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MARS enters ARIES ♂ ⇾ ♈️

June 27, 2020 ◇◆ MARS enters ARIES ◆◇

Today (6:45pm in CA) the planet of will power leaves the watery realm of Pisces (there since May 12) and enters home sign Aries, and will remain there much longer than usual. (In traditional astrology, Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio). Because Mars will have a retrograde cycle, which happens every couple of years, the fiery planet’s stay in feisty Aries will be particulary extended - six months rather than the typical six weeks. The retrograde cycle for Mars occurs from September 9 until November 13. And Mars will be in its domicile or home sign of Aries until January 6, 2021.

It’s important to review both the healthy or medicinal manifestations and the unhealthy or poisonous manifestations that a planet and a sign have the potential to bring out. Mars is well known as the god of war, the warrior planet, with traits like anger, competitiveness, impulsivity, impatience, and conflict. Mars does bring those attributes, and also passion, assertiveness, and ferocity. And when it’s channeled or there’s a worthy opponent, the Mars energy becomes a champion for standing up against tyranny and the rightful and worthy application of fire and aggression. The sign of Aries has similar attributes. It’s the first sign of the zodiac, a cardinal fire sign associated with ambition, sex drive, and the archetype of the warrior. Aries needs a worthy battle, a cause to fight for, something to protect. It brings an energy of initation, powerful life force, true courage, and will. With Mars and with Aries we must remember that conflict or stress is inherent - it comes down to what kind of conflict or stress; do we want to be adventurous, courageous defenders of freedom, or tyrannical bullies finding a fight everywhere we look?

There’s a forceful, aggressive, direct kind of power with Mars in Aries… an explosive and slightly volitile undercurrent. Mars’ square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn* will make things more interesting and complex, with Mars igniting changes in the Capricorn areas. We could have six months of anger and frustration and war-like circumstances, as Aries Mars manifests as rage and battle. We could have a complete transformation of systems, as that energy alters and elevates the status quo. This combustible intensity could be used in service of dismantiling and destroying outdated structures and systems, or to war within oneself and others. There are many possibilities. Mars is ever-ready to act. There’s an opportunity to take brave, decisive, strategic action, to be wise warriors, true champions of humanity, to channel this potency ambitiously into all worthy causes at this crucial time in history. The force and fury of 2020 is not weakening, it’s building. We can handle what comes if we stay steady in our hearts, don’t lose hope, and harness the most evolutionary aspects of these energies.


If you have your natal chart, look for where Aries is to find the area where you’ll experience this Mars power.
Reach out to to ask about astrological services.

*Retrograde Saturn re-enters Capricorn on July 1.
