Deeper Dive into the Nodal Story


Deeper Dive into the Nodal Story

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A Deeper Dive into the Nodal Story. Lunar Nodes Consultation —> Your Soul-Compass

For current clients that would like deeper contemplation on their nodal story that we discussed during the natal reading. If you’re a new client, please choose the natal chart option first.

The lunar nodes of the moon are not planets, but points at which the moon’s orbital path crosses the ecliptic. The two points are opposite each other on an axis and must be taken into consideration together, as a polarity. Often called the Nodes of Fate, these two points, the North and South nodes, are programmed with clues about your destiny and your karma. Deep investigation into the moon’s nodes reveal mysteries of what you’ve brought into this life that you’re attached to but must outgrow and release in order to live joyfully and optimally. And they point to the most important areas of challenge and growth for you, helping you find your spiritual power and what is evolutionary for your soul in this lifetime.

Focused on what has the potential to be life-enhancing if not life-changing insight and guidance, this deeply personal, special reading presents a treasure map for spiritual lessons and an intimate perspective that can be used like a soul-compass.

If you’re interested and want more information, send an email to with your questions.