes are Leo/Aquarius, or if you’re a fixed sun sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), this collection of eclipses has likely cleared and cultivated some karmic changes in life. This lunar eclipse is visible in its entirety to North and South America, Europe, and Africa.
An eclipse acts as activator, setting things in motion, but the energies and transformation will unfold over the next six months to year after the actual eclipse. It may not be clear at the time the eclipse hits what exactly will clear or manifest.
We have several eclipses each year, at new or full moons that occur near the nodal axis. The nodes are destiny points, and eclipses tend to initiate or dissolve things, bringing about big change, a new frequency, an ending and beginning. We can usually feel heightened emotions and intensified energy in the time between two eclipses, and many people feel more irritable or sensitive. The best thing to do is stay tethered to your soul’s knowing. And also to pay attention. There are other planets participating in this cosmic eclipse intensification, with the Moon, Mars and Saturn squaring off, plus Uranus, and additionally Venus and Jupiter. Mars and Saturn could fortify your drive to take decisive action on something you’ve been avoiding dealing with. A consideration with Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction is that you may feel more blessed in general, or more optimistic in romance. Revelations and resolutions often accompany an eclipse. If you can wrap yourself in empathy and compassion, steep in self-love, your heart will follow its path, and new levels of opening may begin.
Under the influence of an eclipse cycle, plenty of potential for up-leveling is available.
In your chart, look for 0º Leo and Aquarius, as well as any planets aligned there (like the sun, Venus, Moon…), to determine the potential area of life where change may occur. This will be a more powerful than usual full Moon at 0º Leo, the reset number, the degree of the fertile void. Feel empowered by this cosmic momentum to assist you in clearing what’s no longer useful and in alignment and to invoke your most treasured dream. Leo Full Moon themes generally deal with heart, pleasure, creativity, romance, drama, generosity, self-confidence. Leo reminds the importance of play, self-worth, and genuine joy.
This eclipse may be experienced as a catalyst for evolution, a change agent to shake you out of complacency, the tower card in tarot, an initiation, or an inner revolution.
If you are able, take a social media fast. Unplug. Spend some quality quiet time in contemplation, if not for the day then at least for a period of time. It’s a good time to reset. Listen closely. Hold your awareness on your deep dreams, and what you’re calling in.
Lean into the mystery.
The possibilities are endless….
Happy Aquarius season.
On Winter Solstice, December 21, the Sun left freedom-loving Sagittarius and entered stoic Capricorn. If we assign the title of the child to Leo, the mother to Cancer, then Capricorn is the father of the zodiac. Capricorn is an earth element cardinal sign, ruling the bones, joints and knees. Most Capricorns have beautiful bone structure but may deal with stiff joints and orthopedic problems. Saturn is the ruling planet, the planet of limitation, restriction, discipline, responsibility, represented by the sure-footed goat, or the ancient sea-goat. Saturn, as Father Time, provides a strong sense of the limitations as well as the value of time. The Capricorn tendency is to examine goals, organize things into steps, and determine a long-term timetable to accomplish those goals. This cardinal sign is reserved and serious, prudent and patient, disciplined and determined. Capricorn governs career, reputation, public standing, with a combination of earthy practicality and inspiring initiative. Those born under this sign are ambitious and purposeful, excel and persevere in striving, climbing, and like the goat, getting a foothold where no one else imagined one existed.
These dark December days will soon bring us to a new numerical year, 2018 (which is an eleven), and on New Year's Day (at 6:24pm CA time) we'll have an emotional Full Moon in Cancer illuminating the heavens and pulling on our emotions. The Moon is at home in this sign, and the qualities of sensitivity, devotion, and intuition are enhanced. With the Sun in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Cancer both at 11º … and with January 1, 2018 = 11 11 … there will be an undeniable gravitas to this day. one that may call for celebrating or honoring in a non-traditional way. This Full Moon may bring an opportunity for a relationship, or a decision or revelation… this energy will feel spiked with deep feelings and determined intellect. We will consider what "home" means and what we hold most dear, as well as where we can increase dedication, fortify boundaries, evolve and mature in our closest relationships. This New Year's Day will be a power day numerologically- we enter the power portal eleven, and maybe we can manifest some miracles.
Thank you for your readership, I am grateful for another year of writing. May we all be blessed with resilience and wisdom as we enter the threshold of a new year.
xo, KK
Aries —With the Capricorn Sun shining on your house of career, these weeks can amplify your ambition and achievement. The emphasis could be on success or failure, your life path, parents, or public reputation. Consider your longterm life plans during this cycle and organize your aspirations.
Taurus —For this solar cycle, you are encouraged to take a long vacation, either in your mind or with your physical body. The Capricorn Sun is in your house of long distance travel, mental exploration and philosophy. Possible themes you may encounter include higher education or study of a profound subject, law or religion, mental pursuits or literary efforts. These could all somehow intersect while you're on your travels...
Gemini —With Capricorn Sun inhabiting your house of spiritual transformation, you can expect to encounter some vulnerability or deep feelings, especially in close relationships. Here you'll work with intimacy, intensity, privacy, sex, death and rebirth, and maybe astral experiences. There may be issues with shared assets or wealth that you've inherited, or possibly taxes and debt.
Cancer —The Capricorn Sun shines on your partnerships and serious relationships, marriage, and working harmoniously with another. There may be issues with contracts, negotiations, legal issues, or disputes. Solidify boundaries and commitments with your partners during this cycle.
Leo —For this solar cycle, let your attention turn toward serving others, offering your gifts, and your well being. Some possible areas of focus may be relationships with co-workers, getting organized, pets, and illness/health. This is the time to purify and detox from leftover bad vibes, and to make your physical and emotional/mental health a top priority.
Virgo —During the Capricorn Sun cycle, your focus can be directed to art and the heart. Follow your creative muse and find self-expression in as many artistic outlets as you can imagine. There may also be themes of love, romance, sex and seduction, and children/offspring.
Libra —While the Sun is in Capricorn, themes of home and family will be highlighted for you. You may want to spend more time and energy at home, or explore your ancestry or roots in a particular place. Your relationship with your parents may be a theme, or your idea of what home means.
Scorpio —The Capricorn Sun shines on your communication area for this solar cycle. Some possible themes for you include self-expression, relationships with your extended family, or travel. Think, write, study and learn something, share ideas, and express yourself freely.
Sagittarius —The focus for you for this new Capricorn Sun cycle will be on money matters. Turn your attention to themes of financial prospects, income, earning power, possessions, stability and career. Invest in yourself and believe your self worth.
Capricorn —Happy solar return season. Saturn has just recently made a home in your sign and will be staying until the end of 2020, so for the next few years, you'll have plenty to unpack, with new lessons to learn and unlimited growth and maturity opportunities.
Aquarius —Capricorn season is always your time stare into the abyss and see what fragments and chaos you can harness into potential insight or inspiration. This cycle for you is about getting rest and closure, and can ask you to confront your sorrows and self-diminishing patterns.
Pisces —For this cycle your attention can turn to your friendships and connections, your involvement with groups or associations, and ways to work harmoniously with other people. Your goals, hopes and wishes are also a focal point for these days.