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First Full Moon of 2023

January 6 brings a Full Moon at 16º of Cancer (5:08 pm Central). This cardinal water sign is ruled by the Moon, which is the luminary that shows our heart and soul. The Moon is our sensitivity and how we feel, our general mood. The sign of the Crab is most aligned with the archetypal expressions of the Nurturer or Healer. Home or our homeland, heritage or lineage, our safety and sustenance, who we care for and how we are cared for are themes for us to explore. This first full Moon of the year will likely increase sensitivities of all kinds and we will become acutely aware of our emotions and biggest feelings. While a protective mechanism may be defensiveness, a healthy expression would be to remain open, accepting of ourselves and loving to those around us. At certain times, being emo can be a conscious act of resistance against capitalism and popular society; take a break from social media and negative rumination, and let yourself pay attention and tend to what most needs care and nourishment.

Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn will oppose the Cancer Moon; we must be sure to listen to our deepest emotions and make room for sorting ourselves out with self-soothing and understanding. While overthinking or taking everything personally may be an unconscious response which won’t be helpful, intuition can be a strong guide for navigating through this time in a healthier way. Mercury is having a moment for the next couple of days, so pay attention to how you talk to yourself and others, how well you tune in and listen to yourself and others, and where your attention is concentrated.

Chiron in Aries forms a square to the Sun and Moon, which underscores the sensitivity inherent in this particular moon- give yourself permission to feel how you feel. Protect yourself by not engaging in reactionary debates or projection at this time, but rather attend to working through your own sticky issues that seem to be resurfacing again. This Moon also occurs under the influence of the trine between the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus. Imagine the spark of one’s vitality and willpower for life harmonizing with their assertion of non-conformity to norms and resistance to societal expectations. Consider how this might manifest and be enacted in your life. Can you establish boundaries, or daily practices, which include solitude and meditation and savoring some precious joys of embodiment?

The polarity of Capricorn-Cancer encourages us to engage with tending the heart and hearth of embodiment generously, balanced with our Great Work which can be offered to the world. For this Full Moon, allow your vulnerability to remind you to look after the sore spots, protect what’s most valuable, and feed the hungry ghosts with care and comfort. 

- I allow for rest and renewal when it is needed, rather than waiting until I’ve reached my breaking point.
- Silence and solitude are medicinal.
- I can feel and tend to the variety of emotions that unfold within, which remind me that I am alive.
- Strong feelings deserve space and investigation rather than judgment.

Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology



Sagittarius Season

Sagittarius Season began on Tuesday, November 22, with its own New Moon on the following day. Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sag, stationed direct in Pisces right around that time. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, the archetype of the Wanderer, Adventurer, Philosopher…

In line with the quintessential Sag qualities, this season can represent a “quest” that must begin now, whether enacted as a literal quest or an internal one- a time to renew our search for the meaning of life, to remain open to all possibilities.

I am navigating toward closer alignment with this energy and sentiment, having entered my own renewed deep search for meaning. When life gets so heavy and profoundly uncomfortable, Sagittarius and Jupiter encourage us to hold on to hope. How do we navigate when we feel lost, and how do we lift our spirits when we have sunk low? When in doubt, I intuitively turn to rose plant medicine- as an ally to Venus, it has an innate ability to ease the heart and offer support during grief. As far as herbs connected to Jupiter, sage or ashwagandha are good choices. These can be used in a culinary way, or taken as an elixir or tea.

Tend to your hearts and inner hearths.


Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology

Affirmations to practice for Sag Season:

* When I feel overextended or in denial, may I take a moment to reorient toward what feels like solid ground.

* May I wrap myself in a sense of faith in the wonder of life itself and the continuation of consciousness in the realms beyond this earthly life.



Taurus Eclipse & Beltane Eve Blessings

Today we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10º Taurus (4/30/22 at 1:28 PDT/ 3:28 CST) , part of the current series of eclipses occurring along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. This axis encourages the exploration of silence and solitude as medicine (Taurus), and feeling deeply and living intensely (Scorpio). Something will dissolve or catalyze, either internally or externally, which is the standard script that eclipses follow. In Taurus, this eclipse asks you to be mindful, reflective, attentive to your body and instincts, to make time for solitude, to make space for your version of serenity. It also may call attention to where you feel stuck, and where you’re resisting change.

Not only are the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) in Taurus, but Uranus is also there, along with the North Node of the Moon. Uranus brings its signature authority-questioning assertion of individuality and rebellion against the status quo to the eclipse energies. Look for 10º Taurus in your natal chart to determine the arena of life most impacted by this eclipse. And you can also reflect on what themes were present for you during the Taurus eclipse in 2014 (8º Taurus).

It’s also notable that we still have a Pisces pileup, with Mars, Neptune, and the Jupiter/Venus conjunction (exact) all in the mutable water sign of Pisces. (Venus and Neptune formed an exact conjunction on Wednesday, 4/27). These aspects with Venus provide the potential for deeply creative imagination to be sparked, for increased love and self-love to unfold, for art, beauty, and dreaminess to coalesce in our hearts, even if only briefly.

We’ve also come to the Beltane part of the year, which invites a pause as we enter a new threshold. Here is an excerpt from a brief Beltane post I wrote in 2011:
The wheel of the year turns once again, moving us forward into the Light. The hearth/home fires are extinguished and re-lit for Beltane. If we don’t have a bonfire or campfire to dance around, we can light a fire in our home cauldron or light a beeswax candle, and hop over it with a heart full of inspiration and deep wishes, for protection and good luck. Traditionally, cattle were driven through two great balefires for fertility and prosperity. People danced in the smoke from the flames for the same reasons….
The fire that purifies and clears also ignites and inspires. Beltane invokes sparks of creativity and new abundance, celebration and creation, praises and pleasure. With the Sun in Venus-ruled Taurus, may we feel the irresistible desire to make beauty and live artfully.

Under the influence of the Solar Eclipse energies, you may find it necessary to increase rest or quiet time. You may want to journal or draw, to sleep, to spend quality time with yourself, especially in an outdoor setting, or to listen to music and dance. Some other soothing activities include taking a salt soak, having an oil massage, meditation, yoga nidra or savasana, and napping.

Beltane Taurus New Moon Eclipse Affirmations:
I listen to my instincts and trust my inner voice.
Silence and solitude soothe my soul - I make time for them daily.
I am wise and worthy.

photo by faernworks



Libra Full Moon

4/7/20 FULL MOON in LIBRA (18º 45’)
7:35pm PDT 

On Tuesday we have Mars square Uranus, hinting at potential volatility, some level of dysfunction, inner or outer revolution, or maybe an assertive expression of our individuality. Mental planet Mercury forms a sextile with Pluto and then Jupiter and the Libra Full Moon also connects with them. Pluto rules the realm of the underworld and always brings a major serious tone. Jupiter is deep faith and brings increase or excess. Mercury governs connections, communication, and mental confusion. The sextiles with Mercury could emphasize major imbalances that we experience in the collective as well as personally.

The Pluto/Jupiter conjunction was exact at 24º Capricorn on Saturday 4/4/20, and we will continue to be under this influence and feeling the effects of it. We have the underworld ruler as well as topics of death, endings, and rebirth (Pluto) being increased, amplified, or exaggerated (Jupiter). This sounds and feels intense and uncomfortable. It was no secret that this year was going to be extreme, as we arrive at a changing of eras, a critical point of no return from the immense changes that are unfolding. We are witness to and participants in the world’s current crisis. And individually we experience the new enforced solitary confrontation with our true selves, all pretense and polish wearing away, our hidden depths brought to the surface for inspection. Our faith is tested, we may lose hope or we may be reinspired into our spiritual beliefs and practices now. We may be dealing with our so-called shadows more explicitly, or entertaining our demons more frequently. We grieve, retreat, reach out, blow up, shut down… our vulnerabilities are exposed and our limitations pushed. There does exist the possibility of transformation, after what may be or feel like annihilation or elimination, and that may be the promise of the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction if we can make it through. 

Libra Full Moon is a call into relationship reflection. The Libra impulse is to move and work toward harmony, balance, and compromise, and is a sign that learns and grows in these specific areas. At this already impactful full moon, in these already extreme circumstances of being sheltered in place during a pandemic and economic and emotional collapse, this Libra moon calls us to accept the invitation into quiet communion with ourselves, a descent into the shadowy spaces of our psyche and heart, and be as honest and gentle with ourselves as we can. You may feel emotional upheaval, deep heavy grief or stinging sadness, you may feel heightened nervous system dysregulation, or just feel more sensitive to things. You can look back into your journals and see what was happening in your life and relationships at the new moon in Libra about six months ago; these themes may be revisited. With this full moon, relationships are under scrutiny and many issues may need to be acknowledged or addressed. Try to find the point of balance with Libra’s scales, and look consciously for the beauty even in the hard times.

Here’s a little wild moon wisdom to consider for this full moon: 
◇ There is no “right way” to experience your experience- you only have to show up for yourself and practice being present. 
◇ Feelings are meant to be felt. 
◇ Practice listening to your intuition and to your body-knowing (gut instinct). 
◇  Be a student of your breath and breathing, observing often and regulating the breath when necessary.

Affirm: I am whole and holy, wise and worthy. 





Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses July 2019 : Reparenting & Repatterning

♋︎/♑︎ ☊☋

: Reparenting & Repatterning :

July 1    Mars → Leo

July 2    Total Solar Eclipse 10º Cancer (9:55am pdt) 

               New Moon in Cancer (12:16pm pdt)

July 3    Venus → Cancer 

July 7    Mercury Rx 8º Leo (until July 31, D at 23º Cancer)

July 8    Chiron Rx Aries 

July 16  Partial Lunar Eclipse 24º Capricorn (11:55am pdt)

              Full Moon in Capricorn (2:38pm) 

July 19  Mercury → Cancer 


We’re about to enter July’s astrology, and it’s important to pay attention because this will be a month of tender feelings and potential major reconfigurations. The eclipses are coming, with Mercury turning retrograde in between them. The first eclipse of the month occurs on July 2 with a Total Solar Eclipse at 9:55am (California time) at 10º Cancer. This water sign is the traditional archetype of the Great Mother and nurturer, representing the act of mothering, the home, children, roots, familial bonds, emotional security, and protecting what matters most. The sensitive Crab’s primary experience is feeling - it feels everything. So this eclipse will highlight home and family in some way and will likely stir up some big feelings around these ideas. Cardinal signs will be one of the groups affected strongly (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries), but everyone will experience the effects of the eclipse. Where you’ll feel it depends on your individual chart. You can look at 10º Cancer in your natal chart to get an idea of where the eclipse will initiate shifts in your life or sign up for an Eclipse Report (details below).

A Solar Eclipse means it will also be a New Moon (in Cancer, 12:16pm). We have eclipses every six months, when the new or full moon aligns with the ecliptic and the nodes. The North Node activation opens a kind of portal, and events that occur often feel fated and life rearranged. Although it will be much easier to fall into comfortable patterns of behavior when the shifts hit, it will serve us to instead forge a new way or make a different, less predictable choice. And remember that eclipses are cyclical, so you can also reflect back to 2000-2001 to revisit major themes or changes occurring then to get a hint about what this eclipse cycle will bring for you. With the Cancer Sun eclipsed by the Cancer Moon, our lunar unconscious becomes primary and our emotions will be heightened, but our physical energy may be quite low. Cancer rules the belly, breasts, and the womb, governs nutrition and digestion; we could have more stomach aches or ailments during this eclipse. Pregnancy may be a result of this eclipse cycle for some. We are encouraged to adopt the Crab’s preferred expression, the language of emotions, when navigating their space. Their arena is all about emotional bonds, home and where we feel most at home and secure, and family and nurturing. These are general vibes that this eclipse will bring up for us. Like all signs, Cancer has its balanced and luminous expression and its shadowy side… which we should all be aware of. We must watch for spreading ourselves thin, giving to the point of exhaustion and mothering others at the expense of our own well being and sanity. 

The gift that the sign of Cancer brings to these cosmic proceedings is one of potential emotional healing. We have an opportunity to heal old wounds and repattern our thinking and behavior to reflect our growth, our authority. We can default into karmic patterns, staying stuck, or lean into the uncomfortable and make a new path. 

The cosmic power grid gets a zap, a power surge.

Reparenting and repatterning is a major theme for this eclipse cycle along the Cancer/Capricorn axis and that’s the work we’re being called to explore. With the Cancer/Capricorn axis being activated, there will be an emphasis on home/career, private/public, inner work/work in the world, mother/father dynamics. We can observe and work with our unloved or unparented parts, doing inner child work (integrated Cancer), taking responsibility for ourselves in conscious adulthood and embodying our sovereignty as powerfully as we can (integrated Capricorn). This Cancer/Capricorn dynamic can also be explored and understood as the Unmothered Mother/the Patriarchy (“shadow side”)… and the Divine Feminine/Sacred Masculine (in the more conscious expression). The celestial events are felt personally but we can see a clear exhibition of it socially/globally as well, with female reproductive health and body sovereignty being debated and decided (by the Patriarchy and its minions), and in the separation of families and horrors of immigrant children dying at the border in the country that should be the beacon of leadership. 

Eclipses are electric, bringing swift changes, elimination and closure, new beginnings, sometimes upheaval, revelations, and always transformation. They can bring epic evolution as well as life events with energy that feels destined. Sometimes events are set in motion during the eclipse and it can take six months to see what exactly was rearranged or reconfigured. Take time to tune in deeply to your intuition and clarify what matters most to you, what your emotional needs are and how to self-soothe, and be open to a new way.

The second eclipse will be on July 16 at 24º Capricorn, along with a Full Moon. And 2020 is six months away.

Email to sign up for an Eclipse Report for a deeper look at where the eclipses land for you and support in how to work with them, including what to look out for and personal suggestions ($44 full report, $13 for summary for July 2 eclipse only). Tarot readings and other astrological services available as always.



PS. Check out the work of Dr. Nicole LePera, the holistic psychologist, on Instagram and at for information on reparenting and more.  

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L I T H A ☼ Summer Solstice

We’ve arrived at midsummer eve, an evening of flickering candles and divination, mugwort and deep dreams. June 21 is Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) or Litha - the pinnacle of the Light, the triumphant day of the Sun, the longest day and shortest night of the year. Astrologically Solstice is initiated when the sun moves into 0 degrees Cancer, which is exact at 8:54am. That same morning, dreamy Neptune in Pisces stations retrograde until November 27, and the July eclipses are coming soon. Solstice is a day of radiance and boundless light, a time to celebrate abundance and offer gratitude. The great and shining Sun reaches its perfection and fullness, and in a moment’s time we head into the dark half of the year. It will still be summer for quite some time, but we know that the light begins to wane and the darkness starts to build. This is the wheel of the year, turning once again… Our lives, when aligned with nature’s way, pulse in this same way.

We are in familiar territory; life is constantly shifting and changing, bringing beauty and challenges, and there’s always more. That is the promise of life: the promise that there will always be more, more of everything. It’s happening in our lives as well, the unfolding and releasing, invoking and establishing. There is a constant pulsing of life flowing, waxing and waning, expanding and contracting. The Great Creatrix blinking us into into being, disappearing us, and bringing us back again. Birth, death, rebirth. We have an intimate understanding of this experience living life as householders on a path, navigating the exquisite and terrifying, holding the midline of ourselves and our true spiritual practice.

Many are going through big changes at this time, some unexpected, and the enormity of the destabilization and confusion can be overwhelming. This is a time of immense amplification and acceleration. Some of you may feel like you’ve been startled and exposed, your shell cracked open, your paradigm shifting. Remember to tune into your intuition and trust. The creative intelligence of the Universe is reorganizing you and your life; this can feel uncomfortable, even unbearable, but through our dedication to our spiritual practices we are becoming more skilled at allowing every circumstance of life to take us into the primal power of our hearts. It takes time and in the midst of it it isn’t pretty, it doesn’t feel good, and sometimes there is nothing to do but let the feelings and energies wash over you.


Try to stay rooted in your belly and bones, with your heart open in radical vulnerability, and hold on. Love yourself fiercely and allow your compassion to turn inward as a new practice. Make art with your tears and frustrations when necessary, dig your fingers and toes into the black earth to ground, and remember that you belong. More will unfold- there’s always more to the story.

On this Solstice, make a date with the Sun… bask in the warmth and relish the sunshine in the morning or mid-day or late afternoon. At sunset say goodbye to the Sun disappearing into the sea, to be reborn in the sky on Winter Solstice. The fullness of the light breaks into the beginning of the dark in its ancient way. You don’t have to craft an elaborate ritual to mark the occasion, and in fact heartfelt, contemplative presence is all that is necessary to honor this seasonal shift meaningfully. Late in the evening, light a candle and renew your commitments and offer your blessings. Bow to the golden radiance that burns brightly inside your own heart and vow to stay true to yourself.


*I updated this piece- originally on the website and then published in 2015 on It is just as relevant now.

⭐︎ The Kosmic Apothecary has several tinctures and potions available, including mugwort Dream Tonic, Love Potion, and more.
⭐︎ Please send a note to to sign up for Kosmic Koaching, charts, tarot, or other astrological services.

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Year of the Earth Dog

The New Moon Eclipse on February 15 also initiated Lunar New Year, allowing us another new beginning. We transitioned from the Rooster to the Year of the Dog. It is rumored that the Dog is one of the most friendly, likeable signs in the Chinese horoscope, known for being straightforward, honest, and getting along well with others. Those born in the year of the Dog are good friends to have and will be there for us whenever needed. The Dog personality is unpretentious and generally undemanding. They have a tendency to remain loyal even in situations that don’t deserve it toward people that may not have earned it. People born in the Dog year can be somewhat pessimistic or cynical, but their toughness is what allows them to endure stress or hardship without giving up. They have an innate ability recognize those who have good intentions versus those that are untrustworthy and to them, people are clearly either friend or foe. The Dog is generous, not materialistic, and while objective and faithful in dealings with others, can be slightly suspicious or obstinate at times.  They do tend to see things in terms of black or white, without much allowance for the in between.

In Chinese astrology, a vast and complex subject just as Western astrology is, there are twelve animals associated with twelve years which influence your personality. In the lunar calendar there are also associations of an animal assigned to twelve sections of time with one ruling your birth time; this is your ascendant sign. In addition, there are associations with the five elements, and the division into either yang or yin, to further influence your personality. (This is a general, simple introductory explanation for the purposes of this brief post). The last time we had an Earth Dog year (Dog year with Earth element) was 1958. Earth Dogs are slow movers, constructive thinkers, and fighters and survivors. Realistic, individualistic, just and idealistic, Earth Dogs are generally kind and loyal, but may demand excessive dedication from others. Associated with the Western astrological sign Libra, the Dog’s fixed element is Metal and sign is yang. The Tiger, Horse and Rabbit will relate well to the Dog. There should be no issues with Monkey, Boar, Snake or Rat. And Dog will clash most with Dragon, as well as Rooster and Sheep. If you were born between the hours of 7-9pm you have Dog ascendant. 

If you don't know your lunar sign or your rising sign in this particular system, and want to know a little bit about it, sign up for a Lunar Sign Overview. Send your birth info to with Lunar Sign Overview in the subject box and send your $15 payment via Venmo (@KKwildmoonwisdom). I'm can also take a few clients for a natal chart, synastry, or relationship report (email

May the Year of the Earth Dog restore some of our sensibility and constructive thinking and help us to align with justice in a more tangible way.   


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\ \ E c l i p s e P o r t a l / /

We're entering the Eclipse Portal once again this year. In February we had our first Lunar Eclipse of the year at 22º Leo, then a Solar Eclipse in Pisces. On Monday, August 7 on Lunar+Solar Lammas, the Aquarius Full Moon will be exact at 11:11am (CA time). The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 11:22am, 15º Aquarius. We'll experience the visible and potent Solar Eclipse on August 21 at 28º Leo.

All Eclipses are activators and accelerators, bringing about sudden changes, complete dissolution and exciting initiations. These upcoming astral blasts may be connected to events that happened 18/19 years ago. In my public teachings and writings over the years I've advised students and clients to make it a "no whine zone" during the Eclipse Portal, and this is because energetically this is such a charged and fertile space that we seed with our words and thoughts. Be as considerate and clear-minded as you can be navigating these next weeks, which will take focus. Generally speaking, an Eclipse is like a whirlwind of seemingly chaotic energy swirling through your life, doing (what looks like) damage but also rearranging things to work and flow better. Things can get turned upside down. It's like an energetic electrical power surge, where all the power shuts off, then resets everything as it's turned back on. So your considerations can be around what you're ready to release in a big way, maybe something you haven't felt strong enough to let go of on your own until now, and what your genuine invocation is.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by the planet of change and originality, Uranus (modern ruler). Aquarius is the Water Bearer dispensing wisdom, the mad scientist, the outlaw misfit, the logician, the humanitarian, the rebel genius, the hermit mystic. Part of the inherent paradox of Aquarius is that it's the sign of idealism and humanitarianism, but is often emotionally detached in interpersonal relationships, it is the sign of friendship but also the contented outcast, the scientist and the artist, the progressive yet extreme and fixed in opinion. We will need to find a way to make an impactful offering to the collective, to humankind, through means of our unique expression of our radical individuality.

Possible themes for the Aquarius Eclipse include: truth-telling, friendship/aloneness, belonging/being an outcast, justice/political extremism, leadership/radicalism, sincerity/shock value, loyalty/detachment, independence/collaboration, communication, questioning everything, analysis, unconventionality, invention, hopes and dreams, disruption, originality, avant-guard, wisdom. 

Keep in mind that Mercury (in Virgo) stations on Saturday, August 12 in the evening, and will be retrograde until September 5. So this week, as you work within the explosive and electrifying energies, try to also tie up any loose ends with technology and communication before station day. Mercury's backward motion is an opportunity to slow down in every way, from your mental activity to your literal activity (including walking, asana, driving…). The past will likely show up in one form or another, so be prepared. And if something important does resurface, it's because it needs another look, or a bit more attention. After acknowledgment it may finally be able to be released, so that there can be closure. 

If you're interested in more insight or how to work with this intensity, for a short time I'm offering an Eclipse Portal Guide to assist you. Send me an email letting me know you'd like it. ($17)
I also have Retrograde Relief nervine tonic, Mugwort & Rose Dream Potion, and body/anointing oils ready to ship out this week. See the Kosmic Apothecary page.

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