We’ve come to the end of Leo season this year, but before the Sun moves into Virgo on Sunday afternoon, we’ll have our second Aquarius Full Moon of this Leo season and the year. The first one occurred on the evening of July 23 at 1º Aquarius, with a conjunction to Pluto, and this one will be on Sunday morning, August 22, at 29º and conjunct Jupiter. We usually have one full moon in a sign each year, so to have two is a special occurrence when it happens, one that amplifies that particular archetypal dimension. There may be some similarities in the themes unfolding for both of these moons; look to where you have Aquarius in your natal chart to get insight into what area will be activated for you and where breakthroughs may occur. The 29 degree point of this Full Moon is also notable, as it is considered the anaretic or critical degree, encouraging crisis and transformation. Crisis comes from the Latinized Greek krisis, meaning “decision” or “a turning point in a disease,” from krinein, “decide.”
Like the first one, this Aquarius Full Moon is opposite the Leo Sun and that Leo/Aquarius polarity will be at play. These polar opposite signs have implicit similarities and also complimentary differences mirrored through their expressions; both are about individuality, essentially, but it is expressed and emphasized in different ways. Fixed fire sign Leo can be seen as the Royal or the Performer, and needs to shine to be healthy and happy, and fixed air Aquarius embodies the archetype of the Revolutionary or the Scientist- freedom of expression is paramount. Individual self-expression and celebration with Leo, and individuality and non-conformity at any cost for the eventual benefit of the collective with Aquarius. Full moon energy always has a feeling of culmination, so an ending or completion of some sort is insinuated. The moon represents our emotions, our feelings, the heart, and the sensitivity of the soul. But Aquarius isn’t known for being the most emo of archetypes, and instead is described as rather logical-minded and detached, or just not as comfortable emoting feelings dramatically. Leo on the other hand, revels in high drama. What Aquarius is adept at, for better or worse, is having fixed opinions, stubbornness, and truth-telling. The usual heightened senses and intense feelings, sleeplessness or restlessness accompanying full moons will likely be felt.
Keep in mind that will we have some other strong aspects in effect alongside this second Aquarius Full Moon, including the ever-present Saturn/Uranus square that defines this year with transformations and disruptions in foundations and structures (we had the second of three exact squares in June). This is emphasized also because these planets co-rule the sign of Aquarius- Saturn as the traditional ruler and Uranus as the modern ruler. Saturn is about foundations and self-discipline and Uranus is focused on revolution and individuality.
There’s a Sun/Jupiter opposition, which may bring extremes in highs and lows, and exaggerated overoptimism and confidence. (Leo Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius). We also have Uranus in Taurus trine Mercury and Mars in Virgo, bringing surprises and the unexpected to thought, communication, and action, and moving us into new experiences. Focusing too much on the self egotistically without empathy and compassion and not listening with sensitivity will be damaging. Being of service and employing conscious humility can be helpful. We may benefit from reflecting on what’s most valuable in our lives and considering how to optimize health, increase mental and physical wellness, creating new routines and solutions that are in alignment with our values.
Full Moon Considerations:
Can I sit with uncertainty without losing my inner anchor of stability? Can I see from multiple broad perspectives and allow for new information to be integrated? Does my current stubbornness or resistance serve my evolution? In which situations is it useful for me to embrace paradox? Contemplate your deepest values - how can you honor your unique individuality while serving the collective?
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Full Moon
4/7/20 FULL MOON in LIBRA (18º 45’)
7:35pm PDT
On Tuesday we have Mars square Uranus, hinting at potential volatility, some level of dysfunction, inner or outer revolution, or maybe an assertive expression of our individuality. Mental planet Mercury forms a sextile with Pluto and then Jupiter and the Libra Full Moon also connects with them. Pluto rules the realm of the underworld and always brings a major serious tone. Jupiter is deep faith and brings increase or excess. Mercury governs connections, communication, and mental confusion. The sextiles with Mercury could emphasize major imbalances that we experience in the collective as well as personally.
The Pluto/Jupiter conjunction was exact at 24º Capricorn on Saturday 4/4/20, and we will continue to be under this influence and feeling the effects of it. We have the underworld ruler as well as topics of death, endings, and rebirth (Pluto) being increased, amplified, or exaggerated (Jupiter). This sounds and feels intense and uncomfortable. It was no secret that this year was going to be extreme, as we arrive at a changing of eras, a critical point of no return from the immense changes that are unfolding. We are witness to and participants in the world’s current crisis. And individually we experience the new enforced solitary confrontation with our true selves, all pretense and polish wearing away, our hidden depths brought to the surface for inspection. Our faith is tested, we may lose hope or we may be reinspired into our spiritual beliefs and practices now. We may be dealing with our so-called shadows more explicitly, or entertaining our demons more frequently. We grieve, retreat, reach out, blow up, shut down… our vulnerabilities are exposed and our limitations pushed. There does exist the possibility of transformation, after what may be or feel like annihilation or elimination, and that may be the promise of the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction if we can make it through.
Libra Full Moon is a call into relationship reflection. The Libra impulse is to move and work toward harmony, balance, and compromise, and is a sign that learns and grows in these specific areas. At this already impactful full moon, in these already extreme circumstances of being sheltered in place during a pandemic and economic and emotional collapse, this Libra moon calls us to accept the invitation into quiet communion with ourselves, a descent into the shadowy spaces of our psyche and heart, and be as honest and gentle with ourselves as we can. You may feel emotional upheaval, deep heavy grief or stinging sadness, you may feel heightened nervous system dysregulation, or just feel more sensitive to things. You can look back into your journals and see what was happening in your life and relationships at the new moon in Libra about six months ago; these themes may be revisited. With this full moon, relationships are under scrutiny and many issues may need to be acknowledged or addressed. Try to find the point of balance with Libra’s scales, and look consciously for the beauty even in the hard times.
Here’s a little wild moon wisdom to consider for this full moon:
◇ There is no “right way” to experience your experience- you only have to show up for yourself and practice being present.
◇ Feelings are meant to be felt.
◇ Practice listening to your intuition and to your body-knowing (gut instinct).
◇ Be a student of your breath and breathing, observing often and regulating the breath when necessary.
Affirm: I am whole and holy, wise and worthy.
On Winter Solstice, December 21, the Sun left freedom-loving Sagittarius and entered stoic Capricorn. If we assign the title of the child to Leo, the mother to Cancer, then Capricorn is the father of the zodiac. Capricorn is an earth element cardinal sign, ruling the bones, joints and knees. Most Capricorns have beautiful bone structure but may deal with stiff joints and orthopedic problems. Saturn is the ruling planet, the planet of limitation, restriction, discipline, responsibility, represented by the sure-footed goat, or the ancient sea-goat. Saturn, as Father Time, provides a strong sense of the limitations as well as the value of time. The Capricorn tendency is to examine goals, organize things into steps, and determine a long-term timetable to accomplish those goals. This cardinal sign is reserved and serious, prudent and patient, disciplined and determined. Capricorn governs career, reputation, public standing, with a combination of earthy practicality and inspiring initiative. Those born under this sign are ambitious and purposeful, excel and persevere in striving, climbing, and like the goat, getting a foothold where no one else imagined one existed.
These dark December days will soon bring us to a new numerical year, 2018 (which is an eleven), and on New Year's Day (at 6:24pm CA time) we'll have an emotional Full Moon in Cancer illuminating the heavens and pulling on our emotions. The Moon is at home in this sign, and the qualities of sensitivity, devotion, and intuition are enhanced. With the Sun in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Cancer both at 11º … and with January 1, 2018 = 11 11 … there will be an undeniable gravitas to this day. one that may call for celebrating or honoring in a non-traditional way. This Full Moon may bring an opportunity for a relationship, or a decision or revelation… this energy will feel spiked with deep feelings and determined intellect. We will consider what "home" means and what we hold most dear, as well as where we can increase dedication, fortify boundaries, evolve and mature in our closest relationships. This New Year's Day will be a power day numerologically- we enter the power portal eleven, and maybe we can manifest some miracles.
Thank you for your readership, I am grateful for another year of writing. May we all be blessed with resilience and wisdom as we enter the threshold of a new year.
xo, KK
Aries —With the Capricorn Sun shining on your house of career, these weeks can amplify your ambition and achievement. The emphasis could be on success or failure, your life path, parents, or public reputation. Consider your longterm life plans during this cycle and organize your aspirations.
Taurus —For this solar cycle, you are encouraged to take a long vacation, either in your mind or with your physical body. The Capricorn Sun is in your house of long distance travel, mental exploration and philosophy. Possible themes you may encounter include higher education or study of a profound subject, law or religion, mental pursuits or literary efforts. These could all somehow intersect while you're on your travels...
Gemini —With Capricorn Sun inhabiting your house of spiritual transformation, you can expect to encounter some vulnerability or deep feelings, especially in close relationships. Here you'll work with intimacy, intensity, privacy, sex, death and rebirth, and maybe astral experiences. There may be issues with shared assets or wealth that you've inherited, or possibly taxes and debt.
Cancer —The Capricorn Sun shines on your partnerships and serious relationships, marriage, and working harmoniously with another. There may be issues with contracts, negotiations, legal issues, or disputes. Solidify boundaries and commitments with your partners during this cycle.
Leo —For this solar cycle, let your attention turn toward serving others, offering your gifts, and your well being. Some possible areas of focus may be relationships with co-workers, getting organized, pets, and illness/health. This is the time to purify and detox from leftover bad vibes, and to make your physical and emotional/mental health a top priority.
Virgo —During the Capricorn Sun cycle, your focus can be directed to art and the heart. Follow your creative muse and find self-expression in as many artistic outlets as you can imagine. There may also be themes of love, romance, sex and seduction, and children/offspring.
Libra —While the Sun is in Capricorn, themes of home and family will be highlighted for you. You may want to spend more time and energy at home, or explore your ancestry or roots in a particular place. Your relationship with your parents may be a theme, or your idea of what home means.
Scorpio —The Capricorn Sun shines on your communication area for this solar cycle. Some possible themes for you include self-expression, relationships with your extended family, or travel. Think, write, study and learn something, share ideas, and express yourself freely.
Sagittarius —The focus for you for this new Capricorn Sun cycle will be on money matters. Turn your attention to themes of financial prospects, income, earning power, possessions, stability and career. Invest in yourself and believe your self worth.
Capricorn —Happy solar return season. Saturn has just recently made a home in your sign and will be staying until the end of 2020, so for the next few years, you'll have plenty to unpack, with new lessons to learn and unlimited growth and maturity opportunities.
Aquarius —Capricorn season is always your time stare into the abyss and see what fragments and chaos you can harness into potential insight or inspiration. This cycle for you is about getting rest and closure, and can ask you to confront your sorrows and self-diminishing patterns.
Pisces —For this cycle your attention can turn to your friendships and connections, your involvement with groups or associations, and ways to work harmoniously with other people. Your goals, hopes and wishes are also a focal point for these days.
We're entering the Eclipse Portal once again this year. In February we had our first Lunar Eclipse of the year at 22º Leo, then a Solar Eclipse in Pisces. On Monday, August 7 on Lunar+Solar Lammas, the Aquarius Full Moon will be exact at 11:11am (CA time). The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 11:22am, 15º Aquarius. We'll experience the visible and potent Solar Eclipse on August 21 at 28º Leo.
All Eclipses are activators and accelerators, bringing about sudden changes, complete dissolution and exciting initiations. These upcoming astral blasts may be connected to events that happened 18/19 years ago. In my public teachings and writings over the years I've advised students and clients to make it a "no whine zone" during the Eclipse Portal, and this is because energetically this is such a charged and fertile space that we seed with our words and thoughts. Be as considerate and clear-minded as you can be navigating these next weeks, which will take focus. Generally speaking, an Eclipse is like a whirlwind of seemingly chaotic energy swirling through your life, doing (what looks like) damage but also rearranging things to work and flow better. Things can get turned upside down. It's like an energetic electrical power surge, where all the power shuts off, then resets everything as it's turned back on. So your considerations can be around what you're ready to release in a big way, maybe something you haven't felt strong enough to let go of on your own until now, and what your genuine invocation is.
Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by the planet of change and originality, Uranus (modern ruler). Aquarius is the Water Bearer dispensing wisdom, the mad scientist, the outlaw misfit, the logician, the humanitarian, the rebel genius, the hermit mystic. Part of the inherent paradox of Aquarius is that it's the sign of idealism and humanitarianism, but is often emotionally detached in interpersonal relationships, it is the sign of friendship but also the contented outcast, the scientist and the artist, the progressive yet extreme and fixed in opinion. We will need to find a way to make an impactful offering to the collective, to humankind, through means of our unique expression of our radical individuality.
Possible themes for the Aquarius Eclipse include: truth-telling, friendship/aloneness, belonging/being an outcast, justice/political extremism, leadership/radicalism, sincerity/shock value, loyalty/detachment, independence/collaboration, communication, questioning everything, analysis, unconventionality, invention, hopes and dreams, disruption, originality, avant-guard, wisdom.
Keep in mind that Mercury (in Virgo) stations on Saturday, August 12 in the evening, and will be retrograde until September 5. So this week, as you work within the explosive and electrifying energies, try to also tie up any loose ends with technology and communication before station day. Mercury's backward motion is an opportunity to slow down in every way, from your mental activity to your literal activity (including walking, asana, driving…). The past will likely show up in one form or another, so be prepared. And if something important does resurface, it's because it needs another look, or a bit more attention. After acknowledgment it may finally be able to be released, so that there can be closure.
If you're interested in more insight or how to work with this intensity, for a short time I'm offering an Eclipse Portal Guide to assist you. Send me an email letting me know you'd like it. ($17)
I also have Retrograde Relief nervine tonic, Mugwort & Rose Dream Potion, and body/anointing oils ready to ship out this week. See the Kosmic Apothecary page.