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Space and Sensitivity - Chiron squares the Nodes

With the current events unfolding, and the subsequent actions and precautions that must be taken, many are starting to feel the mental and energetic toll that this kind of concern and uncertainty bring. And many mental health conditions which people live with daily are easily amplified or stirred up under these conditions, understandably.

As you check in with yourself more often these days, do all of the things that you already know to do, things that ground and strengthen and reorient you toward your consciousness. Make sure that you’re breathing, not holding your breath or chest breathing; breathe regularly, and just pay attention. Meditate daily. Gratitude lists or acknowledgements are always portals to your inner wisdom. Eat nourishing foods. And don’t eat with any news visible or audible around you. Take medicinal plants and herbs that are immune-supportive, reduce inflammation, and tend to gut health. Pay attention to your self-talk. Spend plenty of time outside, and if you’re lucky enough to have it, get sunshine. Try to stay present, moment to moment.

Chiron, an archetype of wisdom, wounding, and healing, is squaring the lunar nodes at about 4º. Chiron is in fire sign Aries and the North and South nodes are in Cancer/Capricorn. We may be sensing or experiencing wounding/healing in these areas now, an unearthing of deeply rooted pain or issues that want to be dealt with. While the energy of Cancer represents home, family, emotional security and belonging, creating structures of connection and safety, Capricorn represents the “out in the world” energy, the physical/material world, business and work, creating tangible structures and systems. The North Node is in Cancer, signifying that domestic life, “home” and family (given or chosen) are necessary to our evolution collectively, and conversely, the Capricorn South Node indicates a collective past of patriarchial structures, over-attachment to material wealth and toxic capitalism that are hard habits to break. Chiron in Aries deals with primary wounds or trauma, especially related to self-image, self-acceptance, and self-confidence, and issues of agency, oppression, authenticity. It has the potential to teach you to be confident in who you are, to release fear around self-image and about doing what you truly want to do, to amplify your purpose and ambition to create. (Chiron has been in Aries since February 2019 and will be there until April 2027).

As Chiron transits through Aries we are all directed to turn inside and self-reflect, to redefine what identity means, to understand how to retain our individuality while working within the collective, to look into systemic oppression as well as self-suppression, and to heal some of the overly aggressive, destructive, hot-headed expressions that lower vibration Aries can take on. Will we lose ourselves in anger or futility, or can we direct it into wise action? Self-acceptance will be a major theme as well. With Chiron in Aries squaring the nodes in Cancer/Capricorn, we may feel fiery emotions and the fight or flight urges to be defensive or escape, when it might be more helpful to turn toward what feels like home and safety to us, and to channel that fire into initiatory inspiration. At this time many are quarantined, either self-imposed or mandated, and there may be old wounds stirred up around belonging and home, commerce and work in addition to general worry. Like the Cancer Crab, we must retreat into our homeplace even as there is such pressure to be productive out in the world. Create the most grounded, calm, clean space you can where you are right now, and don’t feel guilty if you need more quiet or more time under the weighted blanket than usual. Particularly if you have planets at around 4º of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra, you may need to pay extra attention.

The nodes will change signs soon, in less than two months, and we’ll have a new nodal axis to inform our perspective and give us new information to think about and work with. And Saturn, ruler of time, discipline, and structures, is at 29º Capricorn now, strong and in its own sign. The shift of Saturn into Aquarius requires its own post. The social distancing and isolation of recent days, while we try to advocate for all those suffering the most under these conditions, is a clear indication of Saturn’s impending arrival in Aquarius. But the point is that if you’re feeling helpless, hopeless, squeezed, flattened, unsure, or unraveled, it’s entirely understandable under given circumstances- things are intense. AND we can reevaluate and reprioritize what’s most important, make sacred certain moments of the day with our awareness, lean in to the rough edge to polish us a bit more, and practice meaningful self-care- on the most practical to the most spiritual levels. What’s required is space and sensitivity.

We all have a Chiron return around the ages of 49-51, as it takes Chiron about 49 years to travel around the zodiacal wheel. This is a time to re-examine and finally heal the core wounds that show up for us. It can be deep healing work, a perfect time for specific therapies and for self-healing. And if you’ve already done most of that work, healed major traumas, this is a time to share your wisdom, to help the healing of others in your own modality and with your unique gifts.

Please reach out if you’d like to book a an astrological consultation, tarot reading, or Kosmic Koaching.

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology




 Cancer Season Track of the Day

Cancer Season has arrived (8:54am PDT)… Happy solar return, Crabs.
(Neptune stationed retrograde this morning at 7:35am).

Reach out to or through the contact page to book a reading or session to support you going into the Eclipse Portal and beyond. Solstice blessings.

~ KK \\ Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology

Uploaded by redsails2008 on 2010-06-15.
