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Contents: Contentment

What a beautiful Solstice we had. It was a Solstice miracle! A bright and hot day full of sunshine and blue skies ... the perfect way to celebrate the purna of the light. And as we watched the sun set into the ocean on Friday evening, setting intentions and offering gratitude, it was the perfect sendoff to the the sun ... as now the light wanes and we wander softly into the dark half of the year. Gurumayi's birthday is this week; it is the perfect time to check the reading list and begin to read (or re-read) Courage and Contentment. Gurumayi says that contentment is when you enter into possession of what you already have. Meditate on this definition and see how it resonates with you.

Contentment is not fake happiness, an excessive heart chakra out of balance, a contrived smile, or excessive niceness that has no authenticity. Contentment is knowing your purna, your wholeness, even in challenging times in your life. It is being grateful for the fullness of your life and believing wholeheartedly that you are a radical, wise, and worthy being. When we truly know that freedom is our essential nature, and that we are the same Supreme Consciousness that pulses in the universe, and that we are as wondrous as Nature ... we become more like Nature. Nature knows its perfection. It doesn't try too hard, it doesn't want to impress you, it doesn't try to make you feel like less... it just is. Nature is natural.

May we all be more like Nature, may we all remember our perfection, may we all bathe in contentment. 

