January 6 brings a Full Moon at 16º of Cancer (5:08 pm Central). This cardinal water sign is ruled by the Moon, which is the luminary that shows our heart and soul. The Moon is our sensitivity and how we feel, our general mood. The sign of the Crab is most aligned with the archetypal expressions of the Nurturer or Healer. Home or our homeland, heritage or lineage, our safety and sustenance, who we care for and how we are cared for are themes for us to explore. This first full Moon of the year will likely increase sensitivities of all kinds and we will become acutely aware of our emotions and biggest feelings. While a protective mechanism may be defensiveness, a healthy expression would be to remain open, accepting of ourselves and loving to those around us. At certain times, being emo can be a conscious act of resistance against capitalism and popular society; take a break from social media and negative rumination, and let yourself pay attention and tend to what most needs care and nourishment.
Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn will oppose the Cancer Moon; we must be sure to listen to our deepest emotions and make room for sorting ourselves out with self-soothing and understanding. While overthinking or taking everything personally may be an unconscious response which won’t be helpful, intuition can be a strong guide for navigating through this time in a healthier way. Mercury is having a moment for the next couple of days, so pay attention to how you talk to yourself and others, how well you tune in and listen to yourself and others, and where your attention is concentrated.
Chiron in Aries forms a square to the Sun and Moon, which underscores the sensitivity inherent in this particular moon- give yourself permission to feel how you feel. Protect yourself by not engaging in reactionary debates or projection at this time, but rather attend to working through your own sticky issues that seem to be resurfacing again. This Moon also occurs under the influence of the trine between the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus. Imagine the spark of one’s vitality and willpower for life harmonizing with their assertion of non-conformity to norms and resistance to societal expectations. Consider how this might manifest and be enacted in your life. Can you establish boundaries, or daily practices, which include solitude and meditation and savoring some precious joys of embodiment?
The polarity of Capricorn-Cancer encourages us to engage with tending the heart and hearth of embodiment generously, balanced with our Great Work which can be offered to the world. For this Full Moon, allow your vulnerability to remind you to look after the sore spots, protect what’s most valuable, and feed the hungry ghosts with care and comfort.
- I allow for rest and renewal when it is needed, rather than waiting until I’ve reached my breaking point.
- Silence and solitude are medicinal.
- I can feel and tend to the variety of emotions that unfold within, which remind me that I am alive.
- Strong feelings deserve space and investigation rather than judgment.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
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The planetary deity of love returns to the underworld abode - otherwise known as Venus stationing retrograde, an event that occurs every couple of years.
Venus ♀ turns retrograde in Gemini on May 12 at 11:45pm PDT. During this next six weeks, Venus makes the journey from Evening Star to Morning Star. And like Inanna heeding the call of her sister Ereshkigel to descend to the Great Below, Venus descends into her underworld, retreating from ordinary reality and initiating a shamanic experience. This takes (astrologically) the appearance of Venus stationing and entering the retrograde cycle. On some level, a part of each of us may undergo a transformative descent or experience alchemical shadow work, an excavation in which we fundamentally reorient our values, our ways of relating, our sense of self-worth. An optimistic perspective is that, in theory, we could emerge wiser after this cycle.
Venus governs the way we strive for balance and beauty through relationships with others. The beauty of Venus can be seen shining in the heavens, and can be felt within us as a deep release of tension, an embodied sigh, a fundamental restoration of inner balance. The glyph of Venus is a shape that could be interpreted to be a hand mirror, it holds our reflection, it shows us our beauty. Venus is all about love, money matters, relationships, values, worth, esthetics, beauty… in the chart it is what we have to learn about relating, it is the urge we have to connect with people. All relationships with others fall under Venus’ rule, including familial, platonic, friendships, romantic. Since Venus is a relationship planet, during this retrograde period you will likely get the opportunity to work on one or several of your relationships. You can navigate this work skillfully or unskillfully. Bringing consciousness to the work is vital, and relationship work starts first as inner work with the self. Venus assists this connection as well.
Known as the twins in the zodiac, Gemini’s dual nature is illustrated in its glyph ♊︎. Gemini is about perception, observation, seeing what’s in front of us. Constantly moving, this mutable air sign intends to seek out and take in as much information from as many sources as possible. While Venus is retrograde, let curiousity guide you in your relationships, and have a curious mind and an open communication style. Staying curious is an antidote for feeling compelled to have all the answers. For Gemini, to be confused or perplexed is a sign they’re onto something, and ensures they stay receptive. Use communication, intelligence, perception, and curiosity as resources in your work during Venus retrograde. Create space.
The sign of Gemini is having a moment now. Recently (5/5/20), the nodal axis shifted from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius. This means that the North Node of the moon is now in Gemini. The nodes are mathematical points, not planetary bodies, and they hold mysteries of the soul that can be read in the natal chart. With the North Node now in Gemini, we are under a new paradigm with a new focus and new work. Re-parenting work became the undercurrent of the Cancer/Capricorn axis, and appropriately so. Gemini can manifest as the archetype of the Storyteller and Sagittarius represents the Philosopher. While the nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius we will have new experiences and opportunities that reflect this particular nodal zeitgeist.
There are some things to be mindful of during Venus retrograde in Gemini. Watch out for nervous system dysregulation and mental exhaustion. Some other things you may experience include feelings of paranoia, or there may be potential for you to be taken advantage of, or you may get entangled in co-dependency. These are shadow aspects of Venus retrograde in Gemini. If exes resurface during Venus retrograde, don’t give it much energy if any. Make sure to engage in some form of physical movement or exercise during this period, especially to counteract the tendency to be super mental, heady, and overthink things.
It would be beneficial to consider and unpack mindfully some of your old relationship patterns and make them conscious so that you break that pattern and can start to heal that original place of wounding. You can redefine or recommit to what you want in relationships and how you’ll show up for them, and reflect on your inner stories about and relationship to money, value, self-worth. During this cycle you can rewrite your current love story, or your self-love story, and create a more evolved and authentic storyline for your life at this time.
Emerge from your underworld journey wiser.
Affirmations for Venus retrograde:
I am whole and worthy as I am.
I engage in healthy relationships that evolve my soul.
I am loveable.
For assistance in navigating this Venus retrograde or to look into where it will be in your chart, email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com. to request a Venus retrograde report.
Wild Moon Wisdom Astrology
On Saturday March 21, Saturn entered Aquarius. For now, Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius for three months, until July 1, then retrogrades back into Capricorn until December. This is arguably the most anticipated transit of this busy year. And it is connected to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction coming December 21, 2020 (0º Aquarius). These three months will be a preview of our next few years.
Saturn represents time, and karma, and is the Disciplinarian of the zodiac. When Saturn is involved we can expect a tone of seriousness and effort, we can assume fortitude and focus will be required of us. The realm ruled by the taskmaster planet always involves harsh realities, karmic consequences, self-discipline and responsibility. Saturn has been in cardinal earth sign Capricorn since December 2017, teaching us lessons about physical reality and the material world. It sets up boundaries and concretizes ambition. We have been focused in a particular area of limitation, building and growth for these past few years, and that’s about to change to a completely different scene. Moving into fixed air Aquarius, Saturn’s motives and means change. Capricorn is about the past, preservation, conservation, and Aquarius relates to the future, innovation, and progress. Capricorn deals with the material plane and Aquarius deals with the mental plane. Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius- it was the traditional ruler of Aquarius until Uranus was discovered- and so has a level of strength while in both signs. Saturn has been at home while in Capricorn and will continue to be comfortable in Aquarius.
Look to the Aquarius part of your chart to see what area of your life will be impacted directly by Saturn’s ingress into the wisdom-dispensing sign of the Water Bearer. This area represents where the action will take place, where the trials and triumphs will be felt. Aquarius is the archetype of the non-conforming rebel, the mad scientist, the eccentric recluse, the forward thinking humanitarian. Saturn will reside here here until 2023.
There are no “bad” planets or signs, no “good” planets or signs. The unbalanced or shadow vibration of Aquarius is extremism, severe detachment, stubbornness, rigidity. Long vilified, Saturn’s reputation strikes fear or dread into most people who know a little about astrology, but skewing this planet’s archetype to its most unhealthy or harsh expression removes half of the equation, half of its potential. Just as the narrow description of Jupiter as the planet of luck and boons (only) is only partly true, the limited and one-sided portrayal of Saturn as the cosmic bad guy only shows part of the story. Saturn isn’t bad or out to get you. It isn’t just dogma, materialism, and cynicism, although these are examples of the shadow expressions of the planet. Saturn’s healthiest expression deals with maturity and integrity, and it assists us with the challenges in life that we don’t really want to deal with. It helps us do hard things, all of the ones that we like and need self-discipline for, and the ones we dislike but we must deal with.
We experience our first encounter with Saturn at around age 29, when it comes back to the exact place it was when you were born, called your “Saturn return.” This phenomena creates almost as much fear and bad press as Mercury’s retrograde cycles. Saturn, the planet of adulthood and maturity, returns to this point every 29.5 years, which means that you’ll get another chance to work directly with this planetary teacher in your late fifties (58-60) and potentially again in your late eighties (88-90), and there are particular lessons and growth potentials with each return.
While Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign of radical individuality and of humanity, we’ll be involved with inner and outer innovation and revolution. Aquarius frees and revolutionizes. One of its most sincere expressions is freedom in thinking. Aquarius Saturn has the potential to build innovative, sound social systems, empowering the individual toward high-minded logic and objectivity, to reach the masses most effectively and to democratize the most innovative technologies to benefit humanity, to reach the most underserved populations. There will be an emphasis on intelligence in general, and specifically on AI, and on technology and invention. Aquarius also teaches us that sometimes we must risk ridicule to reject conformity and not go along with the group-think, but instead to follow our own truth. This may look strange or far-fetched from everyone else’s limited perspective, but there’s something important and visionary in its message. Applied to Saturn in Aquarius, this could mean that things that look absurd or unnecessary may be our most valuable hope for survival and evolution, and what benefits humankind. Aquarius is the sign of non-conformity but also is associated with the group. It is known as a champion for the underrepresented.
We are beginning this time of shift in some major cycles... revolution and evolution are necessities, from the most personal level to the most global. The old outdated and suppressive systems that have been in place for so long will continue to crumble. There is immense work to do, and with humankind at a crossroads and the old rule of law of systemic misogyny, racism, classism rightfully requiring dismantling, Saturn’s strengths of integrity and determination as we create and implement a new paradigm are necessary. An elevation of consciousness has potential to take place in these upcoming longer cycles, and can at least begin to take root now.
Those that were born from 1991-1993 are entering their first Saturn return and it will take place in a particular area of your chart; that house holds a key to understanding the context of the Saturn return. You can look to your chart to see which, if any, planets you have in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio- all make contact with Saturn while in Aquarius by square, opposition, or conjunction. Natal Saturn placements in Leo, Taurus or Scorpio will have Saturn transits during this time. Transiting Saturn will conjoin Aquarius sun signs, and other natal Aquarius planets during these next few years, and the heaviness and seriousness of that work may push our limits. This work and the lessons or growth they involve will require our maturity and effort and will likely involve facing a harsh reality and doing some work that has been avoided.
Saturn in Aquarius may be a portal leading us into building a version of a new world in which we join our individual brilliance and offerings together and form an evolved collective vision for our world group - that is one of the possibilities.
For a deeper look into how Saturn in Aquarius will affect you, write to wildmoonwisdom.com to sign up for a Saturn in Aquarius report or to determine the best astrological consultation for you.
If you’re having a Saturn return, sign up for a Saturn return report here: http://www.wildmoonwisdom.com/shop/saturnreturn
Or if you would like to sign up for Kosmic Koaching to assist you in navigating these strange days, returning clients click here: http://www.wildmoonwisdom.com/shop/kosmic-koaching
Or for new clients: http://www.wildmoonwisdom.com/shop/kosmic-koaching-new-client-option-1st-month
On March 6, the planet Uranus finally left Aries for this lifetime and entered Taurus to stay for the next seven years. The last cycle of Uranus in Taurus was from 1934-1942. Uranus was in Taurus briefly last year to test things out but then retrograded back into Aries until now. The Aries cycle ends and as the new Taurus Uranus cycle gets underway, we may notice some significant shifts unfolding around us. Uranus always brings changes. As the maverick planet moves to a new sign, it also occupies another area in your chart and will bring a whole new set of circumstances to engage with (work to do). This is the planet of rebellion, liberation, disturbance, the erratic and eccentric.
When we reach 40-42 years old we experience a Uranus opposition (where the planet makes an opposition to our natal Uranus), marking and ending and beginning … which is part of a more complex journey that lands sometime between age 37 and 45, with not only Uranus but also Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn involved. This mid-life point is labeled the "mid-life crisis" because of the dramatic disruption and existential despair that can be felt at this time. And it is also the most significant and intense milestone in life that ultimately frees us and can lead to the discovery our most authentic self.
Uranus, the oddly tilting planet, is four times the size of Earth and it takes eighty four years to complete a journey around the Sun. It is a modern planet discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781. It’s the planet of the future, and also of electricity, revolution, upheavals, science. There’s a deep-seated and powerful force, a hidden purpose associated with Uranus. And the planet associated with electricity, lightning, and seismic activity has moved into fixed earthy Taurus; there will certainly be important implications for our planet in these Taurus Uranus years. The earth-focused realm of Taurus is stable, fertile, and also includes resources, wealth, the body, the physical, beauty, art, what we value. Ruling over the unorthodox, Uranus helps to liberate us, shake things up, stir up a rebellion. Uranus brings innovation and revelation, and will share its powers of awakening in all of the Taurus areas. This next seven year cycle will bring a new vibe or focus, new work to do, and new context for life to be enacted.
On March 5 the communication muse Mercury stationed retrograde in Pisces until the 28th. Mercury is air, quick and clear, and not the most comfortable in watery, occluded Neptune-ruled Pisces... While retrograde, the planet of intelligence will spend almost the entire month conjunct Neptune in Pisces, creating a dreamy and ethereal but also possibly overly indulgent (or self-medicating-y) landscape for us. Mercury retrograde cycles are perfect opportunities to slow the pace, remember, review, realign. Take a social media fast or reduction if possible, at least during Mercury's retrograde time - it also serves to limit the opportunities for misunderstandings, misreads, and mis-transmissions etc. The retrograde of the intelligence planet just as the new Taurus Uranus cycle starts could give us some down time to witness the new energies beginning to burgeon.
Uranus in Taurus will activate a different part of your chart now:
Aries rising - 2nd house Money, possessions, income, career, stability, finances, worth.
Taurus rising - 1st house Self, selfhood, appearance, self-interest, desires, style, temperament.
Gemini rising - 12th house Secrets, karma, closure, sorrows, rest, compassion, self-undoing.
Cancer rising - 11th house Friends, alliances, hopes and dreams, associations/groups, goals/objectives, cooperation , technology.
Leo rising - 10th house Career, success/achievement, material success, life path, parents, ambition, expressing your talents.
Virgo rising - 9th house Mental pursuits, higher education, travel, religion and philosophy, study, faith, discovery.
Libra rising - 8th house Death and rebirth, sex, surgery, shared resources, inherited wealth, taxes and debt, intimacy.
Scorpio rising - 7th house Serious partnerships, contractual agreements, marriage/life mates, adversaries, harmony, negotiations, shared goals.
Sag rising - 6th house Service, health and fitness, well being, pets, organization/clarity, co-workers, purification.
Capricorn rising - 5th house Sex, romance, art, passion, fame, fertility, children.
Aquarius rising - 4th house Home, parents, ancestors/roots/heritage, land, foundations, domestic affairs, what you keep hidden away/your emotional safe space.
Pisces rising - 3rd house Communication, technology, self-expression, family ties, daily travel, early education or study habits, community.
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Wishing you ease and grace, steadiness and triumph for this Mercury retrograde cycle, and the entrance into Taurus Uranus era.
If you or someone you know needs astro/occult support, sign up for a chart or planet report, transit report, tarot reading, or kosmic koaching. I also have handmade potions and tonics available from the Kosmic Apothecary. Email wildmoonwisdom@gmail.com.
Embroidering the Earth’s Mantle
Remedios Varo