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Venus ♀ Retrograde

The planetary deity of love returns to the underworld abode - otherwise known as Venus stationing retrograde, an event that occurs every couple of years.

Venus ♀ turns retrograde in Gemini on May 12 at 11:45pm PDT. During this next six weeks, Venus makes the journey from Evening Star to Morning Star. And like Inanna heeding the call of her sister Ereshkigel to descend to the Great Below, Venus descends into her underworld, retreating from ordinary reality and initiating a shamanic experience. This takes (astrologically) the appearance of Venus stationing and entering the retrograde cycle. On some level, a part of each of us may undergo a transformative descent or experience alchemical shadow work, an excavation in which we fundamentally reorient our values, our ways of relating, our sense of self-worth. An optimistic perspective is that, in theory, we could emerge wiser after this cycle.

Venus governs the way we strive for balance and beauty through relationships with others. The beauty of Venus can be seen shining in the heavens, and can be felt within us as a deep release of tension, an embodied sigh, a fundamental restoration of inner balance. The glyph of Venus is a shape that could be interpreted to be a hand mirror, it holds our reflection, it shows us our beauty. Venus is all about love, money matters, relationships, values, worth, esthetics, beauty… in the chart it is what we have to learn about relating, it is the urge we have to connect with people. All relationships with others fall under Venus’ rule, including familial, platonic, friendships, romantic. Since Venus is a relationship planet, during this retrograde period you will likely get the opportunity to work on one or several of your relationships. You can navigate this work skillfully or unskillfully. Bringing consciousness to the work is vital, and relationship work starts first as inner work with the self. Venus assists this connection as well.

Known as the twins in the zodiac, Gemini’s dual nature is illustrated in its glyph ♊︎. Gemini is about perception, observation, seeing what’s in front of us. Constantly moving, this mutable air sign intends to seek out and take in as much information from as many sources as possible. While Venus is retrograde, let curiousity guide you in your relationships, and have a curious mind and an open communication style. Staying curious is an antidote for feeling compelled to have all the answers. For Gemini, to be confused or perplexed is a sign they’re onto something, and ensures they stay receptive. Use communication, intelligence, perception, and curiosity as resources in your work during Venus retrograde. Create space.

The sign of Gemini is having a moment now. Recently (5/5/20), the nodal axis shifted from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius. This means that the North Node of the moon is now in Gemini. The nodes are mathematical points, not planetary bodies, and they hold mysteries of the soul that can be read in the natal chart. With the North Node now in Gemini, we are under a new paradigm with a new focus and new work. Re-parenting work became the undercurrent of the Cancer/Capricorn axis, and appropriately so. Gemini can manifest as the archetype of the Storyteller and Sagittarius represents the Philosopher. While the nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius we will have new experiences and opportunities that reflect this particular nodal zeitgeist.

There are some things to be mindful of during Venus retrograde in Gemini. Watch out for nervous system dysregulation and mental exhaustion. Some other things you may experience include feelings of paranoia, or there may be potential for you to be taken advantage of, or you may get entangled in co-dependency. These are shadow aspects of Venus retrograde in Gemini. If exes resurface during Venus retrograde, don’t give it much energy if any. Make sure to engage in some form of physical movement or exercise during this period, especially to counteract the tendency to be super mental, heady, and overthink things.

It would be beneficial to consider and unpack mindfully some of your old relationship patterns and make them conscious so that you break that pattern and can start to heal that original place of wounding. You can redefine or recommit to what you want in relationships and how you’ll show up for them, and reflect on your inner stories about and relationship to money, value, self-worth. During this cycle you can rewrite your current love story, or your self-love story, and create a more evolved and authentic storyline for your life at this time.

Emerge from your underworld journey wiser.

Affirmations for Venus retrograde:
I am whole and worthy as I am.
I engage in healthy relationships that evolve my soul.
I am loveable.

For assistance in navigating this Venus retrograde or to look into where it will be in your chart, email to request a Venus retrograde report.

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology





On November 25, Venus entered earth sign Capricorn, joining Pluto, Saturn, the South Node, and Ceres, and remaining until December 19/20. That’s the Goddess of Love together with the Lord of the Underworld, the Disciplinarian, the Karma and Ancestral Information-holder, and the Goddess of Renewal.

During her stay in fun-loving and philosophical Sagittarius, we may have experienced more freedom-seeking and adventure in our relationships or with regard to our finances. Venus in pragmatic Capricorn now shifts her focus to building sustainable and meaningful connections. She sets her sights on long-term commitment and stability in relationships, and she weilds her boss power in all money matters and executive decisions. From satyr to sea-goat, our love nature now enters Capricorn’s somber domain and attunes us with a sensibility of dedication and maturity. We’ll work hard to reach our goals and get serious about what we want. We may mix business with pleasure during this transit, establish new boundaries, or build important bridges and foundations that will impact the future. It may not be the best time to take big risks but is ideal for things like couples therapy, coaching, working with a financial advisor or accountant to organize finances, or making financial plans for the future. Rather than an overly romanticized and emotional feeling, Capricorn Venus brings loyalty and work ethic to the love-table; problem-solving and trouble-shooting any relationship issues are best taken on now. There’s an innate maturity and wisdom within Capricorn, along with equal measures of stubbornness and stability.

Dedication and determination are valuable qualities available to us with this transit that we can use to grow an income and deepen a commitment, but most importantly, investment in ourselves and our self-worth is what Venus in Capricorn encourages.

Write to to explore Venus in your own chart.

xo ♡

